HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-07, Page 5',4%,441101' BUSINESS CARDS 'DUDLEY ' . U o'GM ► 1IJARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC, OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontaid,a. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work, 31r. Holmes may be consulted at 'iGederieh by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. William 11. Brown A. $. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER ;S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Toronto) D.L.S., Registered Professional Eng- ineer and Land Surveyor. Victor 3uilding, 2881/2 Dundas Street, Lon- don, Ontario. Telephone: Metcalf 2801W. Dr. 11. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH. £,.very Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and ..Wednesday OSCAR KLOPF Graduate Carey M. Jones N�� nal' School of Auctioneering• Try Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will 'sell anything Anywhere. Zurich. ,done 18-93, or write. Licensed Auction et For Huron. and 1 AM IN A POSITION O eCi;cN- Auct any Auction Sale, regas to size or article to, sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied '14 i1 sake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood $'lion 13-57. EWW TOWS Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads a; MIS COL'IJMN New Hats SPECIAL SHOWING OF LADIES' SPRING HATS;LATEST STYLES, AT POPULAR PRICES GET YOURS' NOW AT THE Anna S. Deters — H at Shop Proprietor Zurich NOTICE I have for sale the following: 2 Durham cows 5 year old, due to calf soon; 5 Holstein cows all coming in soon; 1 Holstein bull 10 months old, of a good dairy milking kind; 4 horses, drivers and workers; Also a good walking plow at a low price. John Hey, Jr., Zurich tf35 NOTICE Having taken over the Barber ,13usiness of the late Mr. E. Oesch, at Zurich,, I am in a position to give the public experienced service along this line of work_ And sincerely ask the public for their patronage. GIVE- US A CALL] MILTON OESCH — ZURICH SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of CustomersL. :444GH CLASS GOODS, MAR- VELUBE S. L BATTERIES, IVMOB1LE• OIL, OIL, GOONE IGNTIRO S ES *ND TUBES, GE Tarts, Hohning and Mechanical Worn Alone to Micrometer Settings, No guess work. Watch the cars that :STOP at WEIN'S, They are alt HIGH C140S CLIENTELE. 8. S. ein 11ASHWOOD ONTARIO 111111110111100.00.009001100111110111084 EGGS FOR HATCHING Eggs for hatching and Baby Chicks White Leghorns, disease-free at re- duced prices. The supply is limited We invite your inspection. Bruce J. Klopp, Zurich. urichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and. Cured Meats ' olognas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and. Skins "Let Us Serve Your' 11. Yungblut & Sol3 1101106900 06100011011096486.01200** L I VB POULT.RV WANTED Blood -tested C. icks LOCAL NEWS Mr. Menrkir. Bechler is confinedto his bed with illness. Mr. Ezra Brenner of Grand, Bend was a visitor in town Tuesday. All Radio Licenses expire on April 1st. Renew License for 1932-1933 at Hess, Radio, Electric. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido and daughter Dorothy, were Sunday vis- itors in Goderich. Mr. Ward Fritz and Fred. Thiel made a trip to Windsor over, the week -end. Hatchery and Flocks are both ,in- spected under the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval policy. The testing of the blood samples was done by Capital Labor- atories, Ottawa. The bred -to -lay qualities of our birds are kept up-to-date by the pur- chase of male birds from high record hens owned by some of the most successful breeders in the coun- try. We expect to hatch about 1500 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and 500 Leghorns per week- Please order about one month before you want the chicks_ if you can. Don't think too much about price. We will use you right. Come and see us or phone 97 r 4, Hensel]. We will be glad to talk things over with you. Feed, stoves, and other supplies kept on hand. J. Elgin McKinley, R. R. 1, - ZURICH fskea every Day till 8 o'eleek, p.m. Do net feed Fowl same amazing wham brought in. "hest Cask Prices —CASH POR - 3 CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien ._ non& IQ1. fres.. 94, Z.t rich Mr. Clayton Koffman, .won spent vacations at his home here, has-re- turned as re -turned to Galt to resume his duties as principal of a large'school. There still are a great many cases of flu or a bad cold epidemic, andin some eases it develops into other sick- ness which is more critical. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and little Mariana, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kellerman, near Dashwood. Hay Council met on Monday, in the Council Chambers for the .regu- lar meeting, an account of the ; do- ings will appear next week - Mrs. A. Aulerich and Miss Eliza- beth Truemner of Detroit have been for the past few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Prang. Miss Meda Surerus, who spent the holidays at her home on the Bron- son Line, has returned to Toronto to rese her profession on the teaching staff'.um Mr. David Jeromette of the Blue Water Highway, south of St. Joseph was taken to London Hospital the past week, for treatment on his eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Habkirk, of Sea - forth, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Herb. Uttley. Mr. Jacob Haberer has recently been appointed as local agent for the Continental Casualty Auto Insurance and Sickness and Accident Co. This appointment was made in the place of Mr. Elmer Oesch, deceased. Mr. Wm. J. Jarrott, the efficient road superintendent of Hay Town- ship, has purchased from C. Fritz & Son a fine coupe, which M.r. Jarrott will likely use in patrolling the high- ways and byways of the Township in the discharge of his duties. School re -opened on Monday after the eleven day's vacation over Eas- ter, and it will now be the hard pull :111 the promotion examinations in June, when an account of the year's work will be shown. An Outstanding Investment One of the finest invest- ments obtainable is a Huron & Erie Debenture. The confidence which The 6S -year-old Huron & Erie enjoys is indicated by this growth:. Year Total Debentures 191 1 $7,600,000 1921 $10,300,000 1931 $29,500,000 If you are interested in a safe investment that pays 51/2% interest, get in touch with— ANDREW F. HESS. Zurich Friday of •last week was April 1st, and all fool's day, did you get fooled? Mr. Kenneth Routledge, Miss Ida Routledge ...and Miss Anna Daters motored to London on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt of Hen- sall were Monday •visitors in town. Miss Edith Klopp, who spent a few weeks visiting with friends in De- troit, • has returned home. Mr. Lawrence Corriveau of Detroit is spending a few weeks with relaiiv es here. ' Mr. Dennis Bedard, Jr., has purch- ased from C. Fritz & Son, a handsome sport coupe. A number of relatives attended ;he funeral of Master Harvey Snider year old son of Mr. and Mrs..i :io., Snider, •at Brucefield on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Len. Heist, and Mr. Harold Klopp, of Detroit, were we- ek -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp. On Monday friends congratulated Postmaster and Mrs. Wm. Siebert, 50th anniversary of their wedding day. However, we understand that the formal celebration will take place It some date in the near future. Among those Who ntotorett o Tor- onto on Saturday to witness the Tor- onto ard Mertreal Mm no*, hr,^kc teams play off, were: Mr. Rudolph Stade anu eo.r Ha;:otd, Wm. Siebert, Jr; and Lee O'Brein. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manson, who have lived for the past year at I-Ien- sall, where they purchased a property have moved back on their farm on the Goshen Line, north, and their many friends indeed welcome them again in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Lorn D. Manson, who have been liv- ing on the farm, have moved to Thorndale. Mr. John Charrette of the Blac Water Highway, south of St. Joseph held a very successful wood cutti g that if such a bill were enacted no bee on - Monday, .when some :eighteen estate in future would be safe from men assembled and made a big show- ing of the day's work_ March sure did roar itself out like a lion on Friday,_ and a spell of real winter •visited us over the week -end, but it has again turned warmer and looks a little wore like spring, but •urobably it is better if the warm weather does' not come too rapidly as t may last longer when it does come. • A number of citizens have asked the information as to whether the places of business in town are open on Tuesday evenings. And we will take the liberty in advitaing the pub- ic that these places of business will not be ke:,t open Tuesday evenings till farmers start at the spring seed- ing, and busy during the day time. The local Hydro Commission re- ceived notice from the Head Office at Toronto that the excess of power paid by the Zurich System to the Commission at Toronto for the past year is $343.17 for the fiscial year which ended Iast October. This re- cund will likely be credited on a monthly power hill in the near fut- Strongly Opposed Ten years ago the late Charles MiI- lar, wealthy but eccentric Toronto barrister, in his 'will' directed that the residue of his estate at'the expir- ation of ten years from his death should go to "the mother who has ;ince my death given birth in Tor- onto to the greatest number of chil- dren," or, if there were more than • one claimant with - an equal number of birth, the amount should be div- ided between them. In the clo:'ng ' • hl rai' Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chi days of the session, Attorney Geck Starters is complete Price introduced in the Legislature and We will be pleased to supply You with the follow - a bill to escheat the estate, w - •*000lr •rsssrNOo o.wrss•oe00100•011101111000000$ 001111C0)041/ •rMr Baby Chicks and Custom Hatching _ •. 0 i We are offering Blood -tested Quality Baby Chicks in ▪ six poplar breeds, Barred and White Rocks, Black Minorcas, White Wyandottes, White Leghorns and Z Jersey Black Giants. WE HAVE INSTALLED A NEW 30,000 EGG CAPACITY INCU• • BATOR FOR CUSTOM HATCHING ONLY. • Trays hold eleven dozen eggs each, Plant in charge of an exper- ienced operator. Phone or write your reservation early. Charge �• of two and one half cents per egg. Depend on Hogarth to give you ' y a satisfactory hatch, The Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery EXETER, ONTARIO Phone 184W • • meassoesees osossooaaseas*eco .1•0**.a.ecoe�a*aasg000w 1 r • s + ++ ++�.+�fi+++ 3�>�++++�'o'o�F+a,,ar..g.ar++4 F : ✓. ++++d��o%�o�ofi�+°r°o�#�?r+++ +++4, • Lot Us Sate You. Storni (Ju Srni S�asIi !and ,boors Before the doled ,calker arrivs dr 4. Call us and � T, R i' . 4. 4. PHONE '69 4. ÷ • F. . aT_�.... _ _ _ ++• ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ t, ++ we will measure your windows IISCH ZURICH • • eooeaae•go�i •ooe11000m&OgeeSOCTF3 12241 .4161/1.1- 4ie4160006 Fertilizer Fertilizer • 09 Before giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure and see us. Get our Prices and Quality, and we know • • you will leave your Order with us. Chick Feeds, and Starters i t Inch a mounts to half 1 million or more, and Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter, Purina ® mg hand it over to the University of • Chows, Toronto. Public opinion, however— and especially the protests of the women folk—was too much for the • Attorney -General, and before the session concluded he announced the • withdrawal of the bill. In protest a- Y gainst the measure it was pointed out • • SCHOOL REPORT Report of S. S. No. 6, Hay for the month of March: Sr. IV—Gladys Gingerich 86, Win- nifred Battler 81, race' Wein 75. Sr.. II—Rose Hoffman 64, Irene Foster 62, Anthony Hoffman 58, Fred Farwell 53. 1I Class—Neil Gingerich 73, Keith Wildfi3rig '21, Leonard Hoffman 65, Arthur Foster. 64, Lennis Gingerich 59, Cyril Gingerich 59, Ruth Wit- mer 45, *Gerald •G,inigerich 38, Alb- ert. Ileffman 37. P'iirst Clars—Marie Wein 67, Pruner—Doreen Gingerich. 9S, Th - I ata:.. Hoffman 79. 1 Ne.. on roll. Ilk Grana E.. Peppar, Teacher. ure. Wins First Prize In the R. G. Dun Program over Radio Station CJGC London, on Mon- day evening, the name of Mr. Wm. C Wagner of Zurich, was called out as first prize winner for composing a short poem from the R. G. Dun cig- ars. The first prize winner received a fine Bulova wrist watch, and follow ing is the poem, that took the prize: ,Lizzie out of -gas has run, Don't that get your goat? So light up 'your R. G. Dun, And she will go home on smoke. Case Dismissed the hands of the Provincial Treasur- er. POWER COMMISSION ACT Apparently there are some of our citizens who are not aware of the law in regards to electrical installat- ions by authorized persons, also some who have been waarned against this practise and yet disregard this mat- ter as a serious offense. A number of �n {� `� these practises have been brought to O NWANSAV(1<i�� 1i�@g iWVIM R cap • . light every year and persons who are responsible were warned and r..ivis- I �, .ed in a decent mannerly way ant yet some of our citizens aro under the impression that to prohibit such pra- ctises as electrical installations, alter- 4 ations, extensions and connections `'- without the necessary permission: is perfectly alright and should not con- cern those who are employed by the local hydro and represent the electr- ical inspection department. Following are parts of Sec. 80 of the Power Commission Act, rules and regulat- ions describing the design construct- ion installation, protection, use, main tainence, repair, extension, alteration, connection and disconection of all works and matters used or to be, used in generation, transmissioin, distribution, delivery or use of elec- trical power or energy in Ontario: (b) Prohibiting the use in Ontario of any such work or matter until they shall have same inspected or approved.. Every. inspector appoint- ed •under the authority of this sect- ion may at any reasonable hour en- ter upon, pass over or through any land, building, or premises for the purpose of performing the duties as -- signed to him under the authority of this section. (9) Every municipality or corporation or commission and ev- ery company firm, or individual. (A) Hindering, molesting. disturbing. or interfering with the inspector or other employee in the performance of his ditty under this section shall incur a penalty of not less than $10 or more than $50 for each offense. (b) Refusing or neglecting to com- ply with any such order of the com- mission shall incur a penalty of not less than $100 or more than $500 and further penalty of not less than $100 or more than $500 for each and separate day upon which such re- fusal or neglect is repeated and con- tinued. The local hydro and elect- rical inspection representative has been advised to take a straight course and cleat up of all defective, electri- cal equipment and installation and keep all such strictly within the Taw. 0 • 0 8v 0 0 • • • 0 SEEDS Etc. SE - EDS For Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Carden and Grass Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. Schilbe o*,regvrr•asasso eersedohmopeareeadael,ae.es.ea„ka,ueir2veasrov ns•• Judge Sedgewick at the assizes in London dismissed the claim of Ell Bice, Clandeboye farmer, for $5,000 personal damages, but awarded him $12.50. for damages to his buggy Bice was suing Mervyn Jones and .the Jones Boy: and Label Company, of London, over an accident that oc- curred on October 12. Bice told the �n court that he was proseed g south on Nol 2 highway driving a horse and buggy, when a car driven ay Jones `crashed into him from the rear. He blamed the accident for diabetes, heart, lung and kidney troubles and injuries to his spine as well as a general breakdown. He claimed a !li'ghtedlantern was on the buggY. Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, i ooeii Pasa.es, and Brushes. +-:',..+-4.0,-.÷++4•++4-1-+ 4 ++++:i.+ f.++ FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. stir _ ear AKS AND FILIMS KOLL Dr. A, Jr MacKinnon, Zurich