HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-07-07, Page 5'Thursday, .Itri • lalis. 1932 BUSINESS CARDS DLEY E. OLME S SBARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC, OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Jost off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at'. Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. 11. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At REITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Eyery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HABTLDIB'S BLOCK, DASH:WOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and "Wednesday Lima uctkrneer For Huron and Middlesex M IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, , regardless as to size or artiele to sell. . I solicit your business, and if not satisfied sett a:nake no charges for Services Ren- liered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Thom 13-57. ., urichs' Popular l r�i MAEKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats olognas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve You!'" [, Yung! hat & Son E B 'V I C E by •W, -have the: Better . ' Class of Customers U$I+GII CLASS GoonS, 33'. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - I,' eO1Ls ' sOODYEAP TIRES.. �' AO* AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION ?Parts, 1-lobning and Mechanical Work :;bone to Micrometer Settings, No guess 7.^nark. Watch the ears that :TDP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE, We1ina -' 'IDASHWOOD — ONTARIO Western Fanners' liDual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK 'The .Largest Business of any -=;iJa,'arian Company doing; Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo, 31st, 1931, $19,593,724. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $199,101,.61 ttee--$4.30 per $1,eee or 3 years, E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lidhiein Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance --- L 17 13 POU LTRY WANTED :feken every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m 'So not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices —CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS OEBrien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich THE HERALD'S JOB OEPARTI TENT • Is ever ready to serrv-e the pub- ;tic ..ub-;tic with Commercial and fine inting. Get our prices your be - leaving' : -r order else- +sere. , If0117111 Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE HONEY FOR SALE Now is the best time to put in your supply of 1932 Clover No. 1 Honey. We fill your container at Gc :a pound. 3. HABERER ,& . SONS, Zurich. Two blocks south of Hotel. H IC HEI:3..ALD LOCAL NE%VS Mr; Albion Smith of I3rownvale, Alb., is visiting with, his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wendel Smith in town, Mr. Gerald Bedard of the Toronto teaching staff is spending the holi- days at his home here. Miss Ruth. Foster is spending . a week's vacation at London with ' hex cousin, Miss Lois Siemon, Miss Phoebe Gelinas of London, spent the week -end -with her "sterns, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grelias: Mr. and Mrs. Yule of railerfon, ' are visiting with her mother, Mrs, Edighoffer at Blake. LOST An auto marker DU -799. Find- er please notify Leon Jeffrey Jr., at Blake, Ont. FOUND A sum of money in Zurich. Own- er can have same by paying expen- ses and proving property. Ted. Mittleholtz, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, in Stanley Town- ship. Fine brick home, Bank Barn, spring crop. Immediate possession. Owner i11. Buildings alone worth the price asked. $5900. Cberles'.Rathwell Varna, Ont. FOR SALE A number of sows due in April for sale. Aaron Oestreicher. For Sale Cut Bar Parts and Knives, for all makes of mowers. We are pre= pared to overhaul any mower. L. Prang & Son. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Greb and family Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stickles of De- troit spent the week -end. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stoskopf of Kit- chener visited at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Thoinaa Johnson ford few days'last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Goodbread, : Mrs. Grande]. and Shirley sof Detroit, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr, E. Axt. Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Welland and•Mr. and Mrs. D. Leonard of Detroit, -Vis- ited the week -end at Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdams, Bronson line. Mr. and Mrs. Walker ait'i'Ir. and Mrs. Wettlaufer of Detroit, calledat the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Weide on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway, south, we - ye Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Brenner. Miss Cathern Merner left for El- mira on Friday, from which place she will go to Guelph taking in a special summer course at the O.A.C. to fit her to teach Afiriculture. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diebel, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and two chil- dren of Kincardine visited their sis- ter, Mrs. Julius Thiel over the week end. Mr. Ed. Brenner, Mrs. Harry Wahl and daughter Helen, Mrs. Lloyd Cook of Kitchener were week -end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bren- ner. FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Weseloh had as week -and guests, Mr. and Mrs Milverton were Sunday visitors with Fred Weseloh and daughter Marilynn the former's daughter, Mrs. William 'A Deering Siderake and Tedder Jean of Tecumseh, Mich., Mr. and Truemeer of the 14th con. Mr. for quick sale. Apply to: Mrs. Burdette Lewis of Adrian,nlich Cook, who is enjoying; this great age, Chas. Laframboise, R.R.1, Dashwood and Mrs. Thos. J. Gettus, and son is looking well and hearty. Arthur of Detroit.. In last week's issue we stated that Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Glazier and Mr. H. Eickmeier was painting Mrs. twin daughters, Margaret and Jean H. Lipphardt's house, this should of London, spent Sunday afternoon have read that MVIr. Frank Uttley is Rev. Sauer of Dashwood called in the village on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido motored to Fullerton on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Gid. Koehler were Sunday visitors at Bayfield. Rev. and. Mrs. 3. P. Hauch from Stratford visited at Rev, E. Burn' on Friday. Miss Jean Foster of Hensali, f the guest of her cousin, Miss Ansley a Foster this week. Mr. Wm. Duznart of Kitchener visited at the home of IVIr. Harry :e ungalut last week. • IVIr. and Mrs. John Truemner, Mrs. Ayres and Mr. Geo, Volland spent tie week -end with relatives here. Islay Council met on Monday for 'i4' July session, next week we will publish these minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sararas of Cromarty were Sunday visitors with friends here. -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oliver of Kitchener were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and 1lrs. C. Fritz. Thirty pupils wrote on the En- trance examinations at Zurich school last week. Mr, C. Biowes, principal of Ilensall school, was the presiding examiner. A special sacred song service will be enjoyed on Sunday morning in the Evangelical • crurch, put on by the Glee Club boys of Naperville, Ili. PAM Prill 6006 o.66466.6W0+w66.66606066666 l►0.000.q0t 6 66664 066 1 Fertilizer Pcrtilize • Before giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be Star 5 ' you will leave your Order with us. s! e and see us. Get our Prices and Quality, and we know Messrs. A. F. Hess and Harry G. Hess attended the convention of the riMMNIMANWAVAIMM.MANWOMWe 1Western Counties Telephone Associ- ation held at London on Tuesday of last week. Workmen and carpenters are mak- ing good progress on the new home being built by Mr, Jacob Haberer on Main Street, south. The structure is practically ready for the roof. Mr. and Mrs. Merner Eilber and two sons of Detroit were holiday vis- itors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Jos Routledge. Mrs. Eilber and sons are remaining with her parents for holi- days. The Patroitic Service in the Evan- gelical church was largely attended last Sunday morning when Rev. E. Burn preached on the text: "'Right- eousness exalteth a nation"—Prov 14, 34. Mr. Peter Cook, in his 94th year, and daughter, Miss Carrie Cook of g Chick Feeds, and Starters : Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete r and We will be pleased to supply You with the follow- ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter, Purina 0 Chows, Etc. 0 6 SEEDS SEEDS tFor Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with n your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. 0 ea 0 40 0 421 @ f,(910(04e 4V,14+110 . w _c& 4,,g, a, 6544weeaoh- "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery RepairE, L.. S (1110/00%)11510 4aZr SCI •ti• NOTICE We have installed one of the latest and most up-to-date equipments for testing Spark Plugs. Drive up your auto and have your plugs tested free of c'aarge. S•,chrag- Bros., Zurich. LET US TEST YOUR SPK RUES Maybe you don't believe in the business of changing spark plugs every 10,000 miles. Well sir, we have installed a Champion Spark Plug Tester that clearly -visualizes to your own satisfaction why and when you need new spade plugs. Come in, and let us test your own spark plugs, and compare diem to new Champions. It's a very inter. eating Ana instriaetises test, and is. absolutely free, "Your Engine D ersos The Best' Chatit.�,e Spark Pins s L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich It beats: all hew- governments are casting about for additional revenues these days. And usually they manage :o. book the •texpiryert TO °LIR c I roRS with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gelinas!"=of the Goshen Line. Miss Phoebe Gelin- as returning with them to London. doing the work. This week Mr. H. Eickmeier is painting the house of Mr. G. Koehler. Friday, July 1st Massed °tiff very • Over the past week -end in West - f quietly in town. Practically every- ern Ontario there were ten lives lost bod interested 111 sports, etc., weee besides many injured. In most cas- , out of town. Fallowing the heavy es poor judgment was used in either rain and thunderstorm friday morn- auto driving of out boating. ruople ing, a very cool wind blew up, which should use better viligence and not took some of the balmy lounging at let death take such a big toll when the lakeside away from up. But the it can be avoided. When out on a weatherman behaved well till about trip just take a few minutes longer six o'clock when it became drizzly. and .enjoy the outing all the better With this issue the. Herald is ent- znd feel safer. ering upon a new Volume, it being The farmers who are in the midst XXXIII, that means that the Herald of haying experienced very poor is now thirty-two years old. We have weather since last Thursday, and as enjoyed another , fine year's business a large amount of hay was cut to dry aad we are very grateful for the pat- over he holiday, it took considerably renege accorded us which has made longer to put it in shapeto haul in it possible to keep going. Although but to -day, Wednesday, looks very everyone is suffering somew'tnt ow- promising again. We cannot lave ing to the depression: bus there are rains and good growing weather and lots eomplainine without us doing so. good hay weather at the same time 1 nes Zurich I)rttgStore SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPS' RA TIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perf u>Krlia s? Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes..: ' FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr, l.i.aJ,MacKinnon, Zurich xAmiwykiwwpwir MITAP MMAr Ihmmr RA,p! So let's all make the best of every- om;Burned nut rade tube: ani the thing, and brighter days win be ours The other day Mr. A. L. Sreenan, telephone lightning arrester, tore a who operates a number of pond nets way the foundion from one coiner The holiday season is Here again, i•n Lake Huron off St. Joseph, had the of the lrou. e end sprung rite porch and in the matter of eight weeks is peculiar experience of seeing two again a thing of the past. A great deer .swimming in the lake about a many of unemployed do not require mile from shore. Mr. Sreenan was any holidays, but to those of us who on the fish boat going to one of his are working mostly all the year a- !sets when he niet the deer. He round a few days off is a real stim- t headed them towards shore which ulant, especially wired one is eonhn- they reached safely and the deer ed inside. Evidently man was creat- were seen by many of the residents ed to be a fresh air creature, that is , feeding in the fields. It is presum- what our first parents were, but with: ed that dogs chased then and they this so called modern civilization a ; took to the water. great many of us are confined with; indoor work, and need a fresh air' Mr. Louis Schumacher, the official tonic once in a while to keep pepped' • Weed Inspector of Hay Township, up, If you are in this class be sure wishes to advise the public that he is and get the right kind of recreation, now making his annual rounds, and let it be out in the open, there aro all peoples are requested to co-oper- lots of nice quiet spots along the lake ate with him in keeping down the sides or summer resorts. 1932 crop of weeds, which promises to be a big one, as there has been Big Decoration Day 1 a most"splendid growth in all things and. of course weeds do well when other things 'are growing. Be loyal to the Weed Act, and keep your por- tion of land clean. Sunday afternoon marked the sec- ond annual Decoration Day, of the Bronson Line Evangelical Cemetery. The day being ideal for the occasion; hence •a large gathering took place. People were present from near and far to honor those who have gone on Mr. -and Mrs. E. L. Gibson of Ex - before.. The decoration of graves eter now know what it feels like to taking place at 2.30 o'clock, when be celebrities. On July 1st, their part the Dashwood Band, who were in at- ly wrecked house on the highway was tendance, played very appropriate a centre for sightseers. The couple numbers. After these preliminaries, were peacefully sleeping at 6 o'clock Owings to heavy financial obligat- the large crowd gathered under, tke in the morning while a terrific storm ions that we have to meet at present, fine spreading maple trees on the ad- raged over Exeter, and they were a- we are obliged to, send out an umber joining school grounds, where a [Inc wakened when the house was struck of accounts, which fn most cases are program was given which consisted and this is what the lightning did: mall, yet they amount to a nice lit- of Band selections, Choir selection, a Wrecked the bed on which Mr. and tle• sum when there are a number of duet by Revs.. Sauer and linin, a. Mrs. Gibson v•ere sleeping, ripped nn them. We treat the people will show men's chorus and addresses by Rev. the bedroom floor., bursted a lar ge Pp ecs.cc�t their appreciation of th °_ i ex- Saar of Dashwood and Rev, E. Burn hole through the enathrces of a baby"s tattled by replying to oda appeal. We of Zurich. Tile proceeds as collected crib, splintered the doer beam and rave also•iven a. local citizen a few at the gate amounted to over $60. tore away the stair guard fail'; killed or• eelle�ctiot who+ wall in: dirs time i`he management of this event are to :eve kitten,; lllew all the, . ,plaster sake a e`<r rMtal, calf. tor the amounts be commended upon for making such front one ;i•:le cif she stairway and 0 p swing;.a fine success of this day. from the sides: of one downsfeb s rota Freakish Bolt of Lightning boards, before the freak bolt spent itself it knocked every cow in a herd a block away to the ground. Mr. and iVIrs. Gibson v 'r. not injnrea, and when they woke 'at. were dazed and the house ems lilted with smoke and gas. Their Home is on the Higovay, on the Stratford- Grand Bend. HENSALL Gordon Young, county treasurer, called in town the other day to visit his sister, Mrs. Andrew Love. Reeve Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Patterson attended the Huron Co- unty Council gathering at Bayfield Thursday afternoon. Mrs. T. Simpson of Londen and son Thos. of Stratford after a ple- asant visit with friends have return- ed home. Tom holds a good position in the Bank of Commerce at Strat- fordville. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer left for Detroit from -''^:ch the; --ell r. . their furniture and effects to trues cottage at the Beacho-Pines, where they will reside for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs, L. Foster and son of Kitchener visited • recently with Mr. and Mrs. A, Foster of town. Robt. Greer of. Duluth is visiting at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Green. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott and :fam- ily of Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. The executives of the Liberal party in South Huron held a meeting here on Monday last to start preparation: for the bye -election which will be. hold in South Huron this fall. The names of quite a number of prom- inent Liberals have been mentioned as candidates. Building operations are going on bbriskly in connection with the fine dwelling to be of the McEwen sisters at the western outskirts of town,and which promises to be one of the fin- est in the community. The dam at Huron Springs Sani- tarium is nearing completion and the water is rising nicely from the spring creek sources and will afford a than sheet of water. Mrs. M. Pope has returned home after visiting for several weeks with members of her family at London, Toronto and Preston. Tuesday evening last was what "night be termed a red letter night in Carmel Presbyterian Church, when Rev. W. A.. Young, of Ottawa dist- rict, and recently called to the min- istry of Carmel Presbyterian Church was inducted to his new charge.Rev Lane, of Goderich, Moderator of the Presbytery of Huron, was in charge of the services There was a Iarge con- gregation present. A quiet wedding took place at St. Matthew's Church, tuition, when -"i ra.,"=, Spreks, •eldest daughter of Mrs. Jas, F. Sparks of Hensel", be- "came the bride of Win, Daniels, of Brantford. Mr. 'Daniels is a post office employee, and formerly took an active part in the great war. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the 'united Church, manse, Hensall, when Mary Alelia Winona Norris, was 'united in marriage to Harvey Carl Jacob° of Tuckersmith. Rev A. Sin- clair officiating. The home of Geo. Welker, 2nd., concession, Tuckersmith, was broken into Sunday evening last white the family were at church. A consider- able quantity of their bele n jings we- re stolen, Constable Whitesides is in- vestigating the ease,