HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-06-02, Page 1Vol. XXXII No. 45 HER ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 2 1932. Chester L. 11.25 a year, U.S. $1.5EF IM.41111044T $1.541 IN AR REA.NS, SI MA.T 011/4414161110, Publicity is the Greatest Factor in Horde Merchandising .......00•••••••••••••••••*emmIlmmill;.• he Port Elgin town croaraff Ts mn- tying over three hills a .5.et marts each for burying a dad! icat-the • same cat. The council! shisalid anme -sider itself lucky in getting,' air: with. only three billSa-,fOr basalt •nine lives? -Era 40 • Blue Water Pre Th Throws Up Sponge 'The -Blue Water llighway Associat- ion througia its president, Col. C. S.1 Woodrow of :Sarnia, has written to :teams and ;cities, along the route that! alae association has thrown. up • the aan aongue d will! cease to exist. The • 4' • • • • 40 *4.. 0. .4•444114 lie .40 011 • • •• • •• • •• • .40 40. ...4*** -0 • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • arness, Etc. WE HAVE A LALRGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS. TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS. VALICES. ETC, TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING, THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ALTTRACTIVE PRICES. . • Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN TIUNKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US. AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE * FRED THIEL - ZURICH . PHONE 102.. er I • • • • • 0 e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 111400011100W141.1004041.400111010101041106410411411114041000900011410114110.41111100411 1 FOR SPRING! The Favored wail Authentic Shoe Leathers for Street urn in Beautiful New AC:4as , c� and -Constant Foot •• • e ' Enjoy both de'lidr, Comfort. The Stem of Real Service gives you not only the finest of Shoes, nui insist upon a most cairefull Fitting, SEE THE NEW MAP, STRAP &ND TIE PATTERNS Women's Pat Pontqg at ...$1.95 to $5*.ar8 Women's Kid Poings, aala,co' EStalien ..... .....$1.95 to 55.1N .Women's Mack Kid, low %ad :at ..... - ...... Women's Black Canvas, law lad . ..... . • • .$1.00 Men's Black and Brown ex:fortisat ..... to $6.00 Boy's Black and Brown (elxiords ....... 42410 to $3.50 Miss and Children Ponans :anil Strap.: _ al7r5a to $2.50 Men's Work Boots, Stal "Leather :at• ....-I - aVaille to $4.00 See Our Bargain Tae ,.ef Men, Women:and Vii3ldren slams at $1.00 BBB OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Phone 13(1 car Ei3 -Repairing Neatly Done. Immoreimmiesoriatisimaimositosessetnifoesatogetssitssese11 Biwa's gest Shop 1 •••••••••••••••••••=01M01.0•••••••••••••=611•1•1.004;040.044114.4144.44...... • • 40 • ' • 40 0 0 Before You Buy YOUR W SUIT BB SUR B Am) LOOK OVER OUR RANG JUDGE FOR • YOURSELF -COMPARE! • 3 AND YOU WILL AGREE THAT THEY ARE THE GREATEST CLOTHING VALUES YOU CAN °STAIR PRICED ilea* um READY MADE, TAILOR MADE,, AND MADETOSEASURE nem, & Bon SUIVALMES.111 MHO 414•44444;04!**** tileaS*440141atodakaaa • • 0 , r letter was sent out a week previous: In his recent tour of places along the route Col. Woodrow received !Oa couraging promises of assistance., 0 Goderich and other places, but rude jolts at Southampton and Owen, Sound, which plant have withdrawn their financial assistance. In the let4. ter he expressed his great disappoint- ment, after such effort has been giv- en the past eleven years. The assoa4 iation has outstanding --debts to the amount of $1,000, which if the muni- cipalities do not share will have to be met by the President and Secretary. 78 Pound Sturgeon Louis McLeod, commercial fisher-, man, of Bayfield, captured a 78-lba sturgeon the -other day. The fish pit tangled up in the gill nets and when Mr. McLeod raised his nets the big fish came up like a log but was, still alive. The nets were at a pornt be- tween Grand Bend and Kettle Point. Sturgeon catches were commonin these fishing waters 30 or 40 years ago but it is on very rare occasiorid that one is now caught. In Traffic Court OKIKOKKOW OMOOMMOOIKOK • Hay Council meets on Monday for the June meeting. Mr. Gideon Koehler has had the new wals erected for a new verandah Messrs. Fred. W. Hess and Jos. Hagan from Hensall, called in town on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eilber of Detroit, were Sunday visitors with relatives in town. • Mr. Kenneth Joy of New York City, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Joy. ; •Mr. and Mrs. Eli Good and Mrs. Funk of Kitchener, were Monday yisitors with W. L. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs. Orwille Ehnes and Mr. Reil of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the. Williams home. In traffic court on Saturday.las .- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Noll from Mil - W. W. Rayner, of London, paid $27.; verton, were visitors at Rev. and Mrs. 75 for leaving the scene of an accid- E. Barn, on Monday p.m. ent in Morris Tp., On May 12th John Some real nice rains were had the Collins of London, had the-misfOrtlatter :- partoflast week and this une to make a left-hand turn. at an y a nice warm shower is fal intersection directly in the path Of ling, Traffic Officer Foxton, who natroWly averted an accident. Collins' !Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, Mr. indisc- and Mrs. D. Gingerich and Rev. C. retion cost him $12.75. Albert 11Ife. Schrag, attended the Mennonite Con - Bride, R.R.1, Zurich, parked his ear Terence at Kitchener on Tuesday. on a provincial highway in ;Hulled ; Mr. and Mrs. Sol Martin and dau- Tp., and paid $7.75 for the privilege, ; 'ghter Lillian of the Babylon, were Presentation '. "visitors with their relative, Mrs. Otto tx ,Ewald at Crediton, on Sunday. On Saturday evening, May 28 the friends of Miss Helen FostAaaa Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Weseloh had bride elect, met her at the home ' =ihs 'guests • for the -holiday their dau- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Fos -t ghter; Mrs: Arthur Meininger, and ter to pleasantly surprise her prey= Mrs: H. C. Knickerbocker and son ious to her marriage which is to t*ea. bert, of Detroit. i.,,,,;a place . iii Zutie. 'The beraa Wad dearl, ;;;.Va-,,tow,h-roads havelhe6n. ati gra- ated with spring .flowers which added tied up last week, Mr. Ed. Datars, Sr. much to the appearance. The guests were nearly all present when Miss Helen arrived from the city of Del'? troit, A mock wedding then took place, bride, groom and clergyman: standing under an arch of flowers, and everyone present enjoyed a hearty laugh at this time. Mrs. C. Eilber, who acted as mock bride, pre- sented the (bride elect) miss Helen, with a box of money, being donated by the guests. Helen responded in a very able manner and thanking ; them one and all for their kindness. A social chat was continued and a Mrs. W. Bassow and son Harry; dainty lunch was seraaal in which all daughter Ernmie; Mr. and Mrs. T. partook heartily. Guests returned to McAdams and son Willie • were on their homes all wishing Helen a long Monday at Crediton, attending the funeral of the late, Mr. Otto Ewald. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Martin also at- tended. the local commissioner, doing the work among the wheels of the gra- :der. • Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdams and sons, Willie and Harry, Mr. Wm. Bassow and son Harry, were visitors at their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sweitzer near Shipka on Sunday. Messrs. Frank Siebert and Bill Shearer, and Miss Mitchell and Miss Borbel of Detroit, were holiday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Happy Wedded life. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 8h: -Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice,. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m: -German Service. 11.15 a. m. -Sunday School. 7.30 p. m. -English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Turkheinx. Paster YES! You Will Find a Differ. ence if You Burn 4'BLUE COAL" The Color Guarantees the Quality Identified and trademarked for your protection as -The Old Reliable D. L. and W. Scranton Coal. For forty years the favorite hard coal used by PARTICULAR PEOPLE • Last week the Village Trustees made an effort to have the local water supply tank repaired, as it leaked very badly on both sides, having be- en =eked by the winter frosts,. Af- ter considerable investigating it was decfdled to get Mr. Pepper of Lon- don who specializes in this kind of work, to do the job. The work was finished on Saturday and on Tuesday the pump wasstarted, and the tank is now nearly full with practically very Mc leaks, so we trust it is money well spent, as the purchase of a new tank at the present time wo- uld be; quite z financial burden_ RI RTHDAY . PARTY A very happy birthday party was enjoyed at the home of Mr. John Hey, Sr., ever the week -end, as on Sunday marked the occasion of his eighty-first birthday. Mr. Hey, who • iS. still quite smart, and bright, was the recipient of many remembrances. His'' family all being presenft, with 'their families, and the following lit- tle poem was read during the gather- ing, in behalf of Birthday Greetings: We, are sending yeu a greeting Ml tangled up in rhyme, Just to say "May you be happy At this, your birthday time." Sad it is that we grow older As the days swiftly winged fty; But it may be we've grown wiser As the years are fleeting by. Still we cannot stay the passage Of, the seasons in their flight, And they're' checkered joy and sor- •, row • Just as daylight follows night. So we pray the year that's coining May for you rich blessings bear, D. A. CANTELON Al of joy and peace and gla nt,ss Phone lOw or 10J. 1-1ENSALL, ONT, May you havo abundant share, CLEAN RELIABLE DURABLE MR 30801. art, COLLEGE wet 0100.119s *414. clea 4111126. 01' fou Pen $1.50 to $5.00 HESS THE JEWELLER I 4444+f +++++++++++++++++++++4+4444+++++++++444144413414 .45? 4. 4. SPECIALS MUTUAL AT THE SHOE STORE WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST FOR LESS CASH • 4. $1.00 PAIR IVOIVIEN'S. flLkCK • pers, Low Heels, soft Toq 4413e4; 771a,a4.' aw.' somethmg a litt ; - .' * 4.- + $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP IUD HOUE-7- SStIPPEE-.--4.M, * + -* 4, With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. -a- 4. 4. $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WORK * + BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman make.. IS + •-a- + $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes oh- * + ta.inable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 5 Ma r. • * $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps. A EEO+ 4. finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 1344ia at; * ± OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE *, 4 FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR! STORE FOR YOUR RE- t. * FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT THIS I 4• STORE. *WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES YOU" . TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT.. i. MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Mack Soles, $2.40 and $2.76 pra ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL Ca- tDER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAME WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing- prompt/yr darns 0 FRITZ & SON MEIMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE, STORES OF CANADA, $ Phone 82 or 115 OK Zurich ++++++++++++44+++++++4444444++++++++++++4 -*******4 New Spring Goods We are Prepared to Meet Your Wants With New Lo Priced Goods. PRINTS, GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS. CURTAINS, CURTAIN MUSLINS, ETC.,, ETC.. A Few Stamped Mats at 20 % Off While They Last Silk Hose, 30 cents a Pair and up Root Seeds and Garden Seeds at Sc and 10c a Package HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R Ne DOUGLAS EgIENERAL IVIE0014 ANT PHONE 11 -9 BLAKE )