HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-07-14, Page 1XXXIIE No,, 2 e.1101101, • • • a • a : • • , . t • • • • % • • : • • • • .ons•• • . • - • • ; • • • ZURICH THURSDAY MORrill•IC. JULY 14 (932, •••••••••••••••.e. Let the Herald. Publish all ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church zuRicn oNT., "A Changoleas Chriat for ca chang- ing World" Friday, 811:—Luther Lesson*. • Saturday—Choir Practice., SUNDAY SERVICES' L0 a. m:—German Seivice. 11.15 a. m.—Sunday SchaoL 7.30 p. m.—English Serviee. Everybody Weicoine odl ServEcesta E. Turkhoima ristatse 16— .4* !YES! You Will F a Differ- ence if You ; nm The people who go hurstmg with a camera and do not want to kill any- thing deserve more consideration by law makers than they have ever bad in the past. Man in Indiana has paid one dol- lar that he owed for singing lessons taken 61 years ago. He -was a few beats behind, but didn't want to be knownt as a deadbeat_ HIGH SCHOOL RESULTS ENTRANCE 1932 The following are the results of the High School Entrance roxaminat- lions held at the various centres und- er the jurisdiction of the Exeter High School Entrance Board.. First and Second Class Honours are indicated First Class Houours implies that the ;candidate secured 75% or more of the total marks; Second Class Hon- ours means that between 70 and 74 per cent .of the possible total, was ob- tained. ,o The names of those pupils who ' secured standing on the recommend- ation of the Principals of the various schools, are included in the results given. Entrance pupils to the numb- er of 39 were awarded standing in this way. It is the opinion of the Entrance Board that the system of recomme-ndation, while largely exp- erimental this year, has proved suc- cessful, and it is proposed to continue it in force for next year. "BLUE COAL" The Color Guarantees the • ),. Quality' f. Identified and tradeinariced feeyour protect -km aso -The Old Reliable D. L. and. W. Scranton Coal_ 'or forty years the favorite . hard coal used by I • PARTICULAR PEZPLE D.. A. CANTELON • ao,a, rftheFte 10vy or IOL HENSALlanECIEIT. Exeter Centre First Class Honours—Jack Doerr, Doris Harvey, Mildred Hicks, War- ren May, Allan Penhale, Howard Preszcator, Borden Sanders, Leroy iScbroeder, William Triehner. Sec- ond Class Honours— Barbara Atkin - sen, Eldon Caldwell, Millar Camp- ''' ''"iiriel eseeeesressissemsemosikeeseoseeeeeeeseeeeseeesea• A • "" ." . .1'4-:,',.:-c-',:-''''-':•-•''.''''.' .'-.4:'" ''. ' ' drePlradle4,Ktftinlet4'111/Itnii2113y ENTIONi ' PLEASE! • : Pfaff, Helen Walker. Dashwood Centre I cher. First Class Honours—Dorothy Be- -• cker, Mervyn Love, Donald Oestrei- Second Class HOTIOUr8y—Albert Go- etz, Lorna Kraft, Frieda Rader, Hu- • • bert Restemeyer, Lloyd Willert, Mil- ton Willert. • Pass—Pearl Carruthers, Elda De- • vine, Greta Dieterich, Aldena Eagle- : son, Reta Fassold, Elmore Gackstet- • ter, Arthur Geiser, Stanley Hartle, • Ellen Hicks, Robt. Hoperoft, Bruce • • Ireland, Herbert Miller, William Ness : Anna Patterson, Elgiiii Rader, Ellen • Shank, Nola Sweitzer, ,Tack Turn- • • bull, Walter Webber, Maida Wein, • Jean Willert. • .11 bell, Mildred Elliot, Harry Hodgifta; • Reginald Hodgson, Lloyd Lind -600A Walter Mitchell, Ola Reid,. I3enla4, Skinner. Pass—Lester Allan, Das: een Campbell, Janette Dearing, Ray Genttner, Dalton 'Heywood, Reggae. McDonald, Ruth Pearce, Harry l'"(41:-: hale, Marion , Powell, AddreY Row-. cliffe, Stanley Smith, Irene 'Van Camp Winchelsea Centre . '•• First lass Hohours--Dorothy HaZ.' elwood. ..o' Second 'Class Honours—Elizabegi Ballantyne, Kenneth Hem, Glaclis' Squire, Barry Wiseman. Pass—Wellington Brock, Eric Bro- wn, Ross Francis, Melvin Gardinei, Ruth Hodgson, Gladys Johhs, Elsie McNichol. Zurich Central First Class Honours:—Winnifred Battler, William BrOwn, Gladys Gin- gerich, Beatrice Manson, Margaret Schwalm, Grace Wein, Theresa Zet- tel. . • o Second Class HonourS--Rosalie Chester L. Smitha Foltlialatk a1.25 a year, U.S. $/.601Isfoi.dvasaeg $1.50 IN AillICARS, $2 LIAY 8N CIITATOOLD ummer Visits and Visitors Miss Beatrice Gascho has taken a position in Hensel]. Mr. and Mrs, Ev. Haist and Eunice .Were visitors in Detroit beginning of .the week. .• Dr. and Mria H. H. Cowen are now living in their summer home at the Bend. Mr. Hugh MacKinnon is camping at Grancl Ben.dwith some boy fri- en da Mr: and Mrs. W. Decker and son Karl, and Miss Alice Decher spent Sunday in Stratford. Mr. Seth Amans has been awarded Ducharme, Ruth Foster, Blanche the mail contract of R. R. No. 1, Grenier, Beatrice Meidinger, Grace Zurich, he • being the lowest tender. Meyers, Gerald Rau, Isabel Robinson Homer Salmon, Beatrice Thiel- Pass—Dorothy Armstronk, Yvonne Bedard, John Denomme, Alice Erb, Mildred Hey, Doris Horner; Rub/ Schrag. The Hay Township Memorial Scho-. Mr. and Mrs. E. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs.S. Baldwin and daughter Yvonne of Detroit, spent the week -end at the Dominion House. Mr. John Nenschwanger has pur- chased the dwelling property on Ed- larships awarded each year to the. ward Street from the owner, Mr. pupils from Hay Township Schools, Peter Kropf, of Waterloo. obtaining the greatest number -of marks on the Entrance Examiniat:Mrs. Mary Dunlop of Mount Roy - ions, were won as follows: (I) Ther- al, Qlle" is spending a week with her esa Zettel, Zurich Public School; (2) sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wein, of 'the Babylon Line. Gladys Gingerich, No. 6 Hay; (3) i Margaraet Schwalm, Zurich Publiel Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolfe, Mr. and School. ;Mrs. George Roegele and family of Hensall Centre Stratford were Sunday visitors at the First Class Honours—Annie Carl-,' 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wein, ile, George Pearce, Irene Smale, • , Babylon Line. Second Class—Olive Brock, Jessie! Rev. Edgar and Mrs. Faust and 1 Dick, Kathryn Drysdale, Kenneth daughter Ruth Doris, and Mrs. Henry Elder, Wm. Glenn, .Orville Hedderi, lFaustfrom Detroit, visited at the Dorothy McQueen, Jack Tra.quair, r homes ,of Miss Lydia Faust, and W. !Pass—Stewart Hell, Harold BM,In•II.: Hoffman. thron, Edna Corbett, Edward Cdrb ' tio . We have opened a 'Service and Repair CP,rage formerly the EDIGHOFI.ER GARAGE And are in a position to give First Class WoIrk, on all •10 makes of cars, and all ,other Motors_ • 1 IMPERIAL GAS, OII S, AND GREASES Also THE FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES With a One Tear `Guarantee. PHILCO RADIOS KOLSTER RADIOS -a LOW RATES OM PLATE OR %CRYSTAL WINDSHIMMITS AND DOOR LIGHTS. BATTERY CHARGING, CAR WAS1I.1441G AND -110 • .0 POLISHEL1G. — PRESTOLITE BATTERUE.S. Give Us A Call! Sehrag "Bros. Phone 154. Zurich LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGES 2 • • Crediton Centre First Class Honours—Delton Fink- beiner, Martin Morlock, Reta Ratz, Aldona Wuerth, William Woodall. Second Class Honours—Gertrude • Hess families of Zurich. Amy, Geo. Coughlin, Mary Larriport,1 Fern Luther, Laura Regier. Pass—Nelson Lamport, Roy Lain - port, Marion McCarthy, Audrey Ye- arley. 00•44411001/484111114/01306041116062119001Weesserieeotataneorettoo **********Ito***4********* •-*•-••*......' 0.•** *4**•• • ••• ••••• • • • • • • • • • YOUR NEW SUIT • • • ef. ,,re you ,1 uy BE SURE AND LOOK OVER OUR RALNGIEL JUDGE FOR YOURSELF– COMPARE! • .AND YOU, WILL AGREE 'MAT 'THEY' ARE THE !, 'GREATEST mamma NAMES YOU CAN f; OBTAIN. • PRICED 1oOB VP. • • • READY MADE, 'TAILOR MADE, AND MADELWAIEKSURE • • 4 'Ws offmt Son i EMIlkitgatS110 *OM FighliniteSa 17.0101ECTOSIIS 44: • • eeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeetesecksseeeseesseese.meeetv ea. • • 4itt • : $25.00. $25A, .. • Bridal Wreath Diamond t • 44 • • • 0 es • • ENGAGEMENT RINGS BEAUTIFUL 18 K. MOUNTINGS Nicely Boxed—Value that is sold in the larger centres for $35.00 and upwards. EACH RING CARRIES A WRITTEN GUAR- ANTEE TO BE A GENUINE DIAMOND OF FINE QUALITY BY LEVY BROTHERS fie & Co., HAMILTON, IMPORTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS FOR THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY. Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 404. et,: • ' •:;%. • Oa •• Zurik:L. st,,,y: • eee•eisesseeesse se iteetielitedeeeeeelileeeeeeee ifiteleeiSeek 44, 4 +++++++++++++++++++++.1.4.444.44.++++++++++++++44410160144,44, 4. 4. AT THE f MUTUAL SHOE STORE e -2. WHERE YOU BUY THE BESTI FOR LESS CASH SPECIALS + $1.00 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP HOUSEVog.r.-- . . + pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bono,h+Warolt • something a tat. differen • + • ), 4 - ..--a\--...—.Thno R ; . • • , •.1--,61,: 4 - , ' i.,1 ..,:lt,1•0•• ,• . Z .• '11 •• $3.00, $2.75, $2.85 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WERTZ BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman make- * $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best make* cat- tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 5%. • +1.- 1., $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps. •Alm -.1., • 4CF finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 13 - +%. OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDEr. HOUSES. - CATALOG -UM FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR RE-. t; FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT THIS aa STORE. Visited with Mr. and Mi-S2'C Fitz. The, former Mrs. Shears will remain over for a while, she being a sister to Mr. C. Fritz of town. The annual picnic of the Luther League of St. Peter's Lutheran chur- ch will be 1-ield to Bayfield on Friday Last Thursday evening the League held a pleasant weiner roast at Drys- dale beach. Mit. Wm. Either and son Moston, of Newark, Ohio, and Mrs. Wenzel and • daughter, Mrs. Herb. Fahner, and daughter Shirley of Crediton, visited at the home of Mrs. Christ. jibe): on Tuesday. Mrs. Q. N. Taggart, Mrs. A. Raebe and daughter Myrtle, Miss .A.delaid Pilcher, Miss Jane Shultz, all of South Bend, Ind., and Mr Al. Wels- enbach of Chicago, are camping at Grand Bend, and also visiting with the two former ladies' relatives, the Convention AND Annual Meting The Liberal Conservatives of South Huron, will hold a Convent -fon at HENSALL' On TUESDAY EVENING, JULY, 19 0. To select a candidate' to contest the riding of South Huron, at the coming Federal Bye -Election. Three Delegates will vote from' each Tuesday of this week was the 12th of July, celebrated as Orange Walk Day, when these men walkewith fife and drum, and :net in Goderich for the occasion. There was a large gathering at that place, several from Zurich attending. The big attract- ion was the three bouts of the wrest- ling match. A NEW BY-LAW k by-law passed at the July meet- ing of the Council of the Township of Hay provides for a discount, on all municipal taxes paid before Novem- ber 15th of each year. In other words ratepayers who havemonekron hand and wish to make a payment on their 1932 taxes in advance, now have the privilege of doing so and can obtain a discount at the rate of five• per cent per annum on- the a- mount paid before November 15th, 1032, For example, let us suppose a ayer pays $100 on July 15th, polling sub-divisian. to be applied on his taxes due this The Hon. Robert Weir, Minister e ;fall July 15th to November 15th, Agriculture, and F. L. LeSueur, Koa0,,y t four -months. The ratonover wonld tor Sarnia, President of the Weste, ,e, credited with the $100 and the Ontario Conservatives Associati Cfm of $1.70 as discount on the bai- will be present and address the meet- anee of his taxes, obtained when the ing. •eollector's roll is completed. This wi ll take place the same evening. oo `1 :gie the ratepayers of Hay Township The Annual Election of Officers the opportunity to save on their taxes ''J'. Ladies tire specially invited to at - Many Munielpalities have adopted vantage of the pre-payfilent plan. nd it is expected that many will take GOD SAVE THE KING! a. verythis8:ttie8111f a elttol 1 y,It is working t at,t • ••,'0,4.-44**4011,:•.,:e*':',..; + t ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL OR- oaa • + DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFEREKT o+ STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THEAE t WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing promo:04 'ass Phone 82 or 115 + • WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES YOU ; TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDET. 'an MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2,40 and .11o'2,TS gr. * 0 FRITZ & SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CAN A.D.A. Z sic ..11.••••••ro 4•0145....vonsea•ow—AWA New Summer Goods We are Prepared to Meet Your Wants With New Low Priced Goods. PRINTS, GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MUSLINS, ETC., ETC. A Few Stamped Mats at 2O Off While They Last - Silk Hose, 30 cents a Pair and up Root Seeds and Garden Seeds at 5c and 10c a Package HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS G3 ENERAL lifEROh' ANT" PHONE 11 - 97 BLAKE •.*N******•*******"*ei;;,r,• •,•