HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-14, Page 7• • Bad Attacks of Flu E.M.Wani l"indsWonderful hick -Ike -Up Dr. Williams' Rink Rills, "I have had attacks of the 'flu' frequently since 1919, and sometimes very bad attacks, but always when on the road to recovery I take Da. Williams Pink Pills and I find them a wonderful pick-me-up," So writes E. M. Ward, Saskatoon, Sask., who further states: "I would re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all sufferers from that rundown, listless feel- ing. I have taken the Pills on many occasions, and they seem to tone up my blood wonderfully. I have been anaemic for years, and find that, when I get run- down, after taking several boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the color comes back to my cheeks and I have wonderful vitality." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills rebuild health by creating new blood and increasing the red blood cells which restore the wasted tissues and revitalize the exhausted sys- tem. They remove the cause of rundown or nervous conditions. Try them. At your druggist's. 50c a package. 271 Brings Wonderful Vitality. Ice Dikes Proposed To Reclaim Isles Engineer Claims Cost and Time Reduced by Freez- ing Method Berlin -A scheme for constructing ami, breakwaters, levees and dikes with ice, at a fraction of the usual IndMing cost and in much shorter time, bas been adva.noed by Dr. A. Gerke, engineer, of Waldenburg, Silesia. He says his method also offers greater possibilities for quick temporary repairs of present struc- tures. Dr. Gerke's scheme is simple. He would run a network of ammonia pipes across the stream, or into. the water which he wished to divert, and fill them with a freezing mixture, forming an ice block of the requir- ed dimensions and form. The method is not altogether new. It has been used in mining in various forms for sixty years, being applied to shut off flooded veins, or to close crevices, which could then be bored through to reach the pay -dirt other- wise shut off by water. But Dr. Gerke proposes much wid- er possibilities. By use of a series of his ammonia -pipe networks he be- lieves it would. be posaible to strengthen weeik points along the levees of a river during high water, on short notice. Sea dikes and breakwaters could be frozen at strategic points at little cost, while the series of small islands on Ger- many's north coast could be joined and thousands of acres of land be- hind the new ice walls could be re- claimed, he declares. Finally, Dr. Gerke believes bis scheme would be much more prac- !ticable for construction of floating islands in the sea for trans-Atlantic airplane hangers, than the America proposal for steel islands. He eepeeially emphasized the cheapness 'and quickness of repairing an ice dam as compared to steel, cement or stone structure. Box packing of apples is snaking headway in Qttebec province, and it is reported that 30,000 boxes of McIntosh 'land D'ameuse were put up by the grow - ors last fall. Geneeeal Prosperity will finally rise ' 'hem the ranks. F L, 'R E S S? Look tc this cause When your baby fusses, tosses e lltl seems unable to sleep restfully, 10dir, fol one common cause, doctors AO. Cjisttipatlon. To get rid !Atlee ly of the accumulated wastes cause restlessness and die - ,le give a cleansing dose of astomia, you know, is ts Walk' for c1i r .' t h - al '' s. It is a p ure vegeta b;e araton• contains no harchre e no narcotics. It Is so mild cep ie you can give it to a Yellen infant to relieve colic. Yet it iti as effective ,for older children. C pus's pgulative help will bring re *t odrnfort and restful mess:ls bottle on a 'e Keep b p to 1T+ltir b+a y hand. Qonuuino Castoria always hasty the name: cASTORIA Iti)RFN' t" „14. It Moto to play fridge AUCTION CONTRACT 4Wynne Ferguson Author of 'PRACTICAL !AUCTION DlUE094 ARTICLE No. 17 The other night a friend of mine asked me: "What's the best way to learn how to play a good game of Auc- tion. or Contract?" and I replied: "Learn to profit by your mistakes." That's the secret of improvement and the only one that is of any value. No matter how much a teacher may tell you or how many books you read you will never improve your game unless you learn by your mistakes. Don't make the same mistake twice and you will soon become a fine player. The ones who make the same mistakes over and over again are the hopeless players. Don't be afraid to ask ques- tions. If you do something wrong, ask some good player what you should have doiie. Write to the editor and, if your question is one of general in- terest, it will be published in these articles. The following hands represent prob- lems of bidding that have confused readers of these articles and are now given as a test of your knowledge of bidding. If, your analyses a,gree with those given' below, you are a pretty good bidder. If they do not, compare your analyses with the writer's and try to find out your mistakes. Solutions to Last Week's Problems Hand No. 1 . Y . : A Z S : Hearts --A Clubs -9, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2 Diamonds -A, 8, 7, 2 Spades -A, 2 No score, rubber game, What should Z, as dealer, bid with the foregoing hand? Solution: At Auction with this hand Z should bid one club. The hand con- tains three aces and, therefore, proper values for a sound no trump.; but the distribution is bad for that bid. The six -card club suit, even without top honors, offers the best attacking bid of the hand and so must be the best bid. The ons:• other possible bid with this hand is one diamond an that Is doubtful because of the shortness of the suit and its weakness in top honors. At Contract, the hand should be passed, despite the three aces. Part- ner will try for game with a fair hand and the weakness 11. the club suit, If bid, may cause disaster. The penal- ties, when one is vulnerable!, are too heavy to justify bidding this type of hand. Hand No. 2 Hearts -J, 10, 8, 3, 2 Clubs -J, 7, 3 Diamonds -9,5 Spades -IC, 6, 5 Y . : A 9 : Z No score, first game. 1 dealt, bid one no trump and A passed. What should Y now bid with the foregoing hand either at Auction or at Contract? Solution: Y should pass either at Auction or at Contract. This hand is a fine exampl of the type of hand con- taining ontaining a five -card major sr't that does not justify a take .nit. Hand No. 3 Hearts -8, 2 Clubs -J, 9, 8, 2 Diamonds -10, 2 Spades -A, 7, 6, 5, 2 AZ g : No score, rubber game. Z dealt, bid one no trump at,' A passed. What should Y now hid with the foregoing band either at Auction or Ya6t ontract? Solution: At Auction, should bid two spades. et is just over the require- ments, as Hand No. 2 is slightly under them, to justify a take-out of partner's no trump. The feat that the hand con- tains two doubletons is really the de- ciding factor. At Contract the hand should be passed. The hr-s.c1 does not justify any further • bidding by partner, and he should not be en uraged to try for Iiy game by a two -spade bid. Hand No. 4 Il(ttstrated Hearts -A, -, Q, 4 . Clubs -J, 10, 9, 4, 3, 2 wished Diamonds -7 Spades -A, 4 .Feveriih? "My baby's cheeks and hands were so 'hot," writes Mrs. Bernard Breen, En- terprise, Ont., "I was frightened. I gave him a Baby's Own Tablet at noon and by after sup- per he was all bet- ter," Effective for colds, colic, teeth- ing. Absolutely safe, See certi- ficate in each 25c package, 236 Dr. Williams' BABY'S OWN TABLETS [remasteestestramasaaamessal What New • York Is Wearing ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON Y . . A . Z : Hearts -10, 9, 5, 2 Clubs -A, IC, Q, c Diamonds -9, 6. 3 Spades -Q, 6 No score, rubber game. Clubs are trumps ala 1 Z is playing the hand. .A. opens the king of diamonds and all follow suit. He then leads the trey of spades. How should Z play the hand so that he can make game no matter how the remaining cards are distri- buted? Solution: ' his hand is a problem in "stripping," that is, taking out all suits except two and then throwing oppon- ents in the lead. When this has been done, one opponent is forced to lead the remaining plain suit to his disad- vantage or one of the two missing plain suits and thus allow one hand to trump and the other to discard. At trick No. 2 Z should win the trick in Y's hand with the ace of spades and lead a low club, winning in his own hand with the queen, Z should then lead the six of diamonds and trump in Y's hand with the ten of clubs. Y should then lead a low club and win in Z's hand with the king. The lead of Z's last diamond should be trumped in Y's hand with the nine of clubs. The lead of the ace king of hearts to deter- mine the distribution of that suit should now be made, followed by a low club, which Z will win with the ace. The cards now held by Z and Y are as follows: Hearts -Q, 4 Clubs -J Diamonds -none ' Spades -1 Y : A 9 : Z Dressmaking Leeson Fur- With Every Pattern • ry ,• _n-4oinething for the school miss end youthful woman types -and you'll love its daring chic. The side -buttoned closing has a very slimming. effect. A winter print in crepe silk made the original. It's such a fresh addle tion to your mid-season wardrobe. You'k be quite surprised at the easy manner in which is it made. And it will cosi you next to nothing. Thin woolens in the new gay light green tones are delightfully new and smart . Style. No. 2684 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40 inches bust. Size 16 requires 3% yards 35-in•h with % yard 39 -inch contrasting. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in stamps or coin (coin ',referred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St, Toronto. Hearts -10, 9 Clubs -7 Diamonds -none Spades -Q Z should now lead the queen of sp .des. This trick must be non by A or B depending on the location of the king. Suppose 2 wins the trick. If he Ieads a heart, Z can let the heart run up to his nine spot, if A has shown up with four hearts. If neither A nor B hos four hearts, they must drop. If A leads a diamond or a spade, Z can trump in one hand and discard a heart in the other. • Suppose B wins the trick with the king of spades. He also must lead a heart and, a he originally held four hearts, Z must win two heart tricks. If B leads e. diamond or spade, he gives Z a discard of a heart in one hand and a trump in the other. There- fore, Y Z must make game in clubs for it has been shown that A B can only win one diamond and one spade trick, irrespective of the distribution of the rema.inin; cards. Ise Flies and More Flies Flies breed in places that are fav- orable to them. The greater the quantity of manure and filth about the premises, the greater the num- ber of files. Material that will supply heat and moisture for fly egg hatching and food for the young mag- gots, is an essential link in fly pro- duction. Remove the manure from the stables and yards as soon as possible and stack if possible at con- siderable distance from the build- ings and pasture field, A few ounces of borax may be scattered through the manure eaeh day, as a preventa- tive to the development of the fly larvae. The following is recommended as a very good fly spray, -Four quarts of coal tar dip, four quarts of flaile oil, three quarte of coal oil, three quarts of whale oil, one and half quarts of oil of tar, three pounds of laundry soap. To prepare, disr3olvo the soap in warm water, add the other material and mix thoroughly, then add en- ough water to make up to 30 gallons. Spiv the cows twice a day, once in the morning after milking, and milk has been removed fro the berm, and °nee in the eat y evening. The above quantities will be en- ough for a herd of 40 cows for one month. Calcium Cyanide for Groundhogs The Groundhog is an expensive pe®t, Causing considerable datnege to rnoadow land and grain fields. A. We are not to dream away aur lives teaapoofitul of Calcium Cyanide in the contemplation cf distant Or placed well down to a Groundhog imaginary perfection; we aro to act in hole, will generate a deadly gas, that an imperfect and corrupt world. -Sir pate any ( 01.1nAhogs t > 'iia' j wines Mackiutash, in reach to sleep forever. After the Calcium Cyanide is placed in the hole, the upper end is plugged with sod. and soil to keep the gas in, and to keep other animals out. All the Groundhog holes in the district should be treated, as these animals migrate from place to place, digging new hole where ever their fancy , takes them. Every Groundhog hole means an unsightly hole in the nleadow, with stones and sub soli thrown up in. such a way as to cause damage to implements during hay-' ing and harvest. Give them their i close of Calcium Cyanide in early May, 'when the holes are easy to find, and the new crop of Ground - bogs is not yet in sight. Women of Russia recently cele- brated an international woman's day for a couple of hours, after which they went back to clean ant the stable and guide the plow, i'It's the little things that count." "Right you etre; a small ace will take a big fat king," Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley.Lavidson Distribueorr Write'at once for our bargain Itet of used motorcycles. Terms arranged. Will You Py 3c T Be Reid of Yi ur Indigestion ? Here is a .positive guarantee no suf- ferer from 'indigestion, sour, aoid Stom- ach can afford to ignore. 'Within two minutes by the watch, at s cost of not more than 3c you may bo -id of acid stomach, indigestion, bloating, gas, belehii , and stomach pain. Iso you doubt it? Then go to your nearest drug store and get a package of Bisurated Magnesia and use as di- rected. 11• after, the,firat dose yeti do is ttl feel belching gas a d weight anre oteat relieved oompietely, you may have, your money back. Bisurated &Iagnesta is sold crit third positive guarantee because we know Of it' value 1n stomach distress. It Is need by thousands of stomach Sufferers the world over. The cost is about Rei hese dose. You just simply can't arras to puffer longer with stomach distrete, 00i0 stomach and indigestion when real relict is on inexpensive. Try it just once after a Meavy meal and see for yourself how rnegleelly It works. Twenty -rive regular do.e a Sir every 'backage. ISSUE, No. '32 Owl Lams Quit Yer Kickin' Stop yer kickin' 'bout the times, Get a hustle on you, Skirmish 'round and grab the climate If the dollars shun you; Oroakin' never bought a, dress Growiin' isn't in it, Fix yer peepers on success, Then go in and win it; Times is gettin' good again, Try to help them all you "kin, Stop yer kickin', get a hold Of the wheel and turn it, You can never handle gold -'Less you try to earn it; Brush the cobwebs from yer eyes, Stop yer dery repinin', And you'll notice that yer skies Allus'il be shinin'; If you hain't the nerve to try, Sneak away somewhere and die, Jack may be a dull boy if he works too steadily and does not play enough, but it's a safe bet that he will eat re- gularly. Salina -"Alma is getting a mate's wages." Georgia -"Yes, I heard she was mar- ried." 'Who remembers the old-fashioned sheik who felt winked and devilish while watching the Bloomer Girls play basketball? What's In a Sign? Talkin & Talkin, real estate, Balti- more, Maryland. Lily Rose, florist, Philadelphia, Pen- nsylvania. M. Balmer, embalmer, Fort Collins, Colorado. Yreka Bakery, reads backward or forward, Weka, California. "Only one thing can be safely pre - Hyde & Seake, furniture, Cincinnati, dieted and that is that change is ceaGe- Ohio. less." -James Truslow Adams. Pula & Pu]s, dentists, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Later & Later, prompt delivery, New York, N.Y. Bull Brothers, dairy, Aberdeen, South Dakota, Wood & Stone, jewellers, Meadville, Pennsylvania Fancy, the Maryland. Freeze & boro, Arkansas. A, Sober, merchant tailor, Washing- ton, D.C. Dr. Blind, eye specialist, Los An- geles, California. Needham & Diggs, undertakers, Marion, Indiana. Dalnm Lunch, Baltimore, Maryland Bakewell 's Brown, architects, San Francisco, California. 'Wind & Wind, attorneys, Chicago, Illinois. Bless & Robb, clothing store, Gree- ley, Nebraska. Drs. Lamb & 'Wolf, optometrists, Newark, New Jersey. Adam Tramp, second hand clothing, Cleveland, Ohio. Stretch & Strain, motor company, Wichita, Kansas. Reed a Wright, in Des Moines, Iowa. Carr & Fender, garage, Detroit, Michigan. Strong & Manly, filling station, Eagle River, Wisconsin. Little & Tuff, groceries and meats, Pueblo, Colorado. T. N. Koffey Company, teas and cof- fee, Brooklyn, New York. C. Dust, cleans clothes, Danbury, Iowa. Dr. Lawyer, dentist, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Love, the ice man, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A. Good, quick lunch, Toronto. Classified Advertising A N OIe0LR TO EVERY INVLN1'Oi2. .411. List of wanted inventions and rule nformation Sent free. The Ramsay Clots. Pane'. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Sank Street, Ottawa, Canada. EAE 1 CHICKS 1 13AI3Y CRICKS ARr GAN.ADIAN Approved chicks, All flocks are culled by Government 1ns, c - tor. We hatch six breeds. Write for, 4 free catalogue. A. 'l3. Swll er, Clrantou. Ontario. ) POUNDS PRINT, .CRETONNE, S11,W tet or 'Velvet Remnants, $1.00 A. ai[c. Creery Co., Chatham, Ort. BEGISTBEED STOCK PEAS, 18 1. Epi tck4ed0C1nroField inspected, largest yielders. Why take chances?, Buy direct. H. Wharton, 2, Guelph, OI'PO1T'V NITUES. W).CAN ARRANGE A FR1ENDi.Y ' orrespondence for you. Men and , women, all ages, Particulars free. Write Canadian Correspondence Club, 2071 Danforth Avenue, Toronto. WATCH KfflNEYS If urine is scant, too frequent, or if you wake at night. try reliable old 9V'arner's Safe Kidney and Liver Rem- edy. Used with satisfaction for 51 years. Stimulates kidneys and liver 3ependably, gently, Furelyvegetable. Pleasant tasting. Get a bottle today from your druggist. Warner's Saf-- Remedies Co., Toronto. Ontario. WARNER'I "P SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY sign man, Collingwood, Cole, insurance, Jones- Apparently no girl of to -day plans to remain married long enough to "get into a rut," or let any man become al positive babit with her. Clarence - "They've lovely mush- rooms in tbis hotel. What do you say we get seine?" Agnes May -"Don't bother. We can use the parlor when we get home." Too many people think themselves broad-minded when they are merely too lazy to form an opinion. No one loves a quitter, but the acquitters seem to be fairly popular. Much may be forgiven the man who pays his bills. A movie star was married the other night for only the second time. A. man is not necessarily in love when he tumbles for a girl, but when he falls so hard he can't stop going, that's the test. Hungarian Vinters. Feed Wine to Country Pigs Budapest, --Nothing speaks more. eloquently of the hard fate that has this year befallen the Hungarian wine industry than the fact that in several parts of the country pigs are being fed on wine of good quality. It is ie- parted that .his improves the appetite of pigs and the vineyard owners lire- fer to give their stocks of wine to the', packers rather than *611 14 at the midi-' eulous price of % cent a liter. They hope to recover the expense of tilling their vineyards from pork and bacon. The vineyard owner to snake a p-rofit must obtain at least 20 cents a liter for his wine. Of the eight million inhabitants of Hungary, at least 600,000 are vine- yard owners, and this hitherto pros- perous class is on the verge of bank- Tuptey, HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO RE -TINNING taut. Cans, Ice Cream Packers, Cheese Hoops. Your old cans made like new ,'or less than half cost of new. Pas- teurizers retinned at your own plant. Toronto Cadmium Platissg se Tinning Co. I.td. 190 Edwin Avelino, - Toronto Famous -Vegetable Pills Make Short Work of Indigestion "After the first dose I was made aware of their very real tonic value," writes Miss 141. "I was troubled with Indi- gestion and Sick Headaches." Because they are PURELY VEGE- TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's cittle Liver Pills are without equal for orrecting Constipation, Acidity,Bil- iousness, Headaches, and Poor Com- plexion. 25c. and 75c. red packages. Sold everywhere. AIways ask for there 13Y NAME, y pt .trig 4Lq6 al, 4114 , p -o tie0 CONST! PATI O IN ACID STOMACH For TrouI4es due to Acid eeepreUR tNDIGrSTIDtt ACID STOMACH N HQAoAC a GASES -NAUSEA EXCESS acid is the common cause: of indigestion. Xt results in pain and sourness about two hours after eat- ing. Tho quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective is Phillips Milk of Mag- nesia. Xt has remained standard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of 1LMalnesia neutrahzos instantly map , limes its volume in acid. Hord and tasteless, and yet its action ea quick. You will never rely on cru methods, once you learn how quick this method acts. Be sure to get t .e genuine. The ideal dentifrice for clean teeth and healthy gums is Philli. Dental Magnesia, a superior to• t» south that iemu Caarnada.) Kttu