HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-05-26, Page 725 lbs. OF FAT GONE
Rheumatism Went With it
A threefold benefit can to this
woman when she lost unwanted fat.
" Up to a few months ago I was
always troubled with rheumatism. My
joints were getting so swollen it was
Misery to walk. I was then Iss lbs.,
which is a great deal, seeing I an only
5 ft. 2 inches in height. I thought I
-would try Kruschen, although I did
riot then believe it would reduce
weight, but I thought it would perhap$
ease the pain. I took half-a-teaspoon-
iel in a tumbler of hot water each
morning, and to my great delight I
Started to lose weight, also pain. This
week I
was weighed and was 180 lbs.,
which I think is proof positive. My
friends are all asking me what I ami
doing to lose weight, so it is very
noticeable. Also I look and feel a lot
better in health." -Mrs. M. FI.
The six salts in Kruschen assist the
internal organs to throw off each day
the wastage and poisons that encumber
the system. Then, little by little, that
ugly fat goes -slowly, yes -but surely.
The pains of rheumatism and neuritis
cease. You feel wonderfully healthy,
youthful and energetic -more so than
ever before in your life
Who can fathom the deptn of a
pure, so devoted! No friendship so
pure, so revoted! The wild storm of
adversity and the bright sunshine of
zrosperity are all alike to her; how-
ever unworthy we may be of teat
affection, a mother never ceases to
love her every child. Often when
alone, as we gaze up to the starry
heaven ^.an we in imagination catch
a glimpse of the angels around the
great white throne, and among the
brightest and fairest of them all its
our sweet mother, ever beckoning us
onward and upward to her celestial
Meme. -R. Smith.
Acidity Overcome
Wonderful Results From
Famous Vegetable Pills
Instead of having an acid stomach and
being constipated, Mr. Frank C. is
well. "I can eat anything since trying
Carter's Little Liver Pills," he says.
Because they are PURELY VEGE-
TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both
liver and bowels,Dr. Carter's Little
Liver Pills are without equal for-cor-
meting Constipation, Biliousness,
headaches, Poor Complexion and In-
digestion. 25c. & 75c. red pkgs., every-
where. Ask for Carter's by NAME.
come from healthy systems.
Free the body of poisons with
Feen-a-mint. Effective in
smaller doses. All druggists
sell this safe, scientific laxative.
- With Castoria's regulation
When your child tosses and cries
out in his sleep, it means he is not
comfortable. Very often the trouble
is that poisonous waste matter is
not being carried off as it should be.
Bowels need help -mild, gentle help
-but effective. Just the kind Cas-
toria gives. Castoria is a pure vege-
table preparation made specially for
children's ailments. It contains no
harsh, harmful drugs, no narcotics.
Don't let your child' rest --and
7011? ovvl be interrupted. A
prompt dose of Castoria will urge
stubborn little bowels to act. Then
relaxed comfort and restful sleep!
Genuine Castoria always has the
Owl Laffs
The Three Genders
Masculine, Feminine, Crooners.
The bishop was weary. 'This was
the third class he had confirrne0. that
Sunday. His attention began to wan-
der. Placing his hands upon the shiny
pate of the last candidate, he said: "I
declare tliis stone to be well and truly
A nearsighted man and his wif
were inspecting an art exhibit.
Nearsighted Man (striving vainly fo
a better view, angrily) -"That's th
ugliest portrait I've ever seen."
His Wife -"Come away. You'r
looking at yourself in the mirror."
Not so long ago a traveler from th
North stopped for the night at a dr
/and ranch in West Texas 'after
dusty and tiresome ride. He was hos
pitably received and began to discuss
affairs in general. And what he want-
ed to know in particular was how that
ranch was paying its way. So, at last,
he point blank asked the question of
the host.
Traveler -"I -low in the world do you
make a go of things at all put here?"
The Host (pointing to the hired man
across the room) -"Well, you see him.
It is agreed that in two years time he
gets the ranch for what. I owe him.
Then I go to work for him until I get
it back."
Somebgdy.:•Diva rm Bossy
Enraged CowInjufes Farmer With
Ax. -From Wichita,' Texas, Record
atm ,to play .bridge
yl Wynne Ferguson
e Prole I): Che most difficult thing for
a player to decide is when to bid, and
✓ frequently the player will hold a hand
o that requires some thinking before
making a bid. Sometimes 1�
n a you hold
e cards that would justify a bid from
you if you knew the cards in your
partner's hand, but as you are not a
mind reader and your hand does not
e contain a thoroughly sound original
Y bid, the best thing for you to de is tp,
a pass. Bridge is a game of high cards,
_I aces and kings, and if you have no ace,
or king, no matter what other cards
you hold, you should passif,it is your.
turn to open the bidding, If you have
an ace or king and three other small
cards of one suit, it is advisable to bid
that suit once. It isn't much of a hand
of course, but your partner must have
something to shoot at. You must tell,
him something about your'hand. You -
are playing a partnership game and.it
is your duty and part of your contract
to inform your partner at your 'earliest•
opportunity the nature of your hand.
It is perfectly safe to assume that
nearly all the best players play alike:
There is very little difference in the
play of the best players and the bid-
ding therefore is doubly important.
Make sound bids originally or pass.
There is no middle course here. The
original bid must have a meaning and
if you bid originally without high
cards, without cards that will take
tricks, your bid is misleading, and is
known and recognized as the Boob Bid.
Practically all Auction and Contract
players who have played these games
for any length of time realize that it is
bad policy to make a bid with a hand
that is too weak to justify the bid.
They realize that such bids are un-
sound but cannot seem to resist the
temptation to bid. Their theory seems
to be that the dealer runs no risk by
making a weak bid because his op -
Ask Dad, He Knows: "The husband
ought to have a voice in the furnish-
ing of the home," says a well-known
Woman writer. Oh, but he does -the
Bluff is cometimes successful over
merit. 'But let us not forget when merit
is called, it is there with the goods. A
bluff isn't.
Jacky was regarded as the town sim-
pleton, but occasionally he showed a
disconcerting gift of repartee.
Visitor -"What part do you perform
in the great drama of life?"
Jacky -"I mind my own business."
Ah! A Good Prospe.4t for the Gas
(From an advertisement in a matri-
monial paper).
"Lonely maiden seeks some light
and warmth in her life. Write Box 76."
Crooning is said to be a terrific
strain on the throat. Then why not
gargle instead?,
If mothers were not unreasonable
they would know that a daughter who
has danced until 4 a.m. certainly is too
worn out to help with any morning
Helen - "Kathleen is dissatisfied
with her husband."
Georgia -"Can't he bring home the
Nothing spoils the evening for fath-
er like having mother postpone the
washing of the dishes until after the
company goes.
The young man said he knew his
girl could keep a secret, because they
had been engaged for weeks before be
even knew anything about it.
Operas and Beauty
By Leopold St'okowski
Opera today, while pleasing to
the ear, is often a sore trial for the
eye. Take Tannhauser, for example.
Venus, the most beautiful woman in
the world, is using her charms to
tempt Tannhauser from the narrow
path of virtue. But, unfortunately,
the lady who plays the part happens
to have eaten too much spaghetti or
sauerbraten. She may sing like a
nightingale but she looks like an
elehant. By no stretch of the imagi-
nation could one believe for a min-
ute that she is Venus.
Could we ask the lady to eat less
spaghetti? That may be asking
too much. But this is not neces-
sary. Electricity will change her.
We can take her voice and record it
on a disk. Then we can select a
beautiful young lady who really may
be accepted by the audience for a
Venus. Then we can synchronize
voice and action and create a per-
feet illusion.
We are trying to do it now in
Philadelphia. It is only an experi-
ment, but a very hopeful one. Mod-
ern advances in sound recording now
make it possible, we hope, and this
Is one of the many new horizons now
being opened up in music.
A . motorist driving through Ire-
land was struck by the number of
notices in Irish which he saw in
every village.
"Tell me," he asked an old Irish-
man, "why do they ha%e sail these 1
notices in this language?"
"Faith," came the reply, "I'm sure
T don't know meselt. You see, none
of the people wlia can read can un-
derstand Irish, and the ones who
understand Irish can't read ! "-T.it-
Not so great is the torment of ,
hilm pilo #e *moiled in hod/. as of
him. who Is Sail dell in bpirlt.
Hearts -A, S, 2
Clubs -J
Diamonds -A, J, 9, 6, 5, 2
Spades -8, 6, 3
puerile are sure to take him out. That
theory would be all right if the part-
ner of the weak bidder always could
tell whether the bidder was bidding on
a strong or weak Band; but that, of
course, is impossible.
Players who persist in making weak
bids end up by losing the confidence of
their partners and as a result lose
many a game and rubber that they
should have won. Don't let the "bid-
ding mania" get you or you will soon
,live to re,;ret it. Lie loy when you do
not bold the cards. There is a policy
of mastery inactivity which, at times,
is most effective. Try it out and you
will he :surprised at the results.
. One of our correspondents has sub-
mitted the following hand for discus-
Example Hand
A g ,
Hearts -10, 4
Clubs -K, 8, 3
Diamonds -K, Q, 8, 3
Spades --K, Q, 10, 7
No score, rubber game. Z dealt and
bid one spade, A two diamonds, Y two
spades and B passed. What should Z
now bid with the foregoing hand and
why, at either Auction or Contract?
In the opinion of the writer, Z should
now bid two no trump over the two
spades. 1 --le knows that his spade bid
is a four -card bid and that only very
good support by his partner will en-
able him to score game. He also
knows that he has a double stopper in
the diamond suit which will probably
be opened at no trump. For these rea-
sons, it looks like a better chance to
score game at no trump than at
spades. The following are the hands
held by all four players:
Hearts -K, 9, 7, 5
Clubs -Q, 10, 9, 7, 2
Diamonds -10, 7
Spades -A, 4
: A B :
Hearts -10, 4
Clubs -K, 8, 3
Diamonds -K, Q, 8, 3
Spades -K, Q, 10, 7
It is evident that Y Z can score at.
least three odd at no-trump but will
.be unable tie make game at spades. A's
proper opening at spades would be the
singleton club. which. Ir will win and
give A a ruff. A should now lead first
the ace, then a small diamond, ;sand
hearts -Q, J, 6, 3
Clubs -A, 6, 5, 4
Spades -J, 9, 5, 2
give B a ruff. B should now lead an-
other club and give A another ruff.
They now will make the ace of hearts
so that Y Z can only make one odd at
spades. It is a good example of clever
inferential bidding and the good re-
sults obtainable therefrom. •
Humour of the ; Past
"I had no rdegg
love with me." """` 't +•'
"Neither bad st "until 'I proposed'.
and you rejected me."
-By C. D. Gibson from Life.
* * *
"Yer know, then Boers 'as been
storin' guns and bambition for
years?" -Phis May from Punch.
* 8,
Tommy: "Do you believe in fairies,
Mrs. Hardacre?"
Mrs. H.: "No, certainly not."
Tommy: "I'm so glad you're can-
did about it. There's such a pose
among grown-ups nowadays to pre-
tend they do." --Geo. Morrow from
* ,k
He: "What! You haven't got a
dance left?"
She: "No. It's past two o'clock.
Why didn't you come earlier?"
He: "Well, a feller must dine, 3'ou
know!" -Geo. Du Maureen in Punch.
o * *
The Rector: "Now Molly, would
you rather be beautiful or good?"
Molly. "I'd rather be beautiful and
repent." -A. Wallis Mills in Punch.
a * :z
His Wife: "Good-bye, dear. Write
often, if it's only a cbeque."--Life
Radio Problem in Spain
Madrid -Spaniards love to boo. If
actors and speakers displease them,
they groan and stamp. They have
even forced motion pictures to be
withdrawn with this adverse bally-
hoo. Now the radio is proving a
problem. There is no way to let a
performer know his performance is
not approved.
It bids fair to become even more
of a problem because the government
has set aside a sum for installing
radios in thousands of town halls,
and the number of broadcasting sta-
tions is being increased.
"Baby's Own Tablets take away that
teething fever," writes Mrs. Alfred
Bungay, North Sydney, N.S. Effective
also in relieving colds, fever, colic,
upset stomach,
constipation. Chil-
dren like them.
Absolutely SAFE,
-See analyst's
certificate in each
2Sc package. 231
D. WIIIiemt'
ofit by"" the Experience of
Others at This Vital Time
-o "When I was 16
Able to -Go
Go I was so ill my
tC AGI people thought I
was going to die,"
the Deuces writes Mrs. Annie
--. Wilson, Sussex
Ave., Toronto: "I had scarcely any
blood, and was so weak I could hardly
walk. Had no appetite and I lost
ground every day for a long time, until
a friend recommended Dr. 'Williams'
Pink Pills. 1 got them, and before I
had finished the first box I was feel-
ing much better. I continued taking
the Pills until I was completely well.
I. went to all the dances and had the
time of my life again. 1: certainly re-
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
any one who is anaemic or run-down
in any way, for they certainly rebuilt
my health."
Don't let anaemia rob your growing
daughter of health and vigour. Give
her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They.
banish the condition by creating new
blood which imparts health, vigour and
vitality. Equally good for all run-down
or nervous conditions: At your drug-
gist's. 50c a package.
B.C. Sheep Ranches
An interesting financial summary
of 20 British Columbia, sheep ranches
is given by the Economic Analyst,
These ranches .are all located in the
southern interior of the province,
where the high rolling plateau with
numerous valleys and the variable
climate are especially adapted to
sheep raising. The ranchers, it is
said, average a net return of 7.77
cents per pound for lambs sold, and
8,08 cents per pound for wool. The
capital invested in the sheep ranch-
ing business yielded 1.7% interest
in 1930. Receipts averaged $7.50
and expenses $6.55 per head, leaving
a ranch income of $1.05 -per head.
Estimates by operators place their
labor cost at 60 cents per head, lean..
ing a return of 45 cents to capital.
Without carefully analyzing the facts
obtained by this survey, it might
be concluded that these ranches had
been run at a loss. Among the Items
of expense, however, are family la-
bor and depreciation which are not
necessarily paid in cash. The same
applies to interest on capital invest-
ed, and allowance for operator's ser-
vices. Both though must be charg-
ed to the •business. It should be
noted also that at present very lit-
tle goes to meet such non-cash items
as depreciation on machinery and
buildings, --- Toronto Mail and Em-
It is a great deal better to live holy'
than to talk about it. --•Moody.
ed Rose Tea
at reduced prices
Red Label, 25,2 ib.
Orange Pekoe, 38, ? Ib.
What New York
Is Wearing
illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur-
nished With Every Pattern
A new yoke affect that terminates
in scarf -like ends at the front, add
I much interest to this sling -line model.
A novelty dotted crepe silk in blue
and white with the yoke of plain white
ceepe is youthfully smart as its in-
You couldn't ask for anything more
simple to fashion. The bodice is in
two sections. The yoke forms dropped.
shoulders. The skirt is gored and
slightly circular. It is attached to the
It's a model that adapts itself splen-
didly to summer fabrics, as the lacy
cotton meshes, linen, pique and tub
Style No. 281e is designed for sizes
14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 10
inches bust.
Size 16 requires 3 yards 35 or D-
ina, with % yard 35 -inch contrasting.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
retterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin ( coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Issy---"I've hail such a hard life. At
the age of eighteen I was left art or-
phan." Dizzy -"'What did you do with
Corrugated Galvanized Sheets
First quality corrugated galvanized
sheets -heavy coated. Special low prices
for direct mail-order shipments. Save
money by buying direct. Quality guar-
anteed -immediate shipment. Write
1830 Can. Bane of Commerce >nclg.
ELgin 1386 TORONTO
Shipping on the co-operative plan has
been productive of splendid results. Sell-
ing on the open market means real value
for the owners. Get in touch with us.
Write -Wire -or Telephone X.'7t•ndburpt
Write, 'Wire or Telephone 3 yndhttrst 1143
The United Farmers Co -Operative
Company, Limited
Live Stook Conuniveion Dept.
Union; Stock 'Yards, West Toronto
Wash the painful pert well
with warm water; then rob it,
p[cueq of Minard's and
you'll fool beffer i
Classified Advertising
el, VET remnants, $1.00. A. McCreert
Co„ Chatham. Ontario
yours -take Slendor Beauty Tabs
s -a new English formula which
gives you a slim, svelte appearance its
a sure, safe, sane way. Three week
treatment, $1.60, Exact formula, on the
box. Roy Kitchen, The Careful Cherie.
1st, London. 4
ADIAN Approved ohiclts. All
flocks are culled by Government Insotc.'
tor•. We hatch six breeds. Write fox!
free eataingue. A. H. Switzer. Granton,
p7 -
HORNS, 8 •ents; Rocks White,
Rocks Red, 10 cents; delivered t.nytime.
Month olds, 18e. Pullets, all ages, prices
furnished. Model Hatchery, Kitchener,
da 10c; Minorcas, White Rocks, 11c;
10 per cent. books order. Pletsch
Hatchery, Stratford, Route 5, Ontario.
ABLE in Ontario on fast selling
necessity. No license required. Nq
competition. Big Profits Commission.
Basis. Particulars free. Morval Pro-
ducts Company, Hamilton.
in advance, $5. Send birthday,
year, hour and birthplace, 1932 astro-
logical analysis and guide, $1. LEO
HERSCHEL, 39 West London Street,
Windsor, Ontario.
PAPER in Ontario. Send par-
ticulars to Box 16, Wilson Publishing
C, Ltd., Toronto.
Jam, cruiser, about thirty feet, in use
altogether only four or five months in
two seasons; complete equipment incluta
ing carpets, bed and table linen, china.;
glassware and silver as well as all mar-
Ine equipment and many extras. This
cruiser with its two cabins and its well
equipped galley is an unusually comfort.
able boat for week -ends or longer;,
cruises for four to six people. It Is ex-
ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised
all over the Great Lakes. It has a high,
class and very economical 60 horsepower;
six -cylinder power plant with complete
electric lighting throughout and speed
of 12 to 14 miles per hour. It is a spe-
cial paint job and very attractive in ap.
pearance. Owner will sacrifice for half
its original cost. H, Watkins, 73 W.
Adelaide St., Toronto.
EASYSHAVE: Canada's New Shaving
Sensation. Easy to sell. Repeats assur-
ed. I•Iigh Commission and Exclusive Ter-
ritory. Build up a safe, sure and paying
business 10 your own town. Write for
information to
Men Wanted
Average $40.00 Weekly Earnings
Men wanted to sell our Special Con-
structed Service Shoes and Safety
Shoes to [garage Men, mechanics and
Railroad Men. Alan complete line of
Dress and Sport Shoes. The finest
and most complete line of Men's
Footwear in Canada. No experience
necessary, we teach you how. Write
today for complete free selling outfit.
Dexter Shoe Company Limited
Dept. W. P.O. Box '722, Montreal
For Troubles
due to Acid
1UST a tasteless dose of Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia in water. That
is an alkali, effective yet harmless. It
has been the standard antacid for
50 years. One spoonful will neutralize
at once many times its volume in acid.
It's the richt way, the quick, pleasant
and efficient way to id11 all the
excess acid. The stomach becomes
sweet, the pain departs. You are
happy again in five minutes.
Don't depend on crude methods.
iZntploy the best way yet evolved in
Ill the years of searching. 'That is
Phillips' Milk of Ivlagnesia Be sure
to det the genuine.
1 he ideal dentifrice for clean
teeth and healthy gums is Phillip?
Dental Magnesia, a superior tooth-
paste that safeguards against acid -
mouth. (Made in Canada.)
ISSUENo, 21- '32