HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-14, Page 8"Arm. r. f' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK •ew Curtain cT . Mends OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE, AND WE ARE O F.F.RING SOME EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN ALL LINES OF NETTS, SCRIMS, MARQUESETTE, FIJILED, EITHER BY YARD OR READY TO HANG. r WALLPAPERS See Our New Line of Reg. N. Boxers Wallpapers, the fiinest in the market. Prices from 8 cents to 45c a single roll. 48 samples to choose from. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Com Starch, , 3 for Salr_da Tea, per lb. Bit'. 1'ird Jello, package 25c 50c 5c 60c 3c 5c Gii'tts Caustic Soda, 5 lbs. for Boiziag Bran, per lb.. Ga,-een Seeds, per package J. G'kSCHO & so PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 Huron & Erie NOW PAYS 51/2 Per Cent. ON DEBENTURES $100. OR OVER ONE TO FIVE YEARS INTEREST PAYABLE HALF YEARLY "ON THE DOT" Local Representarive: PLACE.. YOUR ORDERS WITH: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL.? [ sA ZURICH HERALD , ,.,,te t rSaa*, April 14t , 1031 . r,_ ,t. +?+v€++€+et+++ &'6"3 ++f i.SM'i ++++ +f14 \++ 4N1+.+++,14++ '+F++i°++"" + + t Your.? .ardwStore .WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SE.ASON- + ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICE3 •••••••••••••••••••••••‘‘••••••••••••••••••••00.111 4 - WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Special Prices: Thursday, Friday and Saturday P & G. Soap, 7 Bars for .............. Heinz's Pork and Beans, large Tin, - Fancy- Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. 25c. 10c Kara Coffee, 1 lb. Tin 39c Fruto Jelly Powder, 4 Pkgs. 25e Pumpkin, large tin 10c Peas, :mall tender. No. 2, Tin, 2 for 25c Palm Olive Soap, 3 cakes for 25c 15c Large Tin Tomatoes ..,96..._•.. ..owl... :..,:.x.21e GET OUR SAMPLE BOOK AND PICK YOUR WALL PAPER IN YOUR HOME. WE HAVE REDUCED PRICES THIS SEASON. SWISS CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS BY THE PAIR. ALSO FRILLED BY THE PAIR, - OR BY THE YARD. ALT, MODERATELY PRICED. WE WILL BUY YOUR EGGS! Cash or Trade. J •W.ME x: c h YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 Malcolm. MacBeth, editor of The, Milverton Sun, is the new president of the Ontario Educational Associat- I ion. He has been a prominent figure in the Association for some years and will make a capable president. Alfred Erwin, of Bayfield, receiv- ed the sad news of the death of his brother, Robt. J. Erwin, which took place in Toledo, Ohio. The deceased was in his 73rd year and has been a resident of Toledo for about 30 ye- ars. He is survived by his wife and four 'brothers. at, OP ASM+ aecesaa«saea o+ Aeo®01aaeleacils Z Goodyear Tires and Tubes A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald Exeter, last Wednesday when their only daughter Muriel D. was united in marriage with Verne L. Roulston, only son of Dr. and Mrs. G. F. RouI- ston. The ceremony was performed; by Rev. Duncan McTavish in the pres ence of the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties. BUSY FARMER NEWS TALK ABOUT GOODYEAR CORD AND BAL- OON TIRES AND TUBES. To ---The Man who hasn't much money to spend on Tires, they're the Cheapest Tires he can. buy. To ---The Buyer who looks for Road Grip, and Beauty, I He will find them both in this make of Tire. To ---The Customer who gives his Tires Hard Useage, will recognize their extra wear. No Other Tires Approach Goodyear in Appearance WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. GET OUR PRICES! FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWYAYS IN. STOCK. ALSO A GOOD LINE OF THE BEST PAINTS; WIRE FENCING Evetroughing and Generaal Tinsmithing, Our Specialty! Please, Don't Forget, • When in Need Furniture, We Have It! Wester: Farmers= Mutat Weather Insurance -Cs OF WO'ODSTOCK. The Largest Business of any Canadian Company - doing Business in Ontario Amount of Insurance at Risk on ice.. 31st,. 1931, 4;19,593,724. Tatal Cash in Tank and Bonds $199,101,.61 Rates—$4.50 par MHO for Vyear*, K1opp%—Zurici1t1 /tient, Also Dieal'ee is �.e ltQttnai Ri i ss • and al[ 'kends of Pure Insurance 'Free Trees Available Many farmers are taking advant- age of the opportunity to secure trees from the Forestry Branch this spring for reforestration purposes. The former limit of 3,500 trees for one individual has been rescinded and the land owners can secure as many as he wishes for reforestry work. The limit of 500 trees for windbreak pur- poses still applies. The trees are sent out the latter part of April, so that interested farmers should act quickly. Write to the Forestry Branch, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, and secure an application form with the neces- sary instructions. Weekly Crop Report Bruce County reports fall wheat to have come through the winter well, although shsowing some browning on top. Fall wheat and clovers are in good condition in Huron. Several 1 of New STADE & WEID ZURICH ONT.... 01 1 LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected Eggs, dozen Butter Wheat bushel Barley bush. Oats bush. 25 Buckwheat ... 44 Flour ............ , ...... 1.75 3.00 Shorts, ton ..... 18.00 Bran, ton ...... 18.00 Hogs . 4.50 LET US SHOW YOU OUR FUY .I + LINE OF GRANIT'EWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. Furniture Greatly Reduced T. • We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. Furniture Prices have reached lowest • level andare sure to advance. Secure your needs now! + We also have some Good Used Furniture in Stock Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock. ever? Wed Deeds wl 7-9-11 28 50c 35 We have been appoted Agents for the Celebrated Massey -Harris Farm Implement Repairs. t Johnston &Pi Kalbfleisch- hardware d vurniture. Phone 63 ��- li-t4- 4..++Br[ +€+++4 -t + +7 fi++. ++++&+Q + :4t++.i 4+++++++++++++++444++4i per 100 birds. When culled, hatching eggs should be kept in a cool room. Germ growth starts at a temperature of 69 degrees and the room in which the eggs are kept until delivered to the hatchery should not be more than 50 to 60 degrees. Eggs should be de- livered to the hatchery as soon after they are collected as possible. Clean the Henhouse southern counties report sales of With the coming of spring the chi - dairy cattle to United States at good cken-house should be cleaned thoro- prices. Preparation for spring workk ughly. Doubtless there are breeding is the order of business on most. farms places for lice and mites that should at present, all machinery is being re- be routed out and destroyed before paired, with purchases of new equip- the warm weather conies to increase ment at a minimum, In Waterloo fall the pests by thousands. Firstly, ,re - wheat, alfalfa and clover have come move all perches, nests, feeding hop - through the winter hi good condition. pers, water containers and other mov Favor Hulless Oots able equipment. Clean out all the lit - Farmers in Haldimand County are ter and sweep the floor and walls to quite enthusiastic over the new Lib- remove dust, cobwebs and other dirt. erty Hulless Ooat, a variety originat- After the first fob has been complet- ed at the Central Experimental Farm ed; the interior of the chicken house at Ottawa some time ago. As a re- should be washed with hot,. soapy suit of selection and careful cleaning water. A broom is a good tool for they are now able to produce a crop doing this task well and quickly. which in total weight of real feed per acre exceeds Banner and is particul- arly recommended for young live stock and poultry. On the farms of A. E. Hoover of Selkirk and A. Mehl- enbacher of Ca; ..ga yields of over 40 illuillllllliliki14111ill1111111111NiN1811111111111NiNllIlli!;IiGNLIIINI1NIIi1WUillislil4ifi!?iail!ililiiiillllllilt!11I1111 11111111 11!iilliilill111R0i11111 NII!llfliilllillillliiiiiiilllldllllllllllll1111!4iiiIr.I : _ We Repair Wagons, ` uggies, '= Auto Tops, Etc., Etch 1 good Lumber Wagon at..... 1 good buggy at ..._ 4 wheel. T'raaaer Complete KEEP ON SMH JNG .:.-HESS, the Rep i.r Man 01101110111111N1! 11l111111115l"ni sEIIRINIIIlN14„111'iia9'iM;NNUiININ1111111N11111611111{1151119iilIMelififi`,fill(fil!ilii!N;yiliriiiiitNliiflfflllilll!NINIIIINN111111111.9 14444++4++++++++4++'+++++++e l k++ ^+ ++r++Tr+E4+8+4+ ++k+8+++++++i+Al+id Spray the walls and floor with some good disinfectant. The house should be thoroughly dried and ventilated after the spraying before the chickens are allowed to enter. �,;:; Dairymen Organize measured bushels per acre have been Eastern Ontario Dairymenproduc- obtained and a measured bushel wei ing milk for the manufacture of clie- ghs close to 50 pounds compared to ese recently organized ;a new assoc- around 30 for the ordinary variety. iatittn with the Object of: L Work - Care of Hatching Eggs big for the consolidation and amalga- This is the time of the year when, mattion of present manufacturing the farmer with a good poultry liock plants and having these operated finds hatching eggs in big demand.' throughout the year instead of doing Hitch carp, caw no be exercised in the summer months; (2) the estab- cullxrng eggs which are hihmdod for iishment of storage faeiiities fore che- hxtching use. A metal bucket sho- ese and to arrange for "a, more equit- eo not be used 'localise the slightest able and rip -to -date System of mark - Straw. �ontazct with a turd surface mGty est nse a cheek. or crack in the shell. lk i or burlap gives protection. -old IThere should l'e plants of nests ayail- ablc to the, hens, from 12 to 15 nests ZIIRICS ' C� � IE ATTENTIONI TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES„ WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER - 1 HAUL 10133 ON ALL MAKES OF CARS( WITH CHARGES VEiRY REASONABLE.. GAS OILS GRE ASIS H. Mousseau Zurich 1++1+444++++#+4+++++++++E++++4•44 4.44444144 4+44 +++4. + 44444+ + 6114,0066101416...410.0114141~6 fidiet.R .600R0BB041111 A...UA'AGB eting"i (3) to work for the alimrn- 0tion of duplication of fell and f t crani. transportation costs; (4) to irrtnrove the quality of the raw` mat- exial ;supplied to chee5c factories,. ATTENTION! PLEASE! eti an We have opened a Service and Repair Garage formerly the EDIGHOFFER GARAGE And are in a position to give First Class Work, on all O makes of cars, and all. other Motors. IMPERIAL GAS, OILS, AND GREASE 1 Also THE FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES I With a One Year Guarantee. ' . PHILCO RADIOS KOLSTER RADIOS e'. ' LOW RATES ON PLATE OR CRYSTAL WINDSHIELDS AND ii DOOR. LIGHTj IG: S. BATTERY CHARGING, CAR WASHING ANEIT igp, • POLISi'flNG. — PRESTOLITE, BATTERIES. LP C'alfl, I A�. Give Us ▪ Schrag. Bros. Phone 154. Zurich.t. 0LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGES 1regossoopot gotaatmootttessostes.tegottecee*toseisomamet: 1