HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-05-05, Page 7Too Sick for School Wars. Dow gays Dr. Williams' Pink Ms Restored Daughter to Health. "My daughter was rundown in health, took weak spells and could not go to school," writes Mrs. Asa Dow, Port Dan- iel West, Quebec. "While visiting her aunt, a fiend told her about a little girl in similar condi- Von who bad been completely restored to health by Dr. Williams' fink Pills. My daughter has since been taking the tarns, and they have certainly made her stronger. She bas lost that tired, sluggish feeling and bas never missed one day's school since September. The Pills also gave her a good appetite; her nerves are better and she has more pep. I recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to mothers of daughters with similar troubles." Don't let anaemia rob your growing daughter of health and vigor. Give her Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, They are no temporary relief. They banish the condi- tion by creating new blood which im- parts health, vigor and vitality. Equally good for all rundown or nervous condi- tions, At your druggist's, $Oc. 274 Never Misses Day From School. Classified Advertising AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted Inventions and full information sent free. The Lamaay Cote• gtsuy. World Patent Attorneys 273 Bank Street. Ottawa. Canada. BART cleaners 1BABY CHICKS ARE eiAN- ADIAN Approved chicks. .ill flocks are. culled by Government 1nS,e0. tor. We hatch six breeds. Write for free •atalegue. A. H. Switzer, Granton. Ontario. BART' clacKs. �1 AVE $2 PER HUNDRED. LEG - HORNS, *0 cents; Rocks White, Rooks Red, 12 cents; delivered any 'rime. Month olds, 25e. Pullets. all ages, prices furnished. Model Hatchery, Kitchener. Ont. ee POUNDS PRINTS, 'SILK OR. VEL- ,) VET remnants, $1.00. A. McCreery Co., Chatham, Ontario. OPPORTUNx2 rZS. Wto CAN ARRANGE A FRIENDLY correspondence for you. Men and women, all ages. Particulars free. Write Canadian Correspondence Club, 2071 Danforth Avenue. Toronto. -77 The Greatest Asset on thle Farm Seer We were in quest of a story on farm conditions as we piloted our gasoline buggy up the well -kept driveway to Cloverdale Farm. The telephone summoned the farmer .who had just, introduced us to his oldest son. "Get the truck out, George," said the father as he came into the sitting room. We can load that syrup right now. Tom Caldwell over at the village will give us today's price if we deliver by sundown." As the son left the house, his father sat down and we had aline chat. "You no doubt heard me speaking at the telephone and what X told my son just now," said he. "Well, I have had a good run of maple syrup this spring. The quotations over the radio today sounded low so Z immediately called lip some dealers in the towns around here telling them l had 100 gallons and my price; they said they would let me know. That telephone call was from Tom Caldwell over at Springville saying to bring the syrup over at once. As you can see for yourself, we are trying to keep pace with the times here in all departments of the work. "The biggest thing of all on the farm t oday is to take advantage quickly of the opportunities we hear about and the telephone enables. us to do this very thing -it is worth many times its cost." BABY c8xcKs. rid OM BARON STRAIN LEGHORN JL chicks, $9; O.A.C. Rocks, $10, and Reds, $12 per hundred. Live delivery guaranteed. Prosperity Poultry 'Farm Mille Roches, Ont. MOT016 BOAT FUR SAI.B. RICH. R D SON DOUBLE CABIN cruiser, about thirty feet, in use altogether only four or five months In two seasons; complete equipment inelud. ing carpets, bed and table linen, china, glassware and silver as well as all mar - ane equipment and many extras. TWO cruiser with its two cabins and its ,veil equipped galley is an unusually comfort. able boat for week -ends or longer cruises for four to six people. It is ex- aeptionally seaworthy and has cruised all over the Great Lakes. It has a high Class and very economical 60 horsepower, six -cylinder power plant with complete electric lighting throughout and Speed of 12 to 14 miles per hour. It is a spe- cial paint Job and very attractive in ap- pearance. Owner will sacrifice for half its original cost. Fr, Watkins, 73 W. Adelaide St., Toronto, RE-T1NNING Milk Cans, lee Cream Packers, Chao,,' HIoops. Your old cans made tike new for less than half cost of new. Pas- tc.,rizers retinned at your own 'liant, Toronto Cadmium Plating k 'inn ug co., rent. 190 eldwin d rentte, - Toronto New Device Helps Driver See Overhead Traffic Light Overhead traffic lights are brought into the range of vision of the motor- ist by means of an accessory like a periscope that attaches to the wind- shield. indshield. It consists of two mirrors, ono plane and the other convex, which are mounted on a wire support that in turn is attached to a rubber vacuum cap. The mirror's reflect the overhead lights, says "Popular Mechanics Maga- zine," agazine," the convex mirror covering a wide angle, so that the lights usually are seen regardless of where tbe car steps. Approximately 58,500,000 men and 'women will be eligible to vote in the Next united States presidential elec.- , tion. seater .gamero.mrtmee mmaaues„e ".Really, I think BABY'S OWN TAB- LETS are wonderful," writes Mrs. Allan P. MacDonald, Northfield, Ont. "My baby has no more colic pains." Don't let your baby Y'S OWN ffeT-give TABLETS. For colds, fever, upset stomach, constipa- tion. Absolutely haziness. 25c 232 Or. Wmlam,' BABY'S OWN TABLETS No bettor corrective exists today Nita to play Bridge mut CONTRACT 4Wyxne Ferguson Author of-raA.crECM. AUCTION BRIDGE" ARTICLE No, 20 "Don't judge by results" is a nighty otber cards. Learn to analyze -the good slogan and one that should be various hands that come up for dis- applied at a1i times. Most players are cussion and you will soon determine apt to judge by results. at Auction or, whether or not your bids or those of Contract, rather than by analysis, and your fellow -player: are sound. there is nothing more harmful if a I During an evening's play there prob- player really and sincerely wishes to !ably will be several hand.. that will improve his game. Sound bidding is' puzzle you, and those are the hands based on probabilities, not upon cer- that you should note and pander over. tainties. If you or any player at the'. One of the greatest players of the day table fails to make his bid, analyze the, or. ; his skill tot .st such tactics. Af- hand before deciding whether the bid ter every game, he would study over v -as good or bad. Be sure of your facts his mistakes and those of the other before you criticize. players and try to `pure out the proper Many a bid that is defeated several plays and bids in each instance. All tricks save., a game or rubber and of us haven't his patience, but it's a may, therefore, have been perfectly l great system if tried out even with justifiable. Anything can happen to a only a few hands an evening. hand, even to the strongest. There is I The follow'tg represent interesting practieall;.* lie hand that you will ever hands that were noted by the writer hold which n a high bid cannot be during one evening's play t defeated by a freek diet:ibution of the Auction Bidding No score, first game. Z dealt and elected to bid one no trump. All passed and A proceeded to lead diamonds, winning the first five tricks. This hand is interesting because, if Z had bid spades instead of no trump, he could have made game. It looks Ike a bet- ter chance for game at no trump, how- ever; so Z's bid cannot be justifiably criticized. A made. a good play by re- fusing to bid diamonds, having the lead at no trump. If he had bid' the diamonds, Z would then have bid the spades and gone game. The lesson to learn from A's taetirs is: Don't over- bid no trump on your right if you have a set-np suit or one that will set up in one round and .. sure card of re-entry. To bid under such conditions shows the no trump bidder the danger spot of his hand and often drives him to another and gauze bid, as in this ex- ample.. Contract Bidding: Z should bid one spade. One of the lessons learned by Contract players, !as distinguished from Auction players, pis to prefer a suit bid to no trump if the suit Is in any way sound bid. In this instance the spade suit is a sound bid and, therefore, preferred to the no rattrap. A should bid two diamonds, and Y should bid three spades, B must pass and 71 should bid four Hand No..1 .. Hearts -4, 10, 6 Clubs -8, 7, 5, 2 Diamonds ---K, J. 10 :spades 10, ,, 3 Hearts -A. Q, e, 2 t Y Hearts -K, a, 4, 3 Clubs -J, 6 : A B : Clu.bs-none Z 1)iamantts-9, S Sprelce_-.. 1. 1-. J. 5 Spad"'-.- QJ. it.7. 0, 1. 2 'hearts -7 Clubs -A, K., Q, 10, 9, 4, 3 ' Diamonds -Q, 7, 6, 5, 2 Spades -none No scum, lira game. .13 dealt and sure tricks, doubled and all passed. B passed and Z bid clubs. should have bid five spades, but his This is a perfect example of a pre- hand was so weak that .he failed to do emptive or shut -out bid at either Ane- so. As a result, G made five clubs I. tion or Contract. Z's strength was doubled, lasing only one heart and one confined to the minor sults and he was diamond, i right in trying to shut out a bid by his An analysis and siudy of this band opponents. A, with apparently four will be worth while. Diamond'-.. a, 4, e Hand No. 2 Hearts -K, 10, 7 Clubs --A, R, Q, 4 Diamonds -A, I{, Q, 3 Spades --8, 3 _ Hearts ---Q, ,T. . rf Hearts -A, 8, 4 Clubs --J, 7 : A B : Clubs -10, 6, 2 Diamonds --.I, 8 Z •Diamonds --10, 6, 4 Spades --K. Q, ,T, 9, 5, 2 Spades --"10, 7, 6, 4 Hearts --9, 6, 3, 2 Clubs -9, 8, 5, 3 Diamonds --9, 7, 5, 2 Spades ---A Auction Bidding No score, first game. Y dealt and bid one no trump, B and Z gassed and A bid two spades. Y doubled, B passed and Z bid three hearts. All passed and A opened tile king of spades, which Z wort with the ace. He then led the Y should bid two dismantle and Z deuee of hearts, A played the jack, Y should bid two no trump, the minimum the king and Il won the trick with the response, A should pass and Y should ace. 13 now led a spade and Z discard- now bid three clubs. Z should now bits ed the deuce of diamonds. This was a, four diamonds and 'Y should bid five very smart play as it enabled Z to win diamonds, It should be evident that the tante as all he had to lose ryas one Y Z can Make game at diamonds as more heart trick. This hard is -a per- they should lose only Iwo heart tt'icks, feet example of the wonderful results obtained by use of the iiifbriratory double, A close study of this hand, .ofBe " d of Your the various plays and bids, will not only be interesting, but also very in- Indigestion structivo. Contraot Bidding betides, whtelr can be made against any defense. As previously mentioned, the fore- going hands were selected during one evening's play and illustrate the writer's suggestions as to study of hands. If players would analyze even one hand a night, they would be sur- prieed at the go, 1 relatifs obtained, Scientist Declares World Is Like Soap Bubble London, ldnglaud.--The universe was described recently by Sir James Jeans, eminent sclentist, as being like a vast soap bubble, or a huge balloon, constantly expanding and exploding. The stars and planets, under his newest conception of the universe, Sir James said, are like tiny specks on the surface of the balloon: As the baloon expands, the objects in space are con- stantly moving away from each other at terrific speed. Sir lames credited Prof. Albert E. Einstein with opening up a new vision of the universe with, his theory of relativity. This new development of the T)insteiu theory, he said, was the sixth and latest great milestone In tbe whole history of science. Will Pay 30 T fes' SAD COMPLEXION Ixearts-4, 3, :- and ACID STOMACH Clubs ---10, 7, 5 Saud cvtyrywYtete inDiarnonds-A, I', '). e. 25c and 75c red pkgs. gpades-8' 2 eR/.:da LPIUS Hand No. 8 earts--A, 4, J Olabs-1 , 8, 2 Diamonds -r, 10, 4 Spades^ --Q, 10, 7, 4 Y x to Hearts --X, 7, 5 inbi --A, s, a ISlaMoiadti-' -'9, 7, g 1teurts---Tut, 9, r'1ubs-Q, 0, 8, 4 . Diamonds --3, 2 Spathes ---.T, 15, 3 ' Here is a positive guarantee no suf• ferer from indigestion, sour, acid stom ash can afford to ignore. Within two minutes•by the watch, at a cost of not more than 8e you may he 'id of aoid stomach, indigestion, bloating, gas, belchfnr, and Monied, pain. Do you doubt it? Then go to your nearest drug store and get a Package of Bisurated Magnesia and use as di- rected. If After the first dose you do not feel it is worth its weight in • old, if the belching, gas and pain are riot relieved completely. you May have your money back. Bisurated Magnesia is sold on this positive guarantee because we know 'lf it vales in stomach distress. it is used by thousands of stomach sufferers the world over. The cost is about 30 par dere. You lust simply can't afford to setter tenger with stomach distress, acid stomach and indigestion when real relief is too- tncrpenslve, Try It just once after a heavy *Heel and toe for yourself hew magloally it works. Twenty-five egult:r ,lo+es fm reduced YO ;t CAN NOW BUY Red Label w d Ros Te Orange Pekoe NOW 25c Old Price % lbs 30c NOW Ofd Price 38c 1/2ibs43c You now pay only a little more for RED ROSE than for elle p bulk teas. We refund the grocer the drop in price, WE BEAR THE LOSS. Owl Laffs It's Tr , Enough One sure way to bust Friendship bubbles, • Try to make your friends Share your troubles. The chap who says his wife don't understand him simply's got to say something if he hopes to get away with the stuf; he's trying to pull, A little neighbor gird came in with a scratch on her face. Her mother said: Mother -"Why, Janis, what has hap- pened?" Janis (looking very unconcerned) - "Oh, that just where I scratched my- self on the cat." The Boy :w b careful. These canoes tip over ver, easily," The Girl (timidly) -"Would it be safe to -to?" The Boy --"Yes?" The Girl -"To shift this piece of candy to the other side of my mouth?" Running for office isn't as strenuous a job as it once was, because since germs have been officially introduced mothers don't want their babi, kissed. Speaker -"Gentlemen, I think that we glue manufacturers must stick to- gether." Gentleman (in the rear) -"The feel- ing is muril: e." A skunk has four legs and a gossip bas two, What has become of the old-fashion- ed girl whose ambition was to grow up and wear a corset? Some people sleep late trying to mak. their dreams come true. The next time you think of an alibi, remember that Adam blamed Eve but didn't get away with it, Here's another version of an old poem: "Mary had a little mule, and it followed her to skate, and the teacher, like a fule, stepped up behind the mule and hit him with a rule, and then there was no skule." Sunday School Teacher -"And why did Noah take two of each kind of ani- mals into the ark?" Bright Little Boy -"I guess he didn't believe that story about the stork." Device Grouping bust Particles Proposed for Grime Detection London -The detection of crime by the analysis of dust is the newest study by European criminologist, and Scotland Yard is soon to be ask- ed to test acievice introduced by an Amer'ieaii electric carpet -sweep- ing concern. This device automatically sepa- rates different sizes of dust particles and other impurities that may be present on clothes and other articles and thus makes possible scientific comparison with dust and conditions characteristic with a given location. Its inventors assert that its use will enable detectives to secure evidence as to places which a suspected per son baa visited, • There never did and there net e. will exist anything permanent) noble and excellent hi a ehataott which was a stranger to the exec cis,' of resolute self-denfain -Sir 'Gt-altei' Meati, NE2DACHES How can your liead be elear if your bowels are sour With body poisons? Stimulate your liver and kidneys in the gentle natural way with famous Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. Purely vegetable. Pleasant tasting. Every druggist knows good old Warner's. Try a bottle today. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Toronto. Ontario. WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY Russia Not So Smart Soap worth 10 cents is now selling at $2.50 a. bar in Russia, and we cart recall that not so many months ago Russia was clumping soap on to the British market at prices lower than the cost of production in Britain in an effort to ruin a British industry. Rus- sia is not nearly as smart as she fig- ured she was going to be. ---Stratford Beacon -Herald. "I am not one of those fanatics who think all laws are good."--CIarence Darrow. OOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO rDANDv d Y thin 4 RUFF nd Palling kiair, use Min. rd's exactly.es you t oui n hair tonc. Doti. imes a week anil the result ilt be a ent' head and Glossy Nair 3 '°IiWTHS OFF ITH NEURITIS " I suffered awful pain for two years with Neuritis and Sciatica, and was oft' work for three months' time. After trying everything I could thiols of, without getting any benefit at all, 1 tried a bottle of I(ruschen Salts. After imy second bottle, I started working again, and I am very glad to tell you I am still working, and I ani quite free from any pain whatever." ---S.11. The pains of Neuritis and Sciatica aro a symptom of deeper trouble -the same trouble that causes rheumatism, gout and lumbago. They are a sign of an impure blood-streatu. They show that poisons have crept into the blood. Kruschen is a combination of sign natural salts, which ensure interni cleanliness and keep the blood -stream pure. New and refreshed blood is sent; coursing to every Libre of yocrr being. Neuritis, Sciatica and kindred ills ail Nass you by. Depression and lassitude vanish lime mist before the sun. ISSUE, No. 18----'3 2