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Zurich Herald, 1932-06-09, Page 7
glow t© play Bridge AUCTIONand CO TRACT Wynne Ferguson Author of "PRACTICAL AUCTION Barin 13" ARTICLE No. 25 It isn't of.een,- that a problem 'can and analyzed as they all contain r;oed ltrouse such interest as the following Debits of play that come up frequently 6ne. It has so many variations that it enough to make the analysis well {g almost impossible to cover them all, worth while, Try it out before reading ut the main ones. have been selected the following solution: Problem Hearts—A, 10, 8, 2 Clubs -7, 4 Diamonds—none Spades—Q Hearts—IC, 6, 5 v Clubs -8 : A B ; Diamonds -8, 4 Z Spades -8 1-learts—J, 3 Clubs -5, 2 Diamonds -5. Spades—J, 9 Hearts are trumps and Z Is in the lead. How can Y Z win four of the seven tricks against the best defense? The only correct play is for Z to lead the deuce of clubs, forcing A to win the trick with the eight of clubs. A can now make any one of three leads. (1) He may lead the eight of diamonds or (2) the eight of spades or (3) the five of hearts. The eight of diamonds is A's best lead. Y should trump with the ten of hearts and B should over- trump with the Queen. B may now lead (a) the nine of hearts or (b) the. five of spades or (c) the seven, of hearts. If the nine of hearts, Z should cover with the jack, A with the king and Y with the ace.. There are num- erous variations but none present any difficulty for Y Z to make four tricks. If, however, B leads the five of spades, Y wins the trick with the queen of spades and leads the deuce of hearts, .flowing B to win the trick with the seven of hearts. B should now lead the ten of spades, Z plays the jack and .A is forced either to dis- card or trump. If the former, Y also discards; if the latter, Y overtrumps, leads his trumps and wins the balance of the tricks. At trick three, B's best lead is the seven of hearts. Z and A should play low and Y wins the trick with the eight of hearts. Y should now lead the queen of spades and all fol- low. He should now lead the ace of trumps and follow with the seven of clubs, which A is forced to trump with the king of hearts. Y .-ow wins the last trick with the deuce of hearts. The Hearts—K, 6, 5 Clubs—none Diamonds -4 Spades—none Hearts—Q, 0, 7 Clubs -6 Diamonds—none Spades -10, 7, 5 foregoing represents the solution and variations when A. leads the eight of diamonds at trick two. Suppose A leads the eigbt of spades at trick two. Y wins this trick with the queen of spades and should now lead the deuce of hearts. B should play the seven, Z the jack and A should win with the king. B can now make only the queen of trumps. Suppose at trick two A leads the five of hearts. Y Z can now easily win all but one heart trick. Therefore, all three possible plays by A after Z leads a club give Y 2 four tricks. On the lead of the eight of diamonds by A at trick two, if Y trumps with the ten of trumps and B refuses to overtrump, Y should lead the queen of spades and then the deuce of trumps. If B plays the seven or nine of hearts, 2 should play the jack and force A to win the trick with the king. In this way also Y Z win four of the seven tricks. These variations are all pos- sible after Z makes the correct lead of the deuce of clubs and, if properly played by both sides, give Y Z four of the seven tricks. No other lead is correct. Most of the solvers thought the five of diamonds was the correct lead allowing A to win the trick and on which Y should dis- card the queen of spades. This solu- tion, however, is incorrect. A f 4-4 A. should lead the eight of clubs and follow with the eight of spades. Z wins this trick with the jack of spades. The situation is as follows: Hearts—A, 10, 8, 2 Clubs—none Diamonds—none Spades—none v A B : Hearts—J, 3 Clubs -5 Diamonds none Spades -9 It should be evident that A B must now win two heart tricks no , matter how Y 2 play. By doing so, Y Z only score three tricks so the lead of a dia- mond at trick one by 2 is clearly in- correct Another suggested solution that should be noted is that to the lead of the five of diamonds by Z at trick one, A play the eight and Y trump with the ten of hearts. 'The defense of this play Is for B to overtrump with the queen and then lead the nine'of hearts. An analysis of this defense will show also that Y Z cr.0 win only three tricks, thus proving that the diamond lead at trick one is incorrect whether Y dis- cards the queen of spades or trumps with the ten of hearts. Hearts—Q, 9, 7 Chubs—none Diamonds—none . Spades -7 Another sol. .ion was for Z to. lead the nine of spades'at trick one, forcing Y to win the trick. A lead by Y at trick two of either a trump or a club will do him no good and, with this opening, Y Z can make only three tricks if A B make the proper defense. The con- clusion is obvious, therefore, that the only correct opening lead by Z that will enable him and his partner to win four tricks is Pee deuce of clubs. This problem has been analyzed .it such great length because every varia- tion give- is tricky and interesting. The write -would suggest that each of the variations be p'::'ed out and tested from every angle. It is impossible to find a better problem than this one as a test of sound, careful play. it one Chewing Cows Depletion of Mineral Reserves in the Body, One of the Factor in Milk Pro- duction Shrink- age A cow producing an average of six quarts of milk a day for 40 weeks, will Include in the milk produced 32 pounds of mineral substance. The source of the mineral substance in milk is in the mineral salts of the feed eaten. If the feeds supplied to the cow during the period of no pasture do not contain suf- ficient mineral matter to supply the demands of milk secretion, the cow is then at a loss to continue to secrete milk in a normal amount, unless she draws on the minerals that have been incorporated in her skeleton. Of course there is a limit to this; and trou- ble follows when the supply of min- erals runs low. Three things may hap- pen, a redubtion in milk production, a Weakening of the bones, a stiffness of the joints and a loss of condition. The animal tries to offset the drain on her body by eating unnatural things, such aannoromnalansannionareariataranna Cross a by "Baby was awfully fretful," writes Mrs. II. A. Flewelling, Ripples, N.B., "until I started giving BABY'S OWN TABLETS. Now he is just wonder- fully well." BABY'S OWN TAB- LETS are the ideal treatment far chil- dren's colds, fever, colic and upset stomach. Harm- less. See certi- ficate in each 25c package. 237 Dr, Williams' st Ugly Fat tier Husband says she Leers Five Years Younger! - There is a certain weight at Which every woman looks her loveliest—not skinny underweight norpendulous overweight, but normal weight. We find artists, doctors, theatrical pses ducers (aud husbands !) all agreed upon this point. Plead what this woman of. 20 says about it:--- " slaving heard from a friend of mine that she had lost considerable weight since taking KKruselien halts, I started using them in July last, when I weighed 177 lbs. 1 have lost weight steadily since then, 'and am now 1.59 lbs.—my normal weight. Moreover', I' feel brighter and more energetic in every way: My age is 29. My husband is a very severe critic. He says I look five years younger. There is no other reason for my loss of weight except Krusehen, as I do not take any par- ticular diet."—Mrs. S. R. Taken every morning, Kruschen effects a perfectly natural clearance of undigested food substances and all excessive watery waste matter. Unless this wastage is regularly expelled, Nature will eventually stole it up out of the way in the form of ugly fat. What New York Is Wearing BY ANNEBLLLE WORTHINGTON Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Ftcr- atiehcd With ?'very Pattern The Windmill The green corn waving in the dale. The ripe grass waving on the hill: I lean across the paddock pale And gaze upon the giddy mill. Its hurtling sails a mighty sweep Cut thro' the air: with rushing sound Each. strikes in fury down the steep, Rattles, and whirls in chase around. Besides his sacks the miller stands On high within the open door. A book and pencil in his hands, His grist and meal he reckoneth o'er. His tireless merry slave the wind Is busy with his work today. From whencesoe'er, he comes to grind; He hath a will and knows the way. He gives the creaking sails a spin, The circling millstones faster flee, The shuddering timbers groan within, And down the shoot the meal runs free. as bones and wood. The bone and wood chewing may supply in part what the cow needs and has a craving for, usually lime and phosphorus. If the habit of bone chewing has developed in your herd of cattle, during previous years, try and offset it this year by using steamed bone hour, or any min- eral mixtures containing lime and phosphorus. Cows that are already in bad shape through mineral deficiency can be returned to normal condition by the use of a tonic containing phos- phoric acid, in addition to the supple- mental feeding of steamed bone meal. An Avenue of Trees Everywhere, as we approached Portsmouth, we saw quantities of tim- ber lying near the road, ready to be conveyed to the King's magazines. This is both a picturesque and a pro- per decoration of the avenues to a dockyard. About the tenth stone, we entered a corner of Bere-Forest, which afford- ed a beautiful scene. We rode through woods of oak which were sometimes close, and sometimes open. The road, which was everywhere ample,presented us In one place with an irregular vista; In another it carried us into a lawn in- terspersed with trees,. or of patches of wood. The whole is so beautiful a piece of nature that if It were placed in an improved scene, it might be made, with very little art, to unite with the high style of decoration,— From "Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex and rent," by W. Gilpin: The miller giveth him no thanks, And doth not much his work o'erlook: He stands beside the sacks, and ranks The figures in his dusty book. —From "The Poetical Works of Robert Bridges." COURAGE Take courage, for in good time, God will relieve thee of thy burden. ! Ile is mighty to help, and He will cause a blessing to spring from that which thou now deemest an inex- haustible source of sorrow. He will not leave thee nor forsake thee. ilje With HIS sfr6iig li] dC (> 30e r He—"The woman I marry shall have everything money can buy." She—"I supose that's why you are looking for a wife with money." First Daffodil - 1 who have lain without a sound In my dark coffin underground, Now hear the stirring roots of trees, The brown earth rising to her knees, Unfettered now the springing sod— Up from the pulsing soil the clod Reaches to that forgotten bine— A soaring flight that 1 share, too— For I who lay in narrow earth Now know the miracle of birth. —Edith Lombard Squires in the Christian Century. Importance of the jacket dress can't be over-estimated. And here's quite a darling. The brief bolero may be made with short or long sleeves, just as you please about it. For warmer weather wear, you'll probably choose the former. The dress made with dropped shoul- ders gives the effect of tiny cap sleeves. The skirt is widened through inverted plaits at either side. It's adorably smart in cadet -blue checked wool crepe. The plain crepe tones with the checked crepe. Printed crepe silk -with plain crepe jacket is exceedingly wearable. Style No. 2769 is designed for sizes 14, 10, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40 You can always tell when a man has inches bust. passed middle age. He is the one who For summer, it's sportive in white is always telling you he never felt crinkle or fiat crepe with the jacket younger in his life. bow tie of marine blue crepe. Size 16 requires 2% yards 39 -inch Diner—"Waiter, two orders of Spume material, with 1 yard 35 -inch con- trasting. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you grant, Enclose 20c in stamps or coin ( coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto Development of Land Aids Chinese Farmers Nanking—More than 2500 farmers and laborers from the famine areas Economical and good e Ros Red Label 5i` 1 ckage Gu Every P FOR COI STI PATI t7 N of ecIdwe an smaller doses SAFE SCIENTIFIC Owl Laffs No man should make a bigger gar- den than his wife can hoe. Summer time is here. So long as you have the old bus and ten gallons of gasoline, the world is before you. Splinters A man can never be a true gentle- man in manner until he becomes a true gentleman at heart. Too many people think they are broadminded when they merely are too lazy to form an opinion. The safest way on earth to keep out of trouble is at once the simplest and the hardest. It's keeping one's mouth shut.. Some girls expect a man to bring enough sunshine into their lives to give them a coat of tan. An ama- teur never knows how bad he is until he tries to turn professional. "You remember when you cured my rheumatism a couple of years ago," asked the patient, "and You told me that I should avoid dampness " "Yes, that's right," replied the doc- tor, approvingly. "Well, I've come to ask you if I can take a bath." oni Vermicelli, please." Waiter—"Very sorry, sir, that's the proprietor, sir." Auntie—"Well, John, and how do you like your new baby brother?" Four-year-old John—"Asleep." Teacher—"How many wars was Spain engaged In during the seven- teenth century?" Tommy—"Seven, sir." Teacher—"Seven? Please enumerate them." Tommy—"One, two, three, four, flee, six, seven." of Shantung Province, who are seeks l — - — ing new homes and work, have -ar- i Husband—" You know, dear, I'm not rived at Chengchow on their way to Loyang, the new cagital. The Chinese officials will send these peo- ple to the Northwest, where they will be given land to cultivate and "Mrs Symes i to help in developing the territory. ter abroad for h ed nervousness from her father." "Yes, I remember Byrnes was net - perfect." Wife—"Oh, yes, I know it, but I was not aware that you did." u id to take her tough- er nerves. She inherit- } " w-. kid, but his mother r tau abroad, she took hint Refugees from other sections of the Country are being encouraged to go to the Northwest for the spring vous even as a season. didn't take him across her knee. lranteea . Classified Advertising AROBBER IS TJTAT UNSTGZ`ITL . avoirdupois that filches from yo so much youthful (Marin. Slendor fab lets help You to remove that execs safely, sanely, sure)y. 1xact formula, on the box. Three weeks' treatment $1,50 Roy Kitchen, The Careful Chem,- 1st, Dept. K, London. /GAME CHICKS 1Vl, $2 PER HUNDRED. LEG. HORNS, 8 lents; Rocks whlteff ltc.cl-s Rod, 10 cents; delivered t.ny time., Month olds, 18c. Pullets, all ages, prices furnished. Model Hatchery, i itrhenerr Ont CANADIAN APPEO'VEIY CK.3C3o.S. lir" EGHORNS, 8c; BARRED ROCKS, J� 10c; Minoreas. White Rocks, heal it) per cent. books order. 'r'letscii Hatchery, Stratford, Route 5, Ontario. WEEZZL ' NEWSPAPER. 7 UULD LEASE WEEKLY N 1D ,VS -E �v 1Y PAPER in Ontario. Send oar-, ticulars to Box 16, Wilson Pubinehing C, Ltd.. Toronto. AGENTS 'WANTED. XPERIENCED HOUSE CANV.1S8+ J-4 ERS, must finance product. Dainty Biscuit Products, 18 Indian Rd., Toronto. R2LE171A TYSbr. WHY SUFFER? THROIL ir knock the ache out of you eumatism, lumbago, neuritis or sci- atica. Every day brings news of (Nick and lasting relief given sufferers. t?o harmful drugs. Sent post paid on re -e ceipt of $1.00. Money back guarantees. Throil Remedy Co., 468 Annette Street, Toronto. MOTOR Bo:ElT i OE SnLE. no ICH ..R D SON DOUBLE CI 141.1$ It cruiser, about thirty feet, in ustf altogether only four or five months iti two seasons; complete equipment inclui;, Mg carpets. bed and table linen, china; glassware and silver as well as all nar-4 ire equipment and many extras. This cruiser with its two cabins and its :veli equipped galley is an unusually cornf•lrt able boat for week -ends or longer; cruises for four to six people. It ie f xl eeptionally seaworthy and has ci isec all over the Great Lakes. It has a ntt;rR class and very economical 60 horsep•xwer- six-cylinder power plant with completed electric lighting throughout and „Ipeed of 12 to 14 miles per hour. It is a spe- cial paint job and very attractive in ap- pearance. Owner will sacrifice for halt its original cost. 11. 'Watkins, 73 Adelaide St.. Toronto. Earn 3 �i"l�eet�l Growani, Mushrooms for us all attar Rapid to your Cell,r, Stable or sant d rowers; Yl,ld hash crop n.or�,ry soy, 14p p%peontra efCCbuyr;'. 1.1 * Matteson and contract to buy ally.. n t high otic.., tm a 111uot at,e cd our. Cr. all10:10a. . and fol ntltut.ni of our offer, all far las, Sana at on,. ideal Mushroorrt Cc., launstor,, Oii, ar "Valle �. New Member of the C ornflleiss a Family S,itavssg Cream .15 beard -softener and a skin -tonic combined! At doaler, or mit p tpaid on lenibIt or Pao .h.Jdno, �.1. T. Walt Oemprsy, S,ib, Montvant Rob Itiinard"s in gently. It penetrates sore ligatnentr.. allays inflammation, soothes. . heals. lr INAS you on your feet i; Brushing the Enigma An attendant brushes a mysterious wood carving that stands at. Chatham, near London, England. The one-armed figurehead was taken from the old battleship, H.M.S. Rodney; but whom does it re- present? Certainly not Admiral Rodney, after whose wife was named the present liner, Lady Rodney, of the Canadian National's West Indies fleet; for there is no resemblance with existing paint. ings of the admiral. British autheritles say your guess is as goad as theirs. -photo Canadian National Railways. Scotch Wife — "ACh, Sandy, the baby's swallowed a penny." Scotch Husband—"Weell, let bun ba've it--to-morrow's his birthday." "That young Johnson is •a chip of the old block, isn't lie?" "Rather a tooth of the old forte.!" "Are you a spinster?" said the clergyman officiating at Lancashire wedidng. "No," replied the bride; "I am a. weavers" • Just a little advance notice passed on to us: Three-year-old Nancy's father had installed a new radio. Nancy listened with rapt attention to everything--- musie, speeches antl station annoullce- raents. That night she knelt to say her "Now I lay me," At the end she paused a moment, and then said: "To- morrow night at this same time there will be another prayer." If some men were half as good as they expected their wives to lie they would be live times as good as they are. Figure this out. MIN HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO ISSUE No. 23- '32 } LoveIjne s Esisy to Have. Famous I%egefable Pills Better than Creaazas Miss E. T, has proved it. She says - "Carter's Little laver Pills will do more to keep the complexion clear than all the face creams I have used." PURELY VEGETABLE, a ge.ntit:, effective tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little Liver fills are with- out equal for correcting Constipation, Acidity,Biliousness, lfeadaches and In- digestion. 26c..& 75c. red pkgs,, every-. where. Ask for Carter's by NAME. A NEW INVENTION. FOR THEIR CORRECTION Wouldn't you give almost anything secure relief from the torture of it 41, cone Veins or Phlebitis or the inhyt r les, -1 ,lent of enlarged legs or ankles? Well, thanks to a great French tist, you can secure relief at cointrai'l- attvely little cast. This benefactor oil humanity, recognizing the many dirittlw vantages of clumsy, unsanitary elast1 Stockings and rubber bandages, perfected and patented the '1ondcrful Academie Stocking noiV worn Iq' thousands all .over, the world. Made of finest linen and silk yarrtt-,49 Aca.dc-mlc Stoc•t:inps ,ire but little hcavief; titan silk i.ose. They contain no rubber, or elastic, can be Mashed as often tta, neCC8t40ry, ,rr.d will 'rear for a long, long" time. Writ- for Descriptive Literature. ACADEMIC DISTRIBUTING CO. LTgi+ 189 Church St., Toronto IMIalitetteatetectsieetettelliettetitestaillairatttaitig