HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-07-07, Page 1It • XXXUI No. 1 ZURICHP THURSDAY MO Let the Herald Publis • " GA JULY 7 1932, =4,4:444:44 •••••••••,••••.••••••••.••••••10.0•42 Chester L. Smith, Pn.htlielorti. ,1.25 a year, U.S. $1.5a h,eimmst, $1.50 IN AR REARS, ,,p2 MAY .11E,CSAMEM ummer Visits and Visitors 1 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH. — OM; ilk Changeless Christt&mg- , ling Nigeria. IFriday, 8h:—Luther Leaps.. atunday--Choir PractEcet. aTINDAY SERVICES Eaa mi. --German Sortigza, t1.15 a. mn—Sunday, &tea. 1'.30 p. m.—Englishs • EvarYbedy Welcemea tsai attli Siangices. ; k E. Turkhalmrs Bartow ••••••••••••••••••,,,er•••--"•••,4,,•••••,..*".". S.! You, Will Find' a Differ- ence if You urs TALE COAL" Color Guarantees the Quality d and trademarkszE E Maur pryteetioa. as la -Reliable a L. and W. Scranton CoaL .years. the favvritte guard' nal used. lily LAR, PEOPLE • ; .. 2, Monday, July 4th, was the big national holiday to the American people to the south of us, and as a consequence a, great many visitors from across the line were present. In Police Court Evidience that a debtor had ad- ministered two black eyes and a bloody nose to the man he owed was given in Judge Costello'e county co- urt on Tuesday last. The debtor, Wm ,Elliott, 190 pounds,. a farmer resid- ing in Usborne Tp., admitted doing the damage, but pleaded self-defence 'lza N. Marshall, Kirkton -general merchant (160 lbs) the man who to- ok the beating, had a bill against Elliott for $315. He secured judg- ment in division court and took a note. Learning that Elliott had some time previous given his wife a chattel mortgage, Marshall sallied forth in his auto to get the wife's endorsation of the note. Then the trouble started. This was last Janu- ▪ Jiidge Costello gave Mar -shall judgment for $315, the full amount and $35 additional for Cie beating up he took. The groceries and goods were purchased over a period of 3 years. An American is privileged to 'be- come somewhat uproarious on July 4, but not in a Canadian court of lustice. John James Close of Detroit found that out in police court at God- erich on Monday when he -was sent-. enced to 10 days in jail for contempt of mint. John Close, Jun., had just been fined $25 and costs, or 15 days for refusing to give his name and -ad- dress 'after an accident. "I've got a raw deal all round." quoth John Jun. "`Be careful" warned Mag. Reid, or TELON make it more." `3'fl. HENSIDLL;, o± mre or get 30 days" said ismilsossesposesmositesuloselss•AssomiNsesississesmsinewSe•41•18 4 • is - . We have opened a Service .and Repair Garage formerly the EDIGHOFFER (GARAGE it And are in a position to give First Class Work., oat all a makes of cars,' 'and :ill other Motors. • es ' 2 IMPERIAL GAS, OILS, AND GREASES Also THE 'FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES ay IWith a OneYear 'Guarantee. PHILCO " 4 §IOS KOLSTER RADIOS 2- LOW RATES ON MAME 'OR ;CRYSTAL WOIDSHIELDS AND X DOOR LIGHTS,. DAITERY CHARGING, CAR WASHING AND POLISHING. — iPRESTOLITE aBATTERIIES. 0 40 S011ittia'S GARAGE ATTENTION! PLEASE! Givetis AcCall! Schrag. cos.BPhone 154. Zurich LOWEST POSSIBLE (CHARGES 1400010.110.**M*****0***005.1110041000******.c••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••• • • 1 • • • • • e • • What kbat"' snaPPO Close Sen. the nsegistrate. "just.:.',:yrhat I said, and I mean it" replied the elder gentt', tleman. "Just for that yon'll,;gO.,tt;,' jail for 10 days for contemg of court" came from the magistrate offi and Close was led away by cop So was his son, who had insuffieient, money to pay the fine. The aceidept happened near Grand Bend,. wher, the Close car is alleged to have rank. med into the motor car of W. DutOt; Comber, Ont. HYMENIAL, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein and Olive motored to Elora on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Klopp of ,Stratford were week -end visitors in Price-LPreeter. . • Mr. Paul Messner of Berwin Alb. * *****************09000000,0•000000.0•8006041seasucemess. • $25.00 ola $25 00 • Bridal Wreath Diamond • • ••• 2 .15xtell,0,1,ishere visiting with old friends and Zion Evang-elical Chrch; * er, was the scene of 6. pretty..u1-ed .cl' relatives. • • • • • • Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and Mr. ing, at noon, on June. Atli, Nytaern Fritz, motored to Fergus on Mon - Miss Mabel, youndel4r, daughter of day, returning Tuesday morning. and Mrs. John Preeter; of. that Mr. and Mrs. George Edighoffer of and formerly of ,Z eh, lideanie'. the, • ,Mitchell spent Sunday with friends bride of Rev. Pain Price, or Erden-. heim, Pa., formerly' of 'Kitchener,. and son of Mr. and Mrs. James. ?ride Mr. Louis Prang is erecting a fine Wilkesbarre, P. Rev. Mr..1-'rice was. until a few weeks ago, associate paS-.' tor at Zion Church. The cert Was performed by Ren. 0. F. Barthel liew kitchen at the rear ef his dwel- ling house. Messrs. Ted. Mittleholtz, Geo. Far- well and Wm. Meidinger motored to pastor of the church. The bride, who Kitchener:over the. week -end. was given away by her father, was Messrs Peter and George Eisenbach gowned in beige tripio sheer crepe .And Mrs. Elmer Willert of Grand with blue sash and baku hat with Bend'were Sunday callers in town. matching band. Her bouquet was .of Miss Meda Surerus of the Toronto butterfly roses and valley ldlies. 11. I.iss rublie School Teaching Staff, is 'sp- Merle Preeter, her sister, was Uncle's ending her vacation with her mother maid, while the groom was supported on the Bronson Line. by Mr. Russell Preeter, the bride's brother. Rev and Mrs, Price left on: Mr. and Mrs. Sam. E. Faust and a short Inineymoon trip, after which two sons of Mitchell, were visitors in they will reside at Erdenheinn Pa. Bedard—Daly Marriage Vows are Exchanged 'town on Sunday, taking in the Dec- oration services. The many friends of Mr. Jacob St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurith •Gingerich of the Goshen South, will was the scene of a happy event whenpleased to leard that Mr. Ginger- *:*•fkgeln,POA,::014ghter'0,4. hik.rgt, .Mrs. Dennis Bedard • of Zurich, • cent illness. was united in the Holy Bondy of Matrimony, on Monday. morning, to Mr. John Daly, son of the.late Ed- ward Daly and Mrs. Ziegler of De- troit. The bride who was given a- way by her father, was beautifully attired in a white satin gown of full length and flowing train, with a long white tulle veil caught in a cap effect fastened with a carnation. She car- ried a shower bouquet of white earn - nations, maiden ferns and baby's breath. She was attended by her cousins Misses Anne and Marie Den- omme, who were similarly attired in pastel shaded gowns with hats and slippers to match. Eeach carried an arm bouquet similar to that of the bride. Marcilla Regier and Doris Denomme acted as flower girls while Messrs. Richard Whipping and Victor Hiedelburg of Detroit acted as ush- ers. The ceremony was officiated by the Rev. Father L. Power in the pre- sence of relatives and friends. Mrs. Simon Dietrich played the nuptial High Mass while Mrs. O'Dwyer play- ed the wedding march and sang a solo. Following the ceremony a re- ception was tendered at the home of • the bride, where numerous gifts were received by the young couple. Out of town guests were: Mrs. Ziegler, Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Daly, Messre •, Robert and Wm. Daly and Mr. and • Mrs. Cyril Masse, alt of Detroit, and 41 Beaver of Crediton. Before You Bay YOUR NEW SUIT BE SURE AN I) LOOK OVER OUR RANGE. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF-- • e &MAIZE! AND YOLt WILL tql" . 'MAT IBE•X' ARE THE GREATEST CLOTOPOP VALVES TOO CAM OBTAIN. tosacED $1.0.00 READY MAI .; TAILOR MADE. AND) .11ADE-TO-MEASURE „ • • • • • • • • • G • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • 11 0 =WI • 9111111WMIIIIS * et * ****Olt ***** 0,04 4 0 444.41."40ve4.0.4.o.. 0 4 . 4,14141,04.40441.401010,4b4,* 4004404104.* ES3104.5010 AND if0101113R1012. Miss ei rud e Convention AND Annual Me..ting The Liberal Conservatives of South Huron, will hold a Convention at • HENSALL On TUESDAY EVElslING, JULY 19 To select a candidate to contest the riding of South Huroin at the coming Federal Bye -Election. Three Delegates *ill vote from each polling sub -division. The Hon. Robert Weir, Ittnister of Agriculture, and P. L. LeSueur, K. C. of Sarnia, President of the Western Ontario Conservatives Association, will be present and address the meet- ing. The Annual Election of Officers will Mr. R. Pearce of Windsor, is sp- ending a few days with his friend, Mr. Ward Fritz. Mr. Pearce is head of the Finance Corporation of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lague and fam- ily of Detroit, visited over the holi- days With her mother in town. Mas- ter Warren Lague remaining over for some holidays. Tuesday of next week will be known by many as the Twelfth of Ire land, or Orange Walk Day. This celebration for this section will this year be held ihr4oclerich, where suit- able programs have been arranged. . Messrs Clayton and Clarence Hoff- man, whose home is at Galt, motored up from Kingston on Sunday, where they had been playing ball with the Galt Terriors, they also enjoyed a fine boat trip through the thousand Islands, on the St. Lawrence river. They are spending a week's holidays with their parents in town. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY A very unique event was celebrated in Zurich on Sunday when the thirty- second anniversary was fittingly ob- served by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fritz of town. While thirty-two years se- ems a long time looking ahead, yet Mr. Fritz says it seems only like a very short time ago when he and his worthy companion marched before the sky -pilot and made the solemn vows which pronounced thein as man and wife. The wedding banquet was ser*ed by...Miss Anna Hess at her Iniine which was fittingly decorated a,naiged for the occasion. The dinner was a real one and just suit- ed- th,ose„ who partook of it. The 1.1;irail1's Publisher joins the many ifriends; in extending congratulations, apit,here's honing that this happy auille will enjoy.. many more such. annual i..vents., • New $20,000,000 Ontario • Loan. A new issue, of $20,000,000 Prov- ince 'a Ontario 14 Year 5 k % de- bentures is being offered for public subscription. Bonds ',are in denomin- ation of $100, $500 and $1000, and the..prite is 97 and accrued interest, yielding 5.81% to matiirifv. Special interest 18 attached to this ;issue in that ie departs from the usual pro- cedure, being offered direct by the Provincial Treasurer for public sub - take place the Mine evening. soriptioos of $1,00, it is saidi will re - Ladies are specially invited to at- i re- ceive. 8' wide rosP"os° fr°,114 snl.,,411 :lin- tend, ' vestors throughout Mario. , 6ce e liktirigieer ti dvissprlatyttiao,drsv., in this issuefor GOD SAVE, THE KING; ENGAGEMENT RINGS BEAUTIFUL 18 K. MOUNTINGS Nicely Boxed—Value that is sold in the larger centres for $35.00 and upwards. EACH RING CARRIES A WRITTEN GUAR- ANTEE TO BE A GENUINE DIAMOND OF FINE QUALITY BY LEVY BROTHERS IS! & Co., HAMILTON, IMPORTERS OF FINE et ; •,* DIAMONDS FOR THREE-QUARTERS OF g• ' • A CENTURY. 194 at. Hess, The lewelier Phone 74 Zurich• I essmalsoisaisacoseesoaaeoeoeseesoseaceesseaskeessasseskii t-f4++++++++++.+++++++++++++4+++++++++++++++44***44441q;, 4 - SPECIALS AT THE MUTUAL- SHOE STORE WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST FOR LESS CASH $1.00 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP HOUSE SLIIF- pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bonght, n• ot AIR. something a little different. $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SLIPPER.% With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. $3.00, $2.75, $2.35, MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WORE BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman make. t, $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes b tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 54. $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps. Also .* finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 133. .46 OUR GUIDE IS THE ' MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE *, FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR. RE- FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT WEIS • STORE. WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES YOU' aro TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT. 'EO' MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2.40 and $2.76 pr. ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL OR- a. DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT' Pt STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAME. tw, WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing prornistEy creme 0 FRITZ & SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA • 'a' Phone 82 or 115 VMS. Zurich ++++++++++++++++++++++.1.44+44+4++++++••••••••••••04+: New Spring Goods We are Prepared to Meet Your Wants With New Low Priced Goods. PRINTS, GING.HAIVI.Sii , BROADCLOTHS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MUSLINS, ETC., ETC, A Few st.;ixii;a Mats at 20% Off , -While They Last Silk Hose, i0 cent s,a fair and UP Reot Seeds and Garden Seeds at Sc and 10c a Package HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. E)OLIGIAS CIEIM ERA L )14 ER011 A IV T PHONE 11 -97 . . , , • , '„. • • BLAKE '4.