HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-21, Page 5rnursday; prix' 2.tst,. T03 M BUSINESS C a oris elm If 01J11. Wants, For Sale, LOOrt, Rev.C.eliragandsonGordon, Were to Kitchener on business one =r®•lMO0I•••!s•!!l•�wrr!•lilt!••!!!l4�6�t�e41e144�V10r!!lr HERALi ?V MVO D1TDT E'Y E. $OT,,MTS 1Found, Notice, Etc. AdsLOCAL 1.1 #ARRlSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT: i IN THIS COLVLA Tavistock management of. the, Junior Mx Sol. Hechler made a' business trip to Tavistock on Tuesday. esc town on Monday, on business. essr s Witmer, were Saturday • Exeter, Mr. Lorne Mcl3ri a week -end visitor' with his par Goshen Line. Mrs. J. Kellerman of Dashwood, was a week-eri:d visitor' with her sis- ter, Mrs. C. Fritz. M. and Mrs. A. Aulerich of De- troit, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Prang. , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Schwartz, and daughter Eunice, of Detroit, are spending the week with her mother, IVirs. J. Fuss. Mr. and Mrs. Win. O'Brein, .and daughter, Miss Olive, spent Sunday with the former's son, Mr. and Mrs. Lennis O'Brein, Clinton. Mr. Rennie Weber and boy frieind. of Toronto were recent visitors with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Weber, Bronson Line. Messrs. J. Eidt and Ed. Kinsman, were week -end visitors at their homes at Ingersoll and St. Marys, respect- ively. Miss Olive Witmer of the Babylon Line, spent the week -end with her aunt ,and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Allan, just north of town. Owing to next Sunday being Con- ference Sunday, no services 'or Sab- bath school will be held in Emanuel Evangelical Cliurh, Zurich., April 24. day last week. • ARY Milton , ETC. Q of Dashwood was in League of the Evangelical Church qn, i rl cr Oz•'>N^IGE—Ilamilton Street, ,rust off Mxs E h , g , . g • We are pff� " Quality Baby the Square, GODERTCH, Ontario. M Saturday afternoon. treated their • s' n Blood -tested ( Y, Chicks >n Gladwin M l k d Neil Leaguersg ix poplar breeds. Barred d White Roe t Rocks, Black 'd M s, rte- Leghorns and � Jersey Black Giants. • Baby Chicks and Custom q, Hatch r �, FOR SALE One only, new Lever H ig:ne uc ion to . charges reverse_. Special Attention to Councel and e rC an to a nice outing with an Yee . S. . arre an Court Work. s arrow, for E a th o ride to Seaforth via Clinton, inorcas, White Wyandotte White :Mr. Holmes may be consulted at ale at a b d t' e day being ideal, hence the kiddies 3 •derich•• by Phone, and Phone L..I'rare .0 Son,. was de, of Windsor, enjoyed themselves :immensely. Fol-, o WE HAVE INSTALLED,r d k d lowing' the trip refire h mints were • ANEW 30,000AEGG CAPACITY INCU• eats Gosh L' BATOR FOR CUSTOM HATCHING 'ONLY. Trays hold eleven dozen eggs each, Plant in charge of an expel- _. a ienced operator. Phone or write your reservation early. Charge 0 b of two and one half cents per egg, Depend on iIogarth to give you I 41 a satisfactory hatch. O. t • 1 William H. Bra xi A. S. P. Graduated Foot Specialist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING . ENGINEER S W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Toronto) .L.S., Registered Professional Eng- ineer and Land Surveyor: Victor Building, 2881 Dundas Street, Lon- don, Ontario. Telephone: Metcalf 2801W. 7,7 Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON �t DEITZ BLO0I1—ZURIOH "Byers/ Thursday, Friday, Saturday - At HARTLEIB'S BLOOF, DASI-WOOD Monday, Tuesday and ;Wednesday Every �►-U-C-'�-I-O-�'-E-E-R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of ctioneerin ;. Try me foi registered Live Stock, (All .Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will .aeli anything Anywhere. Lurlcti. 'hone 18-93, or write. • Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - r uct .any Auction Sale, regardless ow to size or article to sell. 1 solicit sour business, and if not satisfied 'will sake no charges for Services Rem - /sieved. ' ARTHUR WEBER, --Dashwood Phone 13-57". SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers' WW1 CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. MATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- 'v{;TELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work .iaoae to Micrometer Settings, No guess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. II. B. Wein. IASHWOOD — ONTARIO u ri e h s' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Bo1ognas, Sausages, Weiners, !lams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "'.Let Us Serve You!" 11. Yunghlut & Sou 4411••••••••0009000O9041100094 LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED 'ken every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m. no not teed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices ••—CASH FOR—, NOTICE PASTURE.. FARM TO RENT 75 acres, 11/e miles south of Zurich Road, in Concession 7, through which runs a stream of never failing water. Write: W. C. Pearce, Exeter. New Hats SPECIAL SHOWING OF LADIES' SPRING HATS, LATEST STYLES, AT POPULAR PRICES GET YOURS' NOW AT THE Anna S. Datars — Proprietor Hat Shop — Zurich EGGS FOR HATCHING Eggs for hatching and Baby Chicks White Leghorns, disease-free at re- duced prices. The supply is limited We invite your inspection. Bruce J. Klopp, Zurich. Order May Chicks NOW! Barred Rocks and White Rocks at 12c Each White Leghorns at 10c. each. Four extra Chicks per hundred. ' We will supply eggs from our bloodtested flocks and hatch them for five cents a piece. We will guarantee a 50% hatch for 5 c. each. Half the people who bought chicks from us in March have not lost the four extra chicks. A check up reveals that over 95 % of all chicks sold are still going strong ages (2 to 6 weeks). Government Approved and bloodtest- ed by Capital Laboratories. T u ee; ilocks;>,b.ad •rto reactors. Three more had only one' each. All flocks with many reactors were dropped from our list and no eggs are purchased from. them. All chicks are hatched in a Separate Sanitary hatcher at temperature of about 97 degrees. t44 Phone now to 97 r 4, Hensall. J. Elgin McKinIey, R. R. 1, - .ZURICH 5%—and Sale In choosing an investment, make certain that it is ahso lutely safe as to principal and pays an attractive, yet Teasonable, rate of interest. Thousands of Canadians find that Huron & Erie Debentures combine these features. Their popularity is indi- cated in this growth: Year Total Debentures 1911 $7,600,000 1921 $10,300,000 1931 $29,500,000 If you are interested in a safe investment that pays 51/2% interest, get in touch with— ANDREW- F. HESS. Zurich Sightless Typist Miss K. Sells, a blind pianist who is one of the Sunbeam Trio, which includes Miss. Lamntie of Hensall,and who is a typist in the London Life nsurance Company head office, Lon - on, has been blind from the day of er birth, Last week she wrote the xarninations of the insurance insta- te. She transcribed the examination ito the Braille system and then types re answer,. The Loudon Life uses ho dictaphone and Miss Sells is on - bled by means of this device to do rk that is aeo,, e average efficiency, tor ?i if to ofnerve of the company, ions that if paid, would cover this though born in the United States, amount. But the local inanagernen se Sells maintains that s'he 1'S Can- thought it best at this time to pay of, 1 d h e u ti rt CREAM AND EGGS wo ac W. O'Brien 'Tiff Phone 101, Res. 9.4, 'Aweigh served in the basement of the church which were indeed enjoyed by all. The annual sessions of the Can- ada Conference of the Evangelical church will be held in Zion Evangel- ical church, Kitchener this week. ¶the Conference proper will open on Wed- nesday noon with Bishop Dunlap of Cleveland in the chair, who is the president throughout. This is also the time when the stationing of ministers takes place, which usually is being read off at the close of the sessions. The special services will be held each evening, and special speakers are on the program for Sunday,. (Confer-'• Mr. Ward Fritz is to Windsor the fore part of the week, gomg over Monday with C. Hudson and L. Schu- efle, who spent the week -end at their homes in Hensall. Mr. Jacob Haberer is making rap- id progress in the building of a new dwelling property on his lot recently. purchased from Mr. M. Geiger. The foundation is all excavated and ready for the foundation to be started. The various ministers of the Strat- ford District of the Lutheran Synod, are holding a Conference in Zurich Tuesday and Wednesday, this is prior to the annual gen- ral Synod meeting held in Waterloo, the latter part of May. Mr. and Mrs.Rudy Schwartzen- truber, Mr. mid :.Iii. Chris. Schwartz- entruber, Mr. Rudy Oesch, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich and Mr. Jacob Schwartzentruber attended the fun- eral of a relative, the late Andrew Kipfer, near Tavistock on Saturday. At the midweek meeting in the Ev- angelical church last Thursday even- ing, Mr. A. Melick was elected as Class Leader for a term of two years and C. L. Smith, as assistant class The Hogarth Baby 'Click Hatchery _ • • e EXETER, ONTARIO Phone 184W • • • 006••m•Des•a�9.020me6•o0®•te•oe,el•eaeatteeseate eestla ev eneenese. *44+44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4i 4••II•�E•.•i•H��i••II••D••3..3..3..p•.y,•¢.3 .i.ov,i.✓i,.,o•¢•.D .,.�� ,o�.;.•g + #..g,.3••..y..¢..I•i'.I..i+.r.t..i..Y.00.p,++ l.•p +4i •E • enee Sunday). The public are cord- ially Y invited to attend all ,public me-; etings. Let UsQuote Yo Time is Extended • According to a despatch from Ot- O,! St or i2 s �: 1 l E 8 11 (1 A O 01 ` s tawa owners of radio receiving se.s . will be given until June 1, to obtain their new $2 licenses, it is announced from the Department of Marine. The new licenses will be available in Most centres this week, but owing to the change in the rate from $1 to $2 the date at which new licenses must be obtained has been extencls:u from May 1, to June 1. Save Huron County $14,000 f. f PHONE • 69 s _Before tele cold ' %eatf (•i' ars i fs Call t . # • .a. ar •I• us and we will measure your windows I KAiLpLEISC,1 13y reason of the new lebislation i-+++++++ affecting old age pensions, by which the municipalities snare is reduced to 10 per cent., the County of Huron will save about $14,000 a year on this item. There also will be a pay- ment coming of $10,000 as the amend inent to the act is male retroactive to August 1, 1931.Inasmuch as most of the cottnLy house of re- tif are p nsioners, nearly all of their money going to the county for • Before their upkeep, the cost of that instit- and see us. Get our Pries andQuality, 9 ution is now practically nil and the G�a-sty, saga we ,noir old age pension bill is cut to a min- you will leave your Order with us. • ZURICH g, Z t 4 �.�t �, i 3 6 ;.moo.,- K ••i 4• .::. ::'•... •;.s,,.. + t oosoo•soest0000e ;esw�r�"::es�igot,i,S.+tne � oovst4io 40,Thoaiorm• Fertilizer Pertiljze.r giving Your Spring O � 5 Orders for Fertilizer be sure A Huge Swinciie $ °M f` �b Feeds, i n s Starters Fi �icis Pyle:,a_'c•.1 52, English, a I Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete stock salesman, is in Huron County 9 and We will be pleased to Supply You with the follow - jail awaiting trial on a charge of ob- taining $1,•L50 from John A. Crerar na supply of Brussels, by false protences. It is stated that Boyles' arrest has explod- ed,one of the biggest stock swindles leader for two years, and Mr. C inthe history of this section of the Fritz; was elected as Missionary Pres 1'r.vince. Boyles and his associates ident for one year term. • are alleged to have sold some $200,- 000Mr. A. Foster, cement contractor, worth of stock in a company wln- is busily engaged at the' basement alln .creameries -or its object oho oun yg n and foundation, of the Hoist Bakery ap iisin Huron County. m- by building walls, flo;nu, a large ce:s option was secured y theseid,cream- pool, and other work. This will •ive cries and some money paid, it is un - Mr. Hoist an early start in his build- derstood. ing program for the summer. AFFECTS EXETER WOMAN Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Habkirk of Sea- At I a rgo, N. Dak., on April 13, forth, were Sunday visitors at the County Judge P. li, Paulsen ordered home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb little y, the will of the late Wm. J. Carlile, the former remaining under the par- margo, set aside and declared the de - ental roof, for the remainder of the ceased intestate. Carlile died Feb. 20 .veek. In his will he left the bulk of his es - Mr. A. Melick who has been ap. tate, estimated at $12,500, largely in • pointed as layman for Zurich Con - Exeter, to his sister, Mrs. Sarah Green, gregation of the Evangelical church. Exeter, Onix, who had resided with understand is Thursday him several months prior to his death weerning understand Kitchenerisleaving to attend the and was in the room. at the time the ne :•ions and will be accompanied by will was drawn. Mrs. Green petition - Mr.. Jacob, Brown and Misses Ida ed to have, the will admitted to pro-, Brill and Lorinda Schoch. bate, Alfred Carlile a brother, con- tested on the ground Carlile was in - 'Mr. Milton Oesch, who has recent- competent, because of his age and ly been carrying on a barber business physical condition. Carlile drew his in the stand formerly owned by the will the day of his death. The estate late E. Oesch, has moved his barber will be divided equally according to ing equipment into the room immed- statute among the heirs, Mr. Wilson iately south of Fritz Shoe store, and Carlile of Hensall .being also one of part of the block. This is_, the old the heirs besides Mrs. Gruen of Ex - stand where the late Mr. E. Oesch eter, and formerly of Hay Township. conducted his barber business for a' AWARDED DAMAGES OF $7500 goodly number of years, and it in- deed looks like old times to again Friends of Mrs. Lloyd Wilken, for - see this room equipped with a bar- merly Miss Vera Marshall of Exeter, bering outfit. are glad to learn of her success in Spring seems to be here at last her court proceedings for damages with the nice and bahny warm sun- for the death of her husband who was shine, and the weather is warming lolled on the iaoming of July 28th up nicely, the roads are drying off last at Iroquois, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. and everything is coining to life, by Wilken were returning from a dance the way the 'weather looked in Feb- ruaryin we thought by this time all Mrs from ey, when they were run summer grain would be half grown,into from the rear by a car owned Mbut old mother nature has also some -by a young farmer named Milligan, thing to say, and spring is consider- who, with his party was also return- able later than last ing from the dance. Theywere on year, as by this the Provincial Highway in the Village time the seeding was practically in and were close to the street into wh- it and it will'still be some time before al they intended to urn to go home farmers can get on the land this when he Milligan car struck them, year.,driving their ear against a tree and At a recent meeting of the various killing Wilken almost instantly. Mil - organizations of the, local Evangelical ligan had allowed a 16 year old girl church, it.was decided to wipe out to drive his car. Mrs. Wilken sued the old church debt, which consisted ' for damages and the case was tried of $175:, and this is how it all , before Justice Sedgewick at the Fall hap- pened: Ladies' Aid voted $75, the Assizes at Brockville, when judgment Sabbath School $75, and the Senior was given hi her favor for $300.T1te E. L. C. E. $25, and it seems a some- defendant, cross - however, appealed from what relief to have the local place of this judgment and the Plaintiff cross - worship clear of debt, which .was ac appealed for :larger damages. The crued in 1926 when the cltureh was case was again tried last week before rebuilt, And this would have prob- Justice Wright at Brockville when ably been wiped off sooner, :gut there judgment for $7500, and all the cos - were always more unpaid subscript- tq for both trials d f 1 L .le 9 ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter Puri o Chows, Etc. • For Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with : your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass e Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. • a "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" • • • Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. SEEDS SEEDS x L.Shilbe Son SP�tet39•;a •MtrbMs ari�GR�Wtis+vae a,w ,cc • geoosee,easaa3seee a seg wsr�c619000 VihiliAMMIWWWVEIAMWAWWWWWAAWWWWit Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS : Perfumes, " 'ei!ot End �I� , Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brashes. FINE STATIONERY. AND FOUNTAIN PENS. fic I KODAKS AND FILIMS tmc or pir am o the 'Court = b App cd. Ix. J. G. Banbury of lis- r a .a.lo�e+� C t eter etas counsel. for Mrs. Winton ,. d � •.f,�0• e�J. �9 a,�, brouI�ghout, including the hearing in i ,,�e;y Iar A ... W 'ri i'Ii � f Tn'N , . t,a4, is '{, F .F . M +w . Y4 ,. • :e: r ,r14 •• ., n - r ., ry L Y Ci r +Q k• r.. y +....r. w :Y y. . ...w •4 Y 141A G17 1 aeVO'ii tiov1i4avSd/WV itaNvie eIfu.evvltpi+bv000))1iv)iYSl4►A0+isVgr'011i 11