HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-21, Page 4• M R, • w ►4 ri rr 0;, Mr. and Mrs,, L. Ireland of Guelph lewere Sunday visitors with the form - ex.'s mother, Mrs. Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. w.. A. Oestreiclrez• ant; .family,' visited friends in Dorchester on Sunday. Mrs. J. Schroeder spent the week • end with her daughter, Mrs. Brueri. New ,;Ir mburg. • Rev., and 141rs. A. W. Sauer are .at• tend zcg Conference in Kitchener tiii • Week. Me-„ Pure of Detioit is visiting he; Ira, nn -, Mr k•.„ 1 Mee,. i) f,&iroe elf ., Mrs J. Kellerman spent the week- eend with friends in Zurich '" ,� its >,. Oestreieher is yi.,itiiyre i•, ir'F .,id,.:: this wook. ,r C 4s, Gud nthe.r re.Nis. rsrl hems, on 1 eseel':. BLKE Quite number from this vicinity. intended the funeral of the late Mi. Kiper, near Tavistocle on Saturday. Miss Ida Schwartzentruber spent Sunday with friends in the village. *1r. Lorne D. Manson of Thorne dale .called on Mends on the Goshen 'Line on Monday. 11tIr. Sohn Thirsk, accompanied by .Mr. Jing. Johnston, spent a few days last week with friends in Luean and London. Mr. David Tough of irucefield, .spent a few days last week with his 3brother, Mr. W. J. Tough and other friends.. Miss Susie Oesch visited friends on the Goshen line on Sunday. Mr. Dan. Schwartzentruber spent Sunday with friends on the Goshen line. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ginigericu and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Desch. Mr. Dave Meyers spent Sunday with friends in the village. HILLSGREEN W.M.S.-The regular monthly me- eting of the Woniens' Missionary Society Was 'held at the home of Mrs R. Stephenson, on Wednesday, April 13th with -Mrs. W.- Turner presiding The meeting opened by singing Hyman 249 and prayer was then offered. The • scripture lesson was read from lst Corr., 13 ch., by Mrs. Russell Con- sitt. Hymn 241. The roll was then caileil,and answered by the letter I. The Secretary and Treasurer's re- ports were read and adopted. The business was then taken. It was de- cided to quilt the quilts for the bale. on Tuesday afternoon, Aprri 19th, in the church. Delegates .were appoint- ed for the Presbyterial in Wingham nn April 26th. Topics on Temperance were then given. Hymn 262 was sang. The study was then taken by Mrs. R. McAllister. Mrs. (Rev.) Conner then read an article on, Hoare Mie - cions. The ogering was taken, Hymn p5(. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. MTs. R. Love is visiting her son 'Mr. Ross Love. Mr. Robert Jarrott of Bugalo and formerly of this vicinity called on relatives and friends here last week.. Mrs. Ross Dick and son are spend- ing- a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dick in Hensall and other friends Mr. Alf. Westgate spent a day in London recently. Mrs. W. Weido spent a day with her father, Mr. John Decker in Zur- ich. - Mrs.. F. Farquhar of Hensall, is -visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane: Mr. and Mrs. W. Fairbairn and daughter Mrs. Ross Love, were in .London recently spending a clay. STANLEY TOWNSHIP On Thursday, April 14th there passed away at her home in Varna, an old and highly esteemed resident of Stanley in the person of Mrs. Ellen Clark. She had reached the age of 80 years and enjoyed her us- ual health until quite recently, her husband, the late Wm. Clark prede- ceased her about 17 years ago, two daughters also passed away a num- ber of years ago. She is survived by one son George of Stanley and five daughters: Mrs. W. Johnston of Stanley, Mrs. Emily Evans of Sea - forth; Mrs. (Rev.) R. A. Miller of Tupperville; Mrs. W. Bate and Mrs. Hatton of Toronto, also one sister, 14Irs. Wm. Baker of Saskatchewan. Mrs. Clark was the eldest sister of the late Robert McKinley, she was a woman of very kind and christian disposition and was greatly respect- ed and loved by all who enjoyed her acquaintance. The funeral service was held on Saturday and was con- ducted by her pastor, Rev. E. A. Poulter, assisted by Rev. R. A. Mil- ler. The following floral tributes and the large concourse of sympathising friends spoke of the love and esteem in which she was held. The pall- bearers were six grandsons. The Four Act Play entitled: "The "Village Lawyer" which is being pre- pared by out young people will be presented ,in the Blake church on Friday. evening, April 29th, This is a high class play and is highly recommended and should draw a lar- ge crowd. DASHWOOD • Leavitt's Theatre Exett.tr Ont Wed'nesday, April 20th. RAINBOW TRAIL With G,aorge' O'Brein and Roscoe Ates Geenedy, Charlie Chase. Fox News Thurs., Friday, Saturday April, 21, 22, 23 DEVIL'S LOTTERY With Elissa Laudi & Victor MacLagan A thrilling story of the sweepstakes winners of the Derby (This feature just released in April) Fox News and Comedy Mon., Tues., and Wed. April 25, 2(i, 27. MAE ROBINSON Renown Stage Star, in MOTHER'S MILLIONS Usual Comedy Thurs., Fri -clay,' Saturday April 28, 29, 30 PLATINUM BLOUDE With LORETTA YOUNG, ROBERT WILLIAMS, JEAN HARLOW 'oming—Ben Hur, May 2, 3, 4. Mary Dressler in Emma. ' asant two week"s visit with their sons in Windsor. Miss E. Martinson spent the week- end at her home in Elmira. Mr. G. Keeler spent the week -end at his home in Mitchell. Quite a number of Walter Leagu- ers attended the Oratorio Contest in Mitchell on Sunday. Mrs. Caun of the West is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen. Mr. Clarence Routledge of London spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mr. Leonard Birk of Guelph spent Sunday at his home here. • Mr. A. Birk and Leonard are sp- ending this week in Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and daughters Alice and Gertrude visited friends in London on Sunday. Mrs. R. Armstrong returned to her home in London on Sunday after sp- ending the past week attending her mother, Mrs. McIsaac. Robert,, the little son. of Mr.:•,aid 12rs. A..Haugh is i11 with pneumonia Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rader, Mrs. Louis Rader, Miss Selma Rader and Maurice Klumpp motored to Detroit and spent the week -end. Miss Lottie Armstrong, and friend Mr. Durkin of London, spent Sunday with relatives. HENSALL Owen Geiger and Sons still have their flax mill running. Mrs. T. C. Joynt, who has been quite seriously ill for some weeks, is now improviing nicely, but is still very weak and it will be some time before she is back to normal health. Annie Moore had the misfortune recently to slip on the ice on her door step and in falling heavily in- jured herself so that she was con- fined eo her room for several weeks. Alex. Muni has returned home after spending several weeks with his daughter in Bad Axe, Mich. The many friends of K. Joynt are glad to see him out again after his illness. Kes. Lou Simpson returned home to Detroit, after spending a week with relatives here. She was accom- panied home with her mother, Mrs. Robt. Bonthron, who will visit there for a few weeks. Thos. Welsh has started up his saw mill with a :lull staff of men. He has a big supply of logs on hand and a lot more to be brought in by truck. He expects to be running most of the summer. Several carloads of onion sets are being shipped from this station week- ly by several local firms. About 40 men are employed and. the work will last some time yet, This is a good industry for Hensall, giving emplay- :vont to a goodly number of men. Born—In Hensall, on April 5th, to ,ir, and Mrs. Roy Weber, a son. On• April '6th Miss Christona Me- !Iwen died at her home near the vil- age of Hensall. She was the eldesi laughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. fan McEwen, late of Hay Township •t the ,western outskirts of Hensall: led was, born in 1863. Alter gradu .ting from the Royal Victoria Hosp- cal in Montreal,• she nursed for e Lumber of years in New York being r a time, night Supt of the 'loose eft Iloi,pital of that city. From 191' ell 1920 she nursed around Hensel' d is the West,and sinee .theti slap .•l lived at the hems nea;• I't nee'.1 es :l`. eeseal sheet: id .Friday last, the rem int; fieri .. s el it Be; .;v1L'e: ere see . 7 ZURICH HERALD COUNTY NEWS ' and the same evening destroyed. This year Wingheni merchants have again decided to observe the Wednesday half holiday during May, June, July, August and September, Constable Snell, of Seaforth, who is the official receptiozi committee for, and host to, overnight visitors at the town ball, had as his guests during the past month of March, some 52 wanderers. Seaforth's well known hospitality must not be passed un- noticed as this is an increase of 14 over the previous month. An Oxford ewe on the farm of W. M. Doig, near Kippen, recently gave birth to twin lambs, and 12 days af- ter gave birth to another lamb. All three are alive, strong, healthy and doing quite well, Mrs, Chas. Rathwell, Varna, has returned from the Coast when Mr. and Mrs, Rathwell will again resume their farming on their farm on the Babylon Line. It is hoped that Mr. Rathwell will still improve in' health. It is regretted that the Editor, of the Brussels Post, J. Leslie Kerr, has been in a critical condition fol- lowing a heart attack last Friday morning, it is thought he will have to remain rn bed for some weeks W. C. Barber, of ,Seaforth, who has been a student at the Ont. Agric- ultural College, Guelph, registered itt the Dairy Short Course, returned to his home last week. The final re- tults show that Barber secured a let prize of $10 for butter making, a prize of $10 for 2nd place in a class �f 48, and $5, as first prize for an essay on the dairying industry. Ellis, young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Exeter, was biten by a police dog the other day et ,noon. The young fellow was running home Brussels boasts of one of the moat ambitoous was veterans in this prov- ince, Roy Thuell, whose lower limbs are completely paralyzed, and who gets around with the aid of a pair of crutches, recently split 12 cords os stovewood in two afternoons at his hoine. He uses a short -handled axe and aperates it while sitting on a chair. He is married and owns a 10 - acre plot in the endge of town. hurridly in order to get back to see the bear that was in town that day, and. in passing the residence of E. J. Wethey, the dog dashed oils and sei- zed the boy sinking four teeth into the fleshy part of the leg. The wou- nds were at once treated by a doctor the dog was STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township oof Stephen convened at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, April 4th, at 1 p.m. All members were present with the exception of 10d. Gill. The minutes of .the previous meeting we- re read and approved. The following orders were ordered to be paid; Hay Stationery Co., stationery 3.25; John Howald, error in dog tax 2,00; Alex. Dieterich, killing and burying dog 1,00; Bruce Mitchell, rd 1 SI3, 3.80; B. Mitlhell rd, 1, 2.80; 1 ". t17"ildd'f y, Apt•.il 21st, 1932. Sanford ` Ilius rd. 8, 4.25; G, 11irtze el rd 4, 1.50;1F. living rd , 1.95; R. Gower 14, 7, 7.97; W, Schwartz rd - 8, 5.09; j. Wilds rd, 10, 4,35; Jose Regier, rd, 11, 11.36; Isiah Teatees rd 14, 4.50; f, Fanner rd. 27, 650;. • J. Gardner rd 10, 43.75. The CounelLadjourned,to meet A- gain at the Ton Hall, Crediton, otq; May 2nd, at 1 p.m. Henry Eilber, Clerk. - r PERMANENCE FOR well over a century the BANIC OF MONTREAL has been in continuous operation. +�I Today, with its long ex- perience, xperience, efficient person- nel, hundreds of Branches and complete equipment, the Bank is better able �' 1 \' than ever to help its cus- nl IIUt� °P toners to handle their 'U' financial affairs in a safe and satisfactory manner. Valley of Ta, Peaks, Bang, Alberta 1111II lllllll 11111i I00111111i' �I v l" gP'I{IOi1111n�P "_ 111 �: � ,I,.„„•.. Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $750,000,000 Zurich Branch, C. H. Joy, Manager. Let us show you how to have the latest walls at moderate cost S• W Point Products are sold the world oven strider this famous trode.rrtarlt S.W Flat -Tone makes it easy to have smart, colorful walls in all homes — old or new -- at a cost within the means of anyone. It is the most economical wall finish — a wall paint with won- derful body that thoroughly hides the old surface and covers more square feet of wall per quart. Its rich, lasting colors are wash- able. Redecorating costs carr be saved year after year by Spo t,-? la'tY.r'nnr. and vg ago 4 vRoti. pais,j05.. merely washing your beautiful Flat -Tone walls. Come ht and see the wonderful effects you can get with this marvelous, washable wall paint --rich, costly -looking Spanish Ieathez effects and tapestry -like multicolor walls. Our Hardware Store IS EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR THE BEST OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AL- WAYS TIME BEST AND MOST MODERN STOCK. ON HAND Let Your next Wire. Fencing be the well known "FROST FENCE” If in Need of Some Nice New Furniture Remember,., WE HAVE IT! GOODYEAR TIRES and TUBES that will give you Years of Good Service. . SEEDS of all kinds, including the various Kinds of Clover Seeds, Always. good Supply on Hand. STADE W IDG ZURICH ONT.