HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-06-02, Page 8"%1r 'F'tMIT ZURICH vieffeeseil THE STORE WITH THE STOCK w rsets & Corsettes Wei%c; Carry the Nu -Back. in Corsets, Girdles, and Cor- sou..13. This Nu -Back gives New Figure, Comfort, and Trim Smooth Figure Lines. No Riding up. Nu- Back stays in same position. NEW SUMMER SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK! Fin quality Voiles, new 36 -in. N^.w Gingham, 32 -in width, yd L3cies' Rayon bloomers, pr. Ladies' Mesh Hose, Silk at Ladies Mesh Hose, Extra Special 39c 13c 49c $1.00 39c 19c 98c 75c Ladies' Cotton Hose, blk., grey or fawn Ladies' print Housedresses Misses print Housedresses Men's Silk Combinations .............. Buttonless Combinations 75c Men's Fine Sox, 2 pr. for 25c GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Piriz Salmon, 1 lb. tins. Rolled oats for Chicks, 10 lbs. for Blue Bird Jello C:';-;: Starch , 3 lbs. for r: Five Cleanser Try New Grape Nut Flakes, 2 for 10c 25c 5 c. 25c 5c. 25c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 +1 AUTO INSURANCE PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, FIRE, THEFT, ETC. :Pp to 20% Reduction on Standard Rates for 2 To 4 Years' Driving without Accident. Get ;Particulars alxlt}t .: t ' . rnlimnited -All-Risk Auto Policy. Protects you fully and provides .for a $5000 Accident Policy. Information and Rates Cheerfully Given. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WI LL? .calm ....•sass s.aaaae• Goodyear Tires and Tubes TALK ABOUT GOODYEAR CORD AND BAL- OON TIRES AND TUBES. To ---The Man who hasn't much money to spend on Tires, they're the Cheapest Tires he can buy. To ---The Buyer who looks for Road Grip, and Beauty, He will find them both in this make of Tire. To ---The Customer who gives his Tires Hard Useage, will recognize their extra wear. No Other Tires Approach Goodyear in Appearance WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. GET OUR PRICES! FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWYAYS IN STOCK. ALSO A GOOD LINE OF THE BEST PAINTS; WIRE FENCING Evetroughing and Generate' Tinsmithis's, Our Specialty! .. , .QA., Please, Don't Forget, When in Need of New Furniture, We Have It! STADE &.WEI • WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for June 2nd, 3rd and 4th Kelloggs Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. T 5c Chateau Cheese, Half Ib. pkg. .15c Fancy Pink Salmon, 1 lb. Tin, 2 for 25c Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins . - 25c No. 3, Peas, per Tin 10c New Mild Factory Cheese, per lb. 13c Ready Cut Macroni, 2 lbs. 15c Our Own English Breakfast Tea, Half lb. pkg 23c Superior Baking Powder, 16 -oz. Tin' 23c Clark's Spaghatti (Tomato .Sauce, Cheese) 2 tins19c Kraft Salad Dressing, large jar 23c Matches, 3 pkgs. for ....25c A New Shipment of Printed. Voile at 25c, 29c, 35c. We received a shipment of Ladies Silk No Run Under- wear, a very fine knit, high Class Garment at 89c per Garment. Another Line at 49c. Ladies' Dresses ..at $3.50. Blouses at $1.50 and 1.95. J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phoa• 140 Inspector Beacom of Goderich; visited the Zurich School on Tuesday Mrs. W. Klopp is spending a few weeks with her children at Stratford and Shakespeare. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Deichert of New Haven, Mich., and Mr. Ed. Deichert of Detroit, spent the week- end with their relatives in town. Mr. Ezra Dumart and CIarence Fry of Kitchener, were visitors for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs Harry Yungblut. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Merner of Detroit were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Merner of town. Mr. Sampson Calosky of Dashwood is spending the week in town with incurred; in the cost of producing his brother, Mr. Cyrus Colosky, who •crops ai0 the same, whether the era - is quite ill. (ps is4l�ange or small, so that every The two fishing companies operat- .effortShould be made to produceTar- ing off St.,Joseph, in lake Huron,. are ge yield by the adoption of all mebet- progressing along nicely, and have tter.,fai > alg practices. Another me- made some very frofitable catches in ion i of reducing the cost of product- made m ueb- thepast week. � ion is the use of larger machinery and more Itior saving equipment. Con - recently established living quarters in recent"years in the introduction of FOR SALE For Quick Sale—Overland 6 ell - Coach, Good Condition. Albert G. Hess, Zurich. efampaNalarMVINIMIWIII BUSY FARMER NEWS Reducing Crop Costs. The ever present problem with the farmer is how to reduce crop cots. This can be done in two obvious ways first, producing more at the same costs; and second, producing the ,same at a Iower cost. Perhaps the most important method of reducing the cost of producing crops is the in- crease the yield. Most of the items Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Heist, who have siderab 4,improvement has been made over part of their bakery, have par- tially moved into these rooms, which will be a great convenience. Mr. and Mrs. L. Heyse, Messrs. Lawrence and Gordon Rau all of De- troit, were week -end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau. Mr. Louis Prang, accompanied by Mrs. J. Fuss of town spent a few days in Detroit. Mrs. Prang, who has been in that city for a week, re- turning home with them on. Tuesday. Mr. Herb. Mousseau while at Lon- don the other day exchanged his last year's Plymouth sedan for a new model of this year. Mr. Mousseau has demonstrated this new car around town, and it sure has most wonder- ful performance, while it is only a four cylinder motor, yet with this new floating power invention, it is as free from vibration as a large eight cylindered motor car. ZURICH ONT. it s.s .., .., 0404.1104.111111001111111.1.111+110 Mr. Leonard Prang has a most not- orious skelliton looking like Ford, as practically all the body part has be- en removed, yet it has a passenger' and loan companies find the farm wh- capacity of five people, of cource of ich has a poultry flock a much better risk than the one which. has none, larger 'and better machinery, making possible the elimination of consider- able manual Iabor. Where the farm is large enough to warrant the pur- chase of such machinery, this meth- od sonstitues an effective means of re during cost. Poultry—A Farm Asset Official records show that the poul- try population of Canada has doub- led each ten years during the period of the past 30 years. Each succeed- ing period of low prices for farm products finds the poultry flock com- ing to the farmer's rescue. At the present time it can easily be shown that the poultry flock properly bred.. housed, and Looked after is, from the standpoint of capital investment and feed costs, one of the best paying lines of . farm effort. Each succeeding year appears to make it more clear that the farm is the Iogical place`for the development of the poultry in- dustry with respect to both egg and meat production. The farm flock is a useful medium for the marketing of otherwise unsaleable products in the form of eggs and poultry meat. Banks the "fresh air" style. Recently five young men took the car and made the trip from St. Soseph to Grand Bend along the lake beach. A sec- ond attempt the trip was made from St. Joseph to Bayfield, although en- countering with considerable water in this northern direction. But the letttle Ford kept rambling right a- long, and since we .now have sea- planes, soon we will, have sea autos. Tornado Strikes Stephen A small tornado struck the farm of Win. Sweitzer, reeve of Stephen Township, last Friday afternoon. The farm iS located hear + land immediately afterwards, and Weed Control ,Careful and thorough cultivation, a short rotation of crops using var- ieties of grain suitable to the soil will solve the weed problem, stated A. 1'€ Martin,, assistant director, Crops and Markets Branch, in a recent address to weed inspectors. He recommended more extensive use of early after - harvest cultivation and summer fal- Iow as a, means of .cleaning up weedy fields, Practical farmers have found that sow thistles and similar perennial weeds can be contralled by cutting hay earlier ,than, usual, plowing the near Grand Bend. Four people cau- ght by the storm took refuge in an implement shed, and were fortunate to escape injury, ' tot -the building was completely demolished, parts of it being carried more than 80 rods by. the force of the storm Even the heavier implements were carried sev- eral rods. The roff of the barn was Thutokt June 2nc1', 1.1)•14.1144.0.444414 011+4144.44114 Hee4 +144+ f 5 *4+14 1541.4 Your Hardware Store WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PM:17.3 t LET US SHOW YOU '� OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. 1 Furniture Greatly Reduced + We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly Reduced Pte. Furniture Prices have reached Iowest level and axe sure to advance. Secure your needs now? et We also have some Good Used Furniture in Stock Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and 014 Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock. We ha1e appointed Agents for the Celebrated Massey -Harris Farrn Klement Repairs. Johnston &a Kalbfie:iscji Hardware & Furniture. Phone -63 +4.+4-44-144. +++++++++f f 4444+44+++++++++++++++++++.100444 11{U(11MINEUM111111Uli We 114111UUIUB111.7AN;i�%''M1111fIIIUIIUL'11111191UUI 103EK94'�L!'l ;L'ill;�% til i1![ik!;Ui I;NT11�ulllllummlmmlu111111M11311% Repair Wa,go 1��1 s, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber $ g V�Vagoa>� �.t....__..-_.... � ...... 45 1 good buggy at . $30 4 wheel Trailer Carr�plete...... $25 KEEP ON SMILING! HESS, the Repair Man CONI ILIUM IIIIIIIII MILIA UUN1U SBIIIN IIIIUIIIIIIIIUHgHU('it E11113411 lR�> y Uy l lµ0 as follow up with thorough cultivation during the remaining part of the sea- son. ran, wheat, buckwheat, rape and all hoed crops ale effective in control ling sow thistle. The latter gets its greatest start in oats and other spr- ing grains. As a protection to pro- ductive farm land, read superindend- ents and city town and village weed tornoff, and the doors were carried inspedtors are urged to keep all we - for a distance of 50 rods. To add eds cut on roadsides, vacant lots and 'o his other misfortunes, the reeve other iir'batx property. Valuable work ''ad a field of alfalfa ruined by the in stimulating interest in weed con - hail, while the rest of the crops were trol is being done by Mr. A;. G. severely damaged I Smith, of New Hamburg, district I++' ase++++++++++++++444 14+++++++++++++4++++1. 1 Zt7,ICE ' GARAGE ATTENTIONI TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS Wls ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS ON GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY 4Z1ONSIDEREU EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS GREASES H. Mousseau Zurich 4. l+t +f++++++++f+++++++4.4i +f+•4*+++++++++++4 h+++++H 111Be•...B.!B.......a.B'.ee.. 400.00000000•41111411111000•0 00, • • a • SCHRAG'S GABAGE ATTENTION! PLEASE! We have opened a Service and Repair Garage formerly the EDIGHOFFER GARAGE • And are, in a position to give First Class Work, on all makes of cars, and all other Motors. Z IMPERIAL GAS, OILS, AND GREASES 1 Also THE FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES IWith a One Year Guarantee PHILCO RADIOS KOLSTER RADIOS CRYSTAL. LOW BATES ON p...A.TE Ori WINDSHIELDS AND DOOR LIGHTS. BATTERY CHARGING, CAK 'WASHING AND POLISHING. PRESTOLITE ILKITER*ES. I Cave UgACall! . Sehrag Bros. Phone 154. Zurich LOWEST POSSIBLECHARGES' t1K' ommoi ✓issamm !!dobe.. Sara