HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-06-30, Page 5'W:I'rfarra' yi '4v 011ie 1932. BUSINESS SSS CARDS DUDLEY E. RorxEs liaN tltlSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE --Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODFRICH; Ontario.. S, aee sal Attention to Councel and Court Work. .!fir. Holmes may be consulted tit readerich by Phone,- and PI'Mne charges reversed, Drh $A. H. •C O 14.7D. S. D B . ,$ DENTAL SURGEON t DRUZ BLOCK ----,ZURICH Every "Thursday; Friday, Saturday At BIALTTT;EIBB'S BLOCK, UASI WOOD Every Monday, Tuesday ana r•W ednesdsy Licensed Aucti▪ oneer For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duet any Auction Sale, regardless els to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will hake no charges for Services Ben - tiered. .ARTHUR WEBER, --Dashwood none 13-57. Popular MEAT MARKET, Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats B;ologrzas, Sausages, 'VVeiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins .°Let Us Serve You!" M1, Yu ghiut & Sou Pity Top's Warns, For Seller too t Found,' NOticav Etc Ada Lill 'dtli;1 MIAMI ,-u FOR SA.'a ' A good waterproof tent 71'1x9?; feet, five foot Wall:, ,sewed hi floor, etc., for .quick sale very. cheap. Ap- ply at Herald Office. FARM FOR SALE 160 acre farm, in Stanley clown - ship. Fine brick home, Bank Barn, spring crop, Itni'nediate possession. iwnde ill. Iluildings alone worth the price asked' $5900. 'Charles Ratl'awell Varna, Ont.,' FOR SALE A number of sows due in April for sale. Aaron Oestreicher. Fo Sale Cut liar fart; and all makes of movers, flared to overhaul any I.E Prang knives; for Vaca arra pre - mower. Sc Son. FOR. SALE ------------ A Deering Siderake and Tedder :or quick sale. Apply to: Chas. Laframboise, I.tv.1, Dashwood F OR SALE 50 Leghorn Pullets for sale at 50c each, 10 weeks old, good laying str- ain: Also 20 Rock puIIcts at t ,. ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Jul, )aleck visited with Mat- s at Toronto the past week. Mr; and Mrs: Edgar Wuerth were visitors .to Kitchener over Sunday. Mr. Louis Sehillae was a recent visitor with friends in Michigan. Strawberries are a good crop in these parts this year, and the Price.ls now down to 8e a box, ' Mr. and Mrs. ,W111 Oeselr of 'Tilver- ton were week -.end visitors with re- latives here; Mr, Philip Bedard, shoe merchant, of Tilbury was a recent visitor in the village and community. A number ffroni town." attended the Decoration services at Ixeter on Sun-' day, Mrs. Chris. Hof nian ' of Greaten.. is spending a few days with Mr, Win. Hoffman. Last week we received a little she- wer of radn, but the weather in gen- eral is very dry. Mrs. Clarence Hoffinan< and sister, Miss Nora Siebert, R.N., ,are spend- ing the week in Detroit, • Mrs. James Laidlaw and daughter of Crossweli, who have been visitir g relatives here, have returned home Miss Gertrude lI list ,pi Godes ieh. was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. H. G. Hess, and' other •friends.. Dr. and Mrs. Ross of Seaforth cal led on friends in Zurich on Batu:dal evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Greb of. St- ratford were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brcn- no.r. Miss Emma Dinsmore and Mr. D. a+ails and family of London, are camp ing at Grand I end. 1r, incl Mee. Janes, Laidlaw of Blyth, spent a few days with their cousin, liar. Jolla and Mrs. Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Hoffman and Mrs. C. iotl'iion of Crediton, were Sunday i,.itors at Listowtd. Mr. and itfrs. Theo_ Wagner of Mr, .Herb Mousseau made a, busines trip to London" on Tuesday Mrs.Lee W, Hoilernan left Tuesday for Forest to :spend a few days, Poral••7.At Ray Township, Bronson Line, on Judi,:,, 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gtngexi4h,' a ion,,. Mr. and W'd i. George Fee and !ant- i of Hensald, were Sunday visitors with Mrs I : Lippliarcit and.' other fri- ends. ned. I•iarry .l''iclu elea Y ut:illy oat thy painting of the LItaicnrani' e• churn+ iot•rn, and the Iioures of airs: 13, Lephardt, and Mi Cad. Matinee. 1. A number :from towic• attended t11 Social at Vai•nc on Tue. day eve/deg;' The Goxierieh Young People .supplied the pa; i ram which was very autstand-, ing. Ovoecernie the dia.cornforts of hot nights hyttiobping in a .cosy tent, or get ,closer to nature by taking a camping outing with a tent. In- forination for the purchase of a tent can be had at Herald office, The Mennonite Curehiil in town are hold rt,; a 8c l:day S41'ioot Conference: • .eek froiyi June ; F,th`ta July. 3, aial'setetkere ate..' le 1'e for the Va“,d3Ninti tl l}' till t:{e ,ublic are cordially invited to <lt:, niti ti,t,ae vicc:;. Its eipeTeeer ee tu,. Hume. ierhen, al nub. r lith of tv .t e>..',7,7.•:14;,. .a. ;1:;1 � ar j .e1.., •t, ,.r _ . found on t)n four; � 1•w✓k'W $ �r ,S � ir.I!^. `r� oa•t:ii: 1W tilt t �14�df~Vtif2t�A.�ietlww'1 wA'�?I {tf" ter 1, r o 17 -t•t this crna:;.!ntn bre -114 ir , _,.;a1 is dost• tv dirarn . �y �� 11 loll and I I. t E.of the E air ;cad eh;..rcn le.141 a le r•y plea, - ant plume ou the lawn of :lir•. and Mrs. Alfred. -,.' el; 'k, ;i'i 'I outlay ev- The Many good cat. :lion;•, wit! t tout singing were much' en•y ; • e by all present. nt. 1 • 1 Fertilizer Pertilizer S Before giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer bere • and see us, Get our Prices and Quality,and weknow so you will leave your Order with us. 00111**w************0000400 0.01 01.0000000 060040w Chick Feeds, and Starters a Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete g and We will be pleased to supply You with the fol ' w- ing. Brands Pioneer, : /Taster Chick Starter, Purina Chows, Etc, For Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with I' your seeds,, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass 'Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible .Prices. "We do Custom Seed CleIning", Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs, rs 0 111 :w,a.,,42.4, cid:, n: .lir,:;,, ;>eA kinta :ate! Mae Cinr,_nee HofIinan or! Galt ,a, spending hot days with their ' pateqite .tat. Hoffman le.lFaving ell Guelph. arca visiting with the form- VG, it'' 'i'y fur (tit, where' he will; ex's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. C aLe` l,u . the tralt Terrier baa bail Wagner_ team o'i as tour through the ea.ti•en mit r', the Province: I. Reit W Y. and Mrs. Dreier, and theEvangelicaluLadies? Aid of Mil- ' No Favoritescath. Ferdinand Ii..bt'a•er.. ' jays voter' spent 'd u; ei;eg• afternoon this _......_ _.__. _ _ - week with Rev. El. and Mr.. Dun r + �s ,• and family_ All had a delightful 'Li. N O 9 I troll', dee L. The tutlet:ru( ``ion work oofwidening e't r .1*.sovssomoss.....**Noneteurospm.saros We have installed one of the latest the Blue Water highway, from St. lilt;' ' and most up-to-date equipinen'i4 for 1Jeeeph . outh hue commenced, and 1'' tufting Spark Plug-. Drive up y-oa:rlgoori progress is being made. ('>' "; .tut0 and have your plLig:4 tested rot! 1 -11: SERVICE Why We have the • Bette. Class of Customers iiUGH CLASS GOODS, 4J. S. L. :BATTERIES, MOB1r.tF 011., M.AR- V'ELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES 1 71I3EE4,. G bTIJII'IE IGeNlTIO 4 D D i1oner to 'Micrometer el:tp guess -work. Watch the :,cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. tithe i , as guilt at (`i,... •h at ?CY (r. m i ca, Schr g Bros., Zurich. inert st ,.w.rda.y, conducted by Rev. F.. ----.--------...-_-_-,===. 1llern, the pastor. Visitor: are cord - sally invited, LET US TEST ' 1SkARK PINGS MAS}IWOOD --- ONTARIO vs.d.,�cc.,hzcsaxsae, Western Farmers'. teal Weather iris uance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. .31st, 1931, $19,593,724, Total' Cash in Bank and Bonds ,$199,101,.81. hate+ -$4,5O per e1,000 for J:attanrs, E. F. K kpp-Zuiilch Mewl, Also Dealer in Lidhfnin d Rods an all kinds of Fire Insurance L i! d 26 POU Q� j�L T R WANTE `I 36 E f .t lila en every Day till 2 o'clock, p.m ne not feed Fowl saran morning when 'brought in. Highest Cash Praces y� -CASH FOR - CREAM AND EGGS W. 1'BrieIn Phone 101. Res. 94. Zurich THE' HERALD'S JOE "DEPARTMENT ever ready to'serve the pub ,tic with Commercial and fine Printing. Get our prices be - leaving' your order else . where.. Maybe you don't believe in the business of changing spasrrlc plugs every 10,000 miles. 'Well sir, etre leave installed a Champion Spark Plug Tester that clearly visualizes to your own satisi'actaey.0 why and when you need new spade plugs...P.' tome fa, and fet us test your oval spark plugs, and compare them to new Champions. It's a very :Inter. eating and instructiv-e test, and is absolutely free.. "Your Engine Deserves The Bests' c Spare Ping• L. A. Prang and ;San, Zurich Gold Output as $60,000,00o A, recent desiaateh states that the output of geld from theraines of Can ada during- I9:I'2 will have a value of more than *60,000;000, E. J. Carlyle secretary -treasurer of the .Canadian institution of Mining and Metallurgy predicts, i:r;c addressing a meeting of that organization recently TO OUR CREDITORS Owing to heavy' financial oblig;at- ione that we have to meet at present, we are obliged to scud out .an umber of accounts, which in most cases are ,anal], yet they amount to .a nice lit- tle sum when there area number of them. We trust the people will show their appreciation of the 'credit ex- tended by replying to your alipieal. We intoe 1 . ijoyd With and 1 tri" a'.% zto a.)1 'e e t• Norman Lever r gc is !•• lir .: no favorite `e to r- e h. 1. the Ford Mole; c o., a te,f'tie ee;art .,• • 33't th,•1',. ,, ern •tdi'i• ed i e 1 eeeenee .. :7 t i.:e:Y ;uei ei: all'. a .1•• SeS o tract eu ^b of 1,',Ineae•lhe,d.:ia, Ear i '`5- e ,{ ce. weich t -t have! kinsman, of the I;ank of :.>_ontr°e l l e.27 tilt• ;_u..• staff spent the week -end attheir .xe l Y.lir e ,l t 1 - tt I.aakt• van•on last .3'Ililis,i spective homes, at lixigerold ant -at {l ;, tg, *ill :ba. aces' rya i47aryi w - ... ar't. 1•'t ell fiat" brr'n i1V ! XI,' [c 4F L. Fn'1 ; of fi;)cdr,rich. • and_ tug, of tin, ill-fated! .. ,d!' iti I:•e'lr k lc' a.a .I:1 ttltt?. .G„••e' ` orle-r 11 tii'm tion r'• tile work, it 1 rid with Ror. anti Mrs. Ai:, .i ( :•111 •a.;1Ii1r7Vlntnt rt? (:0Y' lkrable i ars, who t E•1',, recently+'•'it`ll cio....e'r Lei t'he'n• .:cyY.i. twin boys, and WIlO are +da,a: g r+ i wo Carloads of Buffalo To idr. and VIPs. Ed. Dateee + , Annan r)at ate, Mr. t ,A ae r and .:ia-. .Iat1Uid .elelta ._..0 Dtshuro oat S.;nd.4y, t :he. • t.., Re: Louis V. Solaieln. and riga.-j s htc'r s, t',t. lisaeas T$nlm i and :aa. Ruling Mountain Park Soldan ri,' t °finnan, %lith, ha: i,t ,•lr lteturnin tl •a i _ of Mr. incl 1ia'= Jolty ale:, g to the plain, of Mani- :a where the thundering hoofs of ca ., Rev. boldan whose birt'lat ' . • th :aricli, and who .spout hi -their proud forefather; oncepound- :ays here, has enjoyed ren0%.01..... quaintanccs with old fr•i.'nds. At a special meeting of Hay ("cum cil held on Saturday in ening 10-t, Mr. W. J. Harvey was given the elearect of hauling c:•a .hed stone ant gravel from the township crusher at. 7 ets. per yard anile. Mr. George Arm- strong was given the contract. of fur- nishing powear for the crusher at •,:t. por hour. Dredge Sinks in Lak . Huron The Government dredge Q. 4.Y. R•. on her way from Sarnia to I:in •art: inc., after floundering in a harts y `$•:a for about seven hours, sane :shout ten o'clock last Thursday morning, betwecd St. Joseph and ]laytt•l:l.lic-. crew of eleven men, inclutiiug the cook, were picked up by the two .or: ing tugs, an hour before Ale slk. The men had a cold experience 1.),"ore they were picked up.. Three :•eewk which belonged to the dredge: ear( also then loose and drifted to sham the one landing at Bowmanet point, north of St. Joseph. F'ortijltatoly it came in cotace with one of-ythe trap nets of the Cantin Fishery and dam- aged it considrab)y. Our back Streets are recei.viing >_a dose of gravel at present, 4nd there seems to be considerable diisatis fact- ion among some citizens to the eta s of maternal being used, As this year the police trustees are putting on a Boat of pit gravel, which of tonne 'k much inferior in. quality to tbu lake gravel that has been use ;. the past few years. Mostly everyone thinks the lake gravel is by far the cheap- est in the long run, although it costs more to haul. Ono citizen called us' up over the phone advising u: that "this sand will be good only to fill up the sink boles and drains" and per haps there is room here for conl- have also given at local oitizen a few plaint, as Zurich's drainage system is 'Or e' 1loction, who will in due time notany to adequate as it is, and a motet 4, teM(Illa call to the. amounts a..,, o l cootie running sand surely will owing:_ n t heli th drain an ed beneath the surge ,,;' ni giaty bod- ies, two carloads of bu+i'•i10 have ',e - •n shipped over Caiia:iaan Natio gal Railways from the Government Par's at Wainwright, Alta., to t:e placed in hiding Mountain Nationel Park. The iu.iiale were unloaded oat �sh� rile. Manitoba, and will be confined in the mw N .t.onel Park, where the Federal Department oi' :'lei Interior win establish an exhibition herd of these 'n•titastie animals. One ear contain- ed 5 male buffalo. c rie.felly selected from the main herd at Wainwright, and the other car carried 10 young cows, HENSALL Mrs. J. W. llonthron who has been visiting relatives in Waterloo, return- ed home on Sunday last- Mrs. John Johnston is visiting for a few days with • relatives in Hyde Park and Parkhill. Mrs. SIiortt of Windsor visited Tast week with her sisters, Enuna and Mary Johnston. Mr. Hillard, recently of Chatham, Inas been appointed by the Bank of Montreal, to take the place of S. L. Peppier, as accountant Here. 31r. Pep pier, was recently made Manager at A.ultsville, Mr, Arid Mrs. John Elder, of Hen - sail, arriltrtlrlee the errgagelnent of their dangle -toe Mary Helen, to Alf- red. Ernest (Fed) Howe, of I7r•uram- ondvillo, Que., youngest seri of Mr. and• Mrs,A. W. Howe, of London, the marriage to take palace early in Tuly. Geo, Douglas and Harry Howard, who have crone so Bruch work for Dr Moira connected with building operat- donaY have been engaged building a dant at the bridge Bear the sanitori- um. o, Geiger & Son have a force of nen engaged at, their flax nulls and have a writ large quantity of flax stacked to work upon, much more than that of any previous year. Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILE'S' PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Tenet VfD'cer3, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushe . FINE STATIONERY .a ND FOUNTAIN PENS, KODAKS AND FILMS J. MacKinnon Zurich 4; 14 V V 'RIIIM PAM; l a+'.ttI V 11.IRrV •Mcgµ 1Pa,rU,' \ I V M P'.KiV er 4> i► 4' 4' C fi• 4' 4. O 4' 4a 'a a 0 s► ;a 4. 4. 4, 4. a e f t 4 4? 4. 0. as 0 a 4 4' 4' 4' fi • +•4'+4'4'4"-5-4'4'5-.:;<>•4'..'444.0.41,15,1)4044,40:.“5,444 �•. 4 w 4 4 ee w 4' 0 4' 4' • • 4' e 4' a 4g 4' 4' es 4' 2+ 4' 4- • 4' 4- e • • 4' • 4' • 4' 4. C 4> • 4D 4' tl• 4' 4r ae 4' 4' a • a 4' 4' 4' M 4 n 4,44o$4'44414.4,044*** ZLRICH HERALD'S Clubbing ' ist ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record Toronto Daily Globe Toronto Daily Mail and Empire Toronto Daily Star Toronto Weekly Star London Free Press London Advertiser London, Farmer's Advocate . Farm and Dairy Farmers" Sun Family Herald and Weekly Star Family Herald for 3 year.i $5.10 $6.00 $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $2.25 $2.75 $2.50 $2.25 $3.00 Canadian Countxymau ,. $2.25 Weekly Witness b.« $3.1 Farmers' Magazine ,..,,, $2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth .., :$2.75 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money on the most of therm. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich ****04-4444449444'4'4'i, * ' 4' , , . . , .