Zurich Herald, 1932-07-28, Page 5bit ; ZURICH HERALD BUSINESS CARDS� t� TOM Wants, For Solo, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads 1UDLlEY .E.. HOL 1WISTERt, SOLICITOR, ',NOT- ARY OT-ARY MIMIC, ETC, lIMICI1--Bamilton Street, dust o0 the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. special Attention to Couticel and Court Work. bir, Eolmes may be e:onsulted• at aneederich by Phone, and Plume charges reversed. Dr. H. II. C O W E N - L. D. S. D. D DENTAL171 OCK 7 SURGEON At DEITZ L1311IC11 Every TbursdaY,. Fridhy, ,Saturday it HARTLETB'S BLOCK, DASH,WOOD Every Monday, Ttae$aay ana o edtle6 Y Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION regardless OCO duct any Auction Sale, as to size or article to sell. I solicit rear l,usiness, and. if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ran- /eyed. en/eyed. ARTHLUIt WEBER.--vashwood ',hone 13-5'L • Zurichs.' popular NEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats •o lognas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for `Wool, Hides and Skins • "Let Us Serve You!" . Yungblut & Son S._ERVICE Why We have thea. Better Class of Customers %HIGH CLASS GOODS. BATTERIES, MOB ` VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES ,AND, TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Warts, Hohning and Mechanical Work Moana to • Micrometer Settings, No auess work. Watch the tars that ;STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. . B. ,ASHWOOU Gin ONTARIO Western Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK ':The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario_ tmount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. LET LAS TEST TN mins cowing NOTICE We axe offering; for two more 'we- eks only (owing to short crop) pure clover Honey at the low price of 6c per lb. in 'your containers, also a limited quantity of amber Honey at 40 a lb. The amber Honey is a very goat!" eating honey, contains no buckwheat, J. HABERER & SONS, Two blocks sciuth of Rotel. Zurich. LOST A 'very small white gold watch, Yv indsor make. Please return to: Evaline Ayres, co. Mrs. Adam True- mner; Zurich. NOTICE VOTERS' LIST 1932 Municipality of, Township of Hay County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have compiled with Section 7 of the Vo- ters' Lists Act and that I have post- ed up at my office at Zurich, P. 0., on the 23rd day of July, 1932, the list of all .persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the nasi day for appeal being the 13th. day of Aug- ust, 1932. ANDREW F. HESS, Clerk of Hay Township, Zurich, Ontario. Dated at Zurich, this 23rd day of July, 1932. FOR SAL A quantity of good second hand bricks. Apply to L. A Prang. USED MACHINERY Frost & Wood 7-ft.Bhtder, Deer- ing cultivator; M. -H. Gang plow; M- E. out -throw disc, drag harrow, Ex- tension Guards for tangled grain. Oscar Klopp & Son, Massey -Harris Service Station. 0 FOR SALE HONEY FOR SALE Now. is the' best-'time:..to put 'in: UJCM4 NEWS Mr. Everette Raid made a busin- ess trip to' Toronto the past week. Mr..Roy..Webber Qf Bensall, was in'town Monday evening. Master George Berth xs spending his vacation with ht's grandparents at Alvinston. Miss Helen Thiel of Ilensall, sp- ent the week -end at her horse in the village. Mrs. Chris, Ayotte is spending a few weeks with ber daughter at De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin D. Smith, of Hamilton called in the village on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. •George Smith, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,O'Brein. A number of joy riders motored to Kettle Point on Sunday and enjoy- ed the scenery at this noted spot. Mrs. Clara Decher, who visited at Detroit for a few weeks, has return- ed to her home here. The Luther League of St. Peter's Lutheran churchare holding their annual picnic at Grand Bend, '. this Wednesday afternoon. • Merrsr. Victor Eidt and Bill Nichol of Ingersoll, were Sunday visitors with the former's brother, Mr. Lloyd Eidt, Teller of -the Bank of Montreal. Mx. and Mrs. Wm. May and Mr. H. Karrow of Kitchener, were week- end visitors at the'home or air. and Mrs. J. K. Ehlers. Mis..A.`Morningstar and the Misses Lottie and -Leah Morningstar and Mr D. Smith all of Arkona, were- Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, St. Joseph, south. Mr. and Mrs. David Gottschalk, of Bad. Axe, Mich., are visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. H. Lipphardt, a few days this week. They also vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Got- tschalk at Seaforth. An interesting horseshoe pitching contest is being looked for on Satur- day evening, when the strong team from Staffa will come over and toss with the locals, and it will be inter- esting. The fly season is at present here again, and there is probably nothing quite so unsanitary as the house fly. Get rid of it at once by spraying it with Fly . Tox. Only the best and genaaee Flv Tox kept for say Miss Norma Cook of Hensel", spent the week -end with Miss Alice Thiel,. of town. Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Smith, Masa and Mrs, C. ' Eilber motored to London on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Walper and family of Woodstock, are spending holidays with friends in town. Mr. Archie MacKinnon is the larowd owner of a fine little pony, and -his" playground is the attraction of a aoodly number of Archie's boy fri- ends: A real good soaker of rain visited this part of the country on Tues- day, and although it delayed the wheat harvesting consideeaoie, yet it helps the growth wonderfully. The Evangelical Sunday School. picnic was held at Grana Bend on Wednesday afternoon last, and was fairly well attended as the weather - hen was favorable. Mr, and Mrs. Homy Eichler of Pigeon, Mich., spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Menno Bechler of town, On Monday evening a very pleas- ant gathering took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Bechler of town when their children met and had a most pleasant time in singing and sociability. Mrs. W. Finkbeiner, and daughter Miss Haz,e1, of Stratford, who spent the past week at the horre or the for- mer's sister, Mrs. W.H. Hoffman, have returned to their home in St- ratford. Farmers are busily engaged with their big wheat crop, mostly all the wheat is now cut and considerable of it hauled in, and soon the threshing machines will be humming, as the summer is gliding along. Messrs. 'Herb. Mousseau, John Wal per, Wni. O'Brein, and C. Fritz are away up the Bruce Peninsula on a fishing trip. They are being accosn- odated by the new "Rolling Home" purchased by Mr. Mousseau over the week -end. Lower County Rates In a recent report sent out it was stated that the Huron County taxes would be the same as last year, but this i,; not correct es the ra'e has been reduced one-half mill. Three and a half mills for the general ac- count and old age.• pensions, instead of 4 as last year; 1,a. mills for the 9 county roads and 1 mill for provinc-', ial highways. According to the aud- • itors' report the Huron county finan- • g • • • • 0 1' • • Zurich Drug Store. We no not sub- ces are getting in splendid shape and stitute. with the exception of one. debenture a pound. J. HABERER & StNS, Zurich.' Two blocks south of Hotel. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, in Stanley Town- ship. Fine brick home, Bank Barn, spring crop. Immediate possession. Owner ill. Buildings alone 'worth the price asked $5900. Charles Rathwell Varna, Ont. NOTICE We have installed one of the latest and most up-to-date equipments for testing Spark Prongs. Drive up your auto and have your plugs tested free of charge. Schrag Bros., • Zurich. • 31st, 1931, $19,593,724, YOURSPARK �T��� -Total Cash in ea itnd Bonds 1 VUR PLUGS $190,101,.61 i$atae--44.60 per WHO for 3 yarn. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Adent, Also Dealer in pilrinigi Bods and all kinds of Fire Insurance ADOMMINIMMINOMINIMMINIMiirsaa L I NT POU LT R V WANTED Waken every bay: 'till 8 o'clock, ti.m, AM not feed. Fowl setae "adorning when brought in. Highest Cash Prise$ --CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone IO1', Iles. 94. Zn rieb THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT is ever ready to serve the pub- lic with ubIiowith Commercial and fine Printing. Get our pries be - tore leavina your order else- Nacre. lse-;61tl1 AuP..lte. Maybe you don't Believe is the business of changing spark plugs every IO,000ualhs. Well•eir, awshave installed a Champion Spark Ping Tester that efear1y visualizes s to your own satisfaction w'blr and when you ase d near spark plugs. Come in, and let us test ‘your own Vat* Plugs,, and spare therm to new Champions. lt's #a very Inter. est ng and instructive test, and it absolutely free,.. "Tottr Engine De rives x`iier.8a aiy Champ inn spat* Pa A.. Nang, and Son,, Zuric entertained to a dainty tea to a 'nnm- ber of her friends on Tuesday„ after- noon in honour of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Arthur Truemner of :i'oronto. The tea was poured by Mrs. Welling- ton Johnston, and Miss Ruth John- cton, who was dressed very becom- ingly in yellow, helped to serve the lunch. All ,expressed their appreciat- ion of this social event before leaving for their respective homes. Erb & Son, of. Wellesley, Ont., on Saturday evening were a big attrac- tion in town, with their "Rolling Home" or a small borne built on a two wheel trailer. This is a very complete outfit, and is almost as I ing its purses, as has been done thr- oughout the country this year, the Goderich Trotting and Pacing A;soc-I ration has increased the prize money outfit for someone who wants real and with one of the finest half -mile comfort. After carefully looking it tracks in Canada, grandstand accom- modation for over 3,000, and ample) stable facilities, is looking forward to a record-breaking day. The very be- st horses in tete country will meet here and give their -best. Spend Mon day, August 1st, at Goderich. Has Resigned Sir Henry Thornton, Chairman and President of the Canadian National Railways, has placed his resignation in the hands of the Board of Direct- ors of the System. It is understood that Sir Henry requested that his resignation be effective from Aug. 1st, 1932. At the close of the meet- ing of the Board of Directors it was announced that S. J. Hungerford, Operating Vive-Pres., of the Railway hen been appointed by the board Acting President of the Company. Mr. Thornton was a very capable man and was one of Canada's highest salaried nien. Third Hotel -Fined For the third time in recent weeks a Huron County hotelkeeper has been assessed $500 and costs for a breach of the Liquor Control Act. In all 3 cases an appeal has been entered on the ground that the fine is excessive. Wtn. Lemon, propriotar of the New Commercial 1-lotel, Hensall, was fin- ed $600 and costs by Mag. Reid on Monday last. His place was raided on July 9th, and a quantity of whis- key and beer, located behind the bar was seized. ' Lemon told an unusual story. He said two strangers had left the stuff with him to be given away, which he was in the act of doing whets raided. "The story is beyond belief", said the Magis. "T have heard of liquor being mysteriously found in fence corners, and of nsost every- thing else save it grew on trees, but this is the. limit." • • • new Awe With a Silent Glow Range Burner in your present kitchen range, you can get heat when you want it, and then turn it off when your cooking is finished. I coal fire heats up your kitchen between meals and wastes fuel, besides making all kinds of extra work from dirt and ashes, More than 125,000 homes have chosen Silent Glow because it is the no -trouble burner. It lights quicker, gives more beat and burns less oil than any other range burner. Pits your Quebec heater or furnace too. Let us show you the "Reversflo" oil filter, the "Microfeed" Valve and other patented and exclusive Silent Glow features that assure you dependable service for cooking and heating. cl�llf11l11lllllllld��1i11111111� �� T � 0"'"JukfRYITcANG:;. 0 spy, S."1".OFF. OIL LI T, Made in Canada Approved by National Board of Fire Underwriters Markers also of Pilgrim Heaters for your home, summer cottage or garage; and' Silent Glow Power Burners for large residences, schools, churches, etc. tos, WILLIAMS RROS. ZURICH - ONT. Ateminiggismimorrimusensamers ssosso•oso•seres•••••mesisseaoa•••ssssitsesva•aee s•s Fertilizer Fertilizer Before giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure and see us. Get our Prices and Quality, and we know you will leave your Order with us. Chick Feeds, and Starter's Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete. and We will be pleased to supply You with the follow- ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter; Purina • Chows, Etc. wliolo' county c(e ca" provincial highways and this is ar' ranged so that in a few years it will be wiped out. Goderich Races ,In point of entries and the am- o"rit ni' ,,,•,7e money ($8500) to be distributed, the largest harness race meet in Canada this year is sched- uled for Goderich on Monday, Aug. lst (Ci.vic Holiday). Over sixty hors- es, among them the fastest in Can- ada and United States, are entered in the three stake races, with a purse of $100 for each, and $500 for an added 2.28 class. instead of curtail- comfortable as our own homes, has fine cupboards, an ice box, wardrobe spring bed, plenty of ventilation and can be quickly closed in, It is a real over, Mr. Herb. Mousseau, one of our localsportsmen, because the owner .of the same, as Mr. Erb is engaged in building trailers, etc., and now the "Rolling Hoene" is at "home" -in Zurich, Number! Please! Man in a hurry phoned Oscar Klopp recently for a part for his Massey -Harris Spreader. Ile says "I don't know the number, but it's a cog wheel without cogs, its the size of an egg if . it were squashed flat, you know it goes down between and just behind the two things that stick out like a fork. You know it goes up and down when the load goes back, Yes! I am in a hurry, as I have a man hired to help me. Yes, send it out with Dennie Bedard our bread roan. Yes P11 sen the money with Dennie." Would you expect to get right part? He got it! 624 Ontario Cheese Factories To Close On the eve of the Imperial Con- ference, the Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Hon. T. L. Kennedy an- nounced a startling policy in the che- ese industry, which has the approval of the Ontario Marketing Board and the Ontario Government, He has launched a 5 -year plan to recapture for Ontario farmers their old posit- ion in the British market which has bean lost to New Zealand in recent years. He proposes that the number of cheese factories in the province be reduced from 774, as at present, to 150 by amalgamations and elimin- ations. A second step would be the erection of 20 new storage plalrts in an effort to bring about better gra- 1 dime necessary. to increase the ex. port, husinese A • 2 • • • • S • 0 • 0. • 0 Am1*asseaaoa,awewad,.ro Ilio ee a rg1M34 eaao•a•0aa•aewed•••••• SEEDS SEEDS For Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. L. Schilbe & Son '711 pit Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SIJPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, x 2a3,103, and Brushes. glee++++ ++ r+++++++ +++ ++e++4.ti FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILIM S IOC ile Ir. .AtMacKlnnon,Zurich! . V Tti osvemw kkr r�m pP