HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-21, Page 7seieeesessee
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Turret Cigarette Hockey Contest Headquarters Staff
Sorting the Millions of Entries Received
The scene illustrated above will bearing the post mark of March 5th, going forward as rapidly as possible.
give our readers a slight idea of the or a prior date, wbich was a condi- According to the latest reports from
vast number of entries received in tion binding upon all contestants Contest Headquarters, it will be
the Turret Cigarette $15,000.00 Cash desiring to qualify for one of the 289 possible to publish the complete list
Prize Hockey Contest. Well over cash prizes. The enormous task of of prize winners about the latter part
three million entries were sent in, judging these millions of entries is of April.
Where "Thirty"
Was Originated
"30" b.: a epee -ice ms ming to any-
one 'who hes v,orl.ed on a newspaper
or wire service. At the bottom of a.
page of c Menial ;Tial copy it indicates the
end of the. piece. nut whence came
the term? Frank T. Owen. 47 years
an employee of the Utica (N,Y.) Daily
Press, has compiler! eight more or less
plan;ib'e theor'es which Editor & Pub-
lisher roparts as 'follows:
1. 'RFhon newspaper stodes were,
MD . need
lVhe11 y...,; t , .,i 7 .is reguiat-
ing, i'ein,mil;'r 111:,: the organs of
babies and children are delicate.
Little bowels must be gently urged
--never forc•od. 'C'hat's why Cas -
.d -Curia- is used by so many doctdis
and mothers. It is specially made
for children's ailments; contains no
harsh, harmful drugs, no narcotics.
You can safely give it to young in-
fants for colic pains. Yet it is an
equally effective regulator for older
children. The next time your child
has a little cold or fever, or a di-
gestive upset, give him the help of
Castoria, the children's own rem-
edy. Genuine Castoria always has
the name:
/-e le
handwritten, "x" meant the end of a
sentence, "xx" the end of a paragraph,
"xxx" (Roman for "30") the eud of the
2. In Bengali "80" means "farewell"
or "I quit." A report of the East India
Company misprinted the figure to "30."
3. Linotype machines east type slugs
of 30 ems maximum..length, hence "30"
means the end of the line.
4. A telegraph operator whose num-
ber was 30 once stayed at his key
sending news of a disaster long after
his assistants had tied and until death
cause to him.
5. Lpng ago in the West despatches
were delivered by messenger from the
telegraph office to the newspaper of-
fice. The telegraph office closed at 3
a.m., hence, the operator scribbled at
the bottom of the last sheet "3 o'clock"
which became abbreviated in turn to
'3 o'c,' "3 o," "30."
May Even Go Back to Spartan
6. When the Associated, Press was
established eaeli member paper was
entitled to 30 telegrams per day. Last
bf the day's quota was labelled "30.
7. Early telegraph operators had a
code for conversational asides on the
wire: 1—Wait a minute. 4—When
shall i proceed? 13—Wha.t's the mat-
ter? 30—End of item. 73—Kindest
8. The 30 magistrates appointed by
Sparta over Athens at the termination
of the Pelopennesian War were called
the "30 tyrants," and were overthrown
atter one year's reign. The end of the
tyrants was heralded with a spirit of
gladness --"30."
Milk -O!
The ,proprietor of the dairy was
angry with one of his roundsmen.
"Jones!" he stormed, "you're an ab-
solute fool!"
Surprised, the lean put down his
can and looked at his employer ques-
"You had a complaint from Mrs.
Snaggs," went on the proprietor, "and
she wasn't at all satisfied with your
Will You Pay 3c To
Be Rid of Your
Here is a positive guarantee no suf-
ferer from indigestion, sour, acid stom-
ach can afford to ignore. Within two
minutes by the watch, at a cost of not
more than 3c you may be •id of acid
stomach, indigestion, bloating, gas,
belching and stomach Dain. -
Do you doubt it? Then go to your
clearest drug store and get a package
of Bisurated Magnesia and use as di-
rected. Tf after the first dose you do
not feel it is worth its weight in ; old,
if the belching, gas and pain are not
relieved completely. you may have your
money back.
Bisurated Magnesia is sold .on this.
positive guarantee because we know of
it value in stomach distress. It is used
by thousands of stomach sufferers the
world over. The cost is about 3e per
dose. You just simply can't afford to
suffer longer with stomach distress, acid
stomach and indigestion when real relief
1s so inexpensive.
Try It just once after a heavy meal
and see for yourself how magically it
works. Twenty-five :-egular doses in
every package.
Can Crocodiles Cry?
The phrase "crocodile tears" has
been used for so long that it conies as
rather a shock to learn that, according
to scientists, these reptiles can't shed
tears at all.
Travellers tell a different story, how-
ever. In one ease, when a boat was
steaming up the Indus, a crocodile. was
shot and brought aboard. As it wags
lying on deck—believed dead—the on -,I
lookers were astonished to see what
looked like tears. One of them, with,
a child beside him, bent over to look.'
At once the great jaws opened and
snapped, while the tail lashed furious-
ly. The child was just snatched back'
in time, but another spectator was
knocked down by the tail.
Some time ago, however, when ex-
perimegsta were carried out to aster-'
tain wheeler crocodiles held tears ori
not ,the reptiles refused to oblige even
when encouraged by a mixture of
onion juice and salt.
According to scientists, the croco
answer!„ but posses laohzymal glands, the t
"Well, sir," said the puzzled milk- secretion never reaches the eyeball.
; man, "she was telling me as 'ow the It is believed that its function is di-;
milk were thin an' got no cream in gestive, to Imbricate the animal's food.I
"Yes, and you, like a blithering
idiot, told her our milk was as right The New -Liveried Year
as 'rain'!" The year has changed his mantle
Now 77 and Fitter Than
"I have been 6 years thinking of
writing these few litres. It may seem
strange, but I have been watching the
papers this last 6 years to see £ there
was any case as bad as mine has been.
But I have net seen one I used to
have sick headaches and rheumatism
as bad as could be. I could not walk
without two sticks; could not wells
round the table without holding on to
it. That was when I was the other
side of 50.
"Now, if I live till next .:11arcli I shall
be 77. I lutve taken Ie`rnscltetr Sails
for over 22 years, and I am in good
health—better now than the other
side of 50. I don' 1 Ixave any theamat ism
-- haven't bad for several years, 1,3o
if anyone can give I rusehen Salts
a good name, 1 can. I don't feel
any older now than I dill at 50, ami
I Clan walk 4 miles an hour w]thoul
any trouble,"-' T, L.
It is common knowledge drat rben-
nratism is assoei atcd with an excess of
uric acid in the system T.ric acid is
composed of, needfc-Tike crystals, and
AC pain of rlxeumatisrn is caused by
time " needles" settling down in the
at 50
joints, muscles and iendoes..
Ituschen is a powerful solvent of these
torturing erystals. It swiftly dulls
their sharp edges, then flushes thein
out of the system... Your pains ease ;
swellinrys subside, knotted joints be-
come loose. Afterwards, tine "little
daily dose " of leruschen so stinnuletes
the liver and kidneys that regular and
complete elimination is ensured. Your
inside is kept clean. Mischievous uric
acid never gets the chance to accumu-
late again.
bausclaen Salts is obtainable et till
Drug Stores at 4,5c, and 7.5c. per bottle.
Of wind, of rain, pf bitter air;
And he goes clad in cloth, of. gold,
Of living sun and season 'fair; ;
No t'd or beast of wood or woic]
Bit dc2h with cry or song declare
The year lays clown his mantle cold.
All founts, all rivers, seaward rolled,
The pleasant summer livery wear,
With silver studs on broidered
The world puts oft its raiment old,
•i'he year lays down his mantle cold. i
Charles D'Orleans. Translated by I
Sir Henry- Wotton, in ".Ballads
and Lyrics of Old Prance."
Lost For Words
It was the first tune the shy young
man had been to a big dance, and
when his partner decided she did not
want to dance the next he was at a
loss for something to talk about.
"Do you ever have indigestion?",
'Is asked its a despcz'ate effort to make
The gilt' looked at him queerly.
"N0," she replied ohoi'tly.
"What a pity!" murmured ti e
ei 6h ; "I know such an excellent rear-
'.Talk is cheap—especially when you
;se your neighbour's telephone,
Lowliness and nobleness are two
i antonyim:s, but haute the sante moaning.
What New York Utterly VTorn-out
Ie. Wearing
Mrs. Fitzpatrick Tells How Dr. Williams'
BY A,NNI;+ BEf_,LB WORTHINGTON pink Allis Made Her Well.
"I became run-,
down and unable to
do my work for a
family of seven,"
(•� writes Mrs. W, P.
Sask. "T was told X
bad anaemia, and I took treatment, but
with very little improvement. Finally
my sister, who had had the same disease,
advised xne to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, as they had done her so much good.
I have taken seven boxes. Today I'm
well; able to do my own work; no more
tired feeling or weak spells. I can run
upstairs without puffing. I sleep and eat
well. My friends are astonished at my
changed appearance and never fail to
ask what Pm taking. My reply is: 'Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills'. "
Dr: Williams' Pink Pills actually create
an abundance of new red blood, which is
the reason why they have given new
vitality and strength to thousands of
such nervously exhausted and overtired
women. Equally helpful for growing
girls, Try them. At your druggist's in the
new glass container. 50e a package. 272
Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur.
n'shert With Every Pattern
Can aw
The new afternoon dresses are ador-
able in the gay light shades of both
rough and flat crepe silk.
A pretty jabot frill tucked under
the flat applied neckline band and wee
sleeve frills that give a suggestion of
a sleeve, are modish touches of this
young model.
The skirt is very slenderizing, cut in
panel sealing at the back as well as at
the front.
It's a dress in which you'll always
appear so smart for those informal
And it's so easy to put it together.
Style No, 2707 may be had in sizes
14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40
inches bust.
Size 16 requires 3 yards 39 -inch
with % yard 35 -inch contrasting.
Write your name and address pLin-
13+, giving number and size of such
patterns as you' want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Pressure As A Genn Killer
Saturating germs with gas at high
pressure and suddenly releasing it has
been found to destroy them. Carbon
dioxid (carbonic-acid gas) is usually
employed because the germs take it
up more readily.
This .method is valuable in cases
where heat or chemicals can not be
used, and it is effective also with
larger organisms, such as sma11 In-
sects, their eggs, ol• grubs,
Says Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry (Easton, Pa.), in a descrip-
tion of the method:
"When bacteria become saturated
with, carbon dioxid at a pressure of
800 pounds per square inch, and that
pressure is suddenly released, the bac-
teria are destroyed and the protoplasm
of the cells is liberated in a colloidal
form because of the sudden expansion
of the gas within the bacteria.
"This announcement is made by
David Crowther, who was formerly at
the University of Minnesota, and more
recently at Columbia University. While
the process is still in the experimental
stage, .large quantities of vaccines
have been made, and the experiment
"Spores are not destroyed at the
pressure indicated, but whether this
resistance is due to impermeability of
the membrane to the carbon dioxid, or
to the strength of the heavy walls or
membranes of the spore enabling it to
resist the internal pressure, is not
known. Yeast cells are destroyed with
difficulty, but larger organisms, such
as weevils and eggs found in Hour and
cereals, are easily destroyed, either by
using carbon dioxid, or by a change in
air -pressure."
Upset Stomach
my children when they had vomiting
spells, and found that they settled the
stomach," writes Mrs. J. M. Guthrie,
Smith's Falls, Ont, Valuable for teeth-
ing troubles, colds,
fevers, colic. Easy
to take -•- and
harmless. See certi-
ficate in each 25c
package. 238
r. 'WIlUtttH
Begonias and Gloxinias
50 varieties of Tuberous -Rooted Be-
gonia Bulbs a, and
verandah. Pendulaforgrden
Begoniahouse, ",est
hanging basket plant ever introduced.
My. Begonia collection represents the
best varieties in cultivation. 16 Var-
ieties of Gloxinia bulbs—the most
beautiful, new and rare house plant.
Catalogue free upon request.
r24There's nothing to equal
Minard's- It "takes hold".
Antiseptic, soothing, healing.
Gives quick relief 1
Why Children Misbehave
Juvenile waywardness is much more
likely the result of parental falls from
grace, bad examples all around the
chidren, lack of sufficient sleep, or
poor environment, or all of them.
The original sin is in the home.
So believes Dr. William Moodie, an
English physician. He was addressing
the Medical Officers of Schools, in Lon-
don, and a report of his address ap-
pears in The Lancet, a London medi-
cal journal.
The commonest causes of complaint
brought to Dr. Moodie's attention in his
clinic were, in order, we read: steal-
ing, nervousness. unmanageableness,
lying, temper, stammering, truancy
and lack of concentration. When the
children were examined, it was ex-
tremely common to find evidence of
fatigue and conditions which in an
adult would certainly be described as
hyperthyroid anxiety states. k wd, we
"Often these arose from en iron -
mental factors—fatigue from lets of
sleep due to ncdsy or overcrowded bed-
rooms, and a txiety from broken
homes, illegitimacy, and marital un-
nhappiness, the kind of home where the
child never knew what was going to
happen next.
"Yet there seemed to be a certain
inherent factor as well, since children
in exactly comparable surroundings
might tail to show anxiety symptoms.
Dr. Moodie thinks that he has now col-
lected some cases where it Is abso-
lutely certain that the child can not, in
the ordinary sense of the word, have
known of certain home situations, such
as conditions leading up to a divorce,
and yet it has quite clearly 'sensed'
the position and takes} refuge in some
form of flight.
"He deprecated the va]ue of the in-
telligence quotient alone, but empha-
sized by illustration the tremendous
amount of information that can be ob-
tained by an intelligent psychologist
who makes notes of the child's tem-
perament while putting him through
the ordinary intelligence tests. In this
way, he said, much could be learned
about the child's emotional reactions
without any of that difficult, tedious,
and almost invariably destructive pry-
ing into his mind which is essential if
a temperament estimate is to be made
Early English Law Book
Gtven to Yale University
New Haven, Conn.—An original
edition of Statham's abridgment, be-
lieved the first printed English law
book, has been presented to the
Yale school 'ibrary.
Professor Frederick C. Chicks,
law librarian, said the edition, ap-
parently published in 1520, is ane of
22 recorded copies of the book.
The peak is high, and flushed
At its height with sunrise fire;
The peak is high and the stars are
)3ut the thought of mat is higher.
VIc'i"ofV OVER SBL.Ir,
I count him braver who overcome
his desires than him who conquer
his enemies; for the hardest victory
is the victory over self,—Aristotle.
- • List of wanted Inventions apd tui
information qk:,+. free. Tb. Ramsay dQtgti
pally. World k'ecc nt Attorneys. 273 Banti'!
Street, Ottawa, Canada,
1 RA131 CIi1CKs Ariel CAP&
ADIAN Approved chicks,
flocks are culled by (government Xnspege
tor. We hatch six breeds, Write to*
tree eataiogue. A. H. Switzer, Grants. 1
it) or Velvet etemnants, $1.00. A. M.
Creery Co„ Chatham, Ont.
correspondence for you. Men an
women, all ages. Particulars free. Writ
Canadian Correspondence Club, 20'1
Danforth Avenue, Toronto.
A ERS wanted throughout Canada to'
fireproof document and ledger cabinetsg
scores of testimonials show that the
^11 a long -felt want and sell readily fa
nearly all classee of professional meal
merchants and farmers. Apply Pireprooji
Cabinets and Safes Limited, 363 Greene
wood Avenue, Toronto.
Alt) cruiser, about thirty feet, in us
altogether only four or five months, t
two seasons; complete equipment includa.
ing carpets, bed and table linen, chinas
glassware and silver as well as all marc
ine equipment and many extras. Thite
cruiser with its two cabins and its well
equipped galley is an unusually comforts.
able boat for week -ends or longe
cruises for four to six people.•. It is ex •
ceptionaIly seaworthy and has cruise
all over the Great Lakes. It has a his
class and very economical 60 horsepowe
six -cylinder power plant with oompiet
electric .lighting throughout and speed
of 12 to 14 miles per hour, It is a sp .•-
cial paint.job and very tractive in alt!
pearanee. Owner will s rinse for half
its original cost. II. atkins, 78 1>Vs
Adelaide St., Toronto„
lJ homes on Georgian Bay to rent to
July and August or entire Summer seat
son. This property is located in a most
exclusive neighborhood in the most bea
tiful section of this beautiful part of tht'
Great Lakes, within easy reach of Poet'
Office and mail steamers. it has a ma
niflcent view and excellent fishing an
sailing and is safe for small boat&
Dining -room, kitchen and servants' tuar
tern are in separate house. Complet
equipment of motor boats, sailing dingh
and small boats may be rented if desire
House is excellently equipped with linen
china, silver, etc. Moderate rental ti
careful tenant. H. Watkins, 73 Adelaid
St. W., Toronto.
Lazy men are the most positiv6l
they are too lazy to inform thelil'
selves or to change their minds. 44
Henry W. Shaw.
Your stomach and bowels are part
of one long tube, Bowels soured with
body poisons naturally upset the
'stomach. For 50 years millions 'have
used Warner's Safe IKidney' and Liver
Remedy with good results. Purely
vegetable. Pleasant tasting. Every
druggist knows good old Warner's.
Try a bottle today. Warner's Safe
Remedies Coe Toronto, Ontario,.
Take them
every so
often. They'll
Keep you
Sold everywhere in
25c and 75c red pkgs.
For 'troubies
clue to Acid
ABOUT two hours after eating
many people suffer from sou
stomachs. They call it indigestion. It
means that the stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated. There is excess
acid. The way to correct it is with are
alkali, which neutralizes many times
its volume in acid.
The right way is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia just a tasteless dose itt
water. It is pleasant, effcient and
harmless. Results come almost in-
stantly. It is the approved method.
You will never use another when
you know.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillipe'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed fry
Physicians for correcting excess acids.
,i0o a bottle—any drug store.
The ideal dentifrice, for clean
• eth andhealthy gums is Phillips'.
)ental Magnesia, a superior tooth-
:sste *kat safeguards against acid
311th, (Made in Canada.)