HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-05-19, Page 2No substitute
can be
good enough
Your Mother's Mother gave
her children "Christie's"
Arrowroots, Canada's original
Arrowroot Biscuits, baked in
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1853. There is nothing
better for your children,
In The Garden
Lawn Treatment
Lime is not the cure-all for a Lawn
h inclined to believe As
location, climate and cultivation may
be perfect, but without the right
quality of seed and of a kind particu-
larly adapted to our Canadian condi-
tions we cannot possibly succeed. A
certain plant may give ideal results
many are in the States or In England, but be -
a0 spars gf fact ast shouldftenane used rani,- cause it is not adapted to local condi-
which the lime tends to correct, actual- tions is often a miserable failure here.
ly discourages the growth of dande- On this account, it is most important
MOMS and plantain, two weeds which to secure something especially suitable
to Canada. Before one is tempted to
depend absolutely on seed saved from
ones own garden last year, it should
be remembered that much of this is
probably a mixture of several shades,
are a very common pest in most parts
e3 the country. A rich soil, however,
be necessary to promote heavy growth
and the dark green, fine sward we are
Good drainageisalso import
Illustrated by Allen Dean
ed the girl `three-quarters of a mile
or so ahead of him as he topped the
ridge, but though he spurred his horse
to its utmost speed he could not gain
on her. Presently, two miles ahead of
the girl, he caught a flash of white --
a recurrent flash, as something moved
among the brush and pinon trees.
That, he knew, was Julio's pinto
"If anything happens to that girl,"
he told himself, "P11 just keep right
on in a general southerly direction
and never come back."
The low range swung to the east --
and suddenly, in a cup -shaped valley
far below, Ken Hobart saw the sheep
—saw that they were being driven,
not grazed. They were within a mile
of the water -hole, and Julio was net
Don Jaime first presented him to in sight. At the foot of the range,
Don Jaime Miguel Higuenes, eTexas
rancher, and Tom Antrim,
have been bitter enemies. Capt. Ken
after Jaime's hooting manager, uwith s 1An-
possession on Anwho is trim's sheep. takes
Roberta Antrim is advised of her
uncle's death and leaves for Texas, An-
other uncle, "Crooked Bill" Latham,
wants her to marry his friend G1e.in
Hackett. Bill Dingle, Antrim's foreman,
attempts to steal the sheep that are left
to Roberta and Don Jaime goes to stop
him. Roberta, realizing that he is en-
dangering his life for her and that she
cares for him, rushes off to find him.
after. -
ant and sunlight for most types of varieties and different qualities of
grass, though if our location is shaded
we can secure special grass which will
da well under these conditions. Fer-
-}ilizer of the commercial variety, re-
latively high in nitrogen, gives good
results. One should be careful in ap-
plying the fertilizer to prevent burn-
ing. Dissolving in water first or ap-
plying jut before a heavy shower or
i thesafest A annual
Ken Hobart had been much too pre-
occupied With. the responsibilities of
his job as •Don Jail 's general man-
ager to waste any time speculating on
his employer's affaires de coeur. When
Roberta, Hobart had instantly decided Roberta took stock of the situation,
that she was the sort of female no man
could afford to take to wife, being
much too skittish for the obligations
of the married state in districts where
the phrase "until death us do part"
still is taken seriously. He knew Dong'
Jaime Miguel Higuenes, so it never
occurred to him that the latter would
permit himself to fall in love with his
guest; and in the brief contacts with
Roberta it had seemed to him that
Don Jaime would be the last man in
the world she might be expected to
fall in love with.
Robbie's visit to him and the confi-
dential information revealed by that
young eavesdropper had first amused
and then interested Hobart. Robbie
was furious at Roberta for her ap-
parent failure to appreciate his be-
loved Jimmy and was for going to her
and chiding her about it. Hastily Kan
Hobart vetoed that procedure, but
promised Robbie to look into the mat-
ter and see if something couldn't be
done about it.
Well, he had done something, nor
had he been too particular as to the
means employed for its accomplish-
ment. To Mr. Hobart's direct way of
thinking, this charming guest at Valle
Verde had demonstrated that she was
not, after all, a heartless society girl.
He had found her weeping in terror
and grief because, forsooth, she had
an idea Don Jaime might presently be
killed. Many years as a Texas Ran-
ger had convinced Ken Hobart that
the prospects of Don Jaime's demise
were far from nebulous; consequently
he had to take those tears seriously.
There was going toabe a fight. No
doubt about that. And somebody usu-
ally got hurt in such fights.
So Ken Hobart hadthoughti k-
plants, The bees which mix the pol-
len are no respectors of color, and
when they get through with sweet
peas, for instance, they have probably
mixed things up so much that weakly
colored blooms are sure to result.
Then, again, the seed saved is usually
from the later and inferior flowers, or,
in the case of vegetables, from late
watering s saes wap, n maturing plants, and in consequence
application of pulverized sheep man -
is quite liable to give late and disap-
ure will supply both nourishment and
litmus and, unlike ordinary manure,
*is will not fill the grass with a lot
et weed seeds as the sheep manure has
been steamed during the pulverizing
process to kill anything of this kind. hand. There is no attempt to produce
in Buying Shrubs flowers for bouquet purposes or early
There is no object to be gained and vegetables for the table, but seed only,
often losses result where one sends and that is selected from the earliest
and most vigorous plants.
Most of us are fond of mushrooms
but most of us, also, are afraid to in-
dulge our appetite in these things for
fear we will be the unlucky ones who
get one of the very few poisonous
kinds. Before risking those gathered
in the woods or pastures we should
make ourselves thoroughly familiar
with the different species which are
now fully described in various Govern-
ment bulletins. To ensure an ade-
quate supply, regardless of the season,
Get Seed Suitable For Canade land to be positive regarding the safe -
While a very minor item, as fax as ty of our supply, however, we can
cost is concerned, seed, like the Immo grow these ourselves. Practically any
dation of a building, is'all important.' seed store lists mushroom spawn and
In fact carrying the comparison still ,will supply same along with the sim-
further seed is the support upon which.' ple directions for growing in an old
the whole of gardening depends. Soil, root cellar or other dark corner.
pointing plants. On commercial seed
farms, varieties are grown in large
solid blocks so that there. is no chance
of mixing and, in the }Rse of high-
class flowers, blooms are screened
against bees and the pollen mixed by
belt way across the continent for
plants, shrubbery and trees. Purchas-
ing from the nearest reliable source is
best as then we are sure of getting
something adapted to our section of
the country. When this stock arrives
i8 eve are not ready to plant immediate-
ly, open the parcel, spread out the
roots in a shallow trench and• cover
firmly with damp soil. - Above all
things do not let the roots be exposed
to sun or wind and if the plants are
very dry on arrival, bury stems and
all for a day or two.
She had lost J lio!
Hobart looked back. He could see
his five men following him. He waved
his hat and one of them waved in re -
tun; so without further ado he rode
down to join Roberta.
The girl held up her hand, as Ho-
bart reined in -decide her. "Listen!"
she commanded.
He bent his head. Faintly to him
came the report of rifles.
"There were twenty herders with
the band an hour ago," the girl re-
ported. "Don Jaime counted then].
There doesn't appear to be that many
Hobart swept the scene with his
binoculars. "Ten! Half the gang
went ahead to pre-empt the water,
and Don Jaime walked into them.
He's alive and kicking, though. If
he were not, there wouldn't be any
shooting. And Julio hasn't got there
yet. Well, he'll be careful. He'll
probably come in from the rear and
help the boss out. I wish I knew
whether Jaime is in 'she old corral or
at the water -hole. Smokeless powder,
you see. One cannot tell. But the
sheep move forward! That indicates
confidence. Yes, Dingle has the
"Then Don Jaime's fighting ten of
"Looks that way. He must be in
the old corral, because he wouldn't
'last a minute in the open. The corral
is boarded close and the light is fail-
=ing. If he keeps moving he will not
be too easy to hit."
Julio rode out into the open a quar-
ter of a mile south of them. Instantly
Hobart pulled his rifle, sighted care-
fully and threw up the dirt in front
of the boy to attract his attention.
When "Julio pulled up and looked
Boiled Salad
lilraft Old -Fashioned Salad
Dressing offers everything any-
ene could ask for in exquisite,
refreshing flavor, yet it's sold et
a price so low it's within the
reach of everyone.
Ott some to -day. Try itand
you'll instantly know why it's
s the
favorite everywhere in, Canada.
iifadef,* Canada
Fresh Fragrance of Blossoms
""Fresh From the Gardens"
The three American riders gazed at
her, not quite comprehending, desir-
ous, perhaps, of receiving more ex-
plicit instructions in such an emer-
"What are you standing there for?"
Roberta cried hysterically. "Follow
me, I'll show you." ' Across the north-
ern flank of the valley they raced, the'.
patter ^ rifle fire from the herders
probably drowning the sound of their
thudding approach, for they were
within a hundred yards of the nearest
men before the latter saw them. One
of them fired at Roberta... She
thrilled with a cold fear and a wild
exaltation as the bullet whispered
past her head ... afterward she had
a faint recollection of a dark, fright-
ened, but defiant face that loomed for
an instant in front of her before she
rode the man down. Pistol shots ..
then a backward look. Behind her
the five rode with upraised • pistols,
flourishing them at her, yelling a
fierce approbation of her leadership.
(To be concluded.)
His Country
I journeyed from my native spot
Across the south sea shine,
And found that people in hall and cot
Labored and suffered each his lot
Even as I did mine.
Ren tt Concessions Granted
To Queensland FarmersBrisbane, Queensl.—Rents for 3560
sheep -grazing holdings covering an
area of about 52,000,000 acres in
Queensland are being reduced 211 per
cent. and the settlers' leases extended
as part of the State Government's ef-
fort to maintain the level of primary
production in the face of an unceetain
economic situation.
Some 1242 settlers have received
concessions by the Upper Burnett and
Callide Valley land settlement schemes
and special concessions have also been
given in the wool industry, vrhich has
recently been at its lowest ebb.
Link Height and Intelligence
Investigation of 1,000 school childrer-
in Glasgow, Scotland, apparently,
proves that there is a distinct connec-
tion between height and intelligence,'
which was more noticeable among
boys than girls.
Thus noting then in meads and marts
It did not seem to me
That my dear country with its hearts
Minds, yearnings, worse and better
Had ended with the sea.
I further and further went anon,
As such I still surveyed,
And further yet—yea, on and on,
And all the men I looked upon
Had heart -strings fellow -made. ..
I traced the whole terrestrial round,
Homing the other side;
Then said 1, "What is there to bound
My deni.zenship? It seems I have
Its scope to be world-wide."
quid I asked me: '`Whom have I to' fight,
And whom have I to dare,
ly. There wasn't the slightest tieces- And whom to weaken, crush, and
sity for Don Jaime mixing in' the "around to see where the attack came blight?
row; wherefore, if he could be per- from, Hobart waved his hat at him My country seems to have kept in
"seeded to abandon the field, Ken felt and moved out from the sheltering sight
that the defection would not remotely fringe of bushes onto the grassy floor On my way everywhere."
prejudice the victorious outcome of of the valley, Roberta by his side. In - —Thomas Hardy, "Poems."
the sharp bit of Donnybrook that im- stantly Julio recognized them.
tended. How, then, to induce him to "You stay where you are, girl," ENERGY.
forego the sweets of reprisal? Why, Ken Hobart commanded. "My other
by sending the girl to the scene of the five men will be riding down the hill Energy will do anything that can
battle—just before it started. Her pretty soon. You tell thele my orders be done in this world; and no talents,
arguments, consisting of tears, two are to charge the men with the sheep no circumstances, no opportunities
declaration of love everlasting, would "What are you going to do, Mr. kissable lips, two soft arms, and a immediately." will make a man without it.
- -
be potent indeed. Mr. Hobart would Hobart?" Living
I live for those who lo -re me,
have bet his saddle on that. Where- "I'm going to join Julio, and the -
b t f will advance along the
1 Dazzling Splendour
The night was winter in his roughest
The morning sharp and clear. But
now, at noon,
Upon the southern side of the slant
And where the woods fence off the
northern blast,
The season smiles, resigning all its
And has the warmth of May. The
vault is blue
Without a cloud, and white without a
The dazzling splendour of the scene
Again the harmony comes o'er the
And through the trees I view the em-
battled tower,
Whence all the music. 1` again per-
{ The soothing influence of the wafted
And settle ill soft musings as I tread
1'rhe walk, still verdant, under oaks
and elms
: Whose outspread branches overarch
fore, he had skilfully woven his we , two o us wi For those that know me true,
with the result that Don Jaime and south side of the valley toward the
Roberta were now enmeshed in it.
The huge satisfaction felt by Ken
Hobart at the success of his deceit and
unblushing interference in other peo-
ple's business was shattered now, as:
he thought of Roberta, garbed in rid-
ing -breeches and flannel shirt and
wearing the conventional wide -brim-
med and high -crowned hat of the
country. Riding along the skyline she
could very readily be mistaken for a
]man—and such mistakes, in the im-
pending circumstances, might reason-
ably be fatal! It was incumbent upon,
him, therefore, to catch up with her,
to guard her approach to that 71d
branding corral in the valley, to masse
her take every advantage of the
gound, to scout the territory for her.
Also, a -disturbing thought had oc-
curred to him. What if Dingle had
decided to snake sure of the water for
the sheep by taking possession of the
water -hole before Don Jaime could
get there? Of course, it was unbe-
lievable that the latter would ride up
to the water -hole before inakli.g a
reconnaissance. On the other hand,
was Don Jaime's mind completely cn
the task in hand? Was it not probable
that thoughts of a sentimental nature
might lull him into indiscretion- Ver-
ily, Ken Hobart could take no chances.
There was immediate need of haste,.
and he hastened; and as he galloped
along the backbone of the ridge he
was sickeningly aware that he was
not the• only one who was hastening.
There was Don Jaime, to begins
with, hurrying to get to the water -
hole and consolidate his position.
After him eame his reinforcements --
the devoted Julio. Hurrying to catch
Julio, that he might lead her to the
' the glade.
The roof, though movable through all
its length
As the wind sways it, has ye
And, intercepting in their sl
The frequent flakes, has ke
for enc. —.Cowper "P
t well suf-
lent fall
pt a path
Salad Dressing
wwisiguim2natilt.... =nit!
1 ssr iE No, 20—'32
Forowaru•'d, fore -armed,
A. danger foreseen is half avoided.
Ile who sloes not look before minds
himself behind.
water -hole. The range will be too
long for the herders with the sheep
to stop us, 1 think. Jimmy needs help
mighty bad, so Julio and I will fur-
iiish what we can. Adios!"
He galloped diagonally across the
valley, motioning for Julio to join
'him. The boy did -not hesitate. Rob -1
•erta watched them in an agony of ap-
prehension, until presently her ears
caught the sound of increased .rifle
fire, but closer at hand. The herders
with the sheep were firing at Hobart
and Julio. Kell had stated that the
i.•auge would be too long for effective
fire by men not versed in the science
of accurate shooting at extreme
ranges, but nevertheless the girl saw
Julio's pinto go down, saw the boy
shoot out over the animal's neck. He
'r -as up instantly and back beside the
"Getting his rifle," Roberta thouht.
Ken Hobart had pulled up and was
riding back to Julio, who, in turn,
was runeing to meet him. There was
not an instant's pause in the stride
of the horse, yet Julio mounted double
behind Hobart, the horse whirled, and
the daring `pair were on their way ,
There, alone at the foot of the hill ,
watching this drama, Roberta cried;
out in Agony when Ken. Hobart's horse
went to its knees, rose again—and
stood still. Even one so unversed in
warfare as Roberta. could realize that,
the poor ,brute bad been hit and trip -1
pled. • 'She saw Hobart and Julio die -
mount and, kneeling some twenty feet •
apart, •open fire on the distant herd -
ere es calmly ... if shooting st a
marier Awl then, over .the crest be -1
hind her came the five men detailed I
to f
alongwaterole, lien fleeetthnna te7�; ncl after clownlthe slope at abfast gallop, sprue 1
Roberta came Ken Hobart. He sight- need on by the sounds of conflict in the
__ _ 1 valley below, but slackened speed 'SA
they sighted the girl, holding up her.
I COrrugal`ed Caibanizod . Sheats "lend in a signal to halt.
For the heaven that's spread above me,
the good that I may do.
Forecast is better than herd work. R+.oaxc-7soTxoM P7314074s She trembled. so she could hardly
1) T
galvanizedp •
_•-. •_••0 1 S i t tow ii ic�o
i -
r ated on ,alive-- ei
r rout i
lit 1
x ii sti quality
g s eAlc co nen y.
sheets heavy rooter, peen i �m staged, at the water -hole with ten men
LOVk,. for direct men -order ships outs .Baur. gage
money by buvinig direct Quality goes _-,.hen Hobart and Jill:0 over south---
lnhnite love joined to infinite skill antec•cl- immediate 'hipnrrnt,. Fvr•,t.o �^ i. M;r•1 ays---
An'Exttrit: ZA.COBS 1 slloetirtg at the 17' r ' i
4lrall pilot the way through every Co:n,s;> r:cc �k,'r
1830 Can. 7sarik of e l.e�rl ltt<rC
stialt and temptation -3. Alexander. lizigin 1a8G ToAolta o
Btsf oil cheapest in home,
says factory sopt
"The last thing we'd try to econo-
mize on," says the superintendent
of a large eastern factory, "is lubri-
cating oil. By using cheap oil we
could 'save' hundreds of dollars
each year—but it would cost us
thousands of dollars for repairs, re-
placements and lessened efficiency
of equipment" ^
.The same is true in .the"home, If
all housewives knew what factory
men know about lubrication, few of
them would use anything but 3 -in -
One Oil for their expensive sewing
machines, vacuum cleaners, electric
fans, lawn mowers, washers, and
other household devices. 3 -in -One,
a blend of mineral, vegetable and
animal oils, is the beat oil for house-
hold use, for it cleans and protects
as well as lubricates.
Ask for the old reliable 3 -in -One
Oil at good drug, grocery, hardware,
department and general stores. For
your protection, look for the trade
mark "3 -in -One" printed- in Red on
every package.
INS:,\• :.A. 4
THE woman who lets headaches upset her plans must
have her eyes and ears closed to certain facts about
Aspirin. There is always swift comfort, and never any
harm, in Aspirin tablets. Doctors have said so; men and
women everywhere have found it so. Any headache—
from any cause—is always relieved by one or two tablets.
And lots of other aches and pains. Neuralgia. Neuritis.
Rheumatism. Nagging pains. The swain from colds which
make you "ache all over." Sore throat. Systemic or
"muscular" pain. Aspirin can spare you Lots of needless
suffering! Be sure you get Aspirin—not a substitute!