HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-14, Page 4v
At Lot 33, Con; 13, Hay, at the farm
we 1ft Thea l eAdams Bronson line
On MONDAY, APRIL 1.8th, 1982
Commencing at 2,00 o'clock p.m.
Consisting of 0 eholee Holstein
4n14k Cows, all due this spring.
2 Durham Cows due at time of sale
2 god Working Horses.
TERMS -6 ,months' credit on ap-
iroved joint notes,
Oscar Kopp, Auctioneer,
Pohl. ,Hey, Jr., Proprietor.
eF t Let 12, L,R.E., Hay Township,
lfaif mile south of St. Jo: cph. on
SATURD.A.Y, APRIL 16th, 1332.
Commencing at 2.00 o'clock p.m.
FARM --Being Lot 12, L.R.E.,Hay
Township, consisting of 148 acres of
good farm land, with 7 acres of hard-
wood bush, a good frame house, ple-
nty of water, apple orchard and fruit
trees, 2 bank barns in good condition
other outbuildings, farm is well dra-
ined and well fenced. Will be; atfered
for sale subject to a reserved bid.
TERMS—l0% on day of :ale, hal-
e_ice -on November 2n,1, 193.2. Pos-
session will be given on November
1st, 1932.
IMPLEMENTS -2 wagons, Deering
Finder 6 -ft. cut; Deering mower 6 -ft
cut; Iieering 13 -disc drill; 3 -section
1' a i•cws, riding plow, walking plow,
hay rack, sest bob sleighs, Acrel hay
rake, cook stove, bedstead, cider bar-
rel, land roller, Portland cutter, fan-
ning mill, sap pan, number of sap
buckets, quantity of mixed hay.
TERMS of Implements—Cash.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
Louis Brisson, Clerk.
L. and E. Brisson, Executors.
Attorney Dudley E, Holmes, of God-
,Ann Fortune, formerly of Tucker-
,lnith and Seaforth, youngest daugh-
iea of the lata Mr. and Mrs. John
Fortune, of l uckermith, died, at
.ondon March 25th, hi her 79th
veer. Thy funeral took place it St.
While engaged in exercising a yo-
.ing colt on the North Road, near
Seaforth, Robt. Pinkey had the mis-
fortune to be thrown from the sulky
when the animal shied at a passing
truck. He received several scalp cuts
and a broken thumb, but no serious
damage done.
The funeral of the late Harry Sdi-
der; younger son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Snider, Brucefield, took place last
Monday afternoon to I3aird's cemet-
ery. The service at the home and at
the place of burial was conuucted by
the Rev. Dugan, of Clinton, assisted
by Rev. Bremner of Bruceiled.
Approximately 80 transient unem-
ployed were gived a free meal by
Goderieh during March at a cost to
the town of $19..60. The rule is one
meal to a man and "move on". The
town will only be required to pay a
third of the amount, as it comes un-
der the heading of direct relief. This,
of course, does not include meals
served transients at private homes,
which numbered considerable.
Gordon Heaman, Grand Bend, had
the misfortune to slip and fall betwe-
en the joist of the new cottage he is
building and fractured one of the
bones in his leg and which will lay
him up for some time. He had a cast
put on by Dr. Taylor and is doing
that will give each ratepayer a chan-
ce to earn the iunount assessed a-
gainst their land forthe Township
Road rate. If the grant is larger than
this each ratepayer should be allow-
ed to earn a proportionate share of
the surplus,
3. Only the best of maaerial ob-
tainable should be used on the road.
Do not allow any quicgsand or in-
ferior quality of gravel to be placed
on the road. It costs the same money
to haul good gravel as poor stuff,
4. Keep all drains and outlets af-
fecting. the road in good condition,
especially in the spring and the fall.
Do not change any watercourses or
close no drains without the permis-
sion of the Superintendent.
5. See that all noxious weeds
growing on the roadside are cut down
and destroyed at the proper time, Do
not allow weeds to go to seed.
6. Take good care of any .road
machinery in your charge. See that
same is repaired when needed and
that the bearings axe well oiled be-
fore using.
7. Do nos employ help outside
your division when same can be ob-
tained in your own division.
8. Do •not spend more :honey in
your division than the amount " of
your grant as estimate is made each
year of money needed for road im-.
pr,,ovement and the rates are fixed to.
provide this amount. If the money
spent is more than the grant the Tp.
finances will show a deficit at the end
of the year. The grant made to your
division includes the cost of gravel
and material. •
9. Keep a correct account of the
time of each man and team, or man
only, employed. Time books are sup-
plied fre of charge and can be ob-
tained at the Clerk's Office. Pay lists
are also supplied to each Commission-
er and should b'e presented 24 hours
before the Council mets so that a
check of work can be made. Pay lists
should be presented monthly.
10. Rate of pay for the year 1932:
IVIan and. team, 40c per hour; Com-
missioner and team, 40c pr. hr; Man
only 20c pr. hr; Commissioner -only
25c pr. hour; Three horses and man
dragging and grading, 50c. hr; 15c
hr. for use of mower cutting weeds;
Snow roads, Work on snow roads will
not be paid for unless done with the
consent of the Road Superintendent.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Council of the township of Hay
was held in the Town Hall, Zurich,
on Monday, April 4, with all the me-
mbers present, The minutes of the
previous meeting were adopted as
A communication from the Dep-
artment of Highway showing that the
subsidy to be allowed on the expend-
itures on Township Roads in 1931
amounted to $2719.36.
A number of other communicat-
ions were ordered filed. All persons drawing gravel shall use,
The "Instruction to Township wagon box fifteen inches sides and
Road Commissioners", a copy of wh-
ich is attabhed was approved by the
Council and the Clerk ordered to
forward a copy thereof to each Road
Commissioner and include same in the
The following resolutions were pas
That By-law No. 6-1932, confirm-
ing the appointments of Road Com-
missioners for the various road Div-
isions for 1932 be read three tunes
and finally passed, with the name of
Adelbert Smith replacing the name
of Simon Hoffman on Road Division
No. 8, (a) who resigned.
That By-law No. 7,-1932 authoriz-
ing the Reeve and the Treasurer to
borrow money for current expendit-
ures he read three times ant. finally
That accounts covering payments
on Township Roads, Telephone and
General accounts be passed as per
S Martin, pay list Rd. 6, 5.50; R.
Elrid Smith has returned to Lon-.
don where he is attending university
after several weeks' vacation.
Jack Kaiser of Windsor is visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
.1V1aureen Disjardine visited with
her parents at Grand Bend.
The many friends of Mrs. George
i?ee are sorry to hear that she is con-
fined to her home through illness,
Mr. and Mrs. Lad McEwan and
daughter were visitors with relatives
in Toronto.
David Cantelon started a number
of men to get out his onion sets wh-
ich he had stored in the packing
Beryl. Drummond has returned from
Toronto after having completed a
course in finger waving aha inarcell-
ing and clay packs.
-T. C. Joynt is improved after his
recent il.iness:
Cook Bros. have added to the ap-
pearance of their garage by making
several improvements to the interior
and also putting up a new ga. pump.
Geo. Maynard who has been visit-
ing his mother hese, left recently for
the West.
Margaret McLaren has returned to
London after epending. th.' holidays
with her parente here, :hilitis pay list rd. :), 5.40; S. Hoff -
The firemen put on their last euch-
re and dance on Friday evening,man rd. 8, 5.45; S. Ropp, rd 2, 2.00;
Ap A. 1loucseau, rd. 3, 5.00; Telephone
ril 8th. A good crowd was pi present. Accounts—Bell Tel. Co. tolls Jan. to
:At the recent council meriting the Feb. 65.52; Stromberg-Carlson Mfg.
resignation of Councillors D. Robin -
Co.. material 13.25; Northern Elect -
son, and W. C. Spencer be accepted. ric Co., material 108.87; Economical
The reeve, Owen Geiger, served the
Fire Tris. Co., insurance 7.20; .Zurich
clerk with a warrant for a nominal* Central, switching four weeks 60.00;
P. Mclsaac, salary and labor account
536.35; L. Schilbe & Son, coal central
office 29.44; H. G. Hess, labor, etc.
98.67. General Account—W. H. Edi
ghoffer, salary and postage, assessor
123.14; F, E. Ducharme, School At-
tendance Officer, fees 2.75; Balance
— School moneys for year 1931 $6992.-
The Council adjourned to meet a-
gain on Monday, May 2nd at 1.30
o'clock in the afternoon.
ion meeting and election, if necessary
and a by-law be prepared for nomin-
ation on the 18th day of April and if
necessary an election on the 25th of
April to fill the vacancies of two
ends over and above the bottom of
the box.
Issued and Approved by order of
the Council of the Township of Hay.
The tax rate of the town of Clin-
ton was fixed at a recent meeting at
4819. mills, a decrease of four mills
from last year.
Notice of the appointment of John
Earle as bailiff in Seaforth, has been
received. Earle, who is a returned
man, succeededs J. F. Welsh,
Two congregations of the United
Church at Blenheim which are unit-
ing next July have extended an in-
vitation to Rev. S. Davidson, of -Win-
gham, to become the pastor of the
united congregation. Mr. Davidson
has accepted.
The masquerade dance and carni-
val put on by the Hayfield Agricult-
ural Society at that town hall on
March 80th, was a big success. There
was a much larger attendance than
was looked for considering the wea-
ther, roads and the number of pen.
pie 111 withflu and colds.
Owing to the overcrowding of the
ptiblic schools at Brussels it was de-
cided not to adroit any pupils to the
primary room after Easter: this year
However the board reconsidered this
decision and admitted children from
six and a half to seven years of age.
Doig, of the Township of
Tut „crsni:th, lea_ ieel: ', se:e'e
• Justice of the Peace or Magistrate iy
and for the County of Y'laao :; slid i
• tc crl Me colPmhesion le (Ps erre
c . .:t ', .;:;. Y.' l'le sa:lbrr_ribed to the re -
u sd Oath of oeice 1:.t'oi'• t a:;�;
Thur'sday's, April. 14tla, 1932,
will s e ney
A. 'new plan of Automobile Insurance, ,spon-
sored by two Canadian companies, provides
reduced premium rates based Oil the individual
merit of drivers.
REDUCTION kr two years
/0 driving without accident.
I501 REDUCTION For three years
/0 driving without accident.
REDUCTION For four ear2001/% driving without accident.
Discount applicable to Public Liability,
Property Damage and Collision Premiums.
Human Life Is .in Your Hands
Our merit rating policy is offered with a sincere desire to
encourage careful driving and to foster a keen. regard for
life and property. Remember„ it's the man at the wheel that
counts — in his hands lies the safety of children, pedestrians
and passengers.
The need for safety is imperative. Life ana property are
being sacrificed unnecessarily by careless and thoughtless
drivers. Do your part.. Help in the crusade for salter and
safer driving. Talk, think and practise safety.
The SAFE DRIVER Comes fn(o His Own
Our merit rating policy rewards every safe and sane driver
for his care, courtesy and conznwn sense. He is no longer
classed with reckless motorists. Instead, his premium rates
are adjusted in. accordance with his personal record of care-
ful driving.
Under the New Financial Responsibility Law, no matter how
careful you may be, you need the complete protection of our
Automobile Policy,
"It's the man at the wheel that counts',
1. 'Watch children=Slowdown!-•-
Sound horn?
2 Look out for, pedestrians near
street cars.
3. Read and observe all warning
signs, especially at railway
4. Do not etop or park on highway,
especially on curves or near
the crest of hill.
5. Keep your carin good mechani-
cal condition, especially brakes,
steering, tires, fights and horn.
Repair immediately even alight
defects. Have your car inspected
at least twice a year.
e of
G veaall fas not dawle along
traffic right of way.
2. Do not speedup when overtaken
by faster moving traffic.
3. Do not cut in closely ahead of
the car you have just passed. _
4, Be considerate of all others on
the highways. Don't be mean
or obstinate.
5. Be considerate of your passers•
gers. In the event of a crash,
they invariably receive more
serious injuries than the driver.
1. safety rive of others rand t speeds in keeping
experience as a driver—never
fast in crowded traffic or on
curves or had roads.
2. Keep on tho right side of the
road except when passing.
a Never pass en blind curves or
when nearing crest of hill.
Always be sure there ie ample
time And space.
through es a highways;
slowly go oand only when way ugh all is
3> Give•clear signals before turn -
jug or.stopping in traffic.
If you can qualify for this policy see as today. Pull -details
hed gladly, on request.
Andrew 17, Hess, Agent, Zurich, Ont.
Township Road Commissioners are
responsible to the Township Road
Superindendent and the Superindent-
endent is responsible to the Council
for carrying out the work of main-
taining. the Township Roads.
The following Rules and Regulati-
ons should be strictly adhered to:
1. Commissioners should co-oper-
ate fully with the Tp. Road Superin-
tendcnt and the Township Council.
Before work of any special or expen-
sive nature is undertaken permission
for doing the work should first be
obtained from the Township Road
Supt. When holes or bad spots ap-
near in the roadway the Commission-
er should immediately have same re-'
»aired before any damage or accid-
ent occurs. When the road needs
dragging the Commissioner should
strange to have this done. The best
'Attie for draggling is aft a rain OT
after the frost is out of the ground;
h. i",ommissiorierr should veer.
Rich ratepaver in their :•.:spectiae
Ylivision a fair portion of the res'
,,,oelc. The amount , he , .,tel .
oech raterayer can bo i1l4 .:..r b.;
dividing the grant into such. »^rtions- ,
This Fast Drying .Enamel
makes doors of lasting beauty,.
- No matter how shabby or discolored a floor
and colorful wi tb Mar -No t Floor, Enamel.
Mar -Not Floor Enamel is
made for this specific purpose.
It's made to stand up under
scuffing traffic and daily scrub-
bing. And whether it's a soft-
wood or a hardwood floor,
Mar -Not floor Enamel will
beautify it with a durable,
enamel -like finish that is easy
,to clean and to keep clean.
Look over: the other Friday
and Saturday sugges tions listed
here. A real opportunity for
thrifty buyers.
.Paint Prodaots aro
sold the world over under
this famous trado »i,ark.
may be, it can be made rick
Our Hardware Store
Let Your next Wire Fencing be the well known,
If in Need of Some Nice New Furniture Renaeraber
GOODYEAR TIRES and TUBES that will give you
Years of Good Service.
SEEDS of all kinds, including the various Kinds of
Clover Seeds, Always good Supply on Hand.