HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-05-05, Page 5. Tiil(trstk(y, . May 'Tvth; 710321,- BUSINESS 0;g1M.. BUSINESS CAS i e•1 It*** Wont., For *ale, Lost, S Found, Notice, Etc. Ads D 'DLEY E. HOLME /BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NO ARY PUBLIC, ETC, OFFICE'.—,•Iiamilton Street, Just ori the Square, GODj ZCH, Ontario. Ppecial Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr, Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by ,phone, and Phone charges reversed. T.' [N ZIE 1e COMMIS William H. ,Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Specialist AT Brown's ,Boot Shop CONSULTING. ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sire (Toronto) li.L.S., Registered Professional Eng- ineer and Land Surveyor. Victor Building, 2881,( Dundas Street, Lon- don, Ontario. Telephone: Metcalf 2801W. Dr. H• H. COWEN L, D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON l!t DEITZ BLOCK --ZURICH r£'yery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HABTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and i'Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON -- duct any Auction Sale, regardless •s to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will jt • make no charges for Services Ren - Awed. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS t FOR SALE 30x3% Firestone Tires, Regular price $,6.00, for $4.20. While they last. L. Prang & San. Order May Chicks NOW! Barred Rocks and White Rocks at 12c Each White Leghorn at 10c, each. Four extra Chicks per hundred. We will supply eggs from our bloodtested flocks and hatch them for five cents ,a piece. We will guarantee a 50% hatch for 51/a c. each. Half the people who bought chicks from us in March have not lost the four extra chicks. A check up reveals that over 95% of all chicks sold are still going strong ages ('2 to 6 weeks). Government Approved and bloodtest "` URICH .• Mr. E. Rehr of near Bayfield, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs. i,. Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey or Credit- on, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. Agood ly number of villagers at- tended e play "The Village Law- yer put on b g YoungPeople's y the Blake -Goshen ple' s Society, in the Blake church on Friday evening, and a large attendance was present, The play which was a four act comedy, was of the highest order, with plenty of humor. Eleven Characters were pre- sented, and these were careruiIy sel- ectd and just fitted in places. We would their various some local ohuhch or suggest that ld arrange to have guis pl a giionven Would Zurich that- it would play given big,t and give the go over treat. people of town a real Mitchell Harness Races The Mitchell Turf Association will celebrate Victoria Day, Tuesday, May 24th, with the following pro gramme: $900.00 in prizes, divided $300 for each race --2.28 trot or pace 2.28 trot or pace. Free for all. Trot- ters allowed five seconds. Whippet races $50.00 in prizes. Baseball and Horse Shoe pitching in the morning. Band in attendance. Dance in the town hall zn the evening. Plan to ed by Capital Laboratories. 1 attend sports in Mitchell, May 24th. Three flocks had no reactors. A band of Gypsies passed through "'hive more had only one each, town on Tuesday, All flocks with many reactors were their usual "stop -off" ai°ftoorsewn whh dropped from our list and no eggsthe women parading ingto pick parading the streets try - are purchased from them. rt up same "soft" honey by to tell fortunes. Most All chicks are hatched in a Separate peopleareSanit ars hatcher at temperature of are getting wise and giving y so. about hatcher a temperature t44 them a wide berth, and rig If you see any of these around be sure and lock your doors and keep them out, or it may be a cortly meet- ing, as they frequently get into peo- ples' pockets and relieve them or the change, nobody knows how they do it, that is of course their business and it is hard to beat them on their own game. Gypsies used to roam about with large covered wagons and a num- ber of horses for trading purposes, but this gang went flying through the country on big Cath Tac ears. So their business must be a prosperous one. Phone now to 97 r 4, Hensall. J. Elgin McKinley, R. R. 1, - ZURICH ARTHUR WE.BERe-_Dashwood Re: ELMEpiR OESCI late of the Phone 13-57. l 400111011141110•0011101110110•0111•041* urich s' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats .<Rolognas, Sausages, Weiners, Dated this 26th day of April, 1932• t Village of Zurich, mte County of Huron, Barber, deceased, CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAV- ING claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to send full particulars of such claims to the A new fishing coinpany has recen ly been formed known as the Canti Fishery, and will operate off th shore of bake Huron, at St. Joseph The ro t - n e u,adeasa ned l; } p praetors of this company be g xecutor of the said I hag• Mr. N A. Gentile of St. Joseph estate on or before the twentieth da and y(r will be dastrib- the submarine trap uted, flavin rem nets, of May, 1932, y W. J. Johnston of Zurich, The after which date the , will use a new type of nets known asset:; of said estate - . g Bard only to the claims no stat tok and requar Mr. and Mrs. C. Ii. Joy' motored to London on Sunday, To will be off users: The hydro power off on Sunday forenoon from' 0to10,30a.m, Jr. and Mrs, McGill of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Douglas, town ,line. Mr. and Mrs. John Truemner and Mr. George Volland, of Detroit, are spending the week with friends in town. Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and daugh- ter, iVliss Hazel of Stratford, were' Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. SpilIett and daughter Bessie, of London spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Doug- las, town line. Mr. and Mrs. Slater of Seaforth, visited last Friday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Dinsmore, Town Line. Mrs. C. Either wishes to thank the Zurich ' greatly for the nice lunch they recently Institute her. Messrs. Hy. Steinbach and Ed. Beaver are busily engaged building a new boat for the Cantin Fishery at St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Frank and family of Waterloo were Sunday -vis- itors at the home of Mr. and IVirs.. A. G. Edighoffer. Mr. and Mas. E. Stoskopf of chener and Mr. Oliver Johnston Goderich, visited at the home of Thomas Johnson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb of the Babylon Line, Mr. and Mrs. David Gingeric of town, were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, Goshen Line south Kit - of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brein� have moved their effects into the house at the north end of town owned by Mr. Albert Rittenhouse of Dunville. Miss Geralding Surerus, who spent the past nine months in St. John's New Brunswick, has returned to her home here, owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. Oliver Surerus. r. and IVIrs. ho, and Mrs. Jos. Gascho Norman otozed tocLondon on Tuesday where the visited the latter's daughter, Mrs. 0. Surerus, who underwent an operation and is i convalescent. Remember the sale of ema candy and other sweets onliSaaturd afternoon and evening, May 7th, Gascho's Sotre. Treat mother with box of this delicious candy on Mo er's Day. This sale is sponsored the Young People's League of t Evangelical Churej Just the Thing FO!` ie�c DIMING op fire. oak walls, ceilings and parr* titions in: Stores harness RooMil Warehouses Chicken Coops Factories Attics Theatres Basements Hotels Summer Cottage Farmsteads Sun -porches Barns Covering old Dairies Plaster Gyproc costs little, is: quickly erected, nails and cuts like dumber, has insula- tion value and structural strength. It may be panelled,. papered or finished with. Gyptex or Alabastine. Gyproc may be easily identified by the name on the board and the Green stripe along the edge. GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE., Canada, Limited Paris - Ontario Is Firep�roof W,1Y b°a ; For Sale By Fred C. Kalbfleisch a . . Zurich, Ont y •0300••00000000••••00000011• elm+r00•••••••O_isOoa00 • 1 Fertll1zer Pertjljzer• = Before • giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure • • and see us. Get our Prices and Qu ! del = ay' • Chick Feeds, anti Starters in�� Mot : Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete by 1 : and We will be pleased to supply You `with the follow -- he • Ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter, Purina • Chows • • SEEDS ,Etc. • • SEEDS :For Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with •your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass. Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. • "We do Custorn Seed Cleaning" • Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repair • L. alb I,41000•••••••••••••eado Son +•resMs*S•, i,.irr•aMaak�ea...�M••• you will leave Iiy, and we know your Order with us. • • , The spring season is coming along y •leafy. -The farmers have practically as all their seeding in. and the villeeee•- e are busy putting in the gardens. The land works up well, but the weather r e, a uewe too cool just yet for good growing weather, but it likely will soon warm up. Sunday visitors at the home of Rev and Mrs. E. Turkhebn were: Merrsr. Geo. Durst, Fred Miller, Pat Sher - berth ; bliss Schade, Miss Duman and Miss Ruth Turkheim, all students of the Waterloo College. The two for- mer students, Mr. Geo. Durst and Fred Miller took charge of the even- ing services, in the Lutheran church on Sunday evening, and their mes- sages were enjoyed by the congregat- ion. J.f which notice shall then have been readily be lifted and olved�tono`h n given. Hams, Etc., arrays on hand f THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, Iighest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Executor. Main Branchch' Corner Dunda y and a Clarence, London, Out. By CARLING & MORLEY, its Solicitors, 'Exeter, Ont. places if fishing is nota into deeper water. This is the first time hese nets are being used in Canada, but have been used a number of ears successfully in the States. Mr .. A anc "Let Us Serve You 1" . Yungblut & Son hur Sreenan and sons will have arge of the former equipment kno- wn as The St. Joseph Fishery, and will also operate in the St. Joseph district with the pound nets. We sincerely hope both of these comp- anies will have a big season's catch. No Accour Too Siu. The BANK,,OF M0NTIWAI. is a tank for people in every class and ware of life -While it has the resources and far c' itjes to handle transactions of the utmost size and im- portance, it prides itself on lemg A Bank Where Small Amounts .Are Welcome" You can start an interest. 'hearingSavings Account with te deposit rlepos�tt of One Dollar BANKOF MONTREAL an • '7Md Asteu in xccss at *746,O0aa.e, Zurich Branrch, C. H. Joy, Manager. THE VACANT OFFICE The vacancy in the registrarship of Huron county created by the death of the late Registrar Coats has al- ready become the subject of a great deal of speculation and discussion as to the choice of a successor. The office is in the gift of the Provincial Government and is regarded as one of the most desirable of the county offices. There are said to be a large number of actual or probable appli- cants, but the choice will not unlik- ely be made from a half-dozen or so of men who in one way or another have established strong claims upon the powears that be, Among those prominently mentioned are: ExMayor H. J. A. MacEwan of Goderich, Lt. Col. A. F. Sturdy of Goderich, and A. H. Neeb, former Reeve of Steph- en township, who was his party's can- didate in South Huron against W.G. Medd in the Provincial election of ,1926. County Roads Except for a few rough spots, Huron county roads are now in good shape—in as good shape as they will be at any time this year, and prob- ably•better than in midsummer, co- unty Engineer, R. Patterson stated last week. The drags have been over almost the entire system, he said. Gravel replacement will be heavier this year than for a good many years and much more surfacing be required During the winter there were three or four "break-ups" and much gravel was pounded down into the road.For this reason maintenance bills of the county are this year expected to be heavy. There are about 70 men now employed on county roads of which 20 are permanent. Some tarvia roads' are being repaired in organized, or police villages. A gang is at work at Grand Bend, The material is being trucked from Sarnia. It is not antic- i ipated that much surfacing will be done on the Blue Water Highway this year owing to economic condit- ions, 1 ry.whimmiwww4,46.46widAmAmmu.wii 1 ZurichDrug Store 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++ ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK, SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfurmierrk Toilet Soaps, Too6;i :Oast.. -:3, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILMS Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich. ‘f(MAWNIFAAigkOMPAPOMONytmpp"wkwv.