HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-05-19, Page 1ER Vol. XXX I I No. 43 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19 1932, Chester L. Sr ttr, Pohliatilekt 21.25 a Year, U.S. *1..611 L MF. *1.6aIN1RREARB,$2MAT StM JRYR Publicity is the Greatest Factor in Home Merchandising Their Own Guns had not been paid far by their Chin- ese purchasers. And the Japs are opti- mists if they think they can collect the bill now. A good story comes out of the re- cent unpleasantness: at Shanghai. When the Japanese took home with 'them a prize of war, the big guns of 'the Woosung forts which had given them so much trouble,they found that they were rna.de in Japan and STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened at the Town Hall, • ••••044.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••* sr••i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • it • • Harness, Etc. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS. VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND 2 ARE, OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY 4 +i ATTRACTIVE PRICES. AO • Pianos Pianos IIF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW I PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND • CONSULT IBS, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR 2 SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. • ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE 4. • FRED THIEL - ZURICH 1 PHONE In. . • • • {0•••••••••44414.•••oo•••••••••i•••••!••••••••••••i'• !•!•!i••A•• •!!•N••••••!•lNiiM•••!i•••M FOR SPRING! The Fi>>regisSt1ic :5 ' Leathers tor Street and Afternoon Wear, shown in Beautiful New Models Enjoy both derighfid appearance and Constant Foot I Comfort The .ire of 'Rea Service giVes y.ras not i► only the finest of :Shoes, But "ins upon a most careful! ii Fad. ' _ , ,},' AIM SEE THE NEW PUMP, ` AJ at--l�r t>S Women's Pat, I°erasgs ......,..._ ---- Women's' Kid Postrips =id C+dL :S len Women's Black Ifid, low heeI. _..:..___. ___-- Women's Black Camas, low heel :z t • • $1_15 :$'S.dile ji _;$7-401l ! Men's Black and Elarown Oxfords at - .__. . :to 'PM 2 Boy's .Black and Brown Oxfords K - $l.. to $,:3.I* • Miss and Children Pumps and. Straps at 75:e to '$2.:50 Men's Work Boots, S.aelid Leather at ------ Is 4 }) • See Our Bargain Pahlle of Men, Women and Children shoes at 31..;00 2 Brown's Besi Shop WINDOW DISPLAY 1 BBB 01111 Phone 130 or 153 Repairing Neatly Done .•••••••••••••••••Blw.•i(000 4*)••*400444•44t11-•40444•444e ••••••••••••••••• • • • 31, ore You Buy • s YOUR NEW SUIT 1 BE SURE AND LOOK ER OUR YOUREF---'OM.PAIE! • JOID you WILL AGREE "MIT IBEY' ARE ` .E • (GREATEST THING VSE ` YOU' CAN it, ORT., +' FRIG P $,1040 • :READY .. MADE, : , -Dtaintt MADE,, ' ` AND" Ai ILE�t:.:&Son Crediton, on Monday, May 2nd, at p.m. All members were present with the exception of Councillor • Gill. The minutes of the previous meeting we- re read and approved. The Clerk informed the Council that the Collector had returned his Roll of the 1931 taxes and that the Provincial Auditor's Report has .also been fildd which approved of the to- tal highway expenses for the year 1931 without deductions. That the Assessor's Roll as filed be accepted and Mr. J. Guinan be paid his salary $130.00 and postage $7.75. That the following orders and pay sheets be passed and paid: Can, Bank of Commerce, Com. on cheques 1.35; Ont. Hospital, re Alma Williams 19.50; Freeman Morlock,. postage, etc. 12,00; R. H, Finkbeiner auto service $5; .Jos. Guinan, asses- sor'salary 130.00; ditto, postage 7.75 Bruce Mitchell rd. 1, 7.10; 1 Sib 4.60; rd. 23, 3.90; W. J. Preszcator rd. 2, $9; G. Hirtzel rd 4, 4.50; F. H. King id 5, 8.20; H. Schenk rd 6, 12.80; R. Gower rd 7, 4,35; W. Schwartz rd 7 7.50; J. Wilds rd 10, $6; I. Tet- reau rd 14, 7.88; E. Gaiser- rd 15, 8,- 72; J. Gardiner rd 16, 1.60; S. W. Webb rd 17, $7; A. Latta rd 18, 02; W. J. Lovie rd 19 1,3.18; L. La - fond rd 20 6.90; E. Webb rd '21, 10.80; H. Fahner 27, $8; G. Ezlber Supt,, salary 45.15; R. Ratz rd. .13 $4; A. H. Neeb rd 12, 27.15; S.White rd 3, 10.00; . T. Trevethick repairs to grader 6.50; D. McIsaac; rep. to gra- der 2.50; F. Kerr, doubletrees fir drag .75; A. Regies rd 9, 18.10; Ed. Fahner moving grader $6; H. Rinn ditto $3; C. Jones rd 22 $24. That a Court of Revision to near complaints against the Assessment Roll for the year 1932 hold its first meeting at the Town Hall, Creriton, on Thursday, May 26th at, 2 p.m. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Thursday, May 26th at 2 p.m. •;. Henry Eilber, Clerk. 2 ... FOR SALE 50 Leghorn Pullets for sale at 50c each, 10 weeks old, good laying str- ain. Also 20 Rock pullets at 55c each, Ferdinand Haberer. For Sale A rew Bushels Still left of seed Soy Beans, O.A.C., 211, a good sarni- ple and priced accordingly to the times. Apply to W. F. Alexander, Hensall, Ont. NOTICE We have installed one of the latest and most up-to-date equipments for testing Spark PItzgs. Drive up your auto and have your plugs tested free of charge. Schrag Bros., Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH L. ONT. "A Changeless Christ for M chant- iin, World" Friday, 8h:—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m:—Gesmman Service. 11.15 a. in. ---Sunday School. 7.30 p. m,—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Servicer. E. Turkheinn, Pasts YES! You Will Find a Differ- ence if You Burn JUST.. ARRIVED! FRESH CAR PETROLEUM COKE GREAT HEAT p ` NO ASHES" Try'a eon! Don't forget the play "The Village Lawyer" in the town' hall to -night, Wednesday, Mr. Frank Siebert of Detroit, sp- ent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Jenning, and. Mr and 1lrs. Elliott, of Thedford, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Jacob Brown. Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Gallman and family of Chicago were visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gallman. Mr.<' and Mrs. Rheinaman kalb- fleisch of Detroit, were week -end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred. C. Kalbfleisch. Miss Ida Brill has moved her house hold effects from the dwelling of Mrs E. Truemner, into the upper storey of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gesell o. The auction sale of household ef- fects in town on Saturday brought out a large number of citizens who readily bought up the articles offered for sale. The many friends of Mrs. Oliver Surerus, who recently went to Lon- don Hospital and was operated on, are pleased to learn that she was brought to her home on Tuesday,and is progressing favorably_ Mr- Cyrus Colosky, who was re- cently taken to London "Hospital for the amputation of a leg at the knee, is expected home on Wednesday of this week. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery, from his suffering although greatly handicaped by the loss of such an important limb. Mr, Hilton Truemner of the 14th concession had the misfortune last week to loose that•valuable little dri-. ving mare, so much admired by al who knew her. Their employee Mr Joel Gascho was cultivatin in the field adjoining the road, and while tatrning around at the end in letting in the cultivator the doubletrees lLreke with the result that the three high spiritedhorses went off like a suet„ and over tele road fence railing headlong into the road ditch. The other two horses escaped with minor injuaraes,. but the Mare driver had in- ternal injuries to the extent that she diitrdl was a short time. •i••iliiliiiil• liii�iii!lirliliZUii iw!!•ili• i••!r•liQrj'� !Special OF POCKET WATCHES r 6 ONLY 18 SIZE, 17 JEWEL BUREN, REG. ! SPECIAL SALE 89.00 A Rea] Watch for the Working Man. leer ! 16 Size, 15 Jewel Regina, Reg. Price $15.00, Sale 0 ! 16 Size,1 $fl:0� lar • 16 Size, 17 Jewel Bedforde Nickel Reg. Price 13.00 Sale.. -S ..55 s 16 Size, 15 Jewel Bedforde, Nickel, Reg.g $ilf i. ! 12 Size, 15 Jewel, Bedforde,FancyGold $Case, Re Sale $7 S(t • 14 Size, 15 Jewel Princess a well g+ $16, Sale $3.50 u!6 WHY BE WITHOUT A TIME P � � � I u Jewel Record, High Grade Swiss, Fortune Gold Cases, Reg. Price $25.00 w made watch Reg $5.00, Sale $3 S4 •IEGE. COME IN AND SEE THEM.;„ ! Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurih iii +gyp •iNN!•!i•iiNirOl !•!i•!•isseeocee oesteace y ++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++dr++ +++•++++••• gt SPECIALS AT THE MIJTUAL SHOE STORE WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST FOR LESS CASH $1.00 PAIR, WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP ROUSES; IP- Pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bought, not -44 something a little different.4.- $1.25 $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SLIPPER With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WOE. N. BOOTS, Pans,, or Leather Soles, Sterling and Simian make. + • $2.00, $2.25, BO'Y'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes. az- 4.. 1 tainable Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 5'r1:. iii1.45, $1.75, YOUTH. 'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Ca ps. M43 +' finer floes for School, Sizes 11 to 13�i� . � +' OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES„ CATALOGUE + .FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR. RE- 4. FE.RENCE AND GIMES WHILE BUYING GOODS AT THIS, • A.t, at specially caned meeting the other: evening the Zurich Horseshoe Club gat organized, and prospects are for a big summer's sport for all thosewha» enjoy this popular game, both as: witness, anvil participating. A spoatiwl�eflent, is being trade to put on a gondi summer's program, with the following, strong officials it should go over gibe: President, °riper Surerus Mance es, Gideon t eehler: Secretary Tneaauxea;, Lee W. Hoffman; Commit- tee, Tom Meyers, 'Rohn Hey, Jr; Hen- ry ii aach: and E1izar Mousseau.The local grounds will be on the property off ]IUs:. ,iT. Rey, Jr., as last year. A new and secures fence has been er- ee isd„ and the boys ore all ready to gtri when the evenings get warmer. Stamps Necessary Warning " to people who issue cheques for name than five dollars without affixing. the required s,t:warps that in view of the increasing frequency of the offence the govern - orient plans to take action in announ- ced in the current issue of the Nat- Tonal Review. The law provides at penalty not exceeding $50. High School to open Sept. 1st. Starting this year, the high schools in. Ontario will open on the first day of September, a recently issued bull- etin from the Department of Educ- ation reads. Ordinarily, the schools resume their' classes on the day fol- lowing Labor Day, which holiday is the first Monday of the mouth. The edict means that. ,this year, instead of returning to school on Tuesday, Sept. 6, asthey ordinarily would do the pupils will have to return to their * tet„ ra ' chases on Thursday, Sept, 1. Labor. Dyayr Sept. 5i Will be ai holdtay as Phone row Or 10,1 HENSA.L1, ON1,, usttizl. l + STORE. W'Y NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES YOU TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT. + MHN'S RUBBER BOO'S, Red or Black Soles, $2.40 and $g-75 pr. We ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS ALM O1'I? DER HOUSES. Mat YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIF + STFERENT �i1.la:S TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE TEE uni .40 WAk.''¢CH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS,Repairing promptly eIaJact 0 FRITZ - & SON MEMBER OF l6IU'TUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA Prone 82 or 115 Zurich ++i++4+l+++++++++++++++++++*..f4+ ++E+E {.+++4fi# 1.••*•*++ , • New Springy Good We are Prepared to Meet Your Wants. With New 1 Priced Goods. PRINTS, GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MUSLINS, ETC, ETC, A Few, Stamped Mats at 20'r. Off While They Last. Silk Hose, 30 cents a Pair and up Root Seeds and Garden Seecltt at 5c and 1Oc aPackage: HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS lRENEllAL hireiveotm,MT PHONE 11- 97 BLAKE LkIL ,►1