HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-05-19, Page 7IIE NEPER SAT DOWN TO EAT
Lived on Eggs and Milk for Years
Now "Can Eat Anything"
Thanks to Krusehen
A good appetite is usually a sign of
good health. And a peer appetite
(e a sure sign that something is wrong
taomewhere If you do not eat your
meals and enjoy them, without any
unpleasant after-effects, read this
fetter. The treatment that put this
man right would surely be good for
you, too:-
" I have murk pleasure . to he able
to inform you that by regularly
taking Krusehen Salts I regained my
appetite, and have been completely
released from pains which I had
suffered in body and limbs.
"For years I disliked all eating,
especially solid food. I never sat down
at table during meals, and lived on
intik and two eggs daily. One month
ago, 1 started to take Kruschen Salts;
and now I can eat anything with
the greatest appetite." -J. F. D.
There are six salts in Krusehen, and
every one of them is necessary to
perfect health. If you lead a strenuous
Rafe in the open air, if every organ in
your body performs its functions
perfectly, if your diet is exactly
balanced, then you can extract from
the food you eat and the air you breathe
all that is necessary to keep you Bt.
But if you spend the greater part of
your life indoors, if you cannot get
all the fresh air and exercise you need,
if your eliminating organs don't do
their work easily, naturally, and
regularly, if your diet is not exactly
what it should be, if you wake un -
refreshed, eat without appetite, work
without zest, and play without enjoy-
ment-Kruschen is what you need,
and Kruschen will put you right.
Kruschen sweetens and cleanses your
blood, sets your internal machinery
working smoothly, sends you out into
sunshine or shower with the same
cheery readiness for the day's work
or the day's play.
Krusehen Salts is obtainable at all
Drug Stores at 45e. and 75e. per bottle.
Students' Air Rates'Cut
Mexico City, -To encourage student
travel by air, the Pan American Air-
ways is offering a 40 per cent. reduc-
tion in its regular fare, the slashed
price affecting the lines of the Mexican
Aviation Company, a subsidiary of the
larger corporation. Reduced prices
will continue into effect until Oct. 15.
There is more power in kindness
than there is in dynamite, but it takes
longer for some people to find it out.
10' x 16'. .175.00 (tax included). de-
livered. We allow $5.00 for erection
charge at destination, together with
gull instructions for erection. Pic-
tures of our garages supplied ou rr-
quest. Write
934 Adelaide Et. W., Toronto, Ontario
Earn $35 Weekly Hair
G,•.Ine Muean.,m 1,. u, .II year
n.neg You. c•Ilat au41r er ted2;
It Y•M iwiwnw,t mummy.
o Ouril1w..
Fans c"oot''.WOW .W ••ad UT Illustrated
•1 our oeer.tl ler te•. 1e.•i ••,l••.
tdiel Mushroom t.`o., isunoton, cot.
County Distributors
New Window Refrigerator. Indispens-
able for ,$•very; ;bone and ,apartment.
Absolutely no competition. Remark•-
ably•suceessful in United States. Now
made in Canada. Distributor must be
financially responsible, hate selling
organization or ability to create one.
Write Sox 3)., Hamilton, Ont.
One of the most important tbiugs
you can do to make a teething baby
eomfortable is to see that little
bowels do their work of carrying off
waste matter promptly and regular-
ly. For this nothing is better than
Castoria, a pure vegetable prepara-
tion specially made for babies and
children. Castoria acts so gently
IOu can give it to young infants to
relieve colic. Yet it is always ef-
fective, for older children, too. Re-
member, Castoria contains no harsh
drugs, no narcotics -is absolutely
harmless. When your baby is tha�t,,-
i<uil witk. teething or a food uD40T,
Rfte O cleansing dose of Casteria.
Be sire you get genuine Castello,
with the dame:
What New York
Is Wearing
illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur-
nished With Every Pattern
A printed crepe silk in black and
White adopts tailored lines.
It'•, boon to the stout woman. The
bodice is so simply and smartly cut
t> disguise breadth.
The skirt hugs the hips. Side plaits
stitched part way, retain the slim
straight line and provide graceful
hemline fulness.
It is the easiest dress to make far
there are just a few major' parts to
the pattern.
Don't miss this opportunity! It's
cost will prove exceedingly small.
Plain silks in fiat or crinkle crepe
are charming too.
Style No. 2797 is designed for sizes
36, 38, 40, 42, ,t4, 46 and 48 inches
bust. Size 36 requires 3% yards 39 -
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want, Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin ( coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Men in general experience a great
joy In color. The eye needs it as
Inueir as it does light. Let any one
recall the refreshing sensation one
experiences when on a gloomy day the
sun shines out on a particular spot
on the landscape and makes the
colors of it visible. That healing
powers were ascribed to colored pre-
cious stones may have arisen out of
the deep feeling of this inexpi'easible
pleasure. -Goethe.
.Flow 1?wthes Do Itch. r
Away Swig togRG
ICLTJCE.Ano�et 4Wit0Ai)'
There Is 61,111 one point in Auction
and Contract that is undecided, one on
which the expsrts di. •gree, and that
is: When should the partner of the deal-
er take out the latter's no trump hid
with a bid of two hearts: or two
spades? As ono of my fellow authors
has said: "It is the thorniest question
of latter day bidding."
Every writer on th. .game seems to
have a different opinion so that it is
not surprising that the average player
has difficulty in deciding what to do in
this situation. The wrter has frequent-
ly stated that, in his opinion, partner
should take out freely with any five -
card heart or spade suit, provided the
hand contains at least one quick trier.
Of course, with any greater strength,
the te'' out is obligatory; for example;.
with six or more hearts or spades, all
writers agree that a take-out is obliga-
tory. If the original no trump bidder
cannot help the major suit bid, he
should • either bid two no trump or
show his own suit. if he has one;
otherwise, he should pass and let his
partner struggle along with the major
snit bid.
The object of all bididng, both at
Auction and Contract, is to find a bid
that will go game, and the best way to
accomplish this purpose is to show a
five -card major suit whenever possible.
Experience has shown that a hand that
will go game at no trump will nearly
Hearts -9, 7
Clubs -9, 7, 6
Diamonds -J, 7, 6
Spades -J, 6, 5, 3, 2
always go game if hearts or spades
are trumps and there is a five -card
major suit in either hand. On the
other hand, there are many hands that
will score game in hearts or spades
that are not game hands in no trump.
For these rather evident reasons, the
writer advocates free take-outs of part-
ner's no trump with major suit bids.
From then on it is up to the original
no trump bidder to use his judgment
as to whether he should try for game
at the major suit or go on with his no
An English writer who doesn't be-
lieve In the American informatory
double, says that one way to settle the
question of a take-out of partner's no
trump is to adopt the following ,con-
vention: "When the take-out is from
weakness, say: 'I bid two hearts' and,
when from strength, say: 'I make it
two hearts'." This is, of course, the
English idea of humor and a more or
less severe criticism of the informa-
tory double. In England they don't
entirely approve of the double, nor do
they consider it a fair convention.
Needless to say, we will continue to
believe in the informatory double and
not adopt the English suggestion as to
the take-out.
The following is a good illustration
of the value of the take-out with a
hand that most of the authorities
would pass:
Hearts -J, 8, 6, 3, 2
Clubs -J, 3, 2
Diamonds -K, 8, 4
Spades -K, 8
: A
Hearts -A, 10, 4
Clubs -A, 10, 6, 4
Diamonds -Q, 10, 9, 3
Spades -A, 7
No score; Z dealt and bid one spade.
What should A now bid with the fore-
going hand at either Auction or Con-
Auction Bidding:
No score, first game. Z dealt and bid
one no trump and A passed. If Y bids
two hearts, Y Z will score game but, if
he passes, A will open his spades and
Y Z will only score one or two odd at
no trump. It is a good example of the
value of a free take-out.
Contract Bidding:
Y should bid two hearts and, if B
passes, Z should bid three hearts. Y's
hand doesn't justify a rebid, so the
hand will be played at three hearts.
There are many such hands at Con-
tract where a fortunate, distribution of
the cards enable the declarer to score
a game that cannot be contracted for
in the bidding.
Hearts -9, 8, 3 -
Clubs -A, Q, 7, 6
Diamonds -Q, a 9, 7, 6
Spades- 4
Hearts -K, Q, 5
Clubs -K, Q, 8
Diamonds -A, 5, 2
Spades -Q, 10, 9, 4
A has the choice of one of three
bids: (1) an informatory double of one
spade; (2) a bid of two diamonds; (8)
a bid of one no trump. It seems to the
writer that an informatory double with
this hand is bad practice. It is too
strong a hand to play at a minor suit
and not strong enough to play at
hearts. For the same reason, the two -
diamond bid should not be made. It
takes a great deal of strength in part-
ner's hand to make game in diamonds
but very little to make game possible
in no trump. The no trump bid seems
the best bid with this hand for it offers
the best chance for game at either
Auction or Contract.
Nervous Indigestion
Troubled for Years, Mrs. John:
Machon Thanks Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Permanent
'For many years
loon Saw I had been trou-
A retest bled with indiges-
tion and my
Change nerves," writes
Mrs. John Machon,
Calumet, Que. "I suffered constantly.
'I tried many remedies, but without
gaining any relief. I was unable to
get any rest. I got a box of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills to give them a trial.
I soon saw a great change. Now I can
go to bed and have a good night's rest,
and am able to do a day's work with -
any one. All I have to thank for it is
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I would not
he without them In the house."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are remark-
ably effective in cases like the above,
because they create new rich blood
which supplies to the nerves the very
elements they deed. Equally effective
for all run-down and anaemic condi-
tions. Try them. At your druggist's.
50c a package.
I bit him. Not, as you many think.
Beneath the influence of drink,
Nor yet in madness, rage or hate,
Or any other frantie state;
But after calm deliberation,
With neither haste nor hesitation.
I simply took his finger tip
And gave it a decided nip;
And, unperturbed by shame or prlde,
I claim that I was justified,
As I Can prove, I hope, to you.
1 ask, what is a chap to do
When Father rubs his great fat
Around a tiny iufant's gum
To see if his first tooth is' through?
I ask you, what's a chap to do?
1 bit Bine
--0•A.S. in. London. Evening News.
Enjoying Scenery
To enjoy scenery you should rim
ble amidst it; let the feelings t
which it gives rise atingle with oth
thoughts; look round upon it in l
t,ervals 01 reading; and not go for
it as one goes to sal the lions fed
at a fair. The beau'`: -"l is not to be
stared at, but to, be 1;vnd with, I
have no pleasure front books which
equals that of reading over for the
hundredth. time great productions
whleb I almost know by heart.; and
it is just the same with scenery.
F'ronl "Diary of Lord 'Macaulay."
We Mothers Know
"Peace," they have said,
Through the sad profit of our pain
We grieve till time is gone,
We shall not learn to build again
The bricks of Babylon -
Our sons are dead.
Stilled are the guns,
Good will, they say, shall heal, shall
The lands now, year by year,
But though the merciful possess
The earth, they shall not hear
Our little sons.
They were aur friends;
Our thought, our breath, our blood
we gave
To make them so;
They' bought us peace, and in the
Is all the peace they know,
To make amends.
Leaders and lords,
Who in your pride decree that thus
Or thus shall scores be paid,
An age is building when with us
your reckoning shall be made,
Who have no swords.
We mothers know;
By the world's hearths we sit and
Again we watch them die;
They willed the peace that you blas-
And, though you still deny,
It shall be so.
-John Drinkwater.
The errors of a great mind are
more edifying than the truths of a
little. -Borne.
Cried at Night
"Night after night, as soon as we would
get settled in bed, baby would start
changed all this. What a blessed re-
," writes Mrs. Arthur Baker, Jr.,
Winona, Ont. Give
Baby's Own Tab-
for teething
troubles, colds,
fevers, colic. Abso-
Iutely SAFE, 25e
package, 235
ISSUE 1�0.
: c
Economical and good
Red Rose Tea
Red Label
Every Package Guaranteed.
Owl Laffs
The London Spectator says that
speaking aloud what's on your mind is
the cause of longevity. Most women
outlive their husbands.
Willie -"Did 'Phomas A. Edison
make the first talking machine, dad-
Daddy -"No, son. God made the first
one but Edison made the first one that
could be shut off."
Husbands Don't Matter
If a married woman eats onions you
can be pretty sure .she's still in love
with her husband.
Nothing dries quicker than the tears
of a hypocrite.
A scientist says: "Kissing is the re-
sult of two sets of emotional cellular
vibrations which attract each other
and become harmoniously merged in-
to a rich chord of contact." A good
many people have enjoyed kissing
without knowing what it was all about.
Jim -"Smothers takes off his hat to
Sam -"How does he get his hair
A woman may be expert at picking
a frock that wont fade, wear out or
run, but, apparently, is not always so
lucky when she picks out a husband.
Old Lady -"Wasn't it you to whom
i gave a bottle of Elderberry Wine last
Hobo-"Yes'm. I've come back to
see if youll sell me a case."
Spinach has come in for another
blow from a doctor, who insists it's
good food for rabbits only. That, how-
ever, will not discourage thousands
who reason that it tastes so bad it
must be healthful.
A wise husband never quarrels with
her husband until after pay day. The
old men are looking so young these
days that they all seem to die before
their time. People who are too old to
learn have outlived their usefulness.
Just how far you get in life depends
on whether your vehicle is the wish-
bone,' the jawbone, or the backbone.
A politician thinks of the next elec-
tion, a statesman of the next genera-
tion. Unfortunately a girl doesn't
seem to appreciate her late husband
until too late. A lot of time is wasted
trying to think up ways to save it
Marriages are very much the same af-
ter the excitement wears off..
First New Bride -"Do you still be-
lieve that the stork carries 'em?"
Second Newly Wed -"Oh, no, they
come in airplanes now -an airplane
means one-duoplane means two -
triplane meaus three."
First New Bride -"Oh, dear me. I
must hurry home."
Second Newly Wed -"But Why?"
First New Bride -"A Zeppelin just
flew over my house."
Mother's Songs
Oh, sing the songs we loved to hear
you sing
When we were bairnies prattling
at your knee -
The songs that made us happier
'raid our glee,
And ever fondly to our memories
Your gentle voice, still musically
Has charms to soothe the heart,
and dry the tear;
Then sing them softly. sweetly,
mother dear,
And we will listen, gladly, at your
With moistened eyes, and heart in
childhood's home,
The mother sings the songs of
of other years;
Aud scenes where long ago 'twas
hers to roam
Gladden her sight tho' seen thro'
gathering tears -
The thatch -roofed cot, the stream,
the glen, the mill,
Though distant ,far, are with the
ninger still.
She bears her father's kindly voice.
and sees
Her mother's loving smile, as sun-
sbine bright;
Site listens to her brother's laugh-
ter light,
As baud -in -hand they roan the
deleted leas.
and once again she sits within the
bowers -
The Village May Queen. -crowned
with blushing bowers..
--John Fullerton,
Each succeeding day is th pupil
of it's predecessore ubilius aa'ree.
Classified Advertising
t) VET remnants, $1.00. A McCreery,
Co., Chatham. Ontario.
ADIAN Approved chicks. A13
ks are culled by. Government Ina.eor
tor. We hatch six breeds. Write foci
free catalogue. A. H, Switzer, Granton
HORNS, 10 cents; Rocks White,,
Rocks Red, 12 cents; delivered any. :1me,
Month olds, 25e. Pullets, all ages, prices'
furnished. Model Hatchery, Kitchener,
!V PAPER in Ontario. Send par%
ticulars to Box 16, Wilson Publishing
Ct. Ltd., Toronto.
cruiser, about thirty feet, in tars
altogether only four or five months i
two seasons; complete equipment includj
ing carpets, bed and table linen, chine;
glassware and silver as well as all mar
Ina equipment and many extras. Thies
cruiser with its two cabins and its ,yell
equipped galley is an unusually comfort-
able boat for week -ends or longer
cruises for four to six people. ft is ex-
ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised
all over the Great Lakes. it has a high
class and very economical 60 horsepower,
six -cylinder power plant with complete
electric lighting throughout and speed
of 12 to 14 miles per hour. It Is a see-
cial paint job and very attractive in ap-
pearance. Owner will sacrifice for halt
its original cost. H. Watkins, 78 W.
Adelaide St., Toronto.
The only service that power cannot
command and money cannot buy. -r
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
sect, snak, oanima/ .beat tt��tmeat1eofbiittati at oge. It
soothes, heals and eleaecleanses.the11PiOY! HIO �iOlr0I
For 60 years
the world's
best corrective
Sold everywhere in
CARTER'S and 75c red pkgs
L,tl^sa� a ER' S
For Troia'
due to Ac
the Acid
ICI:. stomachs, sour stomachs and
indigestion usually mean excess
acid. The stomach nerves are
over -stimulated.
Too much acid makes the stomach
and intestines sour. Alkali kills acid
instantly. The best form is Phillips!
Milk of Magnesia, because one harm-
less dose neutralizes many times its
volume in acid. For 50yearsthe stand&
and with physicians everywhere.
Take a spoonful in water and your
unhappy condition will probably end
in live minutes. Then you will always
know what to do. Crude and barntfitI
methods will never appeal to you. Godo
prove this for your own sake. It ms
save a great many disagreeable hot "
Be sure to get the gcnuin Plat
Milk of Magnesia ,press.,.
physicians in. correct ng:excee6