HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-07-14, Page 4wy
Z4 -r. WW1 ;pars. 3. Cochrane and da-.
'lighter, Viz. Loexie Eller visited frii-
endls a3Z .Glen Alan,
Mrs. John Jarrett and daughter
Madera are spending a few nays with
Stauleet Love near Kippen.
;W11 soya ertha and Margt.ret For-
V,ei$ of Seaforth, irisited friends here
ilrs. Lottie Love is spending some
time with her brother, Rev. R. K.
:Love at Kintore.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Consitt of Hen
a1 I1 are :spending It few days with
aeir son, Mr. and Mts. Russell Con-
Mrs. 1l,obt. Stephenson and son,
Herbert and Mrs. F. Coleman spent
ea day in London.
Miss G. Robinson_of the Goshen
'Line visited with her friend, Miss
'Helen Anderson.
The annual Congregational picnic
of the Kippen and Hillsgreen c.:.urch-
es is being held on Thursday after-
;aeo'n, July 14th to Bayfield.
The Cochrane Re -union is being
sold to Bayfield on Wed. July 13th.
'The W.M.S. meets at the home of
M.re. J. Oo&tearie on T iday after -
ripen, 5uly 15th,
Nrs. Troyer has leeterned 'atter
visiting• friends in Zurich.
MI.'S. Jo1ii Richardson has been tak-
ing caro of her mother, Mee. 1lenry
Reichert of Zurich, who has been con
'fined to her bed for several weeks.
heeMisses Cunwron of Clinton, are
visiting their little Fuss cousin,
' Intended for last week
Mr. and Mrs.,Ralph :Workman of
Flint, Mich., spent the ween -end
with friends. ,
Mrs. Steacey and son John of De-
troit spent the wee=k -end with friends
:Mrs, W. Love and Miss Lottie have.
been visiting their son, Rev. R. K.
Love at his new home in Kintore.
Miss Elda Stephan is spending a
few days with friends near Clinton.
Mr. West and Mrs.. B. Brightnore
and sons of London, visited at the
home ,of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Coch-
Mrs. Jas. Love is spending a short
time at the home of her son, Stan-
ley near Kippen.
IVIr. J. B. Forrest and fancily sp-
ent a day with friends near Seaforth
Gwendolyn Eller is visiting her
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2URiCH. C PSI' "s
•A Convention to nominate a Call-.
dictate, to contest South Huron, in
the interests of the Liberal Party,
for' the :Dominion Parliament will be.
held in the
Monday,, July 18th, 1932
A't 2 -o'clock, . p. in.
The meeting will be addressed by
Hon. J. C. Elliott, LQricaon
Mr. F. SANDERSON, M. P., S. Perth
'Chief Liberal Whip
And Other Speakers
Dr. J. W. Shaw, J. A. McEwen,
President. Secretary
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc
Murtie of :Kipper.
A number attended the Decoration
Services at the Hensall U. 'Cemetery
011 Sunday.
On Tuesday, July 3th death re-
moved a prominent and highly resp-
ected citizen of Stanley Township in
the person of Mr. Wilson Armstrong
Deceased had been in failing health
for some tune, and in spicy of all
that could be done for hint by med-
ical aid and kind care he gradually
grew weaker till the end came. Mr.
Armstrong had reached the age of
76 years and 3 months. He was the
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ranie
Armstrong, and had spent all his life
in Stanley, he was a roan of more
than ordinary intellectual ability, he
had a thorough knowledge of the
bible, in religion he was a Presbyter-
ian and in former years he took an
active part in the service of song in
the old brick church on the Bayfield
Road. He also had been prominent
in the Orange Order and was a fifer
of soni.e ability, and his presence will
be missed at the Orange celebrations.
As a neighbor, Mr. Armstrong Ivaas•,
very kind and obiigiing and always
ready to lend a helping hand, but
where he will be mostly missed is in
the home, by his family and his sor-
rowli wife, who fpr almost 42 years
has shared with hirii the Joys .and
sQzrows of life, to theta is extended
the sympathy of their neighbors and
friends. Of the fancily there are nine
members: Willie, Robert and John
at home, James and Ranie, Mrs. J.
Bryne and Mrs. J. Collins of Londtic
Mrs. Victor Boyce of Goderich and
Mrs. Frank Boyce of Stanley. The
funeral service which was held on
Friday and was conducted by Rev.
Mr. Mellroy, by special request of
the deceased. The floral tribute was
beautifufull.. The pall bearers were
.lx nephews. John Armstrong, Lorne
Armstrong, Wilson Armstrong, Wm.
R. Stephenson, Willie Me:Clinchey and
Frank McClinchey.
In the Wilil of the lata Mrs- Mere
Stephenson of Goshen Line, Stan'..,•,
she left, as she thought, a residue of
11e Estate to the Goshen United Ch-
urch. Owing to certain circumstan-
ces there was no residue left for the
church. The lawyer, lir. F. Ping -
land of Clinton, in handing over the
different amounts to the beneficiaries
named in the Will, suggested, that
seeing it was the wish of the deceas-
ed Lady, to make a donation to the
church, it -would be granting her
wish if each of then would donate
a small .amount thereto. In'response
the following amounts have been re-
ceived by the Trustee Board of .the
Goshen United Church, for which
they desire to express their sincere
appreciation: Arthur McLinchey,
Varna, $10,00; Albert McLinchey,
Varna $5.00; Ellen McLinchey; Var-
na 85.00; Eliza 1Vl'cLinchey, Varna
$5; Mrs. Amelia McLinchey, Varna,
85; Mrs. Wm. Hart, Varna $5; Geo.
MeLinchey, Varna,.$6;Miss Millie Me
Linchey, Parkhill $5; Mrs. Jas. Reid',
Clinton $5; Mr. Ed. Johnson, Goder-
ich $5.00.
Mrs. Robt. Green and family of
Chatham are visiting at the home of
ave brother, Mr, Herb Sntith.
141r, and Mrs. W. H. Stephenson of
tlarlette, Mich., attended the funer-
al of the late Wilson Armstrong.
• Mr, and Mrs. John McKinley of
Clinton have been staying for a few
lays at the old home on Goshel.
Mrs. Elgin McKinley is in London
with her little daughter Myrtle, who
'cad an operation at St. Joseph's Hos
ectal. We are pleased to say, slio I
progressing favorably;
Mr. Willie °etch and sister Sus.
ie spent Sunday at the home at Mr.
'tobt, MleL4nchey,•,
(41:40', :,Rol;"Yi..rr:t merit tact
•,cek-en,1 with her friend, Miss gel-
t i nar ino.
I.,mrx��I .9
Promoted to Sr. IV --Myrtle Geiser
82%; Paul Ness 75, Murray 'Wolfe
74,6; Alviin Willert 68, Irma Wein
62.4; Eileen Wiillert 61,1. , Below
Pass-Floyde Desjardine, Garnet We
iberg, Luella Desjardine, Leonard
G. Keeler, Teacher'.
Promoted to Jr. IV :Herbert Ness
72, Hilda 'Maier 66; Lloyd Guenther
64, Douglas Shenck 62, Ward Kraft
61, Edna Maier 60, Erma Keller.
Promoted to Sr; III ---Harry Hay-
ter 85, Donald Resterneyer 84'; Lorne
Kleinstiver 80; Dorothy Kraft 79;
Jean Moulton 66; Harold Maier 66;
Roy Bender 65, Nina Desjardine 64
Anthony Voisin 64, Leona Fisher 60
11 Ruth Hoperoft 60. Below pass -Ross
Guenther, Evelyn Baynham, Frances
Eveland, Verde Rinker.
Promoted to Jr. III: Margaret
Wein 88, Karene Pedersen 87, Ruth
Willert 86, Jack IVIcLachlin 78, Dor-
othy Voisin 68, Florence Voisin 66,
Helen Baynham (32, Carl Wein 61,
Lester Shenck 61, Willis Mclsaac 60
Below Pass—Walter Ness. Promot-
ed with honours—Jean Held, Mary
E. Martenson, Teacher.
Promoted to II Class—Doris Wifl-
lert 92; Dorothy Baynham 91, Jack
Gainer 88, Sigred Pedersen 83, Ken-
neth Kraft 81, Ray Guenther 81,
Hazel Shenck 80, Evelyn McLach-
len 64.
Promoted to 1st Class—Grace Res-
tenieyer 94, Dorothy Wein 91; Doro-
thy* Hayter 89, Russel Tiernan 89;
Norman Eveland 87, Gordon Kraft
84, Vivian Desjardine 82, Mildred
Maier 82, Donald Gamer 81, Ada
Willert 78, Shirley Durr 74, Dorothy
Houton (absent.
Primar—Mabel Jackson 75, Phy-
llis Baynham 68, Hubert Weiberg65;
Donald McLac1'ilen 53.
Beginners—Ruth Guenther 92, Ge-
orge Wolfe 90, Claire Musser 85,
Teresa Voisin 78, Norman McLach-
len 65, Ennna Andersen 62, Hazel
Moulton, Absent,
A Hoffman, Teacher.
Elva McQueen who was seriously
ill for two weeks was taken to Lon-
dQit. Hospital where she, was operated
on for mastoids.
Wm. Reynolds of Tilsonburg spent
a few days with his sisters, Miss .F.1
Reynolds and Mrs, Robinson,
Mrs. Win, Simpson, accompanied
by his mother and sister, of Detroit
visited With relatives and friends in
The Supt., officers and teachers of
the United Church S. S. have decided
to hold their annual piicnic at Spring
bank Park, Wednesday, July 13th.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Simon, accomp-
aniel by Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Brown
spent a few days recently with rel-
atives in Kitchener. They were ac-
companied back by Mrs. Miller and
The Council last weekoiled a part
of South Richmond st. A petition was
sent in to the concil by the ratepay-
e rs of that street, asking to have it
oiled. The cost is charged back to the I
ratepayers of the street. The council
have the gravelling of the streets fin-
ished and they are now in splendid
Mrsj K. Maynard left Monday last
for the West. She intends to reside
there .with her family and her many
friends were sorry to see her leave.
Etta Bell, of London spent a few
days at her home here.
Miss Mary Stewart, B.A. of Sea -
forth; visited for a week with friends
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and
daughter, Evelyn, of Exeter and Mr.
and Mrs. P. W. Hess of town, attend-
ed the funeral of the late Robt. Hun-
ter, of Vassar, Mich. Mr. Hunter was
a former resident of Blake.
Ray Paterson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
R. JJ. Paterson left for the West on
a visit and intends corning home by
motor witih relatives in August.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggart and
sons attended the wedding of Mrs.
Hoggart's daughter, Miss Verna Rus -
'011 to Clayton Colqulioun Of Hibbert.
The event took place at the glome of
Mr. and Mrs.:Ernest Dow of Hibbert
on June -30th. The "young' couple will
reside in Hibbert.
Decoration services at the Hensel'
l nidni Cemetery and at McTaggart's
sein;eteiy were held on Sunday last
In charge of the Odd3ellows. • Quite
a large crowd was present. At the
Hensall cemetery the Rev. Mn Yo -
:ng, ' pastor of Carmel , Presbyterian
Church, opened the services arta gave
' splendid address, The graves of
the departed Oddfellows were then
Mr. Ferris 'Cantelon has resigned
his positionas principal of the Rene
all Continuation school and has ac-
.epted a similar position at Strom -
erg, north of Toronto. The other
eachers, .111iss Irene Douglas of ,the
lontien ation school, Mr i3lowee, Mass
Isis and Miss Consitt of the public l
,±.CQIr ell lxll.'c DV911, rQaene"red. for
Capital 'Mahe
Goderich -. Phone 47
Now Playing --Gloria Swanson in
"Indiscreet" end George. O'Brein
In "Rainbow Trail" a Zane Grey
Mon., Tues., Wed.
James Dunn and Sally Eilers.
Together again in:
in a triumphant return to the
Thursday and Friday
in a story about a girl who had to
take the worst of life to make the
best of it
Saturday only.
in a Universal Action Tale
Matinees, Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m.
another year.
Mrs. Sarn'l Stacey and son,.. John
of Detroit, are spending a few days
visiting with relatives in town.
At the regular council meeting
held on Monday last, Reeve Geiger
reported the grass cutting on sides
of road as being completed, Petty re-
ported the gravelling of the streets
as being completed. Clerk Paterson
reported having secured the oil for
the petitioners on Richmond st., at a
very low rate. A number of accounts
were ordered paid. Under the head-
ing of unfinished business the Milk
By-law was discussed to considerable Clinton, °cvheri a truck was backed
advisable to get the opinion of neigh- up to the door of Gunn, Langlois Co_
boring village as regards same. That
at warehouse, the door porcedx open and
the Cle.r% get information from the SO crates of eggs removed, valued
Dept. of Public Health as regards to
tuberculin Tested Mily Bylaws i>r';a't uv'er $4D0.
villages aur size. --,Tames A. Patter -`i
�— .,• R
son, Clerk: t
nThe Main .Spring of Prosperity
There are four things which make '
a country great. These are, agricult
l urs, industry, transportation, and
Mr. Herb Gainer of tfinance. in a country where these four .
Detroit, wasthings are well-balanced, that country:•
a visitor with his parents here. makes progress. Some night accept:. '
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fenigan of Lon- these words as the fundamentals of:
don were week -end visitors with • re- economic wisdom, others would ser-- •
latives here_ iously ,question them. Germany had:,
Mrs. Chas. Steinbagen was a vis- these, perhaps as near perfected as,
itor with friends at Parkhill last we- any country ever had—What• are'
ek. German marks worth to -day? These
Mr. Lorne Taylor and sister Miss elements of progress are purely ma't
Myrta, of London visited with their eraiisti'.ce, and the clear teachings of
brother, Dr. R, H. and Mrs. Tayle alis, r mss'„well , as'•the
Mr. and Mrs. George' ' Edighoffer That • i l' sdai02"1 .social,'' •and no 0 s'•
and daughter Blanche, of Mitchell, prosperity have other foundations
were Sunday visitors with relatives than muscle and brains and hyla.
in towel, ''''• ) ' .--eer._...,: , - cash.. .
Mies Rosie Willard is spending' ai.
few days with friends at Zurich.
Tlinrs&aw..7uly 14th, 1932
Ruth won first class honors m . her
exams. all. year.
The Lucknow ,school board has
made redactions in teacher's s.•tlaies
,.,.",.,• ;.ir, 'n ''R'P, Pn.. d, t .0 1.1
fir ha the szalar,y4of Miss McLean, prixa,
cipa•i of tue rontlllua'eion senoyl, whi-
ch is reduced from '$2150 to $3850. -
Other reductions are of $100 or less.
Duncan M. Ferguson, a prominent
retired'busilic:ss man of Stratford and
. former mayor of that .city, di':d on
Sunday last in 'his 75th year. He was
I. native of Brussels, in. II.ui:on co- ,
. Linty.
The .l er•mingham & Son C'ow tr et -
Ton 'Co. has secured the contract at
Kincardine for extending the intake
pipe which feeds the water supply
system of that town. On the coinldle-.
tion of the contract at Goderich, the
equipment will 'be moved to Kiiicar-
dime on a tug.
64 pupils wrote the Entrance Ex-
aminations at Seaforth centre this
year. The exams were said to have
been very fair with the possible ex-
ceptiol'i of .grammar, which was rath-
er hard.
At the annual Webster :Pam11y re-
union, held at Bayfield recently, it
was decided to erect a cairn at Luck --
now to :commemorate the Webster
pioneers. 'This will be unveiled on the
occasion -of the 1983 reunion, which:
will be held at Lucknow.
calla Prendergrast, daughter of the
late John Prendergast, of Tucker-.
smith Tp., died Sunday afternoon,,
last, at the residence of her brother
Dr. Jos. Prendergast, Chicago, aged:
05 years.
J. H. R. Elliott, Proprietor of the
Blyth Standard for -the past 22 years
has disposed of his business to A. W.
Robinson, who has been a faithful
and energetic employee for the past.
21 years.
A daring robbery took place in.
The concert put on by the North
Central College Glee Club, he the lo-
cal Evangelical church on Monday
evening was Largely attended, the
proceeds amounting to $55. After.
the program the local choir entertain
ed the Glee Club in the basement of every I'ownsIiip. It is perennial in •
the church where refreshments were: nature, spreads rapidly by roots and
served . Ake seeds are carried by the winds..
Mrs.. Henry Bender PasTes i Ray fields known to be infested{ wit;•
Mrs. Henry Bender, nee .[lnnih3 t sl'louid be 'cut early on the green,
Haugh, a pioneer of the district/ pas- sidle and plowed. immediately after
sed away at her home in Dashwood, the crop. 'Such ,crops as Sweet Clover •
011Satur ay afternoon, ;n her 81st and ie
sown Buckwheat are excel••
year. She came to Canat:•a from fent for controlling this weed. A
Germany at the age of three years, bare ..Sulnnier fallow is also excellent.
and since has resided in the coinmun for controlling. Many farmers have.,
ity. The funeral services was field found early oats to be preferable toe
on Tuesday afternoon from her'home late oats to control the Thistle. Weeds
to the Evangelical church for service Inspectors are vigorously enforcing
with Rev. A. W. Sauer her pastor, i the Act, and all Sows Thistle must be
assisted by Rev. H. A. Kellerman of 'eut down before going to seed, this
Waterloo an:elating. Interment beings must he in order to protect the clean
made in the Goshen Line cemetery' farmer_—A. G. Smith, Provincial Tat -
At the funeral Miss Alice Hoffman, sPectur„ ./. ,
sang "There's a beautiful Laud on? `
High"; the Ladies' Quartette also:—.......a,
sang. A duett was rendered by
Miss Kath. Finkbeiner . and Mrs. T.
IClumpp..Her husband preaeceased
her 16 years ago. Deceased is sury t
ived by five daughters, Mrs.Granger
.• . Gran -
Mrs. Mlles. Mrs. Se •.„:... E,iaSU'>l EVERY WEDNESDAY
Mrs. Rev= of London,. Mrs. Sohl
undt of Dashwood; Two sons, John. NOON FROM THE
8ow `Thistle with its creeping root=•
stalks and thousands of seeds equip- • • ,
ped so that they are blown long des
tances by the winds is the world's >
worst weed, and is found in almost •
Established 1900;
and Henry Bender of Dashwood; ll,
sisters, Mrs. M. Schlueter of Pigeon.
Mich., Mrs. Twitchen of London, and
Mrs. T. Johnston of Blake; 3 broth-
ers, Chris Haugh of Brucefield; Silo- arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U•t
and Dan Haugh of Dashwood. noes. $1513 in advance. No paper discon-
tinued until all arrears are paid un-
less at option of publisher. The date
of which every Subscription is paid
as denated on the Label.
Display advertising made known,
on application.
Miscellaneous articles of not mora
ban fou lines For Sale,To Rent,
The annual Meeting W
of the North Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser-
Huron Farmers'Political Association time 2Se, axes. 40c., 3 ins, 50c.
was held on'June 21sb, at the town; Fence. or ileal Estate for sale $2.08
n in
with President T, A. for first month, $1.00 for each fol-
lowing month.
The rebuilt cox -runway hall at Lrelx-
desboro was formally opened. on hely I'i<nheiona! Cards not exceeding
lst. / inches, per year $5.00.
After- an illness of sever:ai wac:ks In Melnoriarn, one verse 50e, 25c
Mrs. Henry Murphey, of Godericli €or tkS, additional verse; Card of
township, passed away on June 22 fhar'irs; SOc.
in her 94th year. Auction Sales ---;12,0.0 per single
Ruth Strachan, of l'rtissols, was. xiasertion if not over four inches in,.
presented with a gold pin at the. re- lixa;tli”
ent gradeat;en exercises at Mina Address all cotrartunicat?oris to:
College, St Thomas,. it. is e gift. o:' '1 IrFE, HERALD
the late Spieran Chant given each
net for:proficiency in voice culture. ' ' - ONT
Hireald PrintingO!fice
year, strictly in advance; $1.50 rn
pall bearers were neiphews, Leonard
Bender, Gordon Bender, Leonard
Birk, Robt. Miles, Wallace Haugh„
William Bender.