HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-07-28, Page 4•
Mr. ()Boar Wright of Kenirolworth
is Spending a ;few day: with her. ino-
tther, Mrs. Geo, Dawson.
Mr -,and Mrs. Ruskin Keys spent
1u week -end with the f ormer-s pea-
nuts, Mr. and Mrs, Nielson eaeys.
.Sabellian Line,
A umber feeil. this community
the surnener school at God-
:erit. last week.
lhl.issex Ronin and Adelene Palmer
.:,of Hamilton, 'Inco are camping at the
Mende ,spe3:ut1: L11i.onday evening at Will
lleid's Varna.
`There 'rli be no service at the
.Goshen read Varna United churches
.ateeet Steeday, owing to the anniver-
aary seovices at Blake.
Mr: ,weed Mrs. Alex. Sparks of Lon-
ainn, Mr- Woods and Mrs. A. E. Er-
win tel Hayfield, spent Sunday at
tet Jahn A. Armstrong's.
Taverna, !Goshen and Blake Sunday
<S/ehools held their annual picnic at
7B.a.etfield last Thursday.
41r. 'li'atinson of Cario, Mich., has
'amen visiting his nephew, Mr. Roy
71Sa •noxit for a few days.
Two -Good Sires Sold—Mr. R. N.
'Tack delivered iast week to Thos.
:13esadee, of McKillop, one of the best
ey useg :Shorthorn sires that has been,
seen in that township for some time
:3 -Xe is An eleven months old white,
11rod by Browndale Supreme .Stamp,.
.iid shows his breeding, being of ty-
;urs€cal Shorthorn stamp and lines. Mr
Teak also recently sold to Mr. And-
sersten, •nf near Exeter, another .pronn-
easing young sire of the sante age, red
.,and white Roan Lady breeding on
aiffee -devils side. Considering the
° the sale price of both these aaid
-„meal's was considered a good one.
ing lived illi, 'the Bronson Lille for a
number al years. Her brothers,
Messrs., Zi as. and Wen, Garvie; aecoen-
pauit . by their wives attended the
ftmeral on Saturday at Galt.. The
sympathy of the community is exten-
ded to .the bereaved hesbaad and
Miss Dorothy Wtaido of Zurich, is
visiting friends in the village.
r x%te :number from this vicinity
-eitatereded the Union picnic at Bayfield
5 a t 'Thur'sday.
Mx and Mrs. Peter Manson and.
...Smelly who spent a few years in Hen
.sal have returned to their home on
:the •Goshen Line. We welcome then
..Miss Alberta Finlay called on fri-
+snds in the village on Saturday.
Mr. John Thirsk, accompanied by
els. Jim Johnston, called on Mr. Robt
••!oyes, on Sunday, who is in the Sea-
•or'ti3. Hospital.
:Kiss Margaret Creighton of Strath-
,roy who spent last week at the borne
oaf: Mr,. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas, re -
awned u ned en Friday, accompanied by
Blass Margaret Douglas, who spent
"t'Ize week end with friends at London
~~ and Komoka.
•ahea•au:rm.t't Rt!s
t who spent a few :days et el
Ahere % lleft last week, accompanied
?y Miss Irene Douglas of Hensalt,
''las sisit :friends in Kapuskasing, Nor-
' '212e1"11 'Ontario.
Miss Mary Clarke of Goderich, ac-
oe,.:panied by friends claled at her
Lorre :in the village Sunday evening.
Mrs. Duncan Shepherd's many fide
;ends will regret to learn of her very
-sudden death- which occurred fest
":Thllay at her home in Galt. Sbe
.vas aveil known in this vicinity, have
Mr. Bernard Parriseau of Detroit,
is visiting friends and relatives fora
few days.
Miss Antionette I3rissosi of Wind-
sor is visitixig at the home for Mr. 'and
Mrs, Ed. J.Denomme. -
Mr. Louis Mousseau. and daught-
er Theressa, •of St. Joath. um, are sp-
ending a few holidays with .Mr. and
Miss Mousseau,
Miss Liena Denomme Is visiting
with )ser friends .and relatives in De-
Mr. Earnest Denomme who has be-
en 311 fee :a ,number of .years was ad-
mitted to London Hospital and has
been operated in the head for uleer-
:ated bores. M.r. Denomme is the vic-
tim of very severe sufferings but the
Doctors are looking for his recovery.
Mr. Henry Rau has been confined
to his bed for some, time, and is yet
quite ill.
Mr Eli D.nehariee of Stratford is
visiting with friends and relatives.
Mr. Ducharme was raised at Drys-
dale and his many friends will give
him a hearty welcome.
Miss Beatrice Denomme of De-
troit is spending the summer months
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
The recent rains will delay fall
wheat drawing.
Mr. and Mrs. Marchand of Tilbury
return: 'home after' spending some
time •viiith the :Reverend Father L.
Reverend Father Champagne of
Sacred il3eart C.ollege, Sudbury, was
a guest with Rev. Father L. March-
and !last week.
The `Service was withdrawn in the
church en 'Sunday and the Congreg-
ation werehipped with the Kippers
Congregation when Mrs. McIntosh
of London was the special speaker.
The serviee will be held as usual on
Sunday,„tom ri,
RQ e.:Di, -�MLi' 3^i ➢�! a='„
x�zrkg 2:in tliis'viCmi .n x..
Dick' and balbe who spent several
weeks with their parents, returning
to their home. e
Miss Mary Hagan of London, sp-
eat the week -end with her slater„ Miss
Dolly and brother Frank.
Mrs. Troyer is visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyde of the
London Road.
A number from this vicinity at-
tended meetings at the Summer SC'a-•
I ooI, in (Goderich last -reek.
. ;.s.sl,.,,3. ,.4y-3-Tr++>r-8+'i +•b+ L+!'4r•'<+•;r-4'i l"+°e++-L+++ •: +•A+++se+++++dF+ .:.
Special 4
Ft. CEDAR POSTS, 41'= Inches and up at only 7
35 Cents.
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Sloe can lb,dy tier Genuine Masser•Hatris Repairs from.
your local Madseyklarns Agents
it Better and last Longer than Spurious Makes
msd whey Cost No More
Insist :oat G o ulna Masuertlarris Parte
Idseo0tnritsseres roads by the
Staten es retie Pio,,
�a. ID, Iltite
Cuss. M.1.
Dn.w i+.ro.a•..w
Capital Theatre
Goderich - Phone 47.
Northern Electric Sound System.
NowPlaying—Buck Jones in
"The Dawn Trail",
Mon,, Tues.,' Wed.
A fine dramatic actress in a
Screen 'Triumph
Thurs., Fri,, and Sat.
Wrote the vivid story 'w:uch is
now a super -thrill talkie
Murder in the Rue Morgue
Coming --The Yellow Ticket.
Matinees, Mon., Wed., Sat., 3 pm
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher and
family were Sunday visitors rn Lon-
don. •
Mr. and Mrs. May of Kitchener,
spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs
Sam Oestreicher.
Misses 1Vyrta Hoffman of Kitchen-
itchener and Ella Martinson of Elmira at-
tended the Tieman-Hoffman nuptials
last week.
Miss T. Ehlers of Kitchener is sp
ending her vacation with relatives.
Rev. H. A. Kellerman of Waterloo
visited relatives here on Tuesday.
We congratulate Mr. Keeler on the
success of his Entrance pupils all hay
ing passed.
Mrs. J. McNevin anddaughter.
Flora of London are visitors with Mr
and Mrs. A. E. Oestreichea
Messrs. Geo. Rosendahl and Louis
Morenz have returned after spending
a week on x fishing expedition at
Pike Bay.
Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan, a recent
bride was pleasantly surprised. on Tu-
esday afternoon when Miss Laura
Mae Reid entertained the Beginners
Class of the Dashwood Evangelical
Sunday School in honor of their tea-
cher, Mrs. Mervy Tiernan, xormerly
Miss Alice Hoffman. She was pres-
ented with a beautiful baguet of del-
phenium and a shower of handker-
chiefs. A dainty lunch was served
by the hostess who is assistant teach-
er of the class. The Junior Choir of
a pre y else
Mrs, Chas. Troyer returned home
last week after a pleasant visit with
friends in London.
Florence Reynolds, of Calgary, Alt
is spending the sumer months at the
home of her sisters, Miss Amy Rey -
lipids and Mrs. Robinson.
Mr, and Mrs. Alb, Speneer visited
friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hildebrandt are
preparing to move into the dwelling
,Queen A. owned by Owen Geiger
Minnie 'Gibb of Toronto is visiting
for a few days with friends in town.
'Dr. and Mrs. Smith and family re-
cently visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. C. Pette, Mrs. Smith's
parents. The Doctor is just recover-
ecovering nicely from an operation for ape
Mary little, of Hanover, and form
erly of our village, is visiting her
girl friend, Jean Foster.
Leona Lemon has returned from
a three weeks' visit ,spent with re-
latives in Detroit.
Mrs. J. PP, Campbell and little son
Neil of Windsor and Mrs. E. R. Bell
and son of Toronto, are spending
their holidays at the home of Mr. ant
iVirs. Jas. A. Beii.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott and me-
mbers of their family, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with relatives,
Mrs. G. Scott, and daughters, and
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty.
Wen. Fee, accompanied by his sis-
ters, Sarah and Mary and a friend,
have returned from' a few days trip
to Hamilton, Woodstock and other
Mrs. Agaur, Hensall's oldest re-
sident, on Saturday had the unique
privilege of celebrating her one hun-
dred and first'birthday. Mrs. Agaur
still in the best of health and in pos-
session. of all her faculties, lived for
many years with her son-in-law, Dr.
Fletcher, at Thames Road. She spent
the day quietly with relatives near
Wm. Pepper, accompanied by his
daughter Grace, Matt. Clarke, Mr.
Love and Roy McDonald motored to
Toronto Friday last from where they
took the train to Ottawa.
Mrs. Orville Twitchell has been
confined to her home with measles,
but is getting along nicely.
Tuesday last, Mrs. Wm. Buchanan
celebrated her SSth birthday when a
large number of her relatives and
friends called upon her, showering
hear with flowers and all kinds of
good wishes. Mrs. Buchanan is for-
tunate in reaching such a fine age
with ail her faculties presenved.
Mrs. T. Murdock and Miss Ethel,
were being visited by Dr. and Mrs.
B. A. Campbell and family of Tor-
Mrs. Chas. Hunt and little daught-
1of Toronto,. are. spendin a. f
A lovely summer wedding was sol-
emnized in the Evangelical church,
Dashwood, on Wednesday afternoon
last, at 2 o'clock, when Alice, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoff-
man was united in marriage to J.
Mervyn Tiernan, son of Mr. and Mrs.
David Tiernan, The pastor, Rev. A.
W. Sauer officiating. The church was
a lovely setting for the bridal party
with two large baskets of double
pink hollyhocks and trailing vines
massed the choir rails. Clusters of
pink roses marked the pews for the
guests. The bride was attended by
Miss Anna Tiernan, sister of the
groom and the groom by Harry Hof-
fman, brother of the bride. Little
Miss Ruth Guenther was flower girl
while Master Russel Tiernan wee
ring bearer. The bride looked lovely
in a gown of ivory Shantung Lace
with her veil arranged in" cap style
caught with clusters of orange blo-
ssoms and carried a bouquet of
Johanna Hill roses. Her bridesmaid
was frocked in Greene French Net
with large pink hat and pink shoes
and carried Butterfly roses. The
flower girl was charming in yellow
organdy with touches of mauve and
carried a basket of mauve and yellow
sweet peas. Master Russel Tiernan,,
in a white satin suit carried the ring
on a white satin cushion. Miss Lily
Hoffman, of London, cousin of the
bride sang, "All Joy Be Thine” and
Mr. R. W. Goulding, A.T.C.M., of
Exeter, played the wedding music.
Messrs. Barry Cook of Hensall, and
Eugene Tiernan of Dashwood were
ushers. Following the ceremony a
reception was held at the home of
the bride's parents, where a buffet
hitch was served by four friends of
le bride: Miss Elia Martinson, Mrs.
R. H. Taylor, Mrs. V. Schatz and Mrs
A. E. Oestreicher. Later Mr. and
Mrs. Tiernan left for a motor trip to
::astern Ontario, the bride travelling
in a smart white ensemble with white
?urse and white shoes and felt :hat•
..)n their return they will reside in
Hattie Sutherland has returned
come after a pleasant visit with fri-
'nds at Grand Bend.
Wm. Simpson, accompanied by
tie mother, of Detroit, visited here.
Irene Douglas is visiting for sev-
tral weeks with relatives in - Kapu-
ole. and Mr$. Andrew Hicks and
. end 'dire. Thos. Willie of Ceram-
, v! i...1 friends in town.
Mrs.' Elliott Fairbaird, of';S'now-
flake, Man., is visiting her mother,
Mrs. R. Welsh, and other relatives.
An interesting event took place in
Detroit, on Saturday, July lath,
when Iva Gale, youngest daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. C. T. McLain, of Gran-
ville, Ohio, was united in marriage to
Ed. T. Berry, son of Mrs. Ann Berry
and the late T. J. Berry, of Hensall
Mrs. B. R. Boyd, a sister of the bride
attended her, while J. W. Berry, of
Windsor, brother of the groom, as-
sisted as best man. After a trip thr-
ough the Eastern States, Mr. and
Mrs. Berry will reside at Detroit.
The camp at Kintail, conducted by
the Presbyterian young people of the
synods of Hamilton and London, con-
vened for its third year Iast week
with a registration of over 100 dele-
Clinton Town Clerk Manning, who
underwent an operation for append-
icitis in the Clinton Hospital a fort-
night ago, has recovered nicely, and
able to return to his home. •
Monday, August 1st has been pro-
claimed as Civic Holiday in Brussels
this year by Reeve Bowman.
The South Perth Baseball League
will hold their annual Field day in
Mitchell on Wednesday afternoon,
July 27th. -
'The Clinton tax collector reports
that the 1032 taxes are corning in
well, in spite of the talk of depres-
sion, only about $1,500 remeining un
paid of .the first instalment at the end
of June..
At Grand Bend, on Sunday last, 8
children, two girls and a boy, were
swept offtheir feet by the undertow
and were rescued . from the waves by
A. S. Thompson of London, who was
nearby and heard their calla for help,
John Jardine, Goderich, was sent-
enced to ten years' imprisonment • in
Portsmouth Penitentiary by Magis-
trate Reid last Thursday,, for an at-
tempt to commit a serious offence a-
gainst his daughter, Mrs. William
Berry, of Anberly. Jardine pleaded
guilty to the charge.
Fred Iluisser; of Wingham, a sect-
ion man on the C.N.R., fell off a hand
ear while riding down the tracks on
Saturday last, he suffered concussion
but fortunately no bones were broke
ed. He, who was unconscious until
evening, was removed to Scott MVIon1-
oris lHospital, but was able to go
to his home in a few days.
Mrs- Susie Smit, of llensall, an-
nounces the engagement of her yo-
angeet _daughter, •Thccdcra, to Mr.
Edward -Ven; De, Keerey, of.. -Guelph,
son of Mx. and Mrs.. Julius. De Keere'
of. that city, the marriage to take
place at the home of her: mather,Mraa,
Stale Smit, at liensall on the third
day of August. •
While playing in the bush of G.J.
Dew near the Aux Sauble River, Ex-
eter, Wesley Byckman fell from a
tree he was climbing, The boy, whoi'
is 12 years of age, had. the ligaments
of his Ioft side torn, and also suffer-
ed a sprained shoulder. Dr. M. C.
Fletcher atended him. He is •reportea
as doing well.
Last week was Chautauqua week
in Goderich The programs have been
good, but . the financial depression is
having its effect, and the guarantors
will have a deficit of about $500 to
meet. A, call is being made on each of
the 42 guarantors for a contribution
of $12.
Robert Boyce, of Tuckersmith, had
the misfortune to fall from a tree in
his orchard and fracture his hip. He
was taken to the Scott Memorial Hos-
pital. Two years ago he met• with ,a
similiar accident, when he fractured
the same hip and was laid up in the
hospital fox: some months.
Excavations in connections with
the alterations to Knox Presbyterla,Wu 1
church, Goderich have been complet-
ed; partitions are well on their way
to completion. The new boiler has ar-
rived and will shortly be installed.
The roof has been put on the boiler
house and a chimney 55 feet high has
been erected.
At the Trivitt Memorial picnic at ,.
Grand Bend Wednesday last, Mrs. E.
L. Vivian, Exeter, sufferea a very
nasty accident when she stepped into
a hole badly twisting the ligaments of
her right foot and it will be several.
weeks before she will be able to have
the use of same.
Rev. John 1 Young, parish priest
of Strathroy, died Friday last at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, he had be-
en in failing health for over a year.
A member of a well-known Colborne '.
township family, son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Were F. Young of the 8th
concession, he spent his' early years;
in that community. •
A. B. MiIlson, of Lucknow, driver
of Mac Grattan, in the only heats
raced before the rain on the first day
of the races, was taken suddenly ill
t the end of the heat from acute in-;
digestion. A doctor was called, wlio)
ordered him removed to his home at
once, but he died a few minutes af-
ter reaching Lucknow.
Hayfield on Wednesday afternoon
last was full. The Square was full;
Towett's Grove was full, and the
beaches were full. Three gatherings:
the Legion picnic in the Square and'
the Northside United Church congre-
gation picnic and theeMuay-Gibson
hursi a,Y,, u11r 'gin, 1992
for this
sultry, but the rain, which in the
morning had ' looked threatening, sta-
yed away.
The funeral service in James St.
United Church, Exeter for George
Williams, clerk of the session and a
member of the Village Council, was
very largely attended. Rev. J. Anth-
ony, pastor of Thames Road, gave
the prayer; Rev. A. E. Elliott, who
this month became the minister at
Main St, read the lesson, and Rev.
Duncan McTavish, former pastor of
James Street, delivered' an impress-
ive sermon. The preacher paid a high
tribute to the assiduity of the dece-
ased in church work. The Village'
Council and municipal officials atten-
ded in t body.
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