HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-06-02, Page 5atir radar,. am 2nd xS'32 BUSINESS CARDS VJRICH HERALD irn ,rrr _ _ _ _ . ILIUDLET 1/IAI/IUSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY YI'-ARY PUBLI C, ETC. 1OI FICE_Hamilton Street, Just off The Square, G'ODERICH, ,Ontario. Special Attention to Cuuncel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes nay be consulted at Gederich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. William a Brown A. S. P. •aduatad Foot S eesatlst AT Brown's Boot Shop Dr. IL 11. COWEN L.D.S. D. ID s� DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ .1,LOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HABTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Moriarty, Tuesday and s, Wednes'1ay Loosed Auctioneer • For Huron and Middlesex I AM INA POSITION TO CON - ;duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit :sour business, and if not satisfied will sake no charges for Services Ren- dered,. ARTHUR WRBER _Dashwood J'hone 13-57. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Bolognas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always .ora hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve You)" �+�LI � !4 elri,ra4 R1 sos goon Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Eto Ads For Sale ISL -If. . Disc, almost. new- 'IVf.-IL Manure• Spreader, overhaultd- John Deere Hay loader, in good order, 1 used wagon. Some used bricks. Oscar Moose Zurich - FOR SALE 50 Leghorn Pullets for sale at 50c each, 10 weeks old, good laying str- ain. AI'so 20. Rock pullets at 55c each. Ferdinand Haberer. NOTICE We have installed one of the latest and most up-to-date equipments for testing Spark Plugs. Drive up your auto and have your plugs tested' free of charge. Schrag• Bros., Zurich. TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received by the Police Trustee Board of the Vil- lage of Zurich up to 8 o'clock, Sat- urday evening; June 4th, 1982, for delivery of 200 loads pit gravel, 114 yards to load, on streets in Zurich. Gravel must be of good quality, sub- ject to acceptance by Village Road Commissioner and placed under his dirt-etion. Delivery to be made when ordered. Tenders must rave price per load, including cost of gravel, clearly stated. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. A. F. HESS, Sec., Zurich Police. Trustee Hoard Dated May 23rd, 1932. Ilderton Safe Cracked Professional yeggmen invaded Ild- erton Friday night, blew the safe in the Farmer's Co -Operative office, and escaped with $?5 to $90 in cash, several non-negotiabble checks and two notes. It was the first safe -crack- ing in the county in six years. Enter- ing the front door with a skeleton key, the yeggs hammered the comb- ination from the large iron safe, fil- led it with nitro-glycerine and touch- ed off the fuse. Two charges were us- ed to do the work, tearing the heavy door away from the hinges. SERVICE Why We have they, Better Class of Cr. toners !HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. litATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR. VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Paee,ts, Helloing and Mechanical Work ions to Micrometer Settings, No 'guess work. Watch the cars that iTOP ak Sy Thi are al! HIGH CLAS;; CLIEi`i'1:ilE. IL at WOIDi bASIiWOOP ONTARIO Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Businew of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - amount of Insuuraance at Risk on Dec, 31st, 1931, $19,593,724. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $199,101,.61 Mates -114M pea. $1,000 for 3 years. E. F. K1 pp—Zurich Aleut, Also Dealer in LidinoW Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance L I VE P U LT R V WANTED 'MAO= every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m. ell) not feed Fowl dame morning, when brought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien LOCAL NEWS Mr: D. A Cantelon of Remelt, called in town on Saturday. 1I,VIr. Wm. Brown made a business trip to London one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Litwiller of St. Petersburg were visitors with friends on the Bronson line. Mr. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, called on his brother, C. L. on Fri- day. Huron Comity Council meets on Tuesday of next week, June ?th, for the June meeting. Mrs. W; L. Siebert, and daughter Miss Nora, R.N., who spent a week at Detroit, have returned home. Many are attending the big Liberal Convention at Hensel), this Wednes- day afternoon. The holiday season opened this Wednesday afternoon, and while most towns have signedup for three -mon- ths, Zurich is taking off four months. Mr. Elmer Erb, of Wellesley was a week -end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. iViose Erb, Bronson Line - Mrs. Gibson and family and Mrs. Smith of Goderich and IVIr. and Mi: Oliver of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' Chas. Weber and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sant. Gottschalk of Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith, of De- troit, visited with relatives here ov- er the holiday. Mr, and Mrs. Morris Neil, and babe '>f. Detroit, were Sunday visitors with ,or parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Aulerich of Detroit, were recent visitors at the tome of Mr, and 1VIrs. L. Prang. Pleased to report that Mr. John Vlelaride of the Blind line is recover - :ng nicely from his recent illness - The many friends of Mr. Cyrus Calosky regret to learn that he is luite ill at present. 1Vliss Rose Albrecht, who is taking 'treatments at the Ontario hospital, at Woodstock, is spending a week at her home here. Monday was decoreion Day in the United States, and this brought on a great many people visiting with their friends in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Moore and family of Troy, N. Y., are visiting at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ko- ehler. Mr. and Mrs. Len Heist of De-: troit, were holiday visitors at the home of her parents, ir. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp. Mr. Thos. Meyers of town, Amin- Miss Ruth Turkheim, who hasbeen panied by Geo. Boa, of Hensall, took attending Waterloo Collage for the second prize in the big horseshoe pitching contest at Mitchell on Tu- esday last. pa A, term, has returned to her home here, as the college tern is over. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waiper have moved unto the Hey property on the Mr. Dan. Smith, who spent the past { t Babylon line, and recently vacated by month with friends at New Ham- : burg, returned on Monday, and is leaving on Saturday for. Arkona, where he intends to spend the sum- mer Mrs. C. 1?. Hey, who has moved to Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gascho, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gascho and Mr. Joel Gascho, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel • Womens' Institute The South Huron District Conven- • ." - -1 tion of the Womens' Institute will 1;1. Miss Bide Schwalm was on Satur- held in the Town Hall on June ?th. day conveyed to London Hospital, by All ladies are cordially invited to the Dr. A. J. MacKinnon on Saturday, afternoon session. Mr. Putnam, Pro- and operated on for appendicitis. i vincial Superintendent wiii uc the Rumors are around that the Zurich special speaker for the afternoon. • 1301oo1 picnic will be held on Wed - Also Mr. McMillan of the Proviiicial • _ •.,•lay, June 15th. More particular. Boar.i from Sarnia. The June meet- fill be announced) next week. ing of the Zurich Branch will be11(.1(1 Bir. Orville Witmer, of the Heist in the Town Hall on Monday evening ?;ake'ry staff was rushed to Clinton June 0th, at 8 p.m. Topic—Caiiad-•;ospital, on 'Monday andops operated o^ tan Women of Note and why a111e11.4 or re,niw& of the appends . To be given by Mrs. L Kalbfleisch Mr. A. G. Edighce,fer is moving a • All ladies are cordially invited.: ' portion of their effects in the Dietz r,i400 WPM BEN you are building. is the best time to make your house safe from the damage Are can do. Order tilzte.eand-labour saving Gyproc Wallboard fog, all interior walls, ceilings and partitions. When remodelling, extra space may be gained by, dividing the attic and base - 'mut with Gyproc partitions. You can paper it or panel it if you wish and it is an excellent base for Gyptex or Alabastine. Gyproc may be easily identified by the name on the board and the Green stripe along the edge. GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE. Canada, Limited Paris - °Ontario t8 For Sale By Fred C. Kalbffeisch aes Zurich, Ont. Zia' soesesee oecomBoeogiskes'egoozG9mo.,5 t iilrm5Deo.` eev,:m," v.,,,, ori • • • n as Before giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure and see us. Get our Prices and Qun1ity, and we know you will leave your Os der with us. Chick Feeds, and Starters Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete and We will be pleased to supply You with the follow- ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter, Purina Chows, Etc. • Fertilizes Fertilizer laiertertaislata INSTALL AN EMCD BATHROOM yOU may have done without a bathroom solely because you thought the cost was more than you 'could afford. If so, that reason no longer holds. Prices of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremely low, owing to reduced manufacturing costs, and because every part is entirely spade in Canada, Let us sliow yovt different designs in Emco Bath- room equipment. Ma tree pieces shown in the irlusfraiion, with all *iitfings, ready for installation costlyt --- $8275 Ottr bo lclet, showing different styes in Erna) Bath- room equ^ipanent and with prices shown, will be gladly mailed you. Duro PressureWaterSystems, all Canadian -made, will supply running water throughout your home. Easy time payments available on. all. Emco equipment. THE FRESH FLOW Can be used where fret* water direct from the welt is requireci. Capacitg, 5O'pal. per hour. mall 8 gal. /at n atst Tank. 3's u.i'., 110 vettMeter- 60 suers ..., $82.50 R6 cycre ... $9O,OQ' Matra for J:0 gyral.. CaZtua r iter% .Tornio FOR. SALE BY: Stade : Weido EMPIRE BRASS MFG. C0., LUMITtl9 London Toronto ''Winnipeg irarerANt 2_sommoise I block, recently vacated by Mr. Leeroy O'Brcin. Mr. Edighoffer will how- e e 0 ever not move there permanently a: present as they will move to Grand • Bend for the summer months, where :1e. follows his 'trade, barbering. Mrs. "Mary Stelck of town quietly ai ..101. -rated her 83rd birthday on Sat- erday. She was the recipient of ivany gifts, ff:owers, also a very ap- propriate birthday cage with the +2 .•;ore:; 83 inscribed with candles, s ,resented by a former neighbor and!es• • very warm friend,. • • Word was received here of the • • accidental death of Ohren Zapfe, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Zapfe of Brucefield, and former re- .sidents of Blake. Ohren, who is 20 years of age, was on Sunday even- ing, while his parents were away to church, carrying a rifle which he was using to shoot some rats, and in some way he stumbled and the gun disch- arging into his head. He lay uncon- scious on the ground for several hours before he was found, and pas - .ed away early Monday morning. The funeral is held this Wednesday after- noon. The bereft family have the sympathy of a large number of fri- ends. ; t 4. LET US TEST YOUR SPARK RAM SEEDS- SEEDS For Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with your seeds,, Clovers, Tits b , . 11 Garden and Grass Seeds kept in Stock tit LOW O "'Possible Prices. "`We do Custom. Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. 1 L. SchiLe & Son ® 111000iUi 390.00 1eerae¢ecaucteweews: u r.ware eialeirnii ffreV ae38pmeaaa+w.wz •.:42ffiga rWVAIWWW4isigMiWIMMWM AVIA AWit 1 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL TIE I REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. 1 1 Maybe you don't believe in the business of changing spark plugs every 10,000 miles. Nell sir, we have installed a Champion Spark Plug Tester that clearly visualizes to your own satisfaction why and when you need new spark plugs. Come in, and let us test your own spark plugs. and compare them to new Champions. it's a very inter.. esting and instructive test, and i8 absolutely free. "Your Engine Deserves The Hesse: Chani 4:I4P EI Spa.t'te,lsus L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich Zurich Drug Store ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumiers, Toilet Soaps, •-• _ �, and Brushes. ++++++++++++++++++++++4-44+: FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zuricht