HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-07-07, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE a TOCK e,, k„.umrner Specia 0 F r :Quality Voiles, per Yard. s 59e 36 -in. wide, at per yard 19e a' Bloomers, per pair Full Fashioned Silk Hose, pr; L^,;.i -:s' Cotton Hose, pr. Me:_;" Buttonless Combinations at Me:-,: 3' Overalls, Blue at 11/1:.r.3' Peanut Hats, at 18c 286, 79% ..,,19c' 75c $1.15 GROCERIF.S! GROCERIES! Pcx:1 Soap, 10 bars for Prunes, large, 3 lbs. for Mi -- -:•d Cookies, per lb, F: -.:gid Oats for chicks, 8 lbs. for R c , Bird Jello at Plei.i White cups, each Gly .s Tumblers, 6 for 40c 25c 15c 25e 5c 5c L5c WC "'ll King Bug Killer,.. Arsonate of Lead, and Paris Green at Lowest Prices,. ejr G PRODUCE WANTED �• & SON PHONE 59 AUTO INSURANCE PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, FIRE, THEFT, ETC. to 20% Reduction on Standard Rates for 2 To 4 Years' Driving without Accident. (Get Particulars about the Unlimited All -Risk Auto Policy. Protects you fully and provides for a $5000 Accident Policy. Information and Rates Cheerfully Given. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? oregoe4 000000000sss...0.oa0.04040•..Oa ws.= Goodyear Tires and Tubes TALK ABOUT GOODYEAR CORD AND SAL- OON TIRES AND TUBES, .• . To ---The Man who hasn't much money to spend on Tires, they're the Cheapest Tires he can buy. Ta ---The Buyer who looks for Road Grip, and Beauty. He will find them both in this make of Tire. • To ---The Customer who gives his Tires Hard Useage, will recognize their extra wear, No Other Tires Approach Goodyear in Appearance WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. GET OUR PRICES! FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWYAYS IN STOCK. ALSO A GOOD LINE OF THE BEST PAINTS; WIRE FENCING Evetroughing and Generaal Tinsmithinc • Specialty! . •Y Please, Don't Forget, When in Need of New Furniture, We Have It! STADE egy., WEic ZURICH - ONT. ZURICH HERALD Thursday„ duly 7th3 l a32 n x WE SILL THE BEST'Ffa.LESS Specials for Thursday', Friday and Saturday Maxwell House • Coffee, 1..11 turf . ,,,.41 c Kelloggs Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. :..; ..14c • Velveeta cheese, Half lb. pkgs.; !,.per pkg..~ Kraft Salad Dressing, 12 -oz. jar, 19c Challenge Corn Starch, per .Pkg Nature's Best Tomato Juice, `'2 tins �' 9c Palm Olive Soap,19c 3 cakes ,� 23c Med. weight Broom, at .,..• ,..,.. Aylmer Soup, 2 tins for -- ,-,_.. c Corn and Peas, 2 tine ti """ 1 1 9 9c Certo, per Bottle, . T 9c Grape Nuts, Flake 2r ' 29c' Fly Coils, to hang uppkv- f o vM.21 c 4 for 10c Children's Sox, Sizes 5 to 9' at .25c Ladies' Pure Silk Mesh Hose, Reg. $1, at 89c Print House Dresses at 89c to 1.25, Reg. 1.2.5 and: 1.75' J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 s The Dougall sisters of Hensall, are LOCAL MARKETS visiting with their aunt, Mrs. T. L. Williams. Mr• Hugh. MacKirs spending , {Corrected every Weal ds anon g nes the week with some boy friends at Egg' dozen • • Grand Bend, camping. Butter ..... ................ Mr. and Mrs. Herb MMousseau ante! Wheat bushel - Mr. and Mrs. Casper Walper motored Barley built, . , _ - •» - -,- • - . to Stratford on Saturday. Oats bus2t. , Miss Selma Burn, Bruce and LoisBuclwheaE Burn from New York city, are visit- t shortpieur • • • -- • •» 1.76 ing at Rev: E. Burn's. h°nes, torn -•• Bran, tan ••• •••• • yl 7-9-11 28 50c .. 35 .. 25 44 3.00 18.00 18,00 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith of De- troit were holiday- visitors with re- latives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Neil of De- troit spent the week -end with her: BLISY FARMER MEWS parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick. • Mr. and Mrs. Len. Heist of De- .Adapt Egg Regulations. troit spent the holiday at the home Amendments have to the federal egg of her parents, Mr.ole and Mrs. Oscar regulations now been, finally ad opted by the province f Ontario. The' Klopp. egg regulations .are 'administered b Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Hey and babe the Federal Department under the of Detroit were week -cud visitors at authority- of Federal statute, and -the- -the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. • it adoption by Ontario makes them Hey, Jr, fully operative throughout the Dom - Our mailing list has been corrected 'inion. The general principle of the up to July 5th. If you have paid re Hogs ••«, 450 your subscription and have not re- ceived credit, kindly let us know. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Haberer, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schilbe have re- cently enjoyed a fine motor trip with friends at Guelph, Kitchener and Ni- agara Falls. The ocean steamship companies an- nounce drastic reductions in passen- ger fares, bringing them down to the Iowest point since 1914. A trip to Europe will now cost only a little money—if one has the "little money' The school teaching profession still seems to be quite popular, as there seems to be an abundance of teachers available. This is again de- monstrated in the case of S. S. No. 6 Hay, who recently advertised for a teacher and in a short time received 235 applications for the position. Miss Pfaff, of Hensall, was engaged at $590. If each teacher seeking a position has to make accordingly as many applications, namely 235, as gulations is not tered • nr anyway, in the amendments: Some changes have been made in country buying regulations designed to secure for the producer full graded value for his produeti Increase Bacoui Exports An increase of 5,739,00 lbs., of ntarly 285 per cent., was shown in the export sales of Canadian bacon. and hang, to all countries for the first quarter of this year. Sales this year amounted to 7,752,000 lbs. as com- pared with 2,013,000 lbs. in the first three months of 1931. For the week ended. Jute 10, the price of Canad- ian bacon in tlae British market rang- ed from 54 to 58 shillinigs per long cwt., an, average price which was se- cond only to the Trish product. The British Market Regardless of what may- happen at the Imperial Economic Conference at Ottawa next month such measures of what these trustees received, it looks tariff protection as Great Britian has to us like practically a year's job ahead' adopted should benefit Ont- arto agricultural production very lar- gely, said W. B. Somerset, chairman of the pntario Marketing Board, who has just:returned from a trip to Gre- at Britain. • England has made a tre- mendous response to the "buy Brit- ish" cainpstign, `" especially since the difficulties of last fall which resulted in her' thandoning the gold standard This sentiment alone is a very real asset and Mr. Somerset declared him- self amazedat the changed attitude on the part of the Britisn importing trade which he says is the direct re- sult of a demand on the part of the consumer that he be supplied with British or Empire products. T. i institutes Gather at .Exeter Meilleers of the various' Institutes 1rorn .Crediton, zisrich, Hurondate' and ]llxeter met in the Parish Hall of Trivhtt 'Memorial Church, Exeter, au Friday ;afternoon last, for the annual sunirneir. meeting,. Miss Nettie Reddy, the dirct president, was in charge The spoeial departmental speaker wag Mrs: Clarence 'Mayes of Georgetown, who gave a'spiendid address on Inst • itute work The following took part in the=program: Piano duett by lift Harry liess and Mrs. (Dr.) : O°Dwyer of . 2urhalt; Idaho solo by. Mrs. S. G. Cochrane; solo by Miss Meta Rowe while Mrs, Barry Carey hunumed the chorus; iv- Mr. and Mrs. 'W ILCouldfieg. writing out these applications. Alex, Neeb Chosen as County Registrar As briefly stated in last week's issue, Alex. Neeb, former reeve of Stephen Township has been appoint- ed registrar of deeds for Huron Co- unty to succeed the late William Coats. Thic announcement was made by Hon, W. H. Price, attorney -gen- eral, the past week, and the choice does not come as a surprise. The new registrar is 52 years of age, a mem- ber of one of the pioneer families of the Dashwood district. His grand- father moved to Stephen Tp., from Waterloo County, From early man- hood Mr, Neeb has taken an active interest in public affairs. His ability was early recognized by his neigh - bora by this election to township co- uncil and later to the reeveship, . a, position he held for several years,On the county council he was a valuable member and was selected to serve ort important committees, In 1926 he was an unsuccessful Conservative candidatefor the Legislature. Mr Neeb is the father of eight children. He is a member el and an. active 'otter in the Evangelical church. It v,Il be Borne time till arrangements Len be made to shove the family to Goderieh, as Mr, Neeb has a fine fano in Stephen to look after. ar H, rdware Store WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRIttES LET US SHOW YOU - OUR : FULL ` LINE OF GRANITEWARE RANITEWARE :. AT LOWEST PREVAILING. PRICES. Furfliturc Greatly Reduced We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Reduced Prices. Greatly Furniture Prices have reached lowest level and arcs sure to your n advance. Secure Y cede nowl We also ` have some Good 'Used' Furniture in Stock i God Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock. We bays been appoint,. . Agents for the Celelsrated MasSey-Harris Farm Implement Repairs. Johnston c Kul f Hardware & Furniture. Phone iPMINIllltiIgIIiftili III MEIII>!IR}> 1EN�''uillENl(f<9l1r111�fiff6. liglI BIREME HM21211111Ellfg1(111111810111P We Repair Wagons!, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagon a�t_ _..- ._- $45 1 good buggy at .......... _.... ...� -----. - 3 4 wheel Tr .......... ...,.....$ d Trailer Complete........w..____$25 KEEP ON SMILING! HESS, the Repair, ' Man� . MISUNIERC1101IINpf MIONFIRIGiIIIIIMEInfl111111141111111 il1}dll l REIffiy111Iilfilq ],gO IIIIIlkNfII1NNRE ft • 1l ZtTRICII 'GalinAGE ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS RBI ARA NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES wag A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OP GASOLINE FROM OUR U 7?lgLCRC ONSIDE[ -t►'Jt LaPREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALM CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- HAUL JOSE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CLIA tG.E2 VERY REASONABLE. 4 4 4 4 • • s GAS OILS GRASS EL Mousseau Zurjoh 444,444.44# M4 - ER- orric-E- 0., You Know? - That r am the Master Salesman! 1 am the herald of Success for all men, MerchaNit nts, .Manufacture*, Etre. go forth to tell the World the message of Strvitc and Sound Merchandisinrgi And the Wold listens when .I speak! For tho• se who have used me as their Servant r. have gathered, untold millions into their cofferL 1 command the legeons of fashioi , mould the stytes; World vti�hithersoevcr' I got 1 sow fields for and you the to reap a Golden Harvest! 1 am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and ply Name is: ADVERTISE! 1'M4"t'aib*b**+lad 4 4