HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-14, Page 1. 4 Vol. XXXII tgo. • ZURICH, THURSDAY MORISIINCL APRIL14 1932, Pu -• f_ , • --• -- • Mester L. Smith, Pieliradissit $L25 a year, U,S. $1.50 he Abetter/AL 01.50 LXAftit EARS, $ d4Y E011A1001•10, dotty is the Greatest Factor in Home Merchandising PENSION COSTS ON NEW BASIS Bills:to municipalities from. the On- tario Department of Public Welfare Ttor March contributions towards cost of old age pensione are based. on a new arrangement initiated by th.e Do- mainion Government, whereby munice ipalities are respeneal!ei ante ffor spectively. of the burden.. Hort. W. G. Martin, minister of the department has an- nounced. Under the old apportion- ment, the Dominion Government bore 50%, the Ontario Government 30%, and the 'municipality 20 per cent.The new division makes the apportion- ment 70, 20 and 10 per cent, xe- '40 04........1.04,0,04•••••••-•4-00.•• 0 •••••• .00.4.00.•• + 64-4 4 • • • Harness, Etor • • • • • • 4 • 0 • • • • • • ete ,kee WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK' OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR. HOME, BE SURE. AND CONSULT US,. AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR. THE POPULAR SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. • • ALSO AGENTS FOR TFI SINGER SEWING MACHINE • • • • • PHONE 1Q2. • 40 ilee+••••••••keeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeo•e4,•4) 1,044,•••••••-4.4,4-0.0.40404•040` • FRED THIEL ▪ ZURIOH 4•0401164466tellitektgt*E400,04QMOTt fkG4* ceieselbeeeck Ge.vevetteommi a • • • OR SPRING! The Favored andltuthesagtoShoe Leathers for str.eet and Afternoon Wear, .showan in Beautiful New Models Enjoy both delighful appearance and Constant Foot Comfort. The .Store of Real'SerVic' e gives ybu not only the finest of Shoes, ButinsiSt wpm a most carefull Fitting. SEE THE NEW PUMP, .STRAP AND TIE PATTERNS Women's Pat. Peenps att ...... ...... .....................- _$1.195 to 15.00 Women's Kid Pimps and Col. Styles .................. 41_115 to 0.'00 Women's Black Kid, low- heel at ....... ......... -...e.........-,...:$1-25 .Women's Black Canvas, low heel at $1..00 Men's Black and Brown Oxfords at $2.95 to $5.00 Boy's Black and Brown Oxfords .$2.00 to $'3.50 Miss and Children Pomps. and Straps at 75c to $2.50 Men's Work Heots,, Solid Leather at ........ ...... .$2.00. to $4.00 • • See Our Bargain Tebbe of Men, Women and Children shoes at $1.00 It . SRE1 .. Wawa's Boot Shop OUR 1 • • • 11 • WINDOW DISPLAY ?I Phone 130 or 1 53 Repairing Neatly Done tommesmaosa•Aootou666.6.666.1.660.66.16..eck6,6........f; wommitam••••••=.0.3 "e""e***"044' * *00' irMatit.......44,4)0440..•••••• • . There's no Additional .. . . . ost! Extra Pants With Every Suit •FOPY•MIlltlatir D S H NV CI 0 D oseoese'oe•oaseee•oeseecosteesserkeeoaoeumme*Geuttesem r. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. J. W. E. Porter of Bayfield epent Mrs. Win. Reid and Mr. and Mrs. elferrnr- 1 ../---1.,, elle +, ,...,.......42,7. . • Mrand MrsMeecer of Windsor and Mr. Bristoe and Mrs. Haartleib of . • . , .., i'l ._, . ------.... ----.... ,..._ ._____ .- , • • ts; •••:--.., : London were Sunday visitors with .s•nY.T.,.: - --, 744. _.',.. , -- .,,;-. MA . Jonas Hartleib and Lavada. • • ....-.........---. • Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer and -- • Grace'llayter of Windsor spent a few l days with relatives in town also at- Miss Lulu Albrecht of liensall, sp- el e • tending the funeral of the late Mar-ent the week-nd at her home here. • jorie Isaac of Greenway last week. e- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman of • • The:auction sale of the household .Galt spent the week -end with relati- effects of the late Mrs. Stade on Sat- Ves in town. urday afternoon was largely attend- :, , .Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston of ed. . Hayfield, who spent a week visiting Mrs. J. Eidt of New Hamburg and with friends, heve returned to their Mre. Herman Eidt of Ingersoll, who home, spent last week her, returned to their home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Kellerman and daughter Kathleen and Mr. Ezra Kaercher of Kitchener, spent Sunday in town. Mr. Ira Tiernan underwent an op- eration for removal of his tonsils on Monday in Dr. Taylor's Hospital. Mrs. Catharine Kraft is very low at time of writing. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Joseph, and C. L. in town on Fri - Geo. Merner, who has been confined day last. to her bed for the past month is not Mrs. W. improving as rapidly as her friends: P. Finkbeiner, and daugh- would like to see her. ter,Miss Hazel, of Stratford, spent Mrs. P. Brown returned to De - 1 1, 1,the week -end at the home of the troit on Monday, after spending a jnan ,iformer's sister, Mrs. W. H. Hoff - few weeks with relatives. I Mrs. Hoperoft is attending the ' Miss Ada Wurrn, late of New York funeral of her mother, Mrs. Hopf in .my, and who recently was at De - Clifford .11111•••• in town, Mrs. J. Fuss and Mrs. Jul. -: this week. troit, is visiting with her two aunts i Block. 8 h". Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. F. Braun and family of Forest, were Sunday visit- ors with Mrs. Brown's father, Mr. Wm. Lamont on Sunday. Mrs. B. Pfile and Mr. Laird Jacobe, accompanied Mr. Archie Bender of •Deshwood, as week -end visitors with relatives et Blyth. Mr. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, Called on his brothers, C. 0. of St. BLAKE •4' • • 4.4. rob eb 4 Special Sale OF POCKET WATCHES 6 ONLY 18 SIZE, 17 JEWEL BUREN, REG. SPECIAL SALE $9.00 A Real Watch for the Working Man. 16 Size, 15 Jewel Regina, Reg. Price $15.00, Sale .... 16 Size, 13 Jewel Record, High Grade Swiss, Fortune Gold Cases, Reg. Price $25.00, Sale 16 Size, 17 Jewel Bedforde Nickel, Reg. Price $13.00, 16 Size, 15 Jewel Bedforde, Nickel, Reg. $12.00, Sale ...- -$7-,art 12 Size, 15 Jewel, Bedforde, Fancy Gold Case, Reg. $16, Sale $St.50 14 Size, 35 Jewel Princess, a well made watch, Reg. $5.00, Sate WHY BE WITHOUT A TIME PIECE. COME IN AND SEE THEM PRICE $15.6� ess, The Jeweller Phone 74 tt) ea. 110 Zuri1c.a of4 egebeitt5600000060e*acqiecicieezaealeavmatoeseeentmeotimaxime 1. +4.++++++++++++++ 4-0 tk • * +: SPECIALS .......Tx..e,, .f, + . i+. AT THE .. .:v 1.: MUTUAL °HOE 0 . .._ iN 4i - 41c 40 -P, 46 Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich, and sons Harold, Oliver and Earl, of Miss Lydia Gingerich and Miss 'Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. Gladys Douglas of Ccott Memorial' and Mrs. Thomas Johnson on Sun - Hospital, Seaforth, spent Sunday at „ele their respective homes here,. Miss Emma Dinsmore of London is spending a few weeks at her home on the Town Line. Miss Mary Johnston spent the we- ek -end with friends in Zurich. Mrs. John Bechler, who spent the winter with her family in the State of Michigan, returned home last Thursday accompanied by her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gascho of Elkton, Mich. Mr. Hill. Clarke his mother, and brother Gus, accompanied by Mrs. R. N. Douglas attended a play at l3ay- field last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. Erb ancr. family called on friends in Seaforth recent- Iy- Mr. Dennis Corriveau is wearing a smileing face, "It's •a boy." Quite a number in this vicinity nre laid up with a bad cold or the ST. PETER'S 'Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chmig- ing World" Friday, 8h: -Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. in: -German Service. 1L15a m. -Sunday School. 7.30 p. m. -English Service. Evsirybocly Welcome to all Servic.s. E. Turkheini. Paster Thursday, April 2ist NOTE THE DATE 4. ; o . • 1 • BEAD OFFICE'. REPRESENTATIVE OF BERGER TAILORING : 1 COMPANY, AN EXPERT FITTER WHO * WILL BE AT OUR : STORE ON APRIL 21st, WE ARE .AUTHORIZED TO GIVE WITH1 • EVERY "CLOTHES; OF QUALITY" SUIT ORDERED AN EXTRA s PAIR. OF TROUSERS OF THE SAME MATERIAL AT KO EXTRA : COST.. 'L'hisl after fes Reolteit to the 'duration Af IIVE? Ri2priteen tatieees • t. Don't nate itS, . • • 'Clothes; of lattalite tailored la :wee:mote :are :known allt over Oatada 4 for their fine alf-svord rnaterialse their betttifill Whoring amiti aloe : exceptionally good Iraltm. The Berger ...re,preseistative sea goosionalio measure and a,dvise evetrypeustearer ordering An the day mentioned. 6 Plan, to buy yenv new Spring Suit or Topcoat.daring this asit ewe • CM '01 * [turfing thf Mr. AL Park IMPAILSMitt AVM osonsnict, IDERE0414.0R0 • 404,0A,4404t44.4.0,000,400,00,0404,11*. 404.,0440 1 0040040-04•44.4*0004•1••tr. • YES! You Will Find a Differ- ence if You Burn JUST.. ARRIVED! • FRESH CAR PETROLEUM COKE GREAT HEAT NO ASHES Try a Ton! amteicr. Phone Ow or 103 HENSALL, OWL Miss Margart Schilbe, we are sorry to say has been laid up with the -flu, but is recovering nicely. Miss Lilian Rader taking the place of Miss Schilbe at the local Central office. t • WHERE YOU BUY ERE BEST 4. FOR LESS CASH tf• 11.00 PAIR WOMEN% ,BLACK CANVekS4tRAP • pers, Low Heels, Soft. Toes, the kind you always bought,. a.4.1'd something a little different. The many friends of Miss Victoria Deichert, who spent the wintei mon- T. ths in Stratford, are glad to see her + back again in Zurich, and keeping 3,1 house and attending shop for her + brother, Mr. George Deichert, but- cher. 1: • • • CHOIR MEETS After a short rehersal of choir practice at the Evangelical church on. Friday evening, April 8th, Miss Pearl Pfile Choir Director, and Miss Ida Routledge, Organist, entertained the members of the choir hi the basement 4. of the church. The gathering was + divided into four groups, each group having their separate name, were + ushered to a table. A few games and contests were enjoyed after which Miss Pearl and Miss Ida served a dainty luncheon which was indeed relished by the members of the choir. A hearty vote of thanks was tender- ed by Mr. Newell Geiger and second- ed by Miss Lillian Martin, and car- ried, to express the appreciation shown to the hostesses, by a hearty clapping of hands. They then ad, journed by singing "Blest be the tie that Binds," •50th ANNIVERSARY 4. CELEBRATED The Fiftyth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Siebert of town was the occasion of a happer celebration at their home in Zurich, Ont., on Sunday, April lith, 1932, when all the family were present td• honor their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Siebert were married in Kansas in 1882, but haveresided in Uanada for the past forty years. Ten children were born into this happy union.. The two eldest passing away in infancy. During the afternoon, a short pro- gram was rendered by members of the family, Rev. A. W. Sauer of Dashwood, in the absence of Rev. W. Y. Dreier, gave a short address, after which a delightful dinner was served to twenty-two guests, including six grandchildren. Those presentwere; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. •Siebert and 011i1- dren, and Miss Vera Siebert of Mon- ixeal; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Major and daughter of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hoffman. of Galt; Will A., Frank t. and ?4iss Nora Siebert of Detroit; Rev', A. W. Sauer of Dash- wood; Mr. and Mrs. •E. IL Siebert and children of Detroit; and Mies IVIartha Walters of Detroit. • $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 sTAI, KID HOUSE SLIPPERS, With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WORE BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling. anti Simian make - $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes de- tainable. Also fine shoes for best size.; 1 to 5%. $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps. Aber, finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 13,:e. OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE, FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR RE- FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT THEE STORE. WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES YOU, TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT.. MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $240 and $2.75, gr. ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL 0R. - DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT .ei• STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAME 4+. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing promptly (lows 4• 0 FRITZ & SON • MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA ieft. ▪ Phone 82 or 115 ZUr 44 4. 4. 4. 4. 44 4. .1<?, 4. 4. 4. 4. 414. 4. *-4 4. 4. 4. 47* ee4.- e*. 4. +++•••••••44 • ++++4++++444•14+4+++++++4•4444++++++ .1; New Spring rods We are Prepared to Meet Your Wants With New Lo Priced Good. PRINTS, GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MUSL1NS, ETC, ETC. ,mautt,.4,1•2 t A Few Stamped Mats at 2O Off While They Last Silk. Hose, 30 cents a Pair and up Root Seeds and Garden Seeds at Sc and 10c a Pax HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND- / (DOUGLAS OEIVERAL, MEOHAItIT PHONE:. n 97 LAKE 1