Zurich Herald, 1932-05-26, Page 4t4OT1C Mr, W, 4013Iskt sattneekktdd a ltfeed Conventioss Clintan liast weak tOOKT OF REVISION Miss Ma 4 Hagan of Londaa, spa t1932 Asseasatent R,UTownship. 'of exit the Week -end at the home of her' 1-104,1- sister, 114W Dolly and brother NOTlitlE is hereby given that the Frank. 41hyst littiog of the Court, of Revision Mr. 'had Mifs.Stanley Love spent nlas ennaider appeals against the as- Suede. at the borne of Ida,II1Virs, aaesament BOLnit the Township of Hay 'Jolla arraft. or the year J.$32 will nae held in *le T'Owrs 11011, Zurich, on Monday, ;Mine Stla, 1442, at two eclock in the Jett -moon. A., F. tzlESS, Township Clerk, Hay Elated -it %Zurich, May 18th, 1932, HON= County Council Meeting tle Huron County Council will .enseet in the County Chamber, Coast House, Goderich, on Tuesday, Jana Vie 1Th., 1932, in the afternoon, ar ere'clook. All accounts, petitione, •neotices of delegations and other :nat- ters for the consideration of the era nutty Council should be in the 1amerils f ...the Clerk on the Saturday pacer- ious. irenderich. May 12th, 1932. Geo. W. Holman, Comity Clarek. DASHWOOD 71r. and Mrs. V. May and Nise T. Miders of Kitchener spent a few days awith Mr. and Mrs. S. Oestreicher. 1.1r. and Mrs. Jno. Preeter and Mr. W. Jarrett and dalughter An- niie Vent 41hinday at the Ifb-1111.. of Mr. and Mrs. D. Nichol OVA Utaily of nsall. Mr.tand Mrs. Jaen Loa; spent Sun (by With friends in Fletioldl. Mrs. R. Stephenson atttended the itunersd. of a relative at Sheppardtou tandArze visiting her IxOther in Luck - now on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Rall.fih Workman of Flint, Mich., spent a ffew days at the 'Name of Mr. and Mrs. P. 'Workman, and many other relatives in this vic- inity. HENS.ALL Mrs. (Dr.) Colle-er is spending a f.ew weeks in London with her mo- ther Mrs. Talbot, who suffered a stroke shortly after her return to her home. Mr. and Mrs. la. Sweitzer and fam- ily of Detroit, are -visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. 4. D. Buchanan, of London were visitors with relatives in town. Mrs. George Mess and Mrs. Maude Redden have been requested to sing family 0 Kitchener were Sunday to sing again over the air at Lon - visitors with Mr. and Mrs- R. don from C.JGC station on Monday mien. night in June. "The ilay put on by the Blakeareosh- Mr. and Mrs. George Pearce and an Yxennig People was well attended: family have maned to the house on Mlionday evening. xchange of choirs will rake the Wilkinson farm where it will be Av. e :nearer to his place of employxnent. natace inn Sunday evening, May 29th,1 Olive Walker of London is visiting -13etween Dashwood Evangelical choir; at her home. amid I.Drand Bend choir. Conrad Huisertand Alex Hildebran- Hoffman assisted in the dt have adgone into, the fish business, versary Services in Hensall last . and are making alaily deliveries in aanulay. ' the village and surrounding country. A very pretty church wedding. Etta Bell of London, visited at her ftonk aelace in the Lutheran church on home here. "Tuesday May 24th, when Anna. only At the congregational meeting in Rat:teeter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles ; the Carmel Prespyteian Church on .%`•epallaxt of Stephen, became the bride Monday evening the- "Rev. Mr.Young J lm Heckman. The happy "11- of Ottawa was chosen .as their pastor ws.M reside on the 14th con. fin Mr. Young spoke herJe at Hensall 3 ..."1..epleeee. Their many friends extend weeks previous and created a very corigratula-dofls. favorable impression. Fred Kennings, who :had the con- tract for painting several cottages at the Bend and Pinery late finished his work and returned home. liffealtia—The regular monthly me- Anniversary services wean held in °stun- e the Women's Missionary the United Church, here .on Sunday az*- was held at the home of Mrs , with Rev. Waldemar Williams of Sar - /Rea.) Conner on Wednesday after- pia as the speaker, and •Who addres- einenn, May 18th with Mrs. J. Coch- sed large audiences both morning and imeElding.. The meeting opened evening and had a good message, asrnig hytrm 358 and silent. pray -e Mx. and Mrs. W. Se White have re- - 1She neripture':: leseon was then turned home after a pleasant visit, naa navonsively from St. John 14, with their daughter in Collingwood. 'Atm R. Stephenson then led Royce Welsh left here last week r!u Inlayer axid Henan 441 was sung. :for Mount Brydges, where he has be - 1,794a Trasenneer and Secretary's tbenlen engaged as a pitcher fOr their loc- eed their reports which were adopt- al baseball club, and will no doubt ,ed, 'hr- Tell aall was answered by the . give a good account of himself as he Antter L. The De-votional Leaflet was .is a real enthusiast is baseball and by M. R. McAllister. Hymn doing good pitching, and has also se- as sung- Topic on Temperance , cured a position ixi the local bakery. -were then given. The study on "Bet- aer nealth," was taken by Mrs. W. • 'Turner. The offering was then taken Marina 148. The meeting dosed with ?idle Lard's Prayer in unison. The service was held in the church The new pavement at Grand Bend non .Stmday afternoon as usual, a Bap- will soon be finished and that will 4ismal Service was conducted by Rev complete the payement to the lake W. Williams of Sarnia., and Joan from the Blue Water Highway. Main' e Conner was Baptised. Rev. Warren Sanders, son of Mr. and R. R. Conner delivered a fine sermon! Mrs. Robt. Sanders of Exeter, had the iin his usual manner. !misfortune to break a small bone Mrs. 'R. Stephenson and Miss Rena in his right ankle while wrestling with aventea few .days in Stratford recent- another lad at school. tft,Ye 1 The Goderich Summer School has -kiss •Jessie Johnston of Clifford, just annOunced the program for this -and Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie of Kippen' year. The dates are July 18-25. +cllaed on friends in the vicinity re- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Connell, Varna /canny. have purchased from C. H. Reid of 341rnand Mrs. Jas. Love and Misses Agnes and Anna visited at the home eel Mrs. E. Anderson of Centralia rnecerraly. . Ann alai Mrs. A. Keys and family aof Exeter spent Sunday at the home ird XT. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mrs, R. Zeove returned with them after spend - :lag a few weeks with her son. HILLSC.REEN ZURICH HERALD COUNTY NEWS Capital Theatre West St., Phone 47, °ODOUR Now Plaa,ier-Ueton Depat, Grand Picture. Mon,, Tues., Wed. FREDERIC MARCH and MIRIAM .WOPKINS are unforgetable in a great melo- drama. It will thrill you and as- tound you as you never were be- fore. DOCTOR JECKYL & Mr. HYDE Thurs., and Sat. NORMA SHEARER, and *OBERT MONTGOMERY offer a _pieture of priceless dialog- ue and extreme sophistication.You will thoroughly enjoy this inc. "PRIVATE LIVES" Matinees—Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m. Mrs. Elliott, mother of Mort Elliott Varna, had the misfortune to fall and: break .her arm. She is a very elderly lady, and itis hoped will recover. Brucefield a fine farm on the 7th of Tuckersmith. The Sharon church building on the 8th Con., Goderich Tp., has been sold to Chas. Coopen'who will use it in rebuilding his dwelling recently de- stroyed by fire. The price was $100. Sharon was part of the Holmesville circuit. 1 USE ONLY 6111411IME MASSL'Yl4ARRIS REPAIR PARTS VOL" AIM slaty it Genuine Money•Morno Repairs from pour Lona 2,4aneyAlards Agents They Er Scott and Lan Unger than Spinous Man ond 41sey Cost No More Sarin las cortalaa Massergarrts Parts ossoararasson rms. by . _ ills,.. of Toot Piwis 1.1 *so Ter 1,0041, 160,, SM. Satre MO Quint? Nada Caw= 4-tir n. swami .ro a.14, law P.- IlLeske.gle "vrIr*rrtrytrtivirtvitt ; 01.-Vrfrer•TIT11138T1J21S !VT "0-70 • criminal A aallitaimme Nia • smioron {1.0.0019101 GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS 50;,.0 O. KLOPP zuRicH.ONTS fire that an OXPlOSitla took pla,ce, en- at Mit of the Weeds which, are dee.meal veloping ho r in flatria3. 31* rushed to noxious; Bladder Champion, Oxe-eYe an outside kitchen where a coat was ,Daisy, Sow Thistles) White c. thrown aromed her aani the flames Wild Oots. Canadian Thistle, Blue heLtinog000kl:hetwoid, tbuateandoot work, theythe main paet af the house were four childreil.. The oldest, a boy of seven yreenars toofsZcarited the Other child - The Seaforth Creamery have par - chased .and are installing a new \ 4 - ton Brunswick ice machine. The com- pressox and brine tank will be locat- ed in the former ice house and the brine will be pumped into the pres- ent refrigerator. The equipment, Otte expensive, will, when completed, be second to none in the district,jno. McQuaig, of Alliston, and Mr McPhail, of the Department of Agri- culture, Toronto, were in the Huron district purchasing show horses for the Stevenson Stock Farms. Among the purchases were a 3 -yr, -old draft gelding from A. Wright of Tucker - smith; a 4 -yr. -old from G. E. Thom- pson, and a 2 -yr. -old from D. Pother- ingham & Sons. This latter colt, has newer been beaten in a regular class in the show ring, taking first as a foal and yearling at London and has been first at all local fairs. Wild dogs in bloodthirsty raid re- cently destroyed the little flock of new ..eueriment in Exeter is be- Canada wild geese that H. W. Cope- Aing tried out by R. E. Pickard, who land, of Woodham, in Perth had. sp- ent long years in gathering at his has secured 12 pairs of pigeons and 'home and left jai the place of the who, after increasing his flock inten- ds to go in for •tsix beauties of the flock, and the one he raising of squab pigeons. domestic goose, a gory shairibleS a mass of blood -trained feathers and The July 1st week -end in Goder.; one badly frighened goose. Four wild ich will he marked by a visit from the geese had been torn to pieces. One is Elgin Regiment, which will assist in missing and the domestic goose had the celebration of Dominion Day and been killed. will make other public appearances The death of Charles Mason Stir - dm' its stay of three days there line of Goderich Township, on April Mrs. R. Elliott, Bayfield on Sunday. 25th, came as a great shock to. his morning last had the misfortune to family :and friends. Apparentry in the fall on the stairway at the home of best of health he was stricken itt the her son Geo. Elliott, and sustain a field where he and his son were work - broken arm. big, He was the youngest son of the Rev. Jamas Endicott, D.D„ ex- late Robt. Stirling and lived all his moderator of the General Council of life on the farm where he died. He, the United Church of Canada, was was of a quiet, kindly disposition and the anniversary minister in Wesley- will be greatly missed by his friends Willis church, Clinton, on Sunday, and neighbors. May 22nd. The frame dwelling house of Fred Hopkins, on the Maitland concession of Goderich Tp., was destroyed by fire last Sunday .morning. They were away to church, and the fire had made such headway before it was discover- ed that very little of the furniture could be saved. • BUSY FARMER NEWS A new pamphlet on the feeding an management of turkeys has been prepared by the Poultry Department 0.A.C., and is available to farmers desiring information of this kind. Noxious Weeds •'J, A. Carroll, director of the Crops Donald McKenzie, of the Blue nefield, met with a: and Markets Branch, has compiled Water Highway, Be an interesting summary of provisions very serious accident, when hisof the Weed Control Act, including team taking fright at a passing truck, ran awoy With the result that he had his. left leg very badly fractured: Oneo, the horses had its face cut by r into the truck. • Gordon Wright, of Kippen, so o Mr. and Mrs. James- Wright, has be- en chosen to represent the Ontario Agricultural College in St. Louis, 1Vio at the Danforth Foundation Summer Fellowship. George Daly, son of Mayor J. F. Daly and Mrs. Daley, Seaforth, who has been a student at the Ontario College of Art, Toronto, has been a- warded the Mrs. D. A. Dunlop shola arship in Design and Applied Art. In addition he received honorable men- tion in commercial art and honors in five other subjects. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Campbell of Stanley announce the engagement of their only dauhter, Jean R., to Victor E. Taylor, son of Mrs. Taylor and the late John Taylor, the mar- riage will take place in the latter part of May. A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized on Tuesday, May 17th, oy Stav, R, M, Gale of Bayfield when Miss Alita Emma Burke, youngest daughter of Rich. Burke, of Goder- ich Tp., became the bride of Howard Mulholland of Holmesville. The cere- mony was performed at the home of the bride's father in the presence of many friends and relatives. Breaking out anew from a blaze early the other night, fire which orig- inally started from overheated fur- nace pipes, totally destroyed the T. Bainton sawing mill, Blyth in the morning of Friday last. The building used as a storage 'plant for Wool and sheepskins, was once saved only thr- ough the persistent efforts of the Bly- th fire brigade. The smouldering wool is thought to have caused the second outbreak. The loss, estimated well a- bove $1,000, is partially covered by insurance. • Carson Hewitt, one of Mitchell's most highly respected citizens, died, at his home at that place on Friday in his 86th year. He was born at Sen- eca, near Hamilton, and when a yo- ung man he learned the blacksmith- ing trade. For some years he carried on an undertaking and blacksmithing business at Caisterville. 23 years ago Mr. Hewitt and his son purcriased a undertaking and furniture business itt Mitchell. After a number of years the deceased retired from activities, Critically burned in a fire near Bluevale ori Monday last, Mrs. Marg- aret Croney of Toronto, passed away in the Wingham Hospital. From the time of her admittance to the instit- ution little hope was held for her re- coveiy, owing to the severity of the burns, tifrerod when she was in, the ad of lighting a stove with kerosene. Croney had been nursing her Mre A.. vrascr, near . ft whet she Was lighting' the Weed, Chiekory, Docks, Ragweed, Ribgrass,, Stinkwor4 Tumbling: !das- tard, Wild Carrot, Burdocks,„ Lettuces. Trap the Barer The suggestion has been adiranced that a trap crop of' corn consiting of about half a dozen rows of early sown rapid growing coria. tr pat in as early as the ground is fit, will in most cases lessen the amount of in- jury done the main crop by corn borer, if the main crop fs; sower days later than the ideal date. r VitcardarX, Mr 193Z trap, =op 'should Se cat low -40.44. the end of the flea week Auguse, when all horer eggs have been laid and should be lemma and fed ki- roneataa‘ A greatly intreased demand foie fertilizer for the 1932 crop season is reported. much of the business being lIone ton a credit sales basis. Thus IS is apparent that the Department'* porky O Tramoting the use of felts ilizera bearing fruit. The use of fertilize.= farming has passed t,Ito experimental stage in Ontario and thousands of farmers are finding them a practical aid in reducing the cost of production through increased wfew Soil eificiency-IThe ;right use of fert- The ilizers milted to particultr crops pro- le/ides one important opportunity. WHEAT Jur No. 1' Northern, Wineripeie quotation Minx. 7* INTERNATIORM. HARVESTER CROP PRICE GUARANTY Vale cannow purchase a McCormick -Deering tractor. or any McCorMick-Deering farm machine with, a, definite pricelguararity on -wheat at 77 centsa, bushel, Winnipeg quotation. If market quotations for hetdo nor smelt the guaranteed. cdrIce at the time payment. becomes due on smiles diver% after this date and xlmturing alis•• • Venn, farmers buying tegnipment ander this plan snli receive at crettatequalito the difference. Come in and go Edit clitalla on he Bmwe.ster Company's unique WheatraficeGuatia1R1y4. Eirenshough 'out idpatorsdise,witrat for markerr, youare middle"' dIdelgundiaawemsigoakenitamderitheitonnsof this offer.. JOS. E. DRUAR, - AGENT, Zurich 4. 4. +4. 4. 4. Special Special • $1.25 1 DROP lig AND. LOOK THEM OVER! 8 Ft CEDAR POSTS, I47.6: Inches and. up at only 35; Cents,. 9 FOOT END POSTS AT ONLY F c. KAT, ,• t • • PHONE 69 f. 3-1-1-1.++++4-1.+++++++++++++++* IT •Ise ZURICH .1 Ist prize 2nd prize 3rd prize . $1,000.00 cash . $500,00 cask . $200.00 cash 4th prize . $100.00 cash 5 prizes, each — $5000 cash 95 prizes, each. $10.00 cash 104 prizes, totallit. tg, $3.):10°.00 Goonfr*Arzin PRIZE. CONTEST --t1;2L- aswisosior What would $1,000.00 do to put new interest into life for you—NOW? Think what you could do with it. New Car? . . . Summer cottage? A long vacation trip? ...Honeymoon? Oh, there are plenty of wonderful dreams which could come. txue with $1,000.00I Why not try for some Mita wormy in this contest. It doesn't cast a cent to enter. Read these simple condi- tions: Anyone from a family where * car is owned may compete. All tire "dealers, all rubber ployees, and the families of both are, however, debarred. See the special display °fah r Good- year tires here. These tikes are of various sizes, types and ply -thick- nesses. Estimate the number of cords in each, find the total'. and divide by six to obtain the average. A section of Goodyear Supertwist. Cord fabric ,..4,likato, HOW MAW SUPERTIVISTCOHOS W THE &WAAGE GOODYEAR TIRE 46*. '•• • ia on display to, litelpyou make your estimate. Get a standani entry form front any c.a' tiires/psdrt on which to submit your estimate. Closing dtae:.InueSth;132. Ad. dress: "The; Goodyear Supertwist: Cordl Contest;" New Toronto„ Tor- onto 114‘, OntariO. Come in and see Supertvoist Cords denionstrated and get a helpful booklet of contest directions- STADE -.8i- -WEIDQ: 4 4