HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-06-02, Page 7You can now buy
Orange Pek . e
3 f'
The 1. west price it has ever
been sold at,
glow io play Bridge
4 Wynne Ferguson
In the play of the hands at Auction
and Contract there are numberless
opportunities to make good plays, but
the most important one of all is the
winning of the trick that scores game
or saves it. For example, suppose the
declarer is playing spades and it is
easily possible to make three odd but
there is no apparent way to score
game. That is the time for the de-
clarer to do some deep thinking and
endeavor to figure out some way to
make game. Sometimes this can be
done by mentally placing certain high
cards in the opponents' hands in such
a way that game is possible. At other
times it can only be done by letting
the opponents have the lead in the
hope that they will make a mistake
an.d thus give the declarer his only
ehauce for game. That is what is
meant by getting the trick that scores
On the other band, suppose your
Hearts --A, R. J, 7
Clubs -4
Diamonds -9, 7, 6
Spedee-0, 8, 7. 5, 3
opponents are playing the hand at
spades, and it is up to you to save
game. You can figure out how to take
three tricks but cannot see any hope
for the fourth trick. Then you should
figure out in your mind what card
or cards your partner must hold to
make that extra trick and play ac-
cordingly. You will be surprised how
often the card that you figure must
be there, will be there and therefore
save the game. It is an close hands
of this type that the good player has
such au advantage. The all-import-
ant trick of every hand is the one
that either makes game or saves
game; so bend all your energies and
concentrate all your thought on that
one trick and, if it is in the cards,
don't let It get away from you.
The following hand is given as an.
illustration of the dealer's failure to
observe this rule and of the big loss
Hearts -9, 6
Clubs -K, J, 7
Diamonds -K, 10, 8, 5, 4, 2
Spades -A, K
: t3
Hearts -Q, 10, 8, 5, 4 2
Clubs -10, 9, 8, 5, 3
Diamonds -3
Spades -4
Hearts -8
Clubs -A, Q, 6, 2
Diamonds -A, Q, J. '
Spades -Q, J, 10, 6, 2
No score, rubber game. This hand is
applicable either to Auction or Con-
tract. Z dealt and bicl one spade. A
and Y passed and B bid two hearts,
Z two spades, A three hearts, Y three
spades, B four heai'ts,.Z four spades
and A ., � le �r peed and A
e y 5 •Y al d follow:
ed with the ace'; of r ear e.'''''HOW should
Z play the hand? •
Solution: Z should let A hold this
'trick and discard a club or a diamond.
By so doing, he could have made five -
odd in spades If A had then led either
one of the other three suits, for in that
ease he could have taken A's trumps
And his suit cards were all good. If A
had led another heart at trick three,
Z should have trumped in the dummy
with the king and then led four rounds
of trumps. He should then have led
wither clubs or diamonds until A made
bis last trump.
In Ibis way, Z could have made four
spades. If, however, he trumped the
'emceed heart trick in his hand and led
jdwo rounds of spades, his hand was
hopeless and be would lose his con-
Rearts---n 0510
Olubc-Q, 6
Diamond s -J
Sped eeeeQ
'hat: New York That Breaded Time of Life
Is Wearing
Mrs. Br'ockhank Tells Why She
Recommends Dr. Williams'
of 40 to 50
illustrated Ds essinalcing Lesson .Fier-
nished With Ever!/ Pattern "My age was 48
Color --which every wo-
Appt'tito man cal kntimowse is a
oY life
Returned -when I derived
such benefits from
Ar. Williams' Pink Pills," writes Mrs.
I3rocichank, Hamilton, Ont. "I felt so
tired and depressed; could not sleep;
my appetite was impaired; my skin
and lips were pallid. 1 could not make
any headway with my housework. I
got discouraged, as tonic after tonic
did not better my condition. My sist-
ter, a graduate nurse, advised Dr. Wil -
limns' Pink Pills. After taking a few
boxes my condition greatly improved.
My sleep was restful and my natural
color and appetite returned."
Dr Williams' Pink Pills rebuild
health by creating new blood and in-
creasing the red blood cells, which re-
store the wasted tissues and revitalize
the exhausted system. They remove
the cause of run-down or nervous con-
ditions. Try them. At your druggist's
in the new protective glass containers.
50c a package.
tract by one trick. This band shows
the importance of thinking out the
play of the hand and the possible cards
held by opponents, even at the second
trick. The minute the dummy hand
was placed on the table, Z should
have figured what cards A must hold
to justify his; double. The only excuse
.for the double would be at least five
small trumps and the ace, king of
hearts. WIth any less holding in
trumps, A's double would have been
It is an easy hand with all the cards
exposed, but not easy if they are con-
cealed unless you stop to think and
figure out haw the unseen cards must
lie to give you. game. It is a fine
illustration of the importance of play-
ing for the all-important trick that
will score game and of doing so from
the very first card played.
In the following problem, try your
own skill in solving before reading
the solution. Then compare results
and thus obtain a valuable lesson or
evidence that you are pretty good,
dependent upon feilure or success.
Hearts -none
Clubs -A, ;J, 10
Diamonds -none
Spades -9
V :
Hearts 10
Clubs -4
Diamonds -A, 4
Spades -none
If hearts are trumps and Z is In the
lead, how can Y, Z win all four tricks
against any defense?
Solution: Z should lead the ace of
alianlends and discard the ten of clubs
En Y's hand. He should then lead the
ten of hearts. Now A must discard
'either a club or a spade, He cannot
'discard a spade for, if he does, Y will
discard the jack of clubs and his nine
of spades will be good. A, therefore,
Hearts -none
Clubs -K, 9
Diamonds -K, Q
Spades -none
is forced to discard the six of clubs
and Y discards the nine of spades. B
must now discard a club or a diamond.
He cannot discard the king of dia-
monds for, if he does, Z's four of
diamonds will be good. B, therefore,
is forced to discard the nine of
clubs. Z now leads the four of clubs
and Y wins the remaining two tricks.
It is a fine example of the "double
"Really, I think BAIN'S OWN
• TAB-
nare u�rir„'/kee P. MacDonad,i ribfe d, n .
"My, baby, has no more colic pains.
Don't let your
baby suffer --give
colds, fever, upset
stomach, colistipa-
tion. Absolutely
harmless. 250 232
Or. Williams,
ISSUE No. 22
Naming Telephone Exchanges
Who names the new telephone ex-
changes, and why are such long names
A woman is responsible in England.
She is employed by the Post Office to
think out the names for new ex-
changes, and she has in. her desk
enough names to christen all Britain's
new exchanges for several years to
It sounds an easy job, but she
doesn't think so. Scarcely one per
cent. of her suggested names is pass-
27,90 Owing to dialling limitations, a
name must not begin with an "0,"
it must not sound like any other
name, and its first three letters must
not clash with any other first three.
After a name has been passed as
fit for ese it is given a complete voice
test. Exchange operators test it thor-
oughly, and quite half the names given
the test are rejected because they see
hard to understand. Recently the G.
P. 0. decided to call an exchange Nel-
son, but when spoken by different
people it sounded like Western, Wil-
ing is enormous. son, and several other names! Even
Style No. 2790 is designed for sizes Hogarth became Cigar.
16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44
inches bust. Size 36 requires 20'0
yards 39 -inch material, with 1 yard
39 -inch contrasting.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of ell
patterns as you want Enclose 2 ''rl
A trim, chic affair is this navy and
• 'hite crepe silk printed model. Top-
ped by plain white crepe, adds much
to its daintiness and charm. Vivid
red buttons accent the slimming
wrapped closure.
Modish fulness is given the slim -
line skirt by an inverted plait at the
centre -front and the centreback.
It is equally lovely carried Tut in
o,.e color, particularly in crinkle
crepe silk in. beige or cadet blue.
Anc it's made in a jiffy! The sav-
Dr. Blobbs gazed critically at his
"H'm," he murmured. "Have you
been drinking ten glasses of water
every day as I told you to?"
patent nodded,
"Yes, doctor," he replied. "I have
been drinking six cups of coffee and
four glasses of water each day,"
The doctor gave a start of surprise.
"Coffee!" he snapped. "But coffee
and water are not the sine."
"They are at the cafe where I have
my meals," said the patient coolly,
"Did you ever hear of the straw
which broke the camel's back'" asked
the guest at a country inn. "Yes, sir,"
replied the landlord. "Well, youlll
Owl ffs
You won't find many lazy students
taking graduation exercise.
There's one nice thing about June -
It helps to solve the problem. of what
to do with old shoes. And speaking of
shoes -white shoes are signs of sum-
mer, Almost white shoes are signs of
last summer. The average girl prefers
being a June bride to a May Queen.
But the christentr's troubles are
not over even when these tests have
been passed. For the local authorities
in whose district the new exchange
stands usually dislike all the names
suggested, and a fresh list has to be
thought out.
stamps or coin ( coin preferred; wrap Trees Adorn Welland Canal
it carefully) for each number, Ind„ Montreal. - Ninety thousand trees
address your order to Wilson Putlrn villi be planted along the banks of'the
Service, 73' West Adelaide St., Toronto.
The Unkindest Cut of AD
We were seated in a hammock
On a balmy night in June,
When the world was hushed in slum-
'Neath the guidance of the moon.
I asked one little question,
And my heatr was filled with hope,
But her answer never reached me --
For her brother cut the rope,
Most of the new crop of June gradu-
ates who expect to set the world afire
will begin by lighting another cigaret.
Mike -"Pat, what in the world is the
Pat -"I just got out of the hospital.
I was operated on for appendicitis."
Mike -"What does that have to do
with that great lump on your.head?"
Pat -`A lot. They ran out of ether."
Plain and Fancy Shots
It requires wings to be an angel. You
can't get by on a pin feather. Cleanli-
ness is next to godliness, of course, but
that isn't what makes the bathing pool
popular. When we have nothing to
say it's best to say nothing, but few
of us can do it. The baby's middle
name does not amount to so much. It's
the family names that ruin them. No,
an insurance company was not re-
sponsible for the song "Keep the home
fires burning." Be pleasant but not too
pleasant. The luckiest people in the
world are those who do not depend up
on luck. Gas and electricity turned off
when not needed would pay the family
sugar bill. A word to the wise some-
times precipitates an unexpected law-
suit. A man should have a pound of
common sense to each ounce of learn-
ing. Consistency takes all the plea-
sure out of life. The most provoking
husband is -one who talks indistinctly
in his sleep. A man who laughs last
soon gets a reputation for being dumb.
The "games" that make money fast al-
so lose money fast. Eventually every
man is recognized for what he really
Vienna -Lilac City
of the Continent
Those who would know the charm of
the Austrian capital must visit it in
the spring. It has no fine river pro-
menades like many another European
city the Danube is too far from the
center of things for that -but its awak-
ening after winter snows is a wonder-
ful sight. With the coming of the lilac
blossom the Viennese feel that spring l
is really here. Day after day crowds
flock to the parks to admire the blos-
som -laden bushes. The Rathaus Gar-
den is another favorite place of pil-
grimage with its many exotic trees and
Vienna can truly be ailed the lilac
city, for not only is the lilac blossom
the indication of spring, it is aso to be
noted that to this city the lilac was
first brought from Asia nearly three
and a half centuries ago. At the corner
of the Himmelpfortgasse and the
Seilerstaette stood a garden, where,
in 1589, the lilac first blossomed 3n
Europe. This garden belonged to Gis-
lenius Busbequins, Ferdinand 1's -Am-
bassador to Constantinople. He was
a great lover of flowers, and to him is
given the honor of having introduced
both the lilac and the tulip into Eur-
ope. It 'is true that another kind of
lilac has been found iu the Carpathi-
ans, but this was much later, and this
latter cannot be compared in quality
to shat which came from the Orient.
New German Motor Train
A double passenger train car, over
137 feet long, with its own motors
and capable of a sustained speer~ of
more than ninety-three miles an hour
will be placed in service between
Berlin and Hamburg some time in
the coming Summer. With the go-
ing into effect of the Summer sched-
ule, the maximum speed of the re-
gular "FD" (non-stop) trains on the
same stretch will also be increased
from the present 68 1/3 to 74i/z miles
an hour. This has been made Pos-
sible by Increasing the distance fro1n
the first cautionary signal to lithe
final signal from 700 to 1,200 meters,
thus giving the brakes time to act. i
The new motorized car will be round-
ed at each end to reduce atmos-
pheric resistance. It will have
seats for 102 second-class passeng-
ere. A refreshment room will be
added in the middle, in which hot
and cold drinks and cold fond will
be served,
Welland Canal, between the power
house at Queenston and the intake of
Niagara River, to beautify the water-
way. Planting of the trees, shipped
from the provincial government sta-
tion at Fort William, Ontario, has
find it in the bed, I tried to sleep on Cretonne covers will retain then
32 last night." eolers if washed in bran. water.
"The Limb
that is
Here is the result of years of experi-
ment and research ... a seamless metal
limb which enables yon to do your
daily task efficiently and in comfort.
Made entirely of Alcoa Metal, to sant
all amputation eases. Seamless. All
ball bearing. Almost human in its
natural ease of moventent.
Fill in the coupon below and mail it to
us. We will send you. by return mall,
free pamphlet illustrating and describ-
ing this marvellous new metal limb.
135 Church Street - Toronto 2
Phone ELgin 7622
Makers of ,4, llie;al Limbs, Trusses, Elastic
li'osiery, Abdominal Melts, etc., for 66 'vont.
1....i. m mut.•t Mn rem vaniv'own r ma won, su wt or hoot
m Authors & Cox Limited, it
1 185 Church Street, Toronto 2. II
. Please send me pamphlet about your mer. 0
0' venous metal limb. It is understood this
1 does not abligete nab in qtly way- q
s m
Name t
22 Address .»
5 2
it 2
il"ssionsseinassetq.ntoits as>wwaostitsrs,stoes all
Cloe-''1'm afraid to go into that
dark room."
Bill -"But, dearest, I'm with your."
CIoe-"That's the trouble."
Aunt Samantha Smothers 01 Brush-
ville read in the paper that an Iowa
girl got a husband by writing her name
on' an egg. And in commenting upon
this, Aunt, Samantha, who hes been
married four times, said: "'Well; Vale
ways knew marriage was a- shell
Our sincerest wish for a June bride-
groom is that he will Bice his new
Teacher -"Now, Robert, what is a
niche in a church?"
Bobby -"Why, it's just the same as
an itch anywhere else, only you can't
scratch it as well."
If you let another decide something
for you, bell be sure to blame you and
not himself if the result of his deci-
• ::ion proves to be bad.
! Anybody could get rich If he could
tell the exact moment at which a piece
j of junk becomes an antique_
Worst Insert Enemies
Of Orchards Controlled
Geneva, N.Y,-The nature and habits
of the codling moth, the apple mag-
got, the plum and apple curculios and
the white apple leaf -hopper have been
revealed and the weaknesss which.
make them vulnerable to attack by the
fruit grower set forth in investigations
by experts of the state agricultural ex-
periment station here.
Many of the experiments having to
do with these most formidable ene-
mies of the fruit grower were conduct-
ed in the Iludson Valley and Lake
Champlain fruit districts, principally
by Dr. P. d', Chapman and 0. II. Ham-
mer, They found that "efrpient con-
trol of .orchard pests is gained through
thorough and timely treatments ap-
plied during certain critical points le
the development of these insects."
For practical reasons, they found, no
more sprays should bo used than are
necessary to give reasonable protec-
tion, and whenever possible each treat-
ment should be directed against one
or more pests.
While an insect may increase its
numbers to an abnormal degree ever
a. wide area, they say, because of ex-
ceptionally favorable conditions, fail-
ures in controlling orchard pests or
uneconomical conrol measures can us-
ually be attributed to lack of informa-
tion on pest conditions In the individ-
ual orchard.
Kruschon Stopped d it--
Duna 11 lbs. Down
started to take Kruseheil Salt!?
a • month ago, to reduce my weight;,»µ;
after trying several other ways. I azul
leased with the results, as from 2241
lbs., I have lost 11 lbs„ .which I think
is a move in the right direction. I feel'
better all round, and am hoping to gel'
down to 168 lbs. I am 52 years of age"
and 5 feet 8 inches, and was putting or
weight consistently at the rate of half&
n -pound per week, so you see 1 bay
cause to be thankful for Krusehei
Salts." --H, W.
An over -stout person is an auto*
Intoxicated (or self -poisoned) pexsork
whose internal organs are failing to
expel from the body the waste products
of digestion. Allowed to accumulate'
this waste matter is turned into layez
after layer of hideous fat.
The six salts in Krusehen assist the
internal organs to perform their
functions properly --to throw off each;
day the wastage and poisons that
encumber the system. Then, little by
little, that ugly fat goes -slowly, yes ---
but surely, and you feel so wonderfully
healthy, youthful, and energetic -more
so thee ever before in your life 1
Classified Advertistalg
e) VET remnants, $1.00. A. 24cCreer;a;
Co , Chatham, Ontario.
yours -take Siendor Beauty Tab.'
lets -a new English formula whicIY
gives you a slim, svelte appearance int
a sure, safe,, sane way. Three weeks'',
treatmentS1:50. Exact formula on the
box. 'Roy „7attchen, The Careful Chem..
ist, London.'
It a slim and slender form. Sieudor,
tablets help to relieve you of that e:C:
eels avoirdupois safely, sanely, surely;
Exact formula on the box. Three weeitel
treatment, $1.50. Roy Kitchen, "This
Careful Chemist," London.
ADIAN Approved chicks. All
flocks are culled by Government 1nsoer:+
tor. We hatch six breeds. Write for
free oatalogue. A. 11. Switzer, Grancorf
HORNS, 5 tents; Rocks White,
Rocks Red, 10 cents; delivered t.ny time.
Month olds, 180. Pullets. all ages, prieeill
furnished. Model Hatchery, Kitchener,
10c; Minorcas, White Rocks, 110;
lu per cent. books order. Pletsch
Hatchery, Stratford, Route 5, Ontario.
mAIDE $5.0o TO $5.00 PAILS:. SELL household necessities direct froitri
manufacturer. Exclusive territory. Dept.
5, Big 3 Products, 98A. Church Street,
should suffer. Thruil will give you
sure and lasting relief. Others are find-
ing this to be true. Sciatica, lumbago,
neuritis, or neuralgia vanish luirkly
and surely. No harmful drugs. You
owe it to yourself to give this a tri.H.
You take no chance. Money lack guars
antee. Sent direct on receipt of price.
$1.00 per box, or sample box 25c. Throil
Wtsgsedy Co., 488 Annette ,St., Toronto.,
n ,X NEwspAvmm.
PAPER in Ontario. Send .iar-
Hculers to Box 10, Wilson Publtsliing
C• Ltd., Toronto.
lttoaon BOAT POE SA.T.V.
cruiser, about thirty feet, in asd
altogether only four or five months Iii
two seasons; complete equipment includo
ing carpets, bed and table linen, china;
glassware and silver as well as all mar-
ine equipment and many extras. This
cruiser with its two cabins and its .veli
equipped galley Is an unusually comfort-
able boat for week -ends or longer,
cruises for four to six people. 1t is ex-
ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised
all over the Great Lakes. It has a nig..
class and very economical 00 horsepower,
six -cylinder power plant with complete
electric lighting throughout and speed
of 12 to 14 miles per hour. It is a ,pe-
cial paint job and very attractive in ap-
pearance. Owner will sacrifice for nalf
its original cost. H. Watkins, 73 78,
Adelaide St.. Toronto.
"This necklace is supposed to be
very unlucky. The last three women
who owned it committed suicide."
"How. interesting. Your husband
bought it for you, I suppose?"
The fishmonger was doing his best
to sell his stock.
"That's a nice bit o' fish," he said.
"Best 'ore cured."
The thin-lipped woman auiffed.
"Will that suit you, madam?" put
in the fish monger.
'No, it will not," she snapped. "Just
you put that away and give me :Mile-.
thing ghat ain't been ill.
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
Plenty of Minerd's well
rubbed in soon sets you
tight. Bathe the sore vat
with worst water before you
34 You'll soon limber op!
They stlmulaie
your liver, ge+ rid
of poisons sr4c4
f xpi'ove your
Sold everywhere ie
25c and 75c red plrgs.
TIERS I, , '1fl.
.....r..; .--.. .» ,_..b c...,.teaN .,