HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-21, Page 1vol. XXXI U No . 39 ZURICH. THURSDAY 'MOHNINC, APRIL21 1932, Chester L. • Smith,, Potweaset A1.25 a year, U.S. $1,611intMamie *1.50 IN ARREARS, 02 MAY BXCESARISNAV; liolty is the Greatest Factor in Home Merchandising LIKE. EGGS A resident of Goderich claims that ' ie and another member of his fam- ily, between thein, ate fifty-five eggs +on.Eeaster Sunday. With eggs bring- ing five, seven and nine cents a doz- en to the farmers, these gentlemen are surely sioing their share to re- lieve the glut on the market. When the new barber Mr. Kechnie of Kitchener arrives and opens up for business, there will he little need of anyone growing,G long hair or a week's growth of beard, as there will be in Zurich within a stones throw four competient and experienced barbers, Here's wishing them all . .0004006+4rI''.'444yri'OQ+"40400404.0,0000i►Od9 d n WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, Harness, Etc. TRAVELLING BAGS, VAI ICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC ATTRACTIVE PRICES. FROM, AND a 0 AT VERY P a s ♦ • ♦ 4► Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US. AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR Lake SINGER SEWING MACHINE FRED PHONE 102. THIEL Z RIO ♦ 0 444.008*.eeeeeee ekeegeeseeeeodeo4} GP6,084',00004#♦4t♦o♦4♦♦O♦O`b IMO 004080***IIF&$ Ek el 19Get0 (60i6e0Srg00600000.00608400® • SPRING! The Faiored alid Authentic Shoe Leathers for Street and Afternoon Wear, :shown in Beautiful New Models Enjoy both delighful appearance and Constant Foot Comfort.. The Store of Real Service gives you -not s only the finest of Shoes, 'But insist upon a most careful! ! Fitting. • SEE THE NEW PUMP, STRAP AIW 'TIE PATTERNS Women's Pat. P'mrng s at«....----.........,....._._.._ 1.955 to $5.00 I Women's Kid P'amps and Col_.Sles ..........:..____:$1.135 to $5•.00 • . $1:25 •$1.00 0 • e • Women's Black Kid, low heel at . _.... , ......_.. Women's Black Canvas, low heel:at ............... Men's Black and Brawn Oxfords at ..................... _ _ . i:SS to $ 5.00 Boy's Black and Brown Oxfords ..................__._ .00 tat$3.50 Miss and Children Peraps and Straps at ...............75e to $2.50 Men's Work Boots, Solid Leather at $2.00 to $4.00 See Our Bargain T<eige of Men, Women and Children shoes at .$1.00 Brown's n Boot Shop OUR v+ 1QI3PLAY Phone 130 or 153^ Repairing Neatly Done • • sigwa••ee0\70•> m O +.V a:•e ttettee m•• Ma-04)w06os••11• 0 • 0000O..4'40 1 04,04'*a4.^00t tieiktitek*********1;4 D40000000.4 There's 11 Addifionai m COX. y `cr 1 W e . . Every Suit . 3 Tur } y, April 2.1st a NOTE THE DATE Du>Yh„ the Visit of Mr. K. Park HEAD OFFICE TWPIMMETATIVE OF BERGER T.1 . 3Tt]M • COMPANY, AN EXPERT FITTER WHO WILL BE AT OUR STORE ON APRIL. 214,, WE ARE .ADTHORIZFD TO GIVE WHIR EVERY "CLOTHES OFUA.L)'I'Y.7 SUIT ORDERED AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS OP SAME MATERI.• AT NOEXTRA. COST. This offer is limited to the •duration .of the Repreativels visit. Don't miss MI good luck and an abundance of busin- ess. Hensall Spring Show Heavy snow and cold weather mar- red the South Huron Agricultural Societies' Spring. Show held at Hen- sall on Tuesday of last week. While the day was bad for spec tators yet some come from -a long distance and had the day beengood a large crowd would have been pres- ent. The prizewinners:. HORSES Clydesdaye and Shire, aged stallio R. Murdock and 2nd; Standard bre aged stallion, W. Berry; stallion foa in 1929, Fred Ellerington. ,Heavy Draft—Mare in foal, W. S. Broadfo ot; gelding of filly foaled in 1929,A Wright; gelding foaled in 1930, D Fotheringham & Son, • R. J. Scott, D Fotheringham & Son; Draft or Agr foals in 1931, D. Fotheringham, R McLean, D. 1Fotharingharn; dra team, J. Scott, R. J. Scott; geldin or filly foaled in 1929, D. Pothering ham, Mat Tinney, W. R. Dougall gelding or filly foaled in 1930, Alex Wright, Frank Bean, team, Robt Mc Michael, Dr. Mair, 11. Truemner; gen eral purpose team, W. Decker and; 2nd; Carriage Class—Team, C. Mel ick; single horse, E. J. Willert, A. B Weber and 3rd; Readster CIass,Team W. Mcguire; single horse, A. B. We- ber, Robt MrLaren, A. B. Weber. Championship, draft or Agric.—R. J. Scott and 2nd, R. McMichael, James Scott. Tp. Prize, hest three horsed from any township—J. Scott, D Fotheringham. Specials—Owen Ge- iger special for best draft stallion -R Murdock, J. Passmore & Son special for, gent's turnout—A B Web, ,, G Case;for Best ' lady driver. z• Weber. Norman Jamieson, of St. George, acted as judge 'of heavy horses, and Mr. Charles Brothers, of Toronto, as judge for light horses. n d al • • ft Well, it looks like spring, with all the bees in town these nice warm days. Mr: Newell Geiger left for London this week, after spending a few we- eks at his home here. 11Ir. W. C. Pearce, Insurance man, of Exeter, called in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seim of New Hamburg are spending a few days With friends in town ,this week. Rev. Huntsberger, of Kitchener, conducted divine services in the local. Mennonite church here on Sunday. Mr. Garfield Witmer is spending the week with friends at Preston and attending the Evangelical Conference at Kitchener. • Rev. and Mr. W. Y. Dreier left on Tuesday morning for Kitchener, wh- ere they will attend the sessions o f the annual Conference. Judge T. M. Costella, of Goderich presided at the Tenth Division Court n the Town Hall, on Monday after- oon. Only one case was up and after listening to the argument from the interested parties, Harvey vs Sal- mon, the Judge postponed the case till the May court when more witnes- ses will be called. n CATTLE Shorthorns—Aged buil, Oestreich- erBros.; bull calved in 1930, R. D. Hunter, Oestreicher Bros; cow, Oes- treicher Bros; heifer, under 2 years, R. D. Hunter, Oestreicher Bros. Her- fords—Aged bull, J. M. McGregor, Howard Wright; bull calved in 1930, 3. McGregor and 2nd; cow, Howard .Wright; heifer, Howard W.,,righte1Viar- ket Cattle—Butchcer steer or heif- er., grade, H. Kercher and 2nd;•baby beef, A. B. Bell, Oestreitker Bros; dairy cows, any breed, J. Ingram. Boys' Judging on Cattle—Frank Wri- ght, Wilmer Broadfoot, Sandy Pepper Specials—Dr. Collyer special for best Shorthorn female—Oestreicher Bros. Judge—H. Smith. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 8h:—Luther League. Saturday Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m:—German Service. 11.1.5 a, m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Turkheitn, Pastor YES! You Will Find a Differ. ence if You Burn THE STANDARD ANTHRACIT SCRANTON 8 "Clothes.of Quality"' tailored to menutI.re are known all osvver tlanada. for their fine all --wool materials, their beanti ul tailoi-Ing and their as exceptionally good value. The Berger representative will 'personally y measure and advise eery cuetonner ordering on the day mentioned. e Plan to buy your mew Sluing Suit ;or Topcoat during Sin git. 4, .6;1 33, INfi73iEwlr !r an AMID t„If 8 •s ' ,na...ns p;.• ta.Qk.�fS.,;a. sad 0 0 JUST.. ARRIVED! FRESH, CAR PETROLEUM COKE GREAT • HEAT NO ASHES Try a Tonl nom low or 103 1-igNSALL, ONT Messrs. Louis and Edward Brisso �1� of Windsor, were in Town Mond ,iii" tel.est"t-itis P,tihsoi2"Ee&ate '<`T '148 acre farm on the Blue Wate Highway, south -of St. Joseph which was put up by auction on Saturday, was not sold, as apparently there are few prospects for buyers of farms at present. 0009.00•••00600000®vm6a•0•0®a01K4.00.00440.1004. �;, 61NO , 41110 • S.ecrnJ`".. • • OCT WATCHES • • c'ONLY l3SIZE, 17 JEWEL BLREN, REG. PRICE $15_Ik0 SPECIAL SALE $9.00 • ®• A Real Watch for the Working Man. 16 Size, 15 Jewel Regina, Reg. Price $15.00, • Sale �,{ • 16 Size, 15 Jewel Record, High Grade Swiss, Fortune Gold Cases, Reg. Price $25.00, Sale $Il.''rfl; a 16 Size, 17 Jewel Bedforde Nickel, Reg. Price $13.00, Sale./86-.55: $ 16 Size, 15 Jewel Bedforde, Nickel, Reg. $12.00, Sale s • 12 Size, 15 Jewel; Bedforde, Fancy Gold Case,Reg.C0 $16, Sale $9_.�tl 0 14 Size, 15 Jewel Princess, a well made watch; Reg. $5.00, Sale $2_s 15 WHY BE WITHOUT A TIME PIECE. COME IN AND SEE THEM Hess, The Jeweller • Phone 74 • 1 • •i 4 • 31 •. Zc b••••••010lf�0••®••®O(BCi••••�r e}(4,'$fv'6+?8eA•0ON�Q'r@®.�'l6$fP'l�l...;L41Qi 4 .5 0 4 ++i'+i +.1''i ++++++++++++++++ T'1L+++++++ F 1" ++++++i' d .'eloc.u..:."'f1^xN'. R. P 'CIALS 8 AT THE8 MUTUAL • SHOE STORE 1 WHERE YOU BUY THE REST Property Sold The dwelling and business comb- ined property in Zurich, known as the E. Oesch estate, and recently, occup- ied by Mr. Milton Oesch, has been sold to Mr. E. A. Kechnie, of Kitch- ener, who gets immediate possession. Mr. Kechnie will move his family up from Kitchener as soon as possible,, and when settled will operate 'a barb er business, using the other part of the block as a dwelling. We under- stand Mr. Kechnie has had a number of ,years experience in the barber business. HURON'S REGISTRAR DIES William Coats, 77, for 30 years registrar of Huron County, died at his home at Goderich on Monday, af- er a brief illness. He was Dorn in Stanley Township, near Clinton, and s a young man was a commercial reveller. Later in life, he joined his ether in the drygoods business in linton, and far a time carried on the usiness of Robt. Coats & Son. For rears he was town clerk of Clinton, position he gave up to become co- rity registrar. He was a liberal, and ne of the party's successful workers is hobbies being fishing and flowers. Iis. wife and only child, Mrs. Sutli rland died some years ago. There survives one brother, Robert, Domin- ion statistican at Ottawa, and three sisters, also two grandsons, James and William Sutherland, who resided with deceased. The funeral will be held on Thursday. Refitting Planing Mill ,With the announcement. that new machinery will shortly be installed at the' Goderich Planing Mills, Cambria road, is.coupled the statement that the mill, which for the past year has been used merely as a. storage house Ii in connection with the albfieisch .trill at Zurich, will in the near future. •��sume its former activity. A new oncrete floor has been laid in the plant, prepartory to the placing of the new machinery which will include 1 planer, a ripper, a'shaper and jo- inter, also a ripsaw' and Gut -oft' saw, ')andsaw and new motor.The new novo has been made necessary by the icr'easing volume of business, which as developed to such an extant, that. erre Kalbfleisch mill. at r.urich has 'wen found inadequate to one ValI. The mill was purchased by ^lheel. Kalbficisch of Zurich about a year ago:. t a t f C b 3 a u 0 11 e ;FOR•SS CASH re $1.00 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP HOUSE STAPS 3 pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bough. not + 4. + something a little different. t $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SLIPPERS, e4. With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. 1" $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WCORK' ,1. BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman make. 4. $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes ala- •i + tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 5M. ie t $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps.. c 4. finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 13%. . .ti. OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE .* + FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR RE -.4. 3 FENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT £,EMIR. .x. 44' STORE. t 4"WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES Mit II' TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT + 2 MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2.40 and $2.7S Lem $.7Le * ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL OR- * DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT t. j STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAKE t 3: WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing promptly J'ne 4. 0 I , SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL. SHOE STORES OF CANADA, m Zurich Phone 82 or 115 j i We are Prepared to Meet Your Wants \V th New Low WSprh Priced Goods. 1 PRINTS, GINOHAMS, .BROADCLOTHS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MUSLINS, ETC., ETC. A Few.Stamped_Mats at 20% Off While They Last: Silk Hose, 30 cents, a Pair and up Root Seeds and Garden Seeds at Sc and 1Oc a Padres e HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 4 ,5 0 ir LA fr:WEi L d`i'll, :"•d 'es-iiVr HONE it