HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-06-02, Page 4STANLEY TOWNSHIP 'Mr. and Mrs. WM. Palmer and *an -g rs aoxie and Adeline of Haixr-y aalton, spent the week -end with elle And Mrs. Wni. Reid of Pori Line. 'Ir, 'mrd 'Mrs. Pati Jolari and Beni 'Monad, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cable ,lass iiGrace .Reid of Fillet, Mich, vis- aed lever the week -end with the lad- i�es; 'st;%r, Mrs. Thos. Roliinsta'a and ,their brothers Geo..tatrd Will Reid of Warr Line. Coast .of 18eviv-ie1a was held at the 'Town ;Ball, Varna on Thursday of lass weak. Thea tGssihen'W.M.S. held their re- ulsr monthly meeting at the home eof Ms. Russel Erratt last Thursday raif"te.rnonne 'Ar_ and Mrs. Manley Jinks and %Family of Hensall, are spending a few a lay*s with Mrs. Jinks,' parents, Mr. :and 3.1rs. Jas. McLinchey. Mr. Stewart Keys, who has . been xttendingUniversity at 'Toronto, and IIx. Mervyn Keys 'who has been at- tending Western University at Lon- don. have returned to their respect- ive:, homes on. Babylon Line. Mi. Lloyd Scotehmer made a ship- ente=nt ,of live .stock to Toronto on :t` en day. DRYSDALE ZURICH HERALD will be held on Unday, June 12th at 11 a.m., and 'S.'tO pen. Rev, Patton Benmiller Will conduct spec?nal ser- tnons, The lQ.lppen Church Chzair, will give the Anthems, at the service, in their usual, and willing manner. er, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of. Lan- sing, Mich., spent the weak -end with relatives here. Mrs, R. Love returning with them for a. short time, Mr,. and Mrs. Murphey of Kingston who are spending a short time in Goderich, visited at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane recently. Mr. W. Jarrott and Annie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Inkster in'. Goderich recently. Miss Minerva Reichert .spent a day; in London recently. i. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reichert were' visited with friends from .Auburn recently, Mr, Thos. Consitt of Hensall, is spending a short time with his .son Mr. Russell and Mrs. Consitt. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell and family of Hay Township, visited at the home of Mr. and • lire,. Hugh Love on Sunday. Mrs. Troyer is visiting her nieces, Mrs. W. Dignan of near Hensall and Mrs. Bell of near Exeter this week. and Mrs. Edgar :Hasse and 4Untily returned to their home in De- -emit after spending the week -end e it t their parents. Miss Lena Denomme, after spend- ing evane time in Detroit with her hreteer, Mr. Napoleon Denoitme,ha • re -turned hone. Ile. Dennis Denomme and lady fr- i, rid of Detroit, spent the holiday -with. his sister, Mrs. Fred. Papineau. rigs. Henry Smith of :Detroit, is ' i iting with her brother anti sister, Mr. Ed. and Miss B.Mous eau. A number of our young folks en- :j!s'yed an aeroplane ride at Grand T't isd last Sunday night. 31r. and Mrs. Willard Ducharite -wild baby ;girls are visiting with their p;arr'ntai, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ducharme and Jos. Bedard.. Mrs. Ester C+aarret, :housekeeper at 'tire: Catholic parsonage, is at present .enjoying holidays with her children irx Detroit. >k"Irn. Illarchand of Tilbury is spen- alirg a few days with her son the :Reverend Father L. Marchand. The Misses Eugene I)enounne. and AA—me `Geoffrey of Chicago, were holi- day- :ritors at the horde of Mr. and Mrs'. Filbert Denomme at St. Joseph. The Misses Cloutile and Cecille giorte of Chicago, spent the week - lend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Be Laporte. HSL .The "services were conducted on iwurcday afternoon by Rev. W. Robin- ;srR of the Goshen Line. In the ab - :serene lef Rev. R. R. Conner. On ;Sunday, June 5th Rev. Bone, of the 'Upper Canada Bible Society will ' thing beat so far. .,nanduct the services. Mr. Clarence Fisher has returned The Young People's Anniversary home after an operation for append- DASHWOOD Dashwood Brass Band will give an open air concert on Sunday evening, June 5th at 9 o'clock. We hope a good crowd will turn out and encourage the boys. Children's Day will be observed in the Evangelical church on Sunday, Junta 13th. A good program is be- ing prepared. by the children. The majority of the business men in town have decided to hold Wed- nesday afternoon as half holiday during the months of June, July and August. Rev. and Mrs. Saur spent last Wednesday in Stratford. Miss Anna Tieman returned to Toronto on Sunday after spending a week at her home here. Mr. Jacob. Messner underwent an operation for tonsils in Dr. Taylor's hospital last week. Mrs. R. Armstrong and daughter Lottie and friend Mr. Durkin of Lon- don were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. Ira Tieman of the Canadian Flank of Commerce in Hamilton, and and Miss G. Cornell of Waterloo, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan. Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Smith and daughters of London and Mrs. Dun- das of Centralia were visitors at the home of Mr. Jonas Hartleib on Tu- es day. Mr. Earl and Mary Schlundt • and Miss • Louise Meyer of Pontiac, spent ey:;,days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred C'hiuitdt. 1fr. and Mi^s. Duncan Tho:np'son, and son of New York and Mr. and Mrs.., Angus Moore and daughter Helen and Miss Margaret ii:are of Seaforth, were Sunday••visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wild. Mr. Thomp- son has travelled over a good many States, but says Ontario has every 4 3 4 4. Special Special 4 Ft, CEDAR POSTS, 41', Inches and up at only 35 Cents. & ,_ OOT END POSTS AT ONLY $1 25, 3 DROP IN AND LOOK TI-IFnvi OVER! 4 4 F KAIBYLBISOB f PHONE 69 ZURICH SIMIPMCIVIONNIXIMIIMIS 4 71. ' "'i i-4-..+++ ++++„ 44++i' ++4i ++ 1'+ :,++.)„i 'l§+ +++. ++gEl ++,¢l ++++ USE ONLY Wau:aan Daly :get Genuine Massey.Harris Repairs from ea�a typos. lova Masacy.Harrts Agents :IV' RIO Mtn), Bt Better and Last Longer than Spunous Makes 8tndet aaadtthey Cost No More Canvas ;isaelsat tltan Genuine atasse;;•tlareis Parts i01l4IF1S Altar. Maaold kers of Your Plow Ar, ...,.a (K,. ..,,,..., a •n. Ciotti Carla 0.0. tricot a.Hp•...a, EWA MASEEYwHA1 RIS REPAIRS $QLD BY 0. KLOPP ZURICH, ., ONT. Capital Theatre West St„ Plume 7, OODERICH Now Playing—PRIVA..TE,11WES. A. picture you will like! Mon., Tues., Wed. The most spectacular film in Months. TARZAN, THE APS, MAN One thrill after another in this adventure tale by EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Thurs., Fri., and Sat. ---BUT THE FLESH IS WEAK--- ROBERT MONTGOMERY In another smashing hit. Coming--- SHANGHAI EXPRESS Matinees --Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m,• icitis. Misses Lucille Willert of Detroit, and Alice of Fort Wayne, spent a few days with their parents, Mi'. and Mrs Fred Willert, Mr. Wit. Musser of Detroit • silent a few days with his family. - Mr. and Mrs. Sam Link of Detroit visited with relatives last week. • - ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman and fam- ily attended the graduation of their son Lorne who graduated as a Doe - tor. Lorne was successful in obtain- ing two scholarships ancr a gold medal. His many friends extend, con gratulations. A number from. here attended a League convention in Wellesley on Sunday. The Annual Strawberry Social of the Evangelical church is being held on June 29th. Keep this date open. The Walther League of the Luth-' Bran church held their election of officers on Tuesday evening.• Pres. Zeta Nadiger; Vice, Alvin Walper; Secy, Martha Rader, Treas. Norman Waiper; Librarian Rosie Willert, Sec - Kathleen Merner; Mr, Eugene Tiernan who has been in St. Joseph Hospital, for the past two weeks where he underwent an operation, is convalescent at his home. here. Mrs. Robt, Bell is disproving after her recent severe illness. Berl and IVIargaret Drummond left. last week for Kincardine where they. have secured good positions: The Horse Shoe Club has located fine pitching grounds in the old skat- ing rink. Mr, and Mrs. A, Switzer and chil- dren of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Higgins.1 Helen Elder .of London is visiting at the home of her parents, ivlr. and Mrs. John Elder, Dr. and Mrs. Collyer were holiday visitors with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. S, L. Peppier sponte Heckman—Stephan A very pretty church wedding was solemnized in the Lutheran Church on Tuesday May 24th, wnenAnna,, only daughter of Mr.. and Mrs Ch t' Stephan was united ineernarthag e' John Heckman. Rev. Ness perforat- ed the ceremony in the presence of a large number of spectators Tlhe,brid7' was given in marriage by her father while the strains of the 'wedding march was played by the organist*_ and was charmingly gowned in whit '� canton crepe with slippers and howl: to match and wearing a long flowing veil in cap effect trimmed with orange: blossoms and carried a shower bou quet of roses and tulipt. Little Sig-' rid Pedersen made a charming fivwv-er' girl dressed in yellow and carried a' basket of yellow tulips. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Dorm Fuhr of Tavistock, who was gowned in pink georgette with lact trimming and large black hat and carried a bouquet of roses and tulips. The groom was assisted by his brother, Rhinard Heckman, After the cere- mony a wedding, dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, after which a very pleaeant evening was spent. They will reside on the farm on the 14th Con., Stephen, Reuidc rats of Hensall and vicinity were very interested and pleased witk the last Monday night club of the CJGC London Free Press station. Fred Fairburn and Doreen, BIcNicel of Cromarty, also Wm.. Hyde, accom- panied by Effie, Eleanor and Loretta Bell gave several selections of gold time music. One of Mr. Hyde's selec- tions was given at the request cf A. Henry of Cass City, Mich„ a former Hensall and .Hibbert Old Boy. COUNTY NEWS steamer Manitu'in, of the Owers Sound `T`ra.usporation Co., will oper- ate from Windsor during the months of jelly and .August and will make -uree'kly trips 'to +iGoderieh and Kin- cardine. =maim faut8 2ald. 1932 ing reeicturea ,a small bone in then shoulder while inlaying ball the atbere evening. 3Z atepaycrs Luc'know will 'vote • June 2,S`th on a bylaw to provide $7,• 500 for tt'he construction of a 24 ft. pavement on Havelock street, lead- ing to qhe {C.+'11T, .1t., station. The Grand ]Bend Casino opened for the fsesson ,tela 12ay 24th, a larges crowd being present. Mrs, Eccles- ton las &rad the pavillion redocorated end it now ,presents a very attraet- ive appearance. Announcement is made that the L'he lroderiennrmer %icnt� the week -end with relatives in Han- just announced the program for this over, year. The dates are July 18-25. Mr. and •Mrs. Geo. T. Is/fickle of Ridgetown spent the week -end with Clarence 'Boyle, Exeter, is carrying his arm in a sling the result of hav- their son, Laird Mickle. f,. HENSALL Commencing this week and during the three sunnnier months the mer- chants will observe their annual Wed- nesday half holiday. Charles A. McDonell spent the past week in Toronto with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Hess were in Toronto recently visiting a brother of Mrs. Hess, who came over from Regina, Sack., to participate in a wrestling contest. A meeting of the executive of t'he. Conservatives of South Riding of the County of Huron was held in the council chambers of our Town Hall last Wednesday evening. S. L. Peppier, the popular and gen ial accountant of the Flank of Mon- treal staff, has been moved to Aulkn- ville, where he is being promoted to Manager of the bank at that place, and together with his wife will nave_ to their new home shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foster visited, friends in Stratford last week. • Royce Welsh left for Mt. Brydges'. where he has been engaged as pitch nr for their baseball club. At the 13th annual field heel; of the Western Ontario Secondary Scho- ols .Association, more familiarly kno- wn as Wossa, held in London Satur- day last, Bob Passmore 'ocal student and athlete, won ,second place in the 'ern:or 220 yerd dash. Anniversary services were held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday last with a large congregat- ion ongre at -ion present. Rev. Bennie Acton, forn'iorly of Mitchell, preac'iet1 very instructive sermons at both aeivicee, • Established 017 e presentation, in easily understandable form, of the Bank's SEMI,A rNUAL STATEMENT 30th April, 1932 LIABILITIES LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC Deposits • • . • Payable on demand and after notice. Notes of the Bank in Circulation • . • . Payable on demand, Bills Payable . • a Drafts isszted and outstanding. Letters of Credit Outstanding • . Financial responsibilities undertaken on' behalf of customers for com- mercial transactions (see offsetting amount ix) in "Resources"). Other Liabilities . - - • . . 1,7 3,463.02 Items which do not come under the foregoing headings. • Total Liabilities to the Public . • . •. . 672,310,8..2.03 LIABILITIES TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits & Reserves for Dividends . . This amount represents the shareholders' interest in the Bank, over which liabilities to the public take precedence. Total Liabilities . . . • ., 025,7O1,OS1-7O 33,143,5x9.00 243,816.18 5,478,952.1$ RESOURCES To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has Cash in its Vaults and in the Central Gold Reserves Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks . • • Payable in cash on presentation; Money on Deposit with Other Banks • Available on demand or at short notice.. Government & Other Bonds and Debentures v;lt-cd�e Securities the greater portion of -which matures at' early dates. Stocks. . w r .11 • •� Railway and Industrial and other stocks: Call Loans outside of Canada . Secured by bonds, stocks and other negotiable securities of greaten value than the loans and representing moneys quickly available with, no disturbing effect on conditions in Canada. Call Loans in Canada . • o Payable on. demand and secured by bonds anti. of greater vraiaae at current quotations than the loans:, -' Bankers' Acceptances, . • . . Prime drafts accepted by other banks. TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES (equal to 5734% of all Liabilities to the Public) Other Loans . . . . . To manufacturers, farmers, merchants and others, on conditions con - Bank Premises g a s o i1t. That properties only die' canned the' dta'rrrcf of holding companrcr, the stock and bonds of these m diuEt ate entirety owned by the Bank and appear on the books at $iero'd in .each case. All other of de Bank's premises, the value of ffiich largely exceeds $r4,5oo,000, ap- pear under this headbld: Real Estate and Mortgages on Real Estate . Acquired in the course of the Bank's business and in privets of being realized upon. x Customers' Liability under Letters of Creditnt . w . Represents liabilities of customers on ace of LL etterst a a¢dioinstccll by the Bank for their account. Other Assets not included its the Foregoing, Making Total Assets of • . Co to meet payment of Liabilities. to the FuE& e f leaving an excess of sels over Lirtlailt'tk�es- sistent with sound banking; c. 76,301,599.13 0745,622,481.21 78,4.?1,119.01 • 23,808,742,.713 • 27,,639,150.51 n 228,901,146.79 Co o tl'�c ,12ublk not PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT Profits for the half year ending 3otbr April, n932 • • „ Dividends paid or payable to Shareholders . .. $2,16o,oaaotou Provision for Taxes, Dominion Government w .. xz'3,' fietfa Reservation for Bank Premises . r 6)11,473.59 m 20264324.55 5,845,6i 13,62 133,657.89 X385,483,225.66 336,572,388.88 114„500,01A.410.) 3„775,736.03 S„478,952.18 11,80 178.46 V48,612,48121 Gti72,; 310,882.08 76,301,599.13 aero,astroma v41188.4326.28 4i0A4P7642 Balance of Profit and Leas Account, 31st Octolser, x935 . • . tt s 426,95 a 1. 3.20,4,01034. Balance of Troia and Loss carried forward The strength of a bank is detern itld by its history, y, a a silt MAW %l of and the extent of its resources.. For 114 yet the Dank 1 allos beets in the forefront of Canadian ,sot tt tie