HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-06-09, Page 5lu'rsclay, June 9t1, 1:1332;, BUSINESS CAS DUDLEY E. B:Ox1M S BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC, OFFICE—Hamilton amiltori Street, ;rust off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario, Special Attention to Councel and Court, Work. Holmes may be consulted at Viederich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. William B. • rown A. S. P. :abated Foot Specitist AT Br'own's Boot Shop Dr. W. F. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Niyery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASUWOOD very Monday, Tuesday aad Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer Fro Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN .A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit jour business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood :il lone 13-57. :,rU�', ICI—j ERALD 1fl!f T YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN DHSS CLIVUISIS TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will he received by the Council of the Pgwrship of Hay up to six o'clock, earn. Saturday, June 18th, 1932, for 'Luling and spreading crushedstone from the Township crusher on T. Welsh's farm, southeast of Hensall, unto the roads in the Township of Hay. Ten- ders must state price per yard anile. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. F. HESS, Clerk, Hay Township, Zurich, Ont. WARNING! Any person or Persons found .in- terfering with or damaging the lin- es or cable of the Hay Municipal Telephone System will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Board of Managers, Hay Municipal Telephone System. FOR SALE A Deering Siderake and Tedder for quick sale. Apply to: Chas. Laframboise, U.EL1, reashwood FOR SALE A strictly fresh Holstein good young cow for sale. Apply to: . Henry Clausius, R.R.1, Zurich. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MAR11K1. T .Always a good Supply of ,Flresh and Cured Meats olognas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve Youl" Yungh .alt. & Son SERVICE Wily We have the:.Better ,lass of Customers 'HMO CLASS GOODS, U. S. L ` l A,TTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR. }'ELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Tarts, Hohning and Mechanical Worit ikon" to Micrometer Settings, N., ,seueas work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. • Sri DAS1.WOOD — FOR SAL1. For Quick Sale—Overland G cyl. Coach, Good Condition. Albert G. Hess, Zurich. For Same M. -H. - Disc, almost new. M. -H. .+lanure Spreader, overhaultd. John ileore Hay loader, in good order. 1 sod wagon. Soine used bricks. Oscar Klapp, Zueich. OR SALE 50 Leghorn Pullets for sale at 50c each, 10 weeks old, good laying str- ,rrn. Also 20 Rock pullets at 55c each. .Ferdinand Haberer. NOTICE We have installed one of the latest and most up-to-date equipments for testing Spark Plugs: Drive up your Auto and have your plugs tested free of charge. Schrag Bros., Zurich. LET US TEST YOUR SPARK PLUGS Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK •`'e Largest Business of any -13a7adian Company doing Business in Ontario- .dmount of Insurance at. Risk on Dec. .1st, 1931, $19,593,724. 'Total Cash in Bank ,ind Bonds $199,101,.61 1Rtttcsa 44.50 per $1,000 lox years, E.o F. Ki pp --Zurich aikenil, Also Dealer iu Li jlalning Rods easel :all kinds of Fire insurance LIVE POU LT R V WANTED I liken every Dcy till 8 o'clock, p.m. 'Da mot food Fowl name morning when brought in. lied Cath Prices ---CASH FOR -- CREAM AND EGGS, W.. q)O'Br,jen �I L. '^.hoz 10th B. 5, :sq, 4.;i:ui022, • Maybe you don't believe in the business of changing spark plugs every 10,000 miles. Well sir, we have installed a Champion Spark Plug Tester that clearly visualizes to your own satisfaction why and when you need new spark plugs. Come in, and let us test your own spark plugs, and compare them to new Champions. It's a very inter. eating and instructive test, and it absolutely tree. "Yorr Engine Deserves The Bess" Champion Sparl Plugs L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich United Farmers ' Jill Picnic The United Farmers held a meet ing at the home of W. G. Medd, M. P.P., Exeter, on Thursday evening last, when arrangements to hold a picnic at T3ayfield Carr Juno 22nd were :tn ' : ' r.eted tilat. ih:, . ;ga .s McPhail,. M.P. ur{ll, speak. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. C. Fritz and son Ward, and daughter Miss Pearl Wurtz motored to London on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Grange~ of Detroit, were Sunday guess with Mr. and Mrs, John:Douglas. • Messrs. J. Hey, Jr., ancc .Harry Rose spent a few days in Detroit last week. Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith .and daughter Mae motored to Arkona ot, Sof•,rdo- Mrs. E. Bender and son Edwin of Blyth were week -end visitors at the home of IVlrs. L,,dia mire. Mr.' and Mrs. Toro. Dinsmore and little Tim were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bossenberry accompanied by friends of Kitchener were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner the past weew. The friends of Mr. Orville Witrne. who was taken to Clinton Hospita. and operated on for appendicitis, are pleased to learn ` that Orville is Pm geessinl; quite favorably. The friends of Mr. Samuel Schee of the 14th con., regret that he wa: taken to London Hospital last wee: for some stomach trouble. We all trust Mr. Schoch will soon recover, With the big "blow out" the wo- men of the various branches of_the Institutes had in town on Tuesday, we cannot remember. of seeing so many of the fair sex that were strangers at one time. But we know they enjoyed themselves. Miss Rose Albrecht, who is taking treatments at the Ontario Hospital at Woodstock, . and who spent a, week at her home here left for that inst- itution on Tuesday, and was accom- panied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht and sister Miss Lulu. Owing to a typographical error in last week's issue in the article per- taining to Mrs. Mary Stelek's birth- day, we stated that a friend present• ed her with a fine birthday "cage" this of course should have been birthday "cake" and it sounded rath- er humorous. Rev. Chris. Gascho of Baden; Mr and Mrs. Menno Wagger and i'Ir. ane' ^Trs. Daviel Bender of near New Hamburg spent the week -end with. friends in this vicinity. The former conducing service in the Bronson Line Anfish Mennonite Church. The party visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Memo Buehler of town on Monday. Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheinl and. son John attended the funeral of a friend at Desboro on Tuesday. The unfortunate departed was a young married lady twenty-one years of age and dropped off a chair on which she was sitting and fell over dead the result of heart failure. The funeral was indeed a large one, some eight hundred people gathering at the graveyard. Those who attended the funeral of the late Cyrus Colosky on Sunday from a distance were: Mr. John Schilbe, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sshilbe, and Mrs. G. Steinbach of Detroit: Mr. Abel Schilbe, Miss Bernice Schil- be, Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Trice of Waterloo: Rev. and Mrs. F. L. Howald of Elmwood; Mr. ^sd. Howald of Exeter, and Mrs. T. ppleton of Thalnesford. Mr. and Mr. Wm, O'Brein and Mi; - O'live, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brcoia and Mr. and Mrs. L. •troy O'Brein of town were Sunday .visitors with fri- ends at Crosswell, Mich. Mr. Wm. O'Brein advises us that conditions in that part o.' the State are not look- ing so good, as the excessive rain has done much damage, the corn and potato crops have practically all got to be replanted and as a consequence Mrs. C. Eilber is spending a week with friends at Hensall. Miss Hazel Uttley spent the week- end at Seaforth, Mr. Archie Tndiq.na, -l- ent a few days with NLr. Jno, Douglas Mr. Cyrus delapeh Wald is employed iy Mr, C. Fritz, spent the weekend at his home in Bridgeport. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wagner of Guelph, spent the week -end with the •)1111,9: s p L, eats. c. a, and Mrs,. F. L. Howald, of newood were visitors with relatives town, Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars of Desboro, were visitors with relatives .n town last week, Miss Emma Dinsmore of London, pent the week -end. with her mother l on the town line. A goodly number from the Liberal • ranks attended the big convention at Hensall last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, L. Goodbread and' family of Detroit were week-end'vis-1 itors at the home of Mr. Ed, Axt. Mr. Jos. Foster of Fairgrove, sp- i ent a few days with his cousin, Mr.! John Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mousseau and family, and Mr. Ed. Kinsman visited with friends at Woodstock on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. George • Koch of Dashwood 'were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. W eseloh. MrNhl Witmer of Babylon line{ was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and 1Irc. A. Meaick and son Gladwin. Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf and Mrs. W. Cairnes of Kitchener, spent. a few days last week s' ,tyr home of I Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Johnson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Smiun and two sons, Gordon and Stanley south of St. Joseph, attended a public school re -union and picnic near Baden on Friday. Mr. C. Fritz is having new hard- % ood floors put into their home. The .nechanics doing the work are Mr. Morris Weber' of town and Mr. Gy- ms Schoch of Bridgeport. Miss Gertrude Sehade who has "een spending some time in London for the past months, has returned to :ler home on the Blue Water Highway south, last week. A few of the Conservative ranks attended the big Conservative rally t London on Wednesday last. at velich the Provineini and Dominion . �,ttlll^2.i poke. l)r.:., J. '' t. 1, a :an, s,.crrta'•y of „. Zurich act 1, that the four teachers comprising t.%e pu7)lic and Continuation school.:, have been re- engaged for another year. Mr. Jack Kipping who recently operated a blacksmith shop in Mr. J. E. Druar's shop on Victoria street, has closed down and left for Listo- well where he will work in a garage. Don't forget the public school pic- nic of Zurich Public School, next Wednesday afternoon, June 15th. Let everybody turn oat and make this a big success. We have not de- finitely heard of the place, but likely it will be Grand Bend. The nice warm weather with occas- ional showers is continuing the growth of all things, wheat is head- ing out nicely and the grass sure does grow, especially where the lawn mow- er is supposed to pass over. • Friday of last week, June 3rd, was the King's Birthday, when our mon- l.rch King George V. v.:lel_rated his 97th birthday. The day was very quietly observed in town, as most the business places were kept open. Mr. Pepper, of London, who under- took the job of stopping the leaks in the, village water Supply tank was in town on Tuesday, and is not satis- fied with the work done here as there still is conside_able leakage, and Mr. Pepper will bring his equipment up the price of potatoes are boosted to on Thursday of this week to give it 90c a bag. another coat, and consequently the customers will be minus their water supply for a few days. Hay Council met on Monday for the June meeting, and a report of the minutes will be published in our next issue. An interesting item on the list we notice is the purchase o` a rock and stone crusher from the Dominion Road Machinery Co., nt Goderieb, for $3,200. This scene lot of money to a great many but is surely will be a good investment, and will in a short time pay for itself by applying a better class of material on our roads. As a load of crueluei stone at present is worth a coup, of loads of ordinary pit gravel, and be- sides the grant given by the Provin- cial Government will be 49r; which is nearly half its cost. Women" Institute The Annual Convention of the South Huron District was held in the Town Hall Auditorium, Zurich, on Tuesday of this week with about 6' delegates and officers present, The first session took place at 10 a.mn, when reports of various districts we- re given, also several interesting mus- ical numbers. Miss ICeddy of Huron - dale presided., The local ladies served the visitors to luncheon, after which the afternoon session took place, Mrs M. Lelland and Mr. G. Putnam, as guest speakers, delighted the audien- ce, followed by a program of vocal solos and readings by members of various districts. Election of officers then took place with Mr, Putnam presiding. This closed the annual meeting, Barn Burns The bank barn of Mr. Herbert Block, of the London Road, a few miles south of Hensall was destroy- ed by fire last Wednesday night, shortly after midnight, the cause of .he fire is a mystery. The live stock was practically all out with the ex- .'eption of a mar:1'7er of young pigs, which were devas:ed by the flames. The loss is covered by insurance. The barn was on the farm long known as the Gavin Ross homestead farm. Liberal Convention The South Huron Liberal Conven- tion was held at Hensall en Wednes- day afternoon, June 1st, with a large gathering present. The officers of the :Provincial association were all re- elected with the exception of Tuck- ersmith and Stephen chairmen, the two elected being respectivery, Mrs. Leo. Fortune and A. Sullivan. The following were nominated for Provincial candidates: 3. Wesley Beattie, Seaforth; Dr. Shaw, Clinton; Dr. R. R. Ross, Sea - forth Owen Geiger, Hensall; Charles Fritz, Zurich and W. H. Golding, Seaforth. Mr. Golding was the only nominee to stand. He is Ex -Mayor of Seaforth and was the unanimous choice to represent the Liberals of South Hur- nn in the next provincial election. The speakers were., Ross Gray, M. P'., Sarnia and Thos. McMillan, M.P. :s well as those nominated. AND nails like Iutnbel'z Its light weight makes; it easy to handle. It requires no expensive decoration, in fact none at all, when panelled. Use it for obtaining fire - safe walls ceilings and Parti- tions throughout your home. It has structural strength, insulation value, is draught and vermin -proof, easy to install, saves time in .new construction and is an excel- lent base for Gyptex or Alabastine. Gyproc may be easily identified by the name on the board and the Green stripe along the edge. GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE,. Canada, Limited Paris - Ontario 12 For Sale By Fred C. Kalbfleisch "' .19 aman e.Zurich, Ont._.o .m g 000®••••*000e00•00eaoe ®•0•0aoa0o00000ce •e,ge »a•• 0 • • • 0 a • • • • 3 • • • Fertilizer Fertilizer Before giving Your, Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure and see us. Get our Prices and Quality, and we know you will leave your Order with us. Chick Feeds, and Starters Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete and V'e will be pleased to supply You with the follow- ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter, Purina Chows, Etc. SEEDS SEEDS For Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass s Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" • • • Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. 1 L. Schilbc & Son r•••eaapsmrsomes•eseer•atusetw•leo,siwa•ou..uY00a.•o••a•.r-,e•N • Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ++++++++++++++++++++++++.1.4) ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS : Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizera, Toilet Soaps, x':.o:s'as .,;; and Brushes,, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND RUMS lDr . A. J. MacKinnon, Zuriohl