HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-05-19, Page 5"Iltatrslla'Sr; Y' 3!9t'1'w;, x92 ZURICH IEI ALi) BUSINESS CARDS �' Want 1, For 801e, Lost, "DUDLEY E.Efouvtg6 Found, Notice, Etc. Ads $ARRIS.TER, SOLICITOR,NOT- AIRY •PUBLIC, ETC.. 1:1''. 'IC —Hamilton. Street; Just oft the Square, GODERICB, Outwit,. epeeist) Attention to Conned mid Court Wolk. I hereby wish to nitify the people 'Inco. Hobbes may be COs acted at of Zurich and Hay Township, that C4dericlx by Phone,andphone after May 15th I will make my an - charges revers. nual rounds in the capacity of Health • Inspector, and ask every citizen of the community to have all their yards outhouses, stables, etc., cleaned and in a good condition to pass the sani- tary laws, and also that people are to have all ashes removed, and refrain from throwing broken glass of any kind on the roads. By Order. Jul. B;lock,Inspector. LN MR OM SK* NOTICE William B. Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Spec atilt AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENG.IN1= FR S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Toronto) ID.L.S., Registered Professional Eng- ineer and Land Surveyor. Victor uildiag, 28.2'/ Dundas Street, Lon- tlon, Ontario. Telephone; Metcalf 2801W. Dr. II. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH ,Every Thursday, Friday, ,Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and ;:Wednesday urichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh.' and Cured, Meats Iomaas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 'Let Us Serve You?" Yunghlut & Sou YICE Why 'We have the Better Class of Customers HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. IIATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- ''VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR. TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE• IGNITION Farts, Hohning and' Mechanical anical pq%ork Zane to, lificrotraeter Settings, No guess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. I2. S. Wein DASHWOOD ONTARIO Order May Chicks NOW! Barred Rocks and White Roeks at 12c Each White Leghorns at IOc. each. Four extra Chicks per hundred. We will supply eggs from our bloodtested flocks and hatch them for five cents a piece. We will guarantee a 50% hatch for 51/zc. each. Half the people who bought chicks from us in March have not lost the four extra chicks. A check up reveals that over 95% of all chicks sold are still going strong ages (2 to 6 weeks). Government Approved and bloodtest- ed by' Capital Laboratories. Three flocks had no reactors. Three more had only one each. All flocks with many reactors were dropped from our list and no eggs are purchased frons them. All chicks are hatched in a Separate Sanitary hatcher at temperature of about 97 degrees. t44 Phone now to 97 r 4, Hensall. j. Elgin McKinley, R. R. 1, - ZURICH LOCAL NEWS- ierrzr Will Woven and Ed. b:ins- snan were Sunday.,visftors• to Kitch- ener and St. Marys.. The foundation of the new home being built by Mr. Jacob Haberer is now up, and about ready to go on Mr. Ward Fritz motored to Mit- chell on Tuesday evening, where he met Mr. Jos. Hill, of Toronto,Sports- man and shoe traveller; and sold Mr. Hill a mew Special Chevroiett sedan. We congratulate Mrs. Mabel Sni- der of town for having won in the guessing contest at Jr, Gascho & Son general store, winning • a handsome Gold Seal Congoleure Rug:, The exact number was 2453, while Mrs. Snid- er's guess was 2460. Rev. W. Y. Dreier, just before leav- ing town last week made a hurried outo deal with Mr. L. Prang & Son, of town, by exchanging the foriner's ford coupe for a New Ford.. H. Yungblut & Son hav purchased the Ford coupe and wilt use it in their butcher business. The few days of real warm • and balmy weather over the week -end, have made things come along=;nieely. The farm crops are Iooking excellent and are off to a good start. '`Espec- ially the fall wheat we think has, never looked better, so if prices are down we trust the production `will be up. Gardening is now the order of the day, and with the warm weather, when things actually do grow, is the time to put in the garden, and in a short time we can go out and bring in the good, fresh and: wholesome vegetables. ' A new blacksmith business has be- e i opened in town by Mr. Jack Kip pen opening up in Mr. Jos.' Druar's implement shop on Victoria Street, next to the Herald Ofiiice, and we would suggest that our reads .should. not be surprised if at times a Buck horseshoe may appear in your copy, as the ring of the anvil is quite pro- minent, and the smell of the , burning fire tickles our hose while we are get- ting out the weekly edition. Mr Kip- ping is a former old country black- - smith lack'smith with a wide erperfenee and will do all general work, as liorseshoing, etc. USE ONLY. • GENUINE REPAIR PARTS Xou can only get Genuine Massey.I•lartis Repairs from your Local ?.fa;eey•}Lads Agents They Fit Fit Better and Lst Lon;,cr than Spurious Makes and they' Cost No More ' Insist on Genuine Massoyfarrls Parts tap onlg alierdt ,code Dy tha traa.ere et Your 27orr 4eam sea rH ru..r.hM An Int ......e.. c._..s ,. M ..W 0.x0 Extra high Quattry lander Caries 'z,` A"7. ,r.+iP`"' .:N' lt'' Y r r��zex'•*.rdW, yr GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS SOLD lS3Y O. KL OPP ZURICH, - ONT. . �>S tereeee IF your home is not equipped with running water,. let a Duro Pressure Water System prove what a benefit it can be. A Duro Water Pump will allow yout to have, 'running 'water throughout your home, barn and dairy—and, more important, to install a modern Emco bathroom, an improvement you undoubtedly have long desired. Prices. Have never been lower and Easy Time Pay-. meats: can be arranged. LOOK AT THESE PRICES The Dttro-Special Primping System, all Canadian -.made, complete, only - Complete three piece batbroorn with all fittings ready for installation, as- low as FREE BOOKLETS We wifl glattly mail you, without cost, illustrated booklets showing our tell line and prices. $91,00 18238 FOR SALE BY: Stade We do EMPIRE BRASS • MFG. COQ, LIMED, D, Eonilbnt lomat* Winnipeg, ' astcoover Capacity per hour.. All necessary, varves and Ifttinps between pump and SO gal. Galvanized Tank. H.P. 110 Volt Motor — ° cl(cle $95.00 25 °Tlul'e• . $99.80 27' 4 Mr. Ward Fritz spent the week -end at Windsor, Mr. Cris Zirk of Exeter, was in the village on 'Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Smith and Mae motored to Milverton en Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeffrey of Goderich,'visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Horner. Mr. Norman Gescho, Miss Gerald- ine Surerus, Miss Marjorie Gascho, and 1Virs. Jos. Gascho motored to London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Schade and dau- ghter Mabel of 'London, were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, and other relatives. Mr. Arthur L. Sreenan and sons, who are fishing at St. Josepn, have one pound net set, and are patiently awaiting a good run of fish. Judge Costello of Goderich presid- ed at the local Tenth, Division Court in the Town Hall, on Tuesday after- noon. Barrister Stanbury of Exeter was also here. The measle epidemic which is mak- ing big inroads among those who have not been fortunate enough to prev- iously have had them, and are now becoming more prevalent in the rur- al sections. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Steinbach and Miss Idella ilowald or London, and Mr. Bill Jennings of St. Thomas, we- re Sunday visitors at the ;come of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howell. - Mr. John Decker made a pleasant visit with friends at. Hamilton the past week. Mr. Decker conveys the message, that Mrs. Smith, his former housekeeper, sends greeting to her many Zurich friends. The fine new boat which was re- cently built by the Cantin Fishery, is now completed and. about ready to be launched, as soon as the propellor arrives. We trust :the boys will re eeive a big year's business, as they are going to a big expense till they are equipped. Mr. Ferd Haberer of town, and proprietor of the local skating rink wishes to. advise the public that he tins started -a tennis court on the skating ring grounds. Fee for the season only 31.00. Mr. Gideon Koehler is making im- provements to his home by digging out •the cellar -about eighteen inches deeper, putting up some new found- , ation and a new cement floor. In order to drain the cellar the road tile lad to be taken up and lowered a- bout a foot. Our local Board of Health Inspec- tor, is making an appeal. to the pub- l.ic to "clean up" which :. is a Mogan that shonid be exercised more Se 'at this season than at any time of year. Don't be satisfied if your front yard and. surroundings look spic and span, also bo sure and have things in a good sanitary condition around the outhouses, barns, etc., and then be- i id the •barns where old tin cans -a d loan;; undesirable things are be - fired foe convenience, and these are the pla:;e where the Health Officer will visit, and where disease and ger- ms are brooded out. Usually a few minutes work with a shovel and all these undesirable articles can be bur- ied, so why take chances and not put thein out of sight. We also notice a number of old articles stored on the roadsides, this is no place for such storage. Bring them on your own property, and if useless there, the vil- lage has a large dump ground soeith of town, and that is the place to de- posit our old junk. Co-operate withl the officials and make the village a) very attractive place to reside in as well as when visitors come to toecn.• IIIIMmemmimmsommanwomMINIMMIENR LET US TEST YOUR SPARK PUNS Maybe you don't believe in the lbuainese'of changing spark plugs every 10,000 miles. Well sir. we have installed a Champion Spark Plug Tester that clearly *visualiz.es to your own satisfaction why and 'when you need new spark plugs. Come in, and let us test your own spark plugs, and compere them to new Champions. It's a very inter. eating and instructive test, and is abeolutely free. "Your. Engine Deserves The Bests' Chanqiioia Spark Pines L..L.. ,C->,�.i...-.O,W.„,>..�...,.,.,,--**,.11y, se g,M ut s soy t). 11 Y Mr.t tvi ..Drat V Md,i Y A d to o41w1s 41 6,AL 11m mw 44 • PAW IHEY have seen Gyproc Fire Tests and they, 'now it resists fire, Use Gyproc for the walls, ceilings and partitions of the home you are building, Or if you are "doing over" any rooms, adding new ones in the attic, partitioning the cellar, be sure to use this easy - to - handle, fire - safe wallboard. It is an excellent base for Gyptex or Alabastine and may be papered or panelled.. Gyproc may be easily identified by the nae on the board and the Green stripe along the edge. t YPSIvx, LIME ANDALABASTTNP, Canada, Limited Paris - Ontario T5 For Sale By ' Fred C. Kalbfleisch i - Zurich Onto ' J 00000000•006000oo®e0000 �11s,ar ooesm610ca4o10.,sl0s 600 ogle • 1 • Pertilizer Fertilizer • ▪ Before.giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure and see us. Get our Prices and Quality, and we know • you will leave your Order with us. Chick Feeds, and Starters Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete a and We will be pleased to supply You with the follow- ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter, Purina Chows, Etc. SEEDS SEEDS • For Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with a your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass • Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" 0 it Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. s a • L. Ye & Son oesseece11aeeoesi�elpltis 0,64 6,,*w ants enc lid..t�eAl9be9os eeetd +Douses rwwwwww wwwww ww wvhns� Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL S[JPPLIES 1 1 1 WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. +k+++e<++*+-A i+�fi+++++++++++++++ SEE OUR SUPPLY OF PREPERATIONS Perfumes, 'Toilet platers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, TOILET Perfuin zees, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. 1 KODAKS AND FILMSw Pro Al Jo MacKinnon Zurich. fly '°rltl�►iN,„,.E.:k`!Sr11' ';NPY „„,.s 41111?" ilii'1.ztsg"//011st”l°0913 ":` `k- 1 1 1 1