HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-04-07, Page 4dun
oala $OI3'SEH•l ,,r) ;EFFECTS, At
• e . $AT1k DAY, APRIL 9th, 1
natmoneir g at 1.00 o'clock, pan.
E f7STATE--A good two story,
ram house,. soft water and lots of
Aird wai'.er, 3 lots, smoke house, brick
1p�arn VA. the premises, small hen and
,stsble, number of fruit trees.
",P;ermse-10% on day of sale., balance
iin. 3D whys,
ffOT3 HOLD EFFECTS — Kitchen
tovre ,extension table, sideboard, kit-
intsent cabinet, S kitchen cnatrs, arm;
eel air, kitchen lounge, coal heater,;
pea -per rack, couch, 6 dining room,
cs heirs, cane rocker, 6 rt i-.kiing chairs,:
et parlor tables, 1 small stand, jard-
einne • stand, 1 Bruseels rug 12x14,
1hCersgoleum rug 9x12, number of pic-
tures and frames, electric parlor lamp
:„seveing machine, big mirror, large
:glass cupboard, bedroom rug, 3 -bur-
et -ler
: n r coal oil stove with oven, parlor
wolf camp, small lamp, flower stand,
reds, springs, mattresses, wash stands
:eailet sets, celar table, celar cupboard
atluiuttity of sealers, leaf table, wash-
ing antzchine, ironing .board. ringer,
rapper boiler, lawn mower, extension
ladder, .curtain stretchers, forks, and•
leercvelse 2 ton of stove coal, hoes,
sex.sshes, step ladder, and numerous
welter articles. These articles are lin
N. 1 condition, _paaa;etically new.
ee rthur Weber, Auctioneer.
:George Merner, Clerk.
iia 'rn.:Stade, Executor.
with ree etives.
Mai Viand Mrs. H�o. kroft Were called
to feeelph .Sonday awing to the
ser •ous illness of IVIrs. I3opkreft's
mother who is in the hospital there,.
Miss Margret Cunningham of Kit -i
ehener, spent a few days with her
sister Mrs.. L. Morenz.
Miss Marie Allemang of St. Clem-
ents visited with friends a few days
last ivciek.
Mr, Harry Guenther of Windsor„
motored here on Sunday, his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther .return-
ing with him and will visit for a few
Mr, Wm. Nadiger is spending a
.few days with relatives in Exeter.
Mr. Ed. Maier is wearing a broad;
smile this week. (Twin boys).
Miss Martha Martine left on Mon-
day for Clinton where she .is engaged
for the summer.
The Luther League entertained
this year's confirmation class on Tu-
esday evening in the basement of the
church. After a short ,,program ga-
Ines were played after which .lunch
was served.
Rev. R. W. Goerss, a missionary
from India will show Motion pictures
and give interesting explanations of
the pictures and his personal experi-
ences on Tuesday evening April 14th
in the Lutheran church. Everybody
The Ladies' Aid of Zion Lutheran
church enjoyed a, bring -a -friend so-
,;ial on the evening of .March 31st.,
at the hone of 3Irs. �3 in. Nadiger.
Rev. Ness gave the address of the
evening in which he dealt with the
progress of the Ladies' .Aid. Other
instructive addresses were given by
Mrs. Ness and Mrs. T. Kraft, Mrs.
Wm. Nadiger, and Mrs. Schroeder
gave entertaining readings while
others of the members .delighted the
ladies with songs. The ladies were
further entertained by .�a.rious gam-
es at which Mrs. F. P.reeter captur-
ed the high prize and Mrs. D. Schro-
eder the low. After partaking of a
delicious repast which was served by
the committee, ail expressed their
appreciation of a very enjoyable ev-
Zehool opened on Monday with a
'feu. ,attendance.
'ltss Dorothy Weiilo of Zurich,
eselho spent the holidays with friends
;:ata the village returned home on Sun-
Mn and Mrs. Henry Smith of the
neer Exeter eelebt'ated the 40th an-
niversary of thole. wedding en- Wed-
nesday evening last. •
Bois. Nelson Parliament, former
Speaker in the Legislature and organ.
iter for the Liberal party of Ontario
was visitor in Goderich the past we-
ek. He called on party stalwarts, who
reported that he was merely on a
periodical visit. ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald, of
Exeter, announce the engagement oof so
ahass Jean Carrie returned to scho-
ol .at Hensall after spending the holi-
days under the parental roof.
Mr- and MTs. Ross .Johnston spent
Sunday with friends in Goderich.
'Miss Gwondelyn Clarke who spent
?oast week at her home in the village
returned to Goderich last Friday.
Mies Olive Brock of Hensall spent
Were holidays • with her friend Miss
Jean Carnie.
Miss Jean Hey returned home on
Sunday after spending it few days
with friends near Zurich.
ee iss Emma McBride is spending
a few weeks with friends in Ueneall.
,Miss Alberta Finlay spent Friday
-.;afternoon with friends in the xiilage.
Miss Margaret Tough called .en fri-
Ionds in this vicinity last Friday.
r. I`rittgxsei"a ,Apia 1*, 4,10-4G
essery to amputatelie was Mimed- the community becoming aware of
lately rel.
Hospital, and ofiieials there reported
An attempt to break into the hard
his eanditiotn as fair. ware store of G. A. Sills Seaforth,
Patrick Glavin, one of Stephen 7.p. was made the other night, at least
oldest residents passed away
on Tee the footprints in the snow were d
esday, March 2nd at the age of 91 covered. The shed adjoining the buil-
ears. 13e is suxvxved by 2 sons, Frank ding was broken into, but entrance in:
Qf Weston and Thos. of Mt. Carmel, the main building could not be made
also 2 daughters, Miss Josephine of A few nights after Da1y's, garage was
London, and Mrs. Matt. Regan with entered at the rear and from there
he lived for the past year; al got access to the front of the build -
sister Mrs. P. Carey or Mt. ing. Evidently the prowlers, who from
of t x. R event that had taken place'
ed to Scott Memorial the happy
t e er, line ,
their only daughter, Muriel Donna, Carmel The funeral took place to all indications were amateurs, became
to Mr. Verne L. Roulstoon, of Strate
ford, son of Dr. G. R. anad Mrs.
I?oulston of Exeter, the marriage to
take place early hi April.
Since December the Goderich Ele-
vator has been working overtime
turning United States grain and ship-
ping. Just now the steamer Hagerty
is being unloaded, to be followed by
the Collingwood and the Wahcondah
This will still leave two vesels to be
Large puantities of pea and corn-
stalk ensilage has been drawn away
from the canning factory at Exeter
during the past weeks. The , factory
issued an order• that farmers could
have all they wanted for drawing it
away, hence farmers from as far as
twelve miles distance have been ,get-
ting a supply of this excellent feed.
"h f t i lettin contracts for
pea acreage for the coning season.
Mr., and Mrs. Peter Eisenbach, 1VIr
Geo. Eisenbach and Mrs. Noah Grat
ton of Grand Bend were in Detroit
for a few days attending the funeral
of Mr. Geo. Eisenbach's sister, at that
Margaret McLaren of London vis-
ited her home here.
Lester Fisher of Windsor was a
holiday visitor at his haze.
Edgar Stewart of London visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David
The many friends
Queen are sorry to
confined to his home
tack of sciatica.
Miss Jean Campbell and brother
Keith, of Toronto, visited at the
home of their grandmother, Mrs, T.
Murdock, over the vacation.
Mrs. Clarence Parke and little son
of Stanley, have returned home after
spending a week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Consitt.
William McLaren of Hensall, an-
nounces the engagement of his young
est daughter, Ruby Laverne, to
Glenn Earl Bell, only son of Robert
D. Sell, of Tuckersmith, the marriage
to take place the middle of April.
Friends of Mrs. Norman Cook will
be sorry to hear she is confined to
her room through illness.
Harold Seruton of Port Dover sp-
ent some holidays with his mother.
Miss Dolly Hagan, R.N. of Parr
Line, has been at the home of T. C.
Joynt, nursing Mrs. Joynt and also
Mrs. Geo. Joynt, both of whom have
been ill, but are improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess spent a
pleasant week -end with relatives in
Matt. Clarke of Tuckersmith has
rented the cottage belonging to G. C.
Petty on Queen St., and intends to
move into the village immediately.
'Harry and Wm, Joynt of Toronto,
were visitors with their mother here.
Thos. Welsh lost a valuable horse
one day recently while going to the
bush for logs. It appeared all tight
when leaving the barn but while on
the way to the bush fell dead.
Win. Simpson, accompanied by his
mother and sister of Detroit were vis-
itors with Mrs. Robt. Bonthron.
Merle Carlile of London, was a
holiday visitor at her home here.
Albert Spencer is confined to his
room with a severe attack of heart
The Stele Briggs Co,, and the Wm.
Rennie Co. are employing a large
gang of men to get out the onion
sets. Several carloads are being ship-
ped daily. The onions are in splend-
id condition.
Thos. Welsh intends opening up
his saw mill again the first of the
month with a full staff of men which
'will pretty well solve the unemploy-
ment situation in Hensall.
Mr. John Farquhar returned to
This hone after spending the Easter
.1 -holidays at the home of his grand-.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane.
Miss Dolly Hagan has been out
nursing Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Joynt
eni Hensall for a few days.
Miss Jeanette McAllister of Hen-
amei High School and Helen Ander-
non of Clinton High School returned
'se their duties after spending the
'Easter holidays at their homes here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and son
Douglas and Miss Edna Cochrane of
'Toronto are visiting at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. J. Cochrane.
1rs. David Nichol and Bobby of
1Hensail spent a few days with. Miss
eeleinie Jarrott.
SI'r. and Mrs. Alfred Reichert spent
.da.y in London recently.
We are pleased to see so many out
:min after being laid up with the
:lbu and bad colds.
Miss Edna Cochrane, R. N. of Tor-
e e lhas taken a case at one of the
hospitals in Goderich.
Mr. Wm. J. Jarrott and daughter
Annie sspcnt Sunday evening at the
ionic of Mr. David Nichol in Hen-
The schools re -opened on Monday
after the Easter holidays.
The W. M. S. meets on Wednes-
day afternoon, April 13th at the
home of Mrs. Robt. Stephenson.
Mr. Haunce Fisher has hired with
Mt. Frank Hagan for the summer
Mr. Alfred Coleman has hired with
.Mr. Gordon Love for the summer
Mr. Clarence Brenner has hired
with Mr. Alfred Reichert for the
:sutntner months.
The fanners are busy taking in the
local spring shows ;which are cominig
mff in our local towns this month;
of Edgar Mc -
hear that he is
with asevere at -
Thos. Gundry, auctioneer, Goderich
had an auction sale at the farm of
W. H. Wilson, W. Wawanosh tp.,when
16 horses were put on the block and
b were sold from $75 to $125 being
realized for each beast, the top price
for the good general purpose work
horse. The wood brought $2 a cord
for 12 -inch nixed=
The tug Philips, belonging to the
Boone Dredging Co., sank while be-
ing moored at the Goderich harbor.
The cause of the sinking is not kno-
the Re C. cemetery. frightened and fled.
Chief Strong, of Clinton, has be-
en trying a new plan with transients About 10.30 o'clock Good Friday
who have been coming through the morning fire 'broke out in the large
town recently. He has been procuring bank barn of Joe Kernick, Con:. 4',,
bread and cooked meat and making Usborne Tp. and completely destroy -
tea on his office stove and giving ed the building together with three
then all they want to eat and drink. young cattle, four pigs and a number
This is instead of sending then to a of hens. When the fire was noticed'
restaurant for a full meal, and was a hurried phone call was . sent to the
tried because they seemed to be coin- neighbors who were soon upon the
ing along in bunches. Sonie do not scene and assisted in saving. some of
seem to relish the fare, which the the implements, the building and con
chief says is good stuff. Thereplay tents were partly covered by insur-
be some of those in town who are ance. This is the second loss by fire
helping to pay for these meals who that Mr. Kernicsk has suffered this
often have no better fare in their year. On Jan. 3rd fire broke out in
own homes. I, a closet of his home and the house
An auto driven by Wm. Simpson, I was partly burned.
of Detroit, wino was visiting in Hen-!
sall, turned over into the ditch in 1.
front of J. Caldwell's on Highway
4, North of Exeter, last Sunday mor-
ning. Simpson was alone in the car
and was on his way home from Lan-'
don. The car struck some ice on the
pavement and the driver lost control
the car landing upside down in the
ditch. The driver broke the back
window in ordea• to get out. Fortunat
ely he escaped unhurt.
After a short illness, although he
had been in failing health for some
time, John Brown, an old resident of
Clinton passed away last Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Lovett, where he I
had been staying for some time. He .
was born in England but was broug-
ht to Canada as a babe by his par-
ents and had spent practically all
his life in Clinton.
A quiet Wedding took place at the
wn. Only the funnel of the tug is Evangelical parsonage, Crediton on
now above the water. The Phillips Saturday evening last, when Charles
was about 30 feet in length and did B. Hoffman, son of the late Christian
not operate the past season. Hoffman of Stephen, was married to
While hunting the other day near Miss Clara Morlock, youngest daugh-
Alma, Jas. McGill, son of Mr. and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Mor -
lock of Stephen. Rev. W. M. Sippell
Weevel Threatens Wheat
In connection with the weevil men-
ace which is reported to threaten the
exporting' ,qualities of , 18;000,000
bushels of U.S,, wheat stored hi Ont-
ario elevators, loeal agricultural au-
thorities state that while they have
no information as to conditions in
large elevators the wheat held by far -
mars and snail warehouses in the dis-
trict is believed to be considerably
damaged by the weevil. Heating in
bins is prevalent, the heatingis attri-
buted to the presence of the weevil.
The weevils are 'small brown insets
from one-eig'tlt to a sixth of an inch
in length. They multiply rapidly and
fornrdense masses, which cause the
grain to heat. Eggs are laid among
thegrains, and hatch into larva in .3
or• 4 ,days. The larva stage lasts 15 to
20 days. The pupa .stage then begins
and lasts four or five days, after wh-
ieh the insect appears as an adult re-
ady to- repeat the life cycle. The pre-
senue of the weevil produces mold,
and if it is allowed to multiply, it
will destroy the selling quality of the
grain which it attacks. G. L. Parsons
of theGoderich Elevator Company,
reports there is no indication of we-
evil in the wheat stored in his elevat-
ors, The temperature of the grain is
low, he reports.
Nom W. A. Sauer spent a few days
ere t nitchener last wek.
Misses Ella, Rose , Tillie and Ant-
ione..te .Zimmer of Detroit, spent the
joint,seen at their home here.
gg 14h'i.ss Elizaabth Hartleib and friend ..
Mrs. B. Gill, Seaforth, met with a
serious accident. In climbing over a performed the ceremony in the pres-
fence the gun in some manner went ence of the parsonage family. The
off and shattered his arm, and it was happy couple left for their home 4th•
thought at first that it would be nec-I Con. Stephen without any others of
Mrs. J. Willis Powell, of Exeter,
had the misfortune on March 20, to
just outside the Main street United
,hunch previous to the service to
flip on the icy pavement and in fal
'ing fracture the large bone in her
'oft arm.
The thiretnth, or adjusting, hydr'c.
ill has been reseie l h' the (e -f,.:
:1 Water and Llght coinanieeion,
1 ahowing a, surplus of le5;8b.43 credit-
._..... , .. .. •... .. ..... ..._.._..,...... M...
eeeee+seeaeerkeoeeem eeceste a eseseceeoesseefseeeeeseee
We have opened a Service and Repair Garage
formerly the
And axe in a position to give First Class Work, on all
makes of cars, and all other. Motors.
With a Qne. Year Guarantee_
Give Us A Call!
Schrag Bros. Phone 154. Zurich
• �k
Vii.. i:a..:! ,..:,:elatteteee
You need
fewer ,gallons
of SWP,
to paint your house
Fine old SWP House Paint has
such wonderful "body" that each
gallon thoroughly covers more
square feet of wall.
That is one reason why SWP
House Paint costs no more than
cheaper paint on your house.. The
saving on gallonage does it—
regardless of the price per gallon.
In addition you get the superior.
(mality of SWP—the more-beau-
orebeau-tiful, weatherproof colors- -the
long service that saves 50% to
60% in repainting cost. All be-
cause fine old -SVP is made of
the finest materials, by the larg-
est paint and varnish makers in
the world.
Come in and bit's do a little
simple arithmetic before you
squander money on cheaper paint.
Specify SWP and ertgngo
e good painter.
here 's
no paint bar'ain
good quality'
And the time to paint is now. Your
house, your garage, your fences,
your shuttars, screens, flower boxes
—they all need the weather resist-
ing protection of SWP.
It doesn't pay to buy cheap paint,,
because, atter all, there's no paint
bargain like good quality. We know
SWP to he the best paint bargain
of all. That's why we recommend
it as a leader on our Friday and
Saturday Suggestions.
—r! ,Pairvt Products art!
.acid tion neoarlaver um:4w,
tci,i■fe„aow s nda murk..
Our Hardware Store
Let Your next Wire Fencing be the well known
If in Need of Some Nice New Furniture Remember,
GOODYEAR TIRES and TUBES that will give you
Years of Good Service.
SEEDS of alI kinds, including- the various Kinds of
Clover Seeds, Always good Supply on Hand.