HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-06-16, Page 8ZURICH THE STORE WITH THE STOCK, LL C rsett s -wry the Nu -Back in Corsets, Girdles, and Cor- a . This Nu -Back gives New Figure, Comfort, a '.-rinz Smooth Figure Lines. No Riding up. Nu - Back stays in same position. W SUMMER SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK! N Fi : quality Voiles, new 36 -in. N Gingham, 32 -in width, yd Rayon bloomers, pr. l :a' Mesh Hose, Silk at La Mesh Hose, Extra Special Cotton Hose, blk., grey or Ladi:..a‘ print Housedresses ris- ,, print Housedresses Silk Combinations Buttonless Combinations Me_ -"s Fine Sox, 2 pr. for GROCERIES! 39c 13c 49c $1.00 .39c 19c 9`dc 75c 1.15 75c 25c GROCERIES! 1Oc 25c 5c. 25c 5c. - 25c fawn ThurstlaF, Jione 16th., fb ` + 4^+++11+°8++4*+++++ +4,406+,14,1; 4+ 4•to; ¢++•-+ j k ++ +++++ 4 d•+ 4. ;E, Your II r 4 4 4 -are Store 4 .WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WIT}l SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE AT MOD:RATE PRICES Fir': Salmon, 1 lb. tins .... Rc"c3 oats for Chicks, 10 131-a-. Bird jello C. Starch , 3 lbs. for lbs. for Bi ive Cleanser T New Grape Nut Flakes, 2 for J. G. C 0 & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 .mem.. beCSVT.® AUTO INSURANCE ,PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, FIRE, THEFT, ETC. to 20% Reduction on Standard Rates for 2 To 4 * ears, riving without Accident. D Get Particulars about the Unlimited All -Risk Auto ,Policy. Protects you fully and provides for a $5000 Accident Policy. Information and Rates Cheerfully Given. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS To celebrate the anniversary of the affiiliation of our Store with the Superior Chain Store System, an organization which now comprises Nine Hundred of Canadian Merchants we are putting on these ex- ceptional list of Grocery Bargains. Visit this store during this three day Sale. Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Infant's Delight Soap, per cake Dundurn Strawberry Jam 40 -oz. Jar .. Blue Bell Brooms, five string Pearl White Naptha. Soap, 10 bars Carnation Evaporated Milk, Small cans, 5c., Tall Eagle Brand condensed milk, per tin Standard Peas, No. 4 Sieve, 3 for Premium Tea (with cup and Saucer or Vase) per lb Blue 'Boy Tea, 1 ib. Handy Amonia, 2 pkgs. Heinz Beans, large Tin ... .......15e McLarens Olives, plain or stuffed • • •23e Kraft Salad Dressing 19c Ingersoll Cream Cheese, Pimento - 2 pkgs. 25e Kelloggs Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. ..... 23c Kelloggs Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs. 19c A new shipment of Womens' Printed Voile Dresses, Newest Styles and Patterns. Guaranteed fast color. also Children's Print Dresses from 50c to $1.25. Ladies Pure Silk Hose at 49, 79 and $1.00. Mesh Hose at 89e. Blouses at $1.50. Newest Patterns in Printed Voile 19c to 45c. Men's Sport Shirts Cashmere Knit, Zipper front, . at $1.95. Men's Fancy Silk Socks at 25 cents. EGGS WANTED, CASH OR TRADE. 5c 28c 22c 29c 10c 19c 23c 54c 29c 15e We MEW. Ft YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 Mr. Frank Bossenberry of Kitch- ener is spending the week with fri- ends in town. Dentists Have Outing A dozen or so members of the Hur- on Dental Association met in Goder- ich last Wednesday afternoon and spent the afternoon at the Maitland golf links. Of course they found some cavities—in fact, a series of 18 holes—with which they enjoyed them selves immensely. Afterwards a fill- ing—not gold, but just as satisfying —was administered at the supper table by the Club's capable caterers, and the dental surgeons called it an excellent day.—Goderich Signal. Zurich Continuation School Average marks and standing of pupils on all subjects for wnoie term FORM I Paul Hess 81, (Hon) ; Louise Sre- enan 78 (Hon) ; Lenora Haberer 77 (Hon); Wilfred Klopp 76 (Hon.);t Gus Clarke 74, Margaret Lamont 71 Florence Denomme 65, Doris Greb 63, Fred Brown 62, Ross Johnston 62, Louise Willert 62, Charles Thiel 60, Gladwin Melick 53, Ralph Uttley 50. FORM I Quimbe Hess 74, Beatrice Gascho 71, Hazel Uttley 63, Ruth Church 62 Rosa Zettel 62. A. P. Rowe. ecri143410 LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wedne®dalP1 Eggs, dozen 7-9-11 Butter ...... ............. 28 Wheat bushel 50c Barley bush...................... 35 Oats bush......... ... ......... 25 Buckwheat ............... 44 Flour .. ....• ........... 1.75 3.00 Shorts, ton .................... 18.00 Bran, ton ..... .. ....... 18.00 Hogs . 4.50 eirs66.904,0****CHNOMIlivie**100000003410060004:40011111 BUSY FARMER NEWS Goodyear Tires and Tubes TALK ABOUT GOODYEAR CORD AND BAL- OON TIRES AND TUBES. To --The Man who hasn't much money to spend on Tires, they're the Cheapest Tires he can buy. To ---The Buyer who looks for Road Grip, and Beauty, He will find them both in this make of Tire. • To ---The Customer who gives his Tires Hard Useage, will recognize their extra' wear. No Other Tires Approach Goodyear in Appearance WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. GET OUR PRICES! 1 FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWYAYS IN STOCK. ALSO A GOOD LINE OF THE BEST PAINTS; WIRE FENCING Evetroughing and Generaal Tinsinithing, Our Specialty! , • ; e ,.•° ,. Please, Don't Forget, When in Need of New Furniture, We Have It! NOTICE We, the undersigned business men of the; \Tillage of Zurich agree to close, our places of business every Wednes- day afternoon at twelve o'clock noon duringthe months of June, July, August and September: C. Fritz & Son, Milton Gesell, W. G. Hess & Son, George Hess, W. O'Brein & Son, J. Kipping. Edward Weltin, L. W. Hoffman, Stade & Weido, J. Gas- cho & Son, Harold Johnston, Louis Schilbe & Son, Herb Krueger, J. W. Merner, Fred Thiel, Williams Bros., A. F. Hess, Brown's Boot Shop Weekly Crop Report Spring crops are looking excellent as a result of copious rains, followed by warm weather, according to re- ports received from agricultural re- presentatives. Fall wheat is report- ed to be making favorable progress and all classes of hay crop are doing well. Alfalfa and clover are coming along particularly well. A good har- vest of berries and cherries is ex- individually branded rutabaga. The pecten and apple orchards have re- possibilities of extending the market vealed a heavy bloom in most dis- output of this " type of Product oar,, tricts. -- ' TAETJS SHOW YOU OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LWEST PREVAILING PRICES,. Furl.. Lure Greatly Reduced We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly Reduced Prig. Furniture Prices have reached lowest level and are sure to advance. Secure your needs nowt. • We also have some Good Used Furniture in Stock Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in. Stock. t i We have been appointed Agents for the Celebrated + Massey -Harris Farm Implement Repairs.. Johnston eta Kalbfieiscii t Hard 1,r/ 1. 'e & Fur i it ea Phone 63 •F!+. +* LSF't.44,t•+z+•l •F••E•.+++•f +f4t404<i1'i0+^i•+*✓u'i'i"• 44 i+11•f~3 ++++E++#'M*°t164 to domestic or foreign markets will do well to select carefully the seed they sow. Yield and uniformity of crop are greatly enhanced by the use of well -graded turnip seed, ac- cording to Prof. W. J. Squirrel' of the Ontario Agricultural College. "Small seed should not be sown and may readily be screened out by using a clover seed screen from the fanning mill." An experiment carried out during the past shipping season in marketing • better "rutabagas," or table turnips, clearly indicated the importance of careful selection, clean liness, uniformity and distinctiveness. One chain store system in. Toronto doubled its sales by offering to the consumers a well -graded, washed and 1 a 1111111111O61114514 fifiU118111111uIIII1111111111Q(U8 IE/1ll` 11111 Iia'" EII1ll;1MIIPMEI ! 4'AIREIlilIllElltJlf 11111111505iiiiiNIN!,Ilgl.N L We Repair Waggle, Regi s, Auto Tops, itc., Etc.. 1 good Lumber Wagon at _$45 $45 1 good buggy at 4 wheel Trailer Complete..._ KEEP ON SMILING! ESS,_ the Re u+',.wq;ry'y: aW41, 4 44 C ",4" .y.,, r r,t.^•p.ft^ ^^; ill!(Ii i�Bll itl3(11tiii11111111111111 f(IIN(illWL�l� 1�,+.' If11181 M(ll{1011IHkI11Ni111ii11ZIEtN11dffIIIIIIi1111111M81IiiltillIRMIimlIX1111=1* H-..444.4-++.4•1-1•+++++++++++4 R+ 4-+4++++++++++4.4-1-14++ +, 3 STADE & VEIDO1 08041109 4M IbIhEtllb M141+ Alw a The Flax Seed Industry Flax is a crop which is at present receiving a bit of attention by farm- ers throughout the country. There are two principal uses for the crop, fibre and seed. Varieties giving the best fibre are not so well suited to seed production and, at the present time, the bulk of Canadian product- ion is devoted to fax seed, which has reached an average of over 3,000,- 000 bushels annually. Some two and a half million bushels of this volume are used domestieally in the manu- facture of linseed oil. The varieties which are specially developed throu- ghout the Dominion at the present exceedingly. bright - Farmer's Weelc at U. A. C., June 20th to 24th. A complete change in- the method of conducting farmers' week at the Ontario Agricultural College has been made this year. Rechristened "Farm and Home Week," the period from June 20 to 24 will be devoted to several complete courses in aminal and field ' husbandry poultry, farm.engineering and home economics, it is announced by Prof. J. Buchanan, dir- ector of extension. Thousands of fanners and their wives from ail parts, of the province are expected for the week, and arrangements have been made to' accomodate all who time are those which offer greatest wish for the full duration of the value from the standpoint of quality courses, apesrial attention is being ZVEtICH ' eh,c-E ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OP GASOLINIC IN LARGER QUANTITIES Willi A GOOD STAND- ARD GRAD OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES„ WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS GRE A.SES H. Mousseau Zurich f +++•++++' $111+***********+*+ 0 4f 4441++ 444++'++44.4. of seed and high percentage of oil content Potatoe Seed Treating a Factor in Marketing paid to the, women's pragrailis, WFafert will cover almost eVei'Vconcivalble phase of home econon►ics. One 'day has been denominated Women's last telorc planting potatoes, the seeditute Day. Speakers at special ses should be treated with corrosive sub -i si'ons will include Hon. G. S. Henry timate, lthizoctonia, or black scurf, Premier of Ontario; Col. Hon. T. L. is often responsible for a reduced Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, L. yield, and frequently causes the pro -1 'Blake Duff, df Welland; Hon. Duncan duction of a potato the appearance Marshall, Dr. G. 1. Christie, presi- of which makes it ineligible for sales dent of the College, and !;rot' T. A. as a high grade product. Coleman of Purdue University, lnrl- Graded Seeds increase Sales ir.na. Copies of the progranss arc: a Ontario farmers who grow quant- a7Table at your local :Deparbnent of ities of turnips for shipment eiither�Af,Aioulture Dfliee, aaa*aaaRaaaaia0a.11104 f'aiAa0 d osee. oseeos ressoesea sails S011RAG'S GARAGE I 1 i ATTENTION! PLEASE! 1• We have opened a Service and Repair Garage • formerly the we EDIGHOFFER GARAGE : And are in a position to give First Class Work, on all 1 i snakes of cars, and all other Motors. IMPERIAL GAS,OILS, AND GREASES 0 Also THE FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES e`-...... ,-;With a One Year Guarantee, , PHILCO RA IG • ` '+ •- KOLSTER RADIOS 1 * LOW RATES ON PLATE OR CRYSTAL 17irINDSHIELDS AND DOOR LIGHTS. BATTERY CHARGING, CAR WASHING AND POLISHING. = PRESTOLITE BATTERIES. ' Give Us A Calfl g Scbra .Bros. Phone 154. Zurich . LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGKS 6I;a1a18a0031aa0sla66'0+x.464 ffi Pi