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Zurich Herald, 1932-04-28, Page 4
STANLEY.- TOWNSHIP 'Dela roa5tet t come to the Blake (G •CR Friday even tag and ear 511ho play '.4Tbe Village ;Lawyer" put *n. by our young people. Mr. Bert Dunn of Toronto is sp P :ding a• few days at the home of Mr. W. J.• Dowsoat. Miss Mabel Calver has re w nevi bonne from Goderich where she had ;been tatting medical treatmeue The Goshen W,M,S. held their mon- 0.1y non-e y meeting last Thursday ac the. 'lame of Mrs. Percy Johnston., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson and Leona, spout Sunday at the home o:f 11m. Robinson, Sr. Mr. Edgar Smith has returned, to 'his home on Goshen after speaa<hiig ,some weeks with his aunt, Mrs. H i P - ,r s of Tupperville. Mr. and 1Irs. Chester L. Smith of . ,urieh, spent Sunday aftc:aneon with M11.¢- Thos:Robinson and family. Master Asa StccIle of the Peon - son Line, has been ill in bed for the xst week. Miss Elizabeth Snowdea.o.f the Blue Water Highway, had a pleas- ant surprise Saturday last in the ev- ring, when a number of her friends ami neighbors gavee her a surprise party for her birthday, bringing many beautiful gifts. Miss Rose Snowden me.de her a very beautiful birthday make, which was decorated with rose- buds and candles. Mrs; Susie West- lake took charge of the game, and everyone had a very pleasant evening D A S H W 'O ,O .D Mr. and Mrs. Milford MdIsaac and :.r_ Wm. Hartman of .Detroit, spent 'the week -end with relative,. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .Cailfas .of Camila are spending a few days in thi: vicinity. Miss Rhena Avery and Mr. B, Av- ..ery of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid and fa}rily. Mr. ha Tiernan visited :friends in Kitchener this week. Barry Holman was inn ~,:•.:l to his home with the flu last week. ek. Rev. and Lars. John Odetreicher and family of Rosenthal. i i. r': ing the for cse-t's parents, 1112. and eine G. -Oa rreicher. Mies Cathern Finkheiner is visiting her sister, Mrs. Humble in Sarnia. Mr.. and .Mrs. Ed. Noll and Mrs. Gatke of Milverton, called on Mr. and Mrs. P. Mcisaac on Tuesday. Miss Sophia Stire returned to Lon- don on Sunday after spending the ,put week with .her parents. A number from here attended Co frrene.e in Kitchener asst Sunday. A. Song Service enrtie. 1 inial Church Year in Chenais" will be given in the Lutheran Church 11 on next Sunday evening. No deer ex- amples of church .music in its otig ra.l .,urity and. beauty, .are•in e:istanee than the glorious old • cherels 'that lave been handed down from gener- ation to generation, from as far back and antedating thy thirteenth and twelfth century. Come and hear them and take part in the service. Ikle. R. Cody, Mr. T. Boyd and Mr. F. Boyde of Niagara, Falls, spent the week -end with Mi. and Mrs. . Roy Capital . Theat West 'Si., Phone 47, GODI!;RICR Program for week May 2 to 7 1VIon;, Tues., Wed, The most seasa.tional mystery thrill of a decade. "FRANKENSTEIN" Its• a test of courage to see this thriller. You will remember Boris Rarloff as the man made monster. -• -A roll you'll not forget. Thera, Fri., and Sat. . CLARK 'GABLE and JOAN .CRAWFORD With a great supporting cast offer a modern and entertaining rom- ance. "POSSESSED Matinees, Wed. and Sat. at 3 pan. Admission ----Evenings, Adults 33c. plus 2c. tax. Children 15cents Matinees, Adults 25c, children 10c musweamiszlispallicodAstemoannammacen recently resigned. Jas. A. Paterson, clerk of the village, was the presid- ing officer. Wm. Jones and W. Spen- cer were the only ones nominated and at the close of the nomination were declared elected by acclamation Both gentlemen were present and took the oath of office and are now our cillors. The death occurred suddenly at her home in Hay Township, just south of Hensall last Friday of )Mrs, Alex. Ingram. Her maiden name being clary Jackson, and was born in Ire- land sono: 55 years ago and when quite young came . to this country with her parents. Slie was married to Mr. Ingram 34 years ago and since resided on their farm south of Hen - „all. She was in poor health for a .rimiber of year,. Besides her bereav- ed husband she leaves es to mourn hen- loss, reiloss, three daugh cis .and two sons.. COUNTY NEWS URIC : !)..HERALD .. AI"elrous&s work has been most sat- isfactorily and the removal of him self and Mrs. Moorehouse will be ke- enly regretted. Wm, Rath of Blyth, had the mis- fortune recently to have his hand badly injured when; caught in a pule leywhile assisting S. Pear in rais- ing a horse which had broken through a trap door on the barn floor of his barn. The injured hand was severely lacerated which necessitated several stitches, but no bones were broken. At the recent regular Council me- - eting for the town of Winghaan, a by-law was passed fixing a fee of $25,00 for Hawkers and Peddlers, and also a by-law fixing the license fee for sale of Cigarettes and Cigar- ette tobacco at $10, both being .car- ried. The farm residence of Hy. Hutch- ins, Maitland concession, Colborne Tp.,: was totally destroyed by fire Sonie of the contents of the lower floor were saved but that of the .ep stairs, including the wearing apparel and personal belongings, and their 4 children who are at hone, are a total loss; House and contents are partly covered by insurance. An appeal against his eonvictione an('•fine of. $500 for a breach of the L.C.A. has been entered in county court by Roy Dungey of the Qon'rrner- cial Hotel, .Seaforth. The date of he- aring has not been fixed. The '.etate- anent sets out that it was accused's first offence and that a minimum fine should have been imposed; also that the magistrate erred in allowing re marks not based on evidence to he made by the crown attorney. , Mrs. John Govenlock passed pea- ccfeilly away at her home in Egmond- ville on .Sunday, April 2nd, after a long illness, her maiden name was Leonora Callaway, was a daughter of the late Josh. Callaway, and was born in Bayfield in the year 1844; where she spent her girlhood. Afterwards she taught school in McKillop Tp. and for two years in Goderich 74. .61 years ago she was united in marriage to the late Jnho Govenlock. Death removed one of Huron Co unty's pioneer residents on Monday. evening last, when Henry Francis passed away at his hone a-. Seaforth Six boats of the grain fleet which He was a man of strong, robust con - wintered at Goderich, cleared for the and head of the lakes last week with the ' bleition, had iet about two wee able good health until tv=o we - opening of navigation. - eks before hi s death, which carne Last week while Frank Wildf:ong• from pneumonia, was born in Picker - of Exeter, 'was leading a horse home a ing Tp. 80 years ago, and the great - the animal, turned and kicked' hinr.il er part of his life was spent in the full in the face. He suffered a fract-. district, after retiring from sueces-- ured. jaw and wounds that required several stitches to close, also a light concussion. Judge T. M. Costello, Goderich, puedhased the i sideece property 'on teng t tohe A. Saunders estate. Phis is one of the finest. residential properties in the town, with a large brick hoose anti extensive grounds. It is beautifully situated at the head of Church st.,, and rs^:•a very •desirable place.. Haley I awden, aged. 24, Stephen, t.=1e thirty hens from the -coop of iris neighbor, Norman Kleinfeldi, while the latter was attending a fun- eral. Bowden sold the hens for $25. And on Thursday last pleaded guilty - and Magistrate Reid gave him six ar,mont months suspended sentence in the presence of his parents and other re- latives. He was several days in the goal. Alex. Ross, age 76, a prominent 1 residence of McKillop ` •died ahmosc Owen Geiger and Sons have start instantly, and his wife was critically ed up their flax mill anXI are nowt injured when the car in which they manning through last year's crolr• r t re. ridding plunged into deep snow Eleanor Machan, R.N., of Blyth,: en No. 4 highway, 12 miles north of 'visited for a few days with Mr. and' London, swerved from the road, and Mrs. Fred Bengough. crashed into a telephone pole. Mrs. Mrs. ;toss Dick of Toronto, ie vis-- - Iloss with a serious fracture of the fang at the home of Mr. and Mrs': skull has been in serious condition. ,Jae. Dick.. Mr. Ross died of shock and injuries The Oddfellows of Hensall Lodge; 10 the ..head. v�mll attend the evening service in a At Stratford last week a truck body at Carmel Presbyterian Church driven by Wm. Clarke of Goderich, en Sunday, May 1st. • struck and killed Walter Nichol, ag- Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale anti', ,d 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nich- Mr- and Mrs. Jas. Paterson spent a ol, of Stratford. The fatality, which day in Kitchener with friends. was purely accidental, occurred on Mr. William Beaver is holding an the Huron road as Clark accompan- auction sale of his household effects ied by W. G. Lumby, were returning On Saturday, • May 14th. home. The :deceased lad, chased by Mrs. A. L. Case has returned home , another boy, ran out from the side HENSALL aster a pleasant visit with friends in :Detroit. a i; ., Walter Fee is improving nicely af- ter being confined to his home for several weeks. Mrs. Milton Love underwent an op enation for appendicitis at the Clin- ton hospital, on Monday last, and is progressing favorably. Bert Horton left last week for Texas where he has secured a good position. The Wm. Rennie Seed Co. finisher) 'sap shipping out their onion zets which gave work to quite a nunrl;er of ne 31. :for the past six weeks. :Or. and Mrs. Walter Good have returned to their farm near Auburn. Mr. Good, on account of ill heal`)' ;gave up the farm a year ago and roved to Hensall where he conducte tt harness shop. 'While here the, made many friends. A quiet wedding was solemnize( at the Presbyterian manse, Exeter eon Wednesday last, wehen Ruby La verne, youngest daughter of W. L. McLaren, of Hensel],, was united in -marriage, to . kyr n e Fel P ' se of R. D. hell of Tucker:;nnith. The tev. B. Rhodes officiating; At the recent nomination held in the town hall, to take the place of .;1;a, Robinaon and W. , ,Sp i ei, who walk from behind a parked vehicle directly inteo the side of the Clark truck.. The sudden death in Exeter of An- nie Quante, wife of David Russell, occurred at the home of her parents after anillness of several years. The 'deceased woman was. the eldest of .h family and was born in I sborne i p., 50 years ago. After her marriage the lived for the most part in Exeter .although she spent three years in ..1etroit, returning to Exeter. An important business change was rffected when the long established ranking house of McTaggart Bros., rlinton, closed its doors, having• sold rut their entire, banking ;connection o the Bank of Montreal. The bank vas first opened for business in June .891, and has. carried on a succes- ful banking business since, for the est years Frank Mutch was the man- ger, and he is now taking a position ith the Bank of Montreal. in the )cal branch. Rev, C. J. Moorehouse, pastor of 'ae Main St., United chorea, E:Teter, or the pat few years, int`nrated to :le board that he would seer a ch an - a of pe iterate atthe end of the nese ((,1afere n(e yea, e.• :, ,t . -i on eves received e e Iver with regret t by Lctlt , eg, an tion and. l (Pr .i, ..? .r;. sful life, of farming, he resided too some years Qtr the property north of Thames Road church, and three years. ago purchased rchased the pretty dome in Seaforth, where he has' since resided. FOOTBALL MEETTN'G A meeting of the Huron Football Association was held at the Dick House, Seaforth on Saturday evening last to organize for the approaching season, A Cup has been put up by the president, Mr, Leo Stephenson,of Kinburn, for competition, open..to any team in Huron County. All teams in- terested in entering the League gam- es for 1932 are requested to notify the President, Mr. Leo. Stephenson, Seaforth, R.R. 2, on or before May 7th. A meeting of all members will he held at the Dick House, Seaforth, ;on Saturday evening, May 7th, when the final details of organization will .be completed. A fee of $2 a team to enter payable on or before May '7. Stephen Twp. Completes Collection 193'1••' Taxes The tax collector of the Township of Stephen has completed the collect- ion of the 1931 taxes. The people of the towneiip have reason to congratu- late themselves on the manner in which the taxes have been paid. Of a: total of $60,537.71 taxes on the roll,. the unpaid nonresident tax is $533.61. Only $144.64 of this amo- unt` 'is chargeable on lands in the municipality proper, and the remain- der is on arrears on lots in the Grand 'Bend sub -divisions. What Will the Weather Be? A Toronto man has preureted that the conning summer will be the cold- est and wettest summer in many years. Will he be right? Some one else has said that if it doesn't winter right in winter, it won't suinrner right in summer. There night be some truth in it, but we have seen some quite mild winters followed with a good bumper crops, and then we have seen some not so good. Anyway the fall wheat crop is looking very prom- ising so far as the wheat has wintered well' in these parts. But the past was a. winter of unusual weather with October weather in January anci Feb- ruary; January weather in March, and the past week we have had Feb- ruary .weather in April. But the next three month's weather will pret ty well be the big factor in the com-, ming season's crops. - yr . ��•a^i Supreme Court„, Noon -;jury sittings of the Supreme Court will open at Goderich on Mon- day, April 25th, before Mr, Justice Raney, To date there are only three eases, an. the ciyal docket. Cutting Weeds The Stanley Municipal Council ask the ratepayers to cut the weeds in front of their own property and the patrol men.. look after the side roads, The Council trusts that the rate- payers will kindly concur and help to keep down expenses. iThInaaltY. Ail en 28th, 1932 S E E, VICE Bette Why e have ther (Claw of Customers HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. I... BATTERIES, 1140131LE OIL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND 7 SIRES, GENUINE IGNITION" Parris, ,t' eile Sung land Mechanical Work Fonar 11'Iicrometer Settings, No• guess murlt, Watch the cars that STOP at 'WEAN'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS ,CLIENTELE. Wein aEL Chas. C. Pilgrim, Clerk. .a.ASi3'3 OOD -- ONTARIO NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: ELMER OESCH, late of the Vil'Iage of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Barber; deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAV- ING claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to send full partJculars of such claims to the undersigned Executor of the said estate on or before the twentieth day of May, 1932, after which date the assets of said estate will be distrib- uted, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. • Dated this 26th day of April, 1932. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, Executor. Main Branch, Corner Dunday and Clarence, London, Ont. By CARL.ING & MORLEY, . Its Solicitors, 'Exeter, Ont. licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON duct any Auction' Sale, regardless is to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied writ sake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTY/UR WEBER—Dashwood ?hone 13-57. wegerske, 00,0030$080606066 Zur ebbs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh ;and Cured Meats t10gnas9 Sausages, Weiners,,, i Hams, Eta, .always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins —Let Us Serve You!" Ism. Ymgbiut & Son Merit etas eeriatten,eolassaase619 raist:©t5i,1r3 LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED maksuu every Day till S o'clock, p.m,. Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. %lea Cad Prices —CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. C',t,rien. Phe1401, Res. 94, Zurich' ,-F.P1 +=i]fw.; 'F3„n-G4'N^. .. �a:.s,_"�i=3„� 3: •.w.� .'*.c+F�E : � ^'^- ;�1 •-1 ,dattmatfuggiarjECTiall,ri.M.W.M.MUSWIELTZ4M.X.M.P%", 0-47P1 x SNE 71Nz -a L T The Perfect Floor Fi ish MAR -I\ OT FAST -DRI VARNISH - Dries in 4 hours S -W Mar -Not is made a ; ocially for use on floors. Made to stand the tramping of nailed heels, the sliding and scuffing'. of little feet, the moving of furniture, spilled water. Pigskin tough is Mar -Not. You may dent the wood but Mar -Not will still cling to its surface. Hot or cold water won't affect its rich, long - wearing lustre. It dries dust free in one hour, hard in four, and can be walked on the same day. Mar -Not is truly the world's finest floor varnish. Typical of the quality and value in the Friday and Saturday sug- gestions listed here. S -n" Paint Products rrre sold tire core d over ural/ma, CV& feieous trade nraaFe, a MISE QUA1 NE Orr .1j I SAR- V F„sr•Dar REGI,iinri Our Hardware Store IS EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR THE BEST OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AL- WAYS THE BEST AND MOST MODERN STOCK,. ON HAND Let Your next Wire Fencing be the well known "FROST FENCE” If in Need of Some Nice New Furniture Remember, WE HAVE IT! GOODYEAR TIRES and TUBES that will give you Years of Good Service, SEEDS of all kinds, including the various Kinds of Clover Seeds, Always good Supply on Hand.. STADE at WEIDO ZURICH tki ONT. .. ro