HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-28, Page 7Classified Advertising
List of wanted inventions and full
information sant free, The >aaansay Cut.
Sany. World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank
treet, Ottawa. Canada.
""' ADIAN Appros eo chicks. All
locks are culled by Uovernment lns;tee-
tor, We hatch six breeds, Write for
tree catalogue. A. ii, Switzer, Granton.
HORNS, 10 cents; Rocks White,
Rooke Red, 12 cents; delivered any ;imc.
Month olds, 260, Pullets, all ages, prices
furnished. Model Hatchery, Kitchener,
Jr, Syrup wanted. Weekly supply.
Write Provision & Supply Co„ 1518 Dun-
das West, Toronto.
1. chicks, $9; O.A.C. Rocks, $10, and
Reda, $12 per hundred. Live delivery
guaranteed. Prosperity Poultry Farm,
Mille Roches, Ont,
Abox of face powder to Cosmo Cos-
Inetios, Hamilton, Ont. Good powder but
box alightly imperfect. State shade de-
correspondence for you. Men and
women, all ages. Particulars free, Write
Canadian Correspondence Club, 2071
Danforth Avenue, Toronto.
0 or Velvet Remnants, $1.00. A. Mc-
Creery Co., Chatham. Ont.
cruiser, about thirty feet, in use
altogether only four or five months in
two seasons; complete equipment includ-
ing carpets, bed and table linen, china,
glassware and silver as well as all mar-
ine equipment and many extras. This
cruiser with its two cabins <tnd its well
oquipped,galley is an unusually comfort-
able boat for week -ends or longer
cruises for four to six people. It is ex-
ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised
all over the Great Lakes. It has a high
elass and very economical 60 horsepower,
six -cylinder power plant with complete
'electric lighting throughout and speed
of 12 to 14 miles per hour. It is a spe-
cial paint job and very attractive in ap-
pearance. Owner will sacrifice for haif
its original cost. H, Watkins, 73 W.
Adelaide St., Toronto.
homes on Georgian Bay to rent for
duly and August or entire Summer sea-
son. This property is iodated in a, most
exclusive neighborhood in the most beau-
tiful section of this beautiful part of the
Great Lakes, within easy reach of Post
Office and mail steamers, It has a mag-
nificent view and excellent fishing and
sailing and is safe for small boats.
Dining -room, kitchen and servants' t.uar-
tera are in separate house. Complete
equipment of motor boats, sailing dinghy
nd small boats may be rented if desired.
House is excellently equipped with linen,
china, silver, etc. Moderate rental to
eareful tenant. H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide
St, W., Toronto.
Soviet Breeds Rabbits
Moscow. -- A campaign for large-
scale breeding of rabbits has been
by the Soviet government to
Augment its output of meat and fur.
Bilious For Days
At Time Until She
Took Vegetable Pills
Gratefully, Mrs. C. writes; "The first
dose of your wonderful Carter's Little
Liver Pills have me great relief after
every medicine I tried failed."
Bemuse they are PURELY VEGE-
TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both
liver wird bowels,, Dr. Carter's Little
Liver Pills are without equal for cor-
recting Constipation, Acidity, Head-
aches Poor Complexion and Indiges-
tion. Zan & 75c. red pkgs. everywhere.
Ask for Carter's by NAME.
Add en equal amount of
arrant, or sweet oil, to, Min.
aura, and apply the mixture
onee tinily. A (dimple treat-
meat which will .00
zs Clear up. your akin
1 .EYS
If not, get them right as Soon as
you ea% or trouble may' follow. IF 'dr
61 years millions: of families have
,turned for relief to good old Warner's
,flafo Kidney and Liver Remedy. Try
it yourself. Purely vegetable. Pleas-
ant tasting. Get a bottle today from
your druggist, Warner's. Safe Rem-
edies Co., 'Toronto, Ontario.
Build .Up Health
With Spring Tonic
The fashion oftaking a Spring
tonic is based on sound medical
grounds. Winter has thinned and
devitalized the blood stream so that
it isn't carrying enough oxygen.
That is the reason for the listless,
languid, easily -tired -out condition so
prevalent at this season.
What is needed is a tonic, -one
that will build now blood and re-
store and purify the blood stream,
and thus enable it to carry the ener-
gizing oxygen that quickly revital-
izes the whole system. Thousands
have proven that Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are the ideal tonin for this pur-
Mrs, A. Merritt of 'Welland says;
"Again last Spring I became 111, 1
could not do my work; was pale,
weak, and tired all the time. 1 took
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they
soon made me strong and happy
again." Try them and experience
for yourself the new strength and
vigour they will bring you. At your
druggist's in the new glass con-
tainer. 50c a package.
amble of it 'includes the following 1
words: ""Inasmuch as the Crown is
the symbol of the free association
of the members of the British Comm
monwoalth of Nations, and as they
are united by a common allegiance
to the Crown. . . }lis .Lordship
stated that this common allegiance
to the Crown is the keystone of the
British Commonwealth of Nations;
there is one Crown and there are
associated nations, and that Crown
is the symbol of their free associa-
tion. Ile added that the term
British Empire" was not used for
the reason that absolute equality
exists between the Dominions and
and the United Kingdom. Instead •
the term "British Commonwealth of
Nations" is used, and His Lordship':
i• thought if was first used in the treaty
I which gave birth to the Irisb Free
'State in 1921 -Mall and Empire, To
Berlin Restricts Taxis
Berlin, -The German capital has
more taxis than can profitably be oiler-
ated at the present state of the pub-'
lie's purse. The question what to do
about the excess has given owners'
much concern and- has produced a'
series of ineffectual corrective mea- •
Now the long arm of authority has
British Commonwealth , Peached in and an order from. the
or British Empire police summarily directs that taxis'
with odd registration numbers are al- I
A correspondent puzzled
writes that many lowed in the streets only on the odd 1
readers are puzzled over the appar- ? days of the month, and the even num-!
eptiy contradictory use or the terms bered ones on. the even days. That is,
"British Empire" and `British Com- t only half of the total number of cabs'
mo Ministersh or Nations" made by 1 can be operated on any one day.
of the Crown. Empire asks The authorities figure that the plan'
whether the British as a'
term is officially done away with,
and if in its stead the term British
Commonwealth of Nations is the
proper designation and why the
charge was made from owners of single cabs.
An answer may be found in a lee-
tune upon the Statute of Westmin- Degree Won By Mural Painting
Columbus, Ohio. - A mural painting
has been accepted as a thesis for the
first time in the history of Ohio State
University. The painting, executed
gives everybody an even chance. Butt,
although the big taxi company,
K=aftag, does not demur, there is a 1
good deal of grumbling on the part of
the small fry, and vehement protests
ster delivered to the students of Mc-
Gill University a few days ago by
Hon. P. B. Mignault, former Justice
of the Supreme Court of Canada.
That statute was enacted at the re-
quest of the Dominions themselves by Miss Ruth Van Sandt, was accepted
on December 11, 1931. The pre- for a degree of Master of Arts.
Vim to f lay ridge
CO T t 'r�; ACT
, .
4wynrte Ferguson
In the preceding article, a number of interesting hands were given for
analysis. If you have mat already decided on the proper play or bid, do so now
before you read the solution in each instance. A comparison of your opinion
with the writer's solution will prove most interesting and should help to im-
prove your game.
Solutions of Last Week's Problems B now bid one spade and Z and A
Hand No. 1 passed. What should Y now bid and
Hearts -Q, 9, 8. 6, 5, 3 why?
Clubs -8, 4 Solution: Y should bid one no trump
Diamonds -A,•7 at either Auction or Contract. This bid
Spades -.A, 8, 6 should indicate at least one stopper in
...__ _ - spades and a fair outside hand. His
Y� previous double of one heart has shown
A B : his partner great strength in that suit,
Z so it is now up to Z to decide whether
._....�. - it is better to try for game in no trump,
No score, first gaane. Z nit and bid or a suit.
one club, A one heart an '.Q' doubled.
Hand No.2
Hearts -8, 5
Clubs -7, 2
Diamonds --K, J, 9, 5.::
Hearts -Q, 10, 9 Spades -Q, 8, 4, 3
Clubs -A, Q, 10, 8, 6, 3 ,•._____._ Y _._.
Diamonds -Q, 10, 7 ••
Spades -9 • A B •
. X •
No score, rubber game. Z dealt and
bid one no trump, A bid two clubs, Y
passed, B bid two no trump and all
passed. Z opened the Ave of spades, A
played the nine, Y the queen and B
won the trick with the ace. B now led
the king of clubs, followed with jack,
winning the trick in A's hand with the
queen. All followed, so that the clubs
are set up. B then led the ace of clubs.
What should Y discard and why?
Solution: 'Sr should discard the nine
of diamonds to show his partner at
once that the only tricks in his band
are in the diamond suit. 'There are
three discards coming and, unless Z is
informed at once that Y can protect
diamonds, he may be forced to dis-
card to his disadvantage. Don't hesi-
tate to inform your partner at once of
strength in your hand when you see
that he will be obliged to discard
several times. If he has to guess, he
probably will guess wrong; so make it
easy for him. A high discard indi-
cates strength in the suit discarded.
Hand No. 3
Hearts -•-10, 9, 7, 6, 4
Clubs ---A, It, 10
Diamonds -A, Q, 10, 9
Spades :.-3
: A B
I No score, .first game. Z dealt and bid
one spade and A passed. What should
Y now bid with the foregoing hand
and why?
Solution: At Auction, Y should bid
two hearts and, if Z rebida spades, Y
should bid two no trump, A. suit bicl
is always preferable to a no trump bid,
particularly with a singleton of part-
ner's suit,
At Contract, Y should bid three no
trump, The hand is so strong that Z
may not have a rebid and yet game 1.1
fairly certain, in no trump andit is up
to Y to try for game.
Hand No. 4
----.-- Hearts ---7
Y ; Clubs --Q
: A l3 i 'Diamonds ---J, 10, :i, 4, 2
Z ;Spades- A, Q, 10, 0, U, 3 1C!rite at once for aur bargain list ,,r
Nused n'iotordycles. Terms ertanged
Ne score mid A es a game Z dealt '
and passed. A and Y passed and B bid
one spade. Z bid two hearts, A two
spades, Y three hearts and B three
spades. Z now bid four hearts, A four
spades and Y five hearts, B and Z
passed, A doubled and Y passed. What
should B now bid and why?
Solution: B should bid five spades
at either sanction. or Contract. His
hand is too unbalanced to play to de-
feat five hearts, particularly after a
double raise by A. This double raise
by A should indicate at least four
spades, so that A B eauliot hope to
win more than one spade trick against
a iiv e -heart hid. therefore Y Z will
either make the bid or only be defeat-
ed by one trick. B should bid five
spades without any question.
Hand No. 5
Hearts --A Y
Clubs -8, 4, 2 -
Diamonds -A, 5 : A B :
Spades ---J, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3 : Z
No score, rubber game. Z dealt and
bid one spade, A passed, Y hid one no
trump and. B anal Z passed. What
should A bid with the foregoing heed
and why?
T1DAY you can
Lik ; L
c .3
NOTICE TO GROCERS: This is your authority to sell RED
ROSE TEA at the above REDUCED PRICES starting
today. We refund to you the drop in price and stand the loss.
Will You P ;y 30 To
Ile RI{; of Your
Indigesth rt•n ?
Here is a positive guarantee no suf-
ferer from indigestion, sour, acid stom-
ach can afford to ignore. Within two
minutes by the watch, at a cost of not
more than 3c you may be •id of acid
stomach, indigestion, bloating, gas,
belohint, and stomach pain.
Do you doubt it? Then go to your
nearest drug store and get a package
of Bisurated Magnesia and use as di-
rected. If after the first dose you do
not feel it is worth its weight in t old,
if the belching, gas and pain are not
relieved completely. you may have your
money back.
Bisurated Magnesia is sold on this
positive guarantee because we know of
it value in stomach distress. It is used
by thousands of stomach sufferers the
oeyou just simply n affodo
suffer longer with stomach distress, acid
stomach and indigestion when real relief
'is so inexpensive.
Try it just once after a heavy •meal
and sea for yourself how magically it
works. Twenty -flee egular doses in
every package.
Auction Bidding:
A. should bid two spades, not with
the hope of making the bid, but with
the hope that it will save game and
rubber, A will probably lose one oi'
two tricks, with a two -spade bid, but I
even if it is doubled, it ,vii% be a cheap
way to save the certain loss of game,
anti robber if he allows Y l to play the
hand at no trump.
Contract Bidding:
A should 1 a[e Ilis opponent s have
notconnected for galas, and he has
111 c•1 fl'' for g tn,, in .padre.
121 Coliega wt..
Hariey.bavidson Distributor"
Policy in India
By the Earl of Wiilingdon, Viceroy of
India, to the Princes of India.
Your highnesses realize as well as
I do that the forces or repression can-
not be an end in themselves and that
I;have only adopted them so as to pro-
duce conditions in which we shall be
able to proceed with the details of the
great constitutional cha.uges which are
It is in the firm belief that we shall
before long be able to inaugurate a
new era in the constitutional history
of this great country that I am deter-
mined at all costs to secure and main-
tain the peaceful conditions under
which alone such progress can be
Courtesy opens many doors and lank
of courtesy leaves them open.
r ss^'aby
"I3aby was awfully fretful," writes
birs. H. A. Plewelling, Ripples, N.B.,
"until I started giving BABY'S OWN
TABLETS. Now he is just wonder-
fully weIl." BABY'S OWN TAB-
LETS are the ideal
treatment for chil-
dren's colds, fever,
colic and upset
stomach, Harm-
less. See Certi-
ficate in each 25c
package. 237
Dr. Willletne
aernsine r{ora R.n
rn l4
Wind From the Shore
Wind from the shore, slow-Iifting
waves -serrated
By vibrant ripples-dark'ning as they
From changing grays to green -the
sun belated -
Dropping half -radiance through misty
Far on the dim horizon, slowly trail-
Two barges beat across the bay
One in a patch of mirrored sunlight
The other softly veiled by blowing
Quiet on shore, where waves to
gentle measure
Cares in cadene unresisting stones -
Echoing memories of hidden treas-
That rise and vanish with those
rhythmic tones!
Wind from the shore -almost tram
But shore winds call us -call us -
far at sea!
-Dudley Stow
Rome Shopkeepers Resist
Tax on Advertisements
Rome -The growing budget deficit
has compelled the Italian Govern-
ment to seek new sources of revenue
an among the new levies recently
enforced here is one concerning shop
signs, advertisements and notices.
The bare announcement that the Gov-
ernment intended to raise the taxa-
tion sums due for the display of win-
dow signs has had extraordinary re-
sults. The movable signs were at
once removed and many window in-
scriptions were covers over with
strips of black paper to avoid pay-
ing the new tax.. The attitude of
passive resistance adopted by the
shopkeepers came as a great sur-
prise to the Government and assur-
ances were immediately given that
the matter would be reconsidered,
but to no avail, as the shopkeepers
refused to remove the black paper
hastily placed on their signs, The
tax on shop signs has been raised
from 70 centesimi to 7 lire per letter,
and the tax for words printed in a
foreign language has been raised
from 20 to 36 lire per letter. The
application of this stiff tax will most
likely result ina loss instead of gain
of revenue.
Those who through the winter
months wish they might live where
summer is an all -year-round affair
stop about this time of year to won-
der how they *would get along with -
nut spring. --.'rhe Christian S. i:ence
i Monitor.
Sluggish intestinal systems lower re+J`i,
sislance to colds. Cleanse them with
Fern -a -mint, the modern chewing guns
laxative. Gentle, safe, nori-Habit
%miieg. More effective because y
chew it.
Tile Chewing GumLAX
is4v ddndts and Chrldreu
No Taste
But Vie Mint
Eggs have been quoted in Mosso
at 40 cents apiece, and in BrockvIir
Ont., at 10 cents a dozen. The w ,
places are, of course a henormo4
distance apart -Toronto Star.
SHE LOST ' 18 lbs.
Here is a lady who writes :-" I one
most thankful I saw iyew announce..
meat 'Lose Ugly Fat. " The recip
she read about was such a simple
one -just that almost magical morning
dose of Kruschen Salts.
" I started taking Kruschen Salta
10 weeks ago to reduce weight. I then
weighed 140 lbs., and now 122 lbs. I
am anxious to get down to 112 lbs.;,
and suppose I will in time. Kruschen
Salts have done me good all round. Anle
most thankful' saw your announcement
'Lose Ugly Fat. "-Mrs. V. W. C'.
'Unlike most salts, Kruschen isn't
simply a laxative. When you take
Kruschen Salts you not only stimulate
your liver and kidneys to funetiote
naturally and perfectly, but you supplaa
every internal organ, gland, nerve ani
fibre in the body. with Nature's own*
revitalizing and rejuvenating minerals'
Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts to's
day, and take one-half a teaspoon in it
glass of hot water every morning before
Before the bottle is empty ynu'li,
feel years younger -eyes will brighten
-step grow sprightlier -nerves steadiex
-you'll sleep sound, enjoy your meals,
and after a hard day's woryou'll h
ready for 'Wholesome recreation--•ci4
million women already know an this;
ISSUE, Ido. I7- -732