HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-06-30, Page 4r DASH NV 0 0 D Weakling bats r,,,re ringing this and Mrs. Schultz of Detroit, „spent 'a, teUr days With Mrs, Schultz's "parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader. A. Bills and family of Detroit f•are Visiting het parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ilro ;Rader. Miss Ver .a Kraft of Londot , i vis :Wing at her home here. Mrit. Jane Cluenther and Gladys of Kitchener 'spent a few days with Mr. hand Mrs.. E. iG ',tanner. John Rader was rusbed to Lon- don to ;the hospital on Friday whore 'WITS .operated on for appendicitis, His operation was successful and Mr :Roder is now on a fair way to . Quite •a number from here attend - ori Decoration Day at Exeter Cemet-. :pry on Sunday.• Xext•Sunday will be Devoration Hoy on ,the 'Bronson Line Cemetery, ilashwood Band will be in attend - orlon. Thh• Strawlareint„- Festival of the ehurch wah largely at bonito' hoot vmolt. Gate receipts amounted to ;•?:7. 2-5, -while the bazaar root -lots wore Friends W41.r(+ Ft ut from •o fon, London, Tavishot.k. Soa forth, Thootor, Zurich, Crediton and Shipita. HILLSGREEN The section Of No. 3, Hay held 4 picnic to Dryklale on. Saturday .af- temoorn . All present. enjord a de- lightfnl tirno Misses jvanotte McAllister of Hen - sail High School,and .1.1elon Anderson of Clinton. High School, have been finished their terms at school for the term .ernd are spending their holidays with their parents. Mrs. E. Broderick spent a day with her daughter, Mrs. R. Moussoau in Exeter. Mrs. 'Walker was visited by 'friends .from Michigan this week -end. Mrs. Lorne Eller and children of Northern Ontario, and Mrs. Ross -Dick and son, Miss Edna Cochrane., RN. of Toronto, are visiting their parents Mr. and: Mrs. J. Cochrane. ' Mr1 Per*, Campbell and ehildren of Hay Townilip, spout a day with "her patents, Mr. and Mrs:. H. Love. Quito a number attended the U.F. O. picnic held at Byfield onWearies day last from this .vicinity. Mr. Thos. Consht is risking his son Mr. Russell and Mrs. Consitt, The 'W.M.S. will be hold at the home of Mrs, J. Coehram• on Filday tiltirlioon, July lith at 2.31 p.m. Qu7te a number from this vicinity attoinifd the Decoration Servies at tit EXt-tt'l Cenlotio'y or, SaTO..ly. "Mrs. D. B. Sannd4+rs !Ind SOP ZJRICH ' ,HERA LD 13LAI(E M. and M. Dodds, geteMPanied by Mrs, 'Weaver • and little daughter and Miss Gladys , Douglas of Scott Meniorial .Hospital, Soarort, alled 011 39.1r, and11"fr5z- E. N. DOUglas laSt Wednesday - Was Jean Carpio who was attend- ing continuation school in Hepsall, is spending the holidays at her hom on the HronsonoLine; Mr. Ed. Desch spent Saturday with friends m Tucker -smith. Mr. Bill Clarke,necomPlallrki his mother and brother Gus, spent Saturday &coning with friends '• in Goderich. • Mr. R. N. Douglas and &lighter Margaret called on friends in'Hensall on Saturday.. • • ••. Mrs. Edighoffer, who spent a Coup- le of weeks with friends at Egmond- vine and Fullerton, returned home on Sunday. . Mr. kind Mrs. D Browa of Zurich, called on friends in the village. On Sunday. Mr. 'and Mrs. Gilbert Freekleton, of Lucan, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tooter and Mri5.. Madge, called on friends in the village recently.. Mrs, .1. Tough of Hayfield Spent lto•t week with !rid,: 13ron- 0n. line Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ging,.•rich daughter, aecompaniod by Mrs. Amos GingerIch, called on fronds at Grand oo Tuerday. , • Sampson coloAy It on Tuo"- and Miss .;?..lina Kelly of Lot -den fm. a trip out W"'" zu"'rwhich visitrd freinus in this .thy. STANLEY TOWNSHIP 'h,f AVM visit his brothor in Indiana. Mrs. Troyer is spendino too; tooh, Capital Theatre Goderid'i Phone. 47 Now playing -Edward G. Robin - •son with toretta.YOurig eiThe Hatchet' ' • Tues„ Wed. JANET GAYNOR and CHARLES FAROELL Offer the Picture that everyon . • . praising • DELICIOUS Sound News itrid:f Other •Feature ""—• ---T1iurS;,*4., and Sat. WALLA* BEERY • And eLARK GABLE. In the sensational air romance "HELL DIVERS" Watinoes---Wed. and Sat. at 3 pan • . . afternoon last by Rev. Jas., Anthony ,rhei• Flit than, only du tighter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Seers was united iii onarri.nr to Russell T. Keys of Flint,. ..`,1 and Mrs. Rosser of Denfield Sund,iy visitors at the home of A. L. Case. COUNTY NEWS Dagtwood 13and will!•:,ive 1 mr•ULI mrs. \\'• 1 ti r. end Mrs. t n 0. H. Stephenson 13. A., EXetord pv-,,, air concert on Stonlay evening. • 4on Win. H. Stonhonson of Marlette, Kenneth. StanburY, mei IP. • r ation: i.aw tit Osgood Hail, Tor - Wm. Jarrett tool Ano', • 1.1s„t•••.: attontio.i tho fUneral of the Pelhi 1115 i'reolid Yoac extmliii- 111 roto•ntiv at the boon? of .M.c.• Miss. 'Verna Birk was stlecessful in first 'prize hi jodging nutrit- on atVie annual jvalging vomia..tition :OltoOd ha Clinton•last Satnnday. D. Nichol of Mrs. Wm. • at the hoine clef nt of Mr. t•tni f'.. An - , 9 sncrAsoltaMpaimarawairraws.c.*S=.4..m.,Lesxy..mograr.ctomsti*aor—smr.e. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO THE PUBLIC TO visrr Huron • S o Lan uth of I-lensall on. No • 4 Provincial July it to July Ith Any time during the afternoon or evening 4.4•7 =0041MIREMES=V=111,01MIMINIEUTMS=AMMOratME67 st. 4 4. Special Special 4...,-. 8 Ft. :CEDAR POSTS, 41', Inches and up at only -t- -1.• . 35 Cents. 4, 4 .i. 9 FOOT END POSTS AT ONLY ,-- 4 4 4 4 4 ..t. , .1 C ( i Li ,:i .. sli, 4- la ' * K so, '1" l _ __ISC '"" :4 .. 'PHONE 69 .0 sm ZURICH 3 4i- + 4 .1, A'. 4 -i -i -4 -4 -4 -4 -i.+++4 -404 -4,4•4-4-4-4.44-1.1-4-4,+4..4-:•+++++++++++++444.4.4.44./..:. $I 25 DROP IN AND LOOK THEM OVER! 1 15 1411.!‘!r1!4M3!,,',11°'°' ;i ONLY REP Ha PARTS louzln only get Genuine MassepHanis Repairs frzin ,ynurloral Massey -Harris Agents They 7it Better and Last Longer than Spurtous Mai, :and they Cott No More Ina* on Genuine Hassertlarris Parts mum 034,7 throres Dodo by the /fakers ot Tour Plow .°72.7.g.11* Twit theleat. Crow.. 1111600.111,14.10 Oars IlIgh Quality rimier tonviss PrIestl 11-Scapttes., t°,,, • g. .fik• 7p.f.• 4 1,4 liptV tta . rrA GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS SOLO EY o. KLOPP ZURICH, • - ONT. • Air. Alox. Weldi of (7lint01t, spent 11 fe'W 1ii,y V11i1 f 113315 111 Ste Mr. Jailor, hi. Reid tind family of Suoziay a tho home of 21r. :.isters. 31'. 1,-Vi1on Compbell and siite.1, 1:91110 19 &Il- i:WM. itt • ol it week with ihair sistt-r, 'Ann .1, cr,I;his :mil son of London, set ti: . with her father, Ir. Wilson Aroi.,trong who is sick It pPeseut. 21. t, death ro- mo',hol ono to. ro.nley's hidost 4 • i ,,a o U itrs. Annie of the late Ralph 3. .03 V-. :Ste peen..4011, 1,\'110$(' 1;t yce,' was i.o1,1 in siot;li: Thigiond, - on :lay 10th frr!.. Oani- • to Canada 133 it. 9a110•1 .When quite young. was tio, sarriving.member a family 01. t:git. -About 67 years vs unit •1 I11. nia..rriage to hill' hushand Rulnh __Stephenson, and 9 thorn were born a family of .seven on5 aod three d11...ighter3. all of whom iirvive but one son sen Fred who died few years ago...The. Anvil:Mg • I•lr..4 are. :GeorAve 11. of Marlette, -211,.1.; James E., Thos J. and Char - R., of Stank y; RahJi and Nelson Mrs. J. Hutchinson (Edith ; Mrs. At I tiorson t.Anniei and ...qrs. John Dins- ' more (Ella) all of the West, Since the death of her husband, eight ycars ego she III s resided with her son Thomas on the old htnnestead. and al- though 1)3 years of age she was still mite smart and able to look after the ioties arou.nd the hi,. 9t. and ho. rind was clear and she could conver- •::. intelligently about th• early days this oountry. Her last illness vas of short duration being confined to her bed for .only a few days. The funeral service was held on Thurs- day last, interment in Daylield cern •4ry, Rev. Mr. Paull of rayneid, elating. The pall bearers were nephews, Wm. H. Stephenson, David Stephenson, Ralph Metcalf, John Met calf, Jas Boyce, and Ed. Boyce. onto. Out (a it class of .0 only oo Were successful. i Word has been received by the imam:re:or of the Royal Bank, Parkhill that the hranch at Parkhill will in,' Iclosed rel. b114311e3 3' at the end of the I mon& The Canadian ilank- of '2oni- ir1erco will handle the ;recounts which I are being taken care of by the Royal IHank lis that vicinity. Tho programme put on by the Hu- i roni. .'•1:1!o Chorus of Exeter, unclor the itionocos of St. John's Church, I Varn11. ii, the hall loot Tuesdny even- ; ing wns ',,i'y well ri,ndereti and en - 2.k. ;1t.tri•t;•'11Jui l'il.7N 'i'il't:'ildillg WaS sol- i 0111...(1 at 1t. Andrew's Manse, in I 1.91 ,n, 944 Monday, when Mabel 141. -,iarigid..i. of David W. I,h, of 1 (.111.! Demi. hecanto the brio of I Frol - iok .3. Matz, son of 3?. Matz of 1 rko. 'tI. huilding being: erected by H. 13. Enge on South Main St., for the See O . 1 h Nevoo 14 al .,o ost completed awl ,:,.„ work of moving the plait is begun. The building of poured con- ' ::...2416-,Paiss-ky, only son of Mr..and exe;to, is 00x1S fot.t in size. I .47.X.0,.. L. Paisley, of Clinton,. who i recently completed his law course at Osgood Hall, was called to the bar in ; Toronto on Thursday last. l Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers, Ex- eter, announce the engagement of 1 their second daught9., Alma Grace to G. Douglas ThompSon, son of the ' late W. G. and Mrs. Thompson, of London, the marriage to take place !the beginning of July. The skeleton of a good-sized (tog was found in a drain at Clinton wh- ich was cleared out last week. How the canine got into a six-inch drain pipe Si to mystery. But it caused a good teal of trouble, and incidently, exphase. Dr. Jas. Armstrong, Gorrrc, !las El hilip tree on his lawn that is fifty years old. It is 45 feet high, 55 in - 'lies in circumference, and has 21 feet span. The Doctor would like to near of anyorie else hi the Province with a tree like this. The by-law to provide for the pav- ing of Havelock sreet, in the village of Lucknow, was carried by a decis- ive vote, 148 in favor and 26 against A pretty wedding took place at Crediton on June 18th at the Evan- gelical church, when at 2.30, p.m. Lillian Maria, daughter of Mrs. R. Stahl, just south of the village was given in marriage to Norman W. Xleinfeldt, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kleinfeldt, of Cromarty. A heavy thonderstorin passed over the district to the south of Exeter, on Tuesday last with the result that some" of the heavy wheat fields were flattened and badly twisted by the storm. Some fields looked as though a roller had flattened them out. Dr. WV, Sproat„ of Seafprth,who laSt winte'i held the lucky ticket in the drew for a Ford car at Lions ice carnivalin Stratford, received the .t.ar last 'Week, a, brand new Ford 8 Coach, this :: is the cheapest car in 'that town,. osting:him one Tone dol - la Wingham's municipal tax rate this year is 41nnills, a reduction of : two mills flair:last year, • , Mrs, :°4. C.i• Dames, Brussels, slipp- A on the:polished floor of her home ;he other day, and broke . both bone,:. Ten thousand ' young ' black. bass rem placed hi the- Maitland River qear Wingham last week by a repre- ,:entattve of the Department of Vish- :,...rics. ,__• . . • . f.'•foo.. Hay, Exeter, dealer 'in se7 :'is and Dutch sett onionsovas aWar- I ,J1• $182. by Nti.ddisqix County' Aut....! Akarfrg i'.,. hi"; Cia:ni against 11, 1V1W- 1.0,11:, itieGalivray Tp, . farmer.' Hay HENSALL Win. Simpson of Detroit, spent 'the week -end with friends here. 'rhos. Simpson of Straffordville, ac •ompanied by his mother of London ,re spending a few days withfriends lore. Jerrie Martz .and friend of New Baltimore visited with Mr. and Mrs., Roy McLaren, Mrs. Garnet Case entereained a number of friends to a dinner on fonday eve. in honor of Mrs. Chel- 10 of Waterloo, Lulu Albright, who has been spen•d- ur the past few months at the .mie of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale -:•3 returned to her home in Zurich. Elva Bolton and friend of Kiteh-. ter Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Laird hekle. - Rev. W. A, Young of Ottawa disc oict, who recently accepted the call noildered him by the congregation of 7arroel Presbyterian church, will be Athlete(' to his charge next Tuesday Noi'rnan Cook is •iraproving the .ex. 'Tior of his home on King st, by hav ig a now verandah built.. • Berle Drummond and fditd oi 1;.inca1'dine,.spent the week -end at hm home here., 1164. Higgins was at Godcrich on lrusiness last 1,Veck. 111r, and Mrs. Alex, Henry and fain ily of Cass City, are 'spending a few days with their mother, Mrs. Henry., • , • - • • A quiet -wedding wasSolemnized iv th.e ThamesRoad Manse an Saturday . , irrstfityi, ;fuse 3 I', 11532 claimed i245 and interest, but this Lon to combat the blaze but heroic.. amount was 'reduced and diviSionefforts were made to save some of the court eosti a& Claimwas for adianijig. A gloom 'was cast over the Hal- mesville •church and community on money allegedly owing in the purr. chase of fertilizer, onionseed, straw. berries', and plants in MaYo. 1928. The Cairn which is being prectedte BlintlaY, las% 'when ..vvoa .Was -spread. the. memory Of jams Hodgins byhiS that a young num by the name ' Of grandehildren in St. James cemetery, Jack Hill, a ilouti.g English boy, 'Who glandeboye, has been started.. The was working for O. Foster, was dro. hose which is 7 feet square and 5 ft deep was -donated and put in by -. wnedfin tbe ikitaithnid. Ile had gone OW11 for a swim and did. not .k.)eiontery ,Committee.. The work is to veturn. Mr. Foster went 'down to the be completed in time for the onVeil- river but did not find hisclothes, so ing at the Annual Decoration Day in . thought he had gone to neighbors, September.• b at upon the boy's .not returning. by Huron Springs Sanitarium is holuT, Midnight Mr.; Foster gave .alarm, and'. ing open house to visitora. from Fri - another seureh - wasmade wo,en the day, July 1st until Thursday July 7, lad's clothes wore found, but the body inclusive. The public is invited to giee! Was not recovered till some time Sun - what Huron (Jaunty has in the way of day • Morning:. He. was yoUng mart. an up-to-date sanitorium, and it will that was will liked. • be well worth while to make this vis- it partof .a motor trip. during the holi - day. • Huron Springs Sanitorium is a i n1'40 south of Henson on No. 4; Pro7 viecial Highway. • . The ninth annual reunion picnic of the Webster family was held at Jow- ett's Grove, Hayfield The weather was ideal and - a large crowd assembled from Detroit, Toronto, Lucknow,. Kin sardine and the surrounding district to enjoy the day at balmy 11;i2,,fleld. All regretted the inability to attend. of two of the oldest of the. Webster, viz: Mrs. D. Anderson aged 92, and Miss Lizzie 'Wobster aged 90, resi- dents of Luoluiow. Mrs. Frank Stagg, 26, weliknowno roAdont of Cromarty, was foulnd. dead, lying on the road at inr5 last Wednesday night, Drs. Maskay and Burrows of Seaforth, were called mal their extunination failed to show any marks of violenee, other than ntvoiL cuts on the• -knee, so there is the pos-• sibility that the victim was not str- IAA by e car. A post mortem, rovord- ed the same evidences. Besides her; 44 parents, she IcaveA to mourn Iter loss her Lusiomd, a two year old sen,two; 1,44, sister; and four brothers. 4: Catharine Dallas, relict of the late •10, William Chesiwy of TuAersmith `*-- sed away on Juno 16th after a pro- louged illness. She was the eldest! daughter of the late Jas. rhifIns of TuTekersmith, near Bruceliold, azai would have been 81 years on tho 2,4, go of thio month. Having lived for rix -hears hi Detroit, she fltt ro live ..vith her lir Jas. Dallas on the ! homestead owing to her failing for- alth, as she was goently troubled with rheumatism. Thursday last a disastrous lire ped out a largo barn bt•longing io W. .Abbott, Exeter, together with al large portion of .the machinery ad; supplies used in connection with his larg.• honey business. As the flow of honey from about 500 hive's will coMmence shortly and as practically all the equipment used was destroy-, ed the loss conies at a.had time. Wheix..• the. fire they Were Unable to get Water from the hydrant in the immediate vicinity. ef the barn and had to go to the next block north and bring the hose'. across the fielrL The fire had made such headway that nothing could be. Good-bye Tire Worries! How foolish to -travel with -tires of doubtful character1Whynot part et:moan-13r with them at once? Say good-bye to worn and weakened kk 1 tires. If you don't they'll surely get you into trouble soon. Brand new, genuine Goodyear tires with ths famous Pathfinder i, tr.v.ard vrill ccst you only ••• 29x4.40-2 I ti A. STADE. and WEIDO, ZURICH 01\2:: WHEAT for No. if Northern, Winnipeg quotation Ad No. 736 iNTERNATIONAL riVESTERI CR P PRICE GUARANTY You can now purchase a McConnick-Deering', tractor or any McOannick.Deertrig farm machine with a definite price +guaranty on wheat at 77 cents a bushel, Winnipeg quotation. If 'market quotations for wheat do not -reach the guaranteed. price et the time payment becomes due on notes given after this date and maturing this year, farmers buying oquipment under this plan will receive a credit equal to the difference,. Come in and get full details on tense Hamster Company's unique Wheat Price Guaranty. Even though you dotratzitgalse wheat for market, you are entitled to purchase equipment smiler alte terms of this offer« JOS. E. DRUAR, - AGENT, Zurich 8PSIIISIXI.1,1.0111111012LISMIZEINCIE a 90141410 •4! Plitgel3OvfilillilinDeVireletrAZelitinSIMIDOW34:01S1it KITBAG'S MRAGE 4,.. ATTENTION! PLEAS 1414! ao to .• We have opened a Service and Repair Garage op formerly the EDIGHOFFER GARAGE And are in a position to give First Class Work, on al • makes of , cars, and all other Motors. a a IMPERIAL GAS, OILS, AND GREASES a 41 Also THE FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES a With a One Year Guarantee. 49 to * PHILCO RADIOS KOLSTER RADIOS 1 • a LOW RATES Oil PLATE OR CRYSTAL WINDSHIELDS AND it 9 • a DOOR LIGHTS. BERY CHARGING, CAR WASHING AND is ATTto a POLISHINQ. --- PRESTOLITE BATTERIES. * 49 a Give Us A Cain 1 Sollra,0 Bros. Plume 154. Zurich ot LOWEST POSSIBLE CHAR,Gr'S• qi 99**oraosoaaa0MaltIMCOMPailliata,, wawa 94poota ageloaa NI*, to(tooeimp 4551 1D,