HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-24, Page 17FREE TRIAL OFFER 0 It KRUSCH 1($ you have never tried Kruschen-- Ivy it now at our expense. We have distributed a great many special 11°G/ANT" packages which make it dash for you to prove our claim for yourself. Ask your druggist for the tams "GIANT" 75c. Package, rl0is consists of our regular 75e. bottle together with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about sate week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to test, and then, if not entirely convinced that schen does everything we claim it to do, the mules bottle is still as good as new. Take it Tour druggist is authorised to return. nous 75c. immediately and without question. Vona have tried I.Cruscbea free at our expense. What could be fairer? Manufactured by E. ((ar_' the l�Iugbee, Ltd. Manchester. Eng. tab. 1756). Importers McGillivray Bros.. MI., Toronto. Desert Balks Australians Seeking Fabled Gold Cave Adelaide, Australia.—The great cen- eel Australian desert once more has l vanquished party seeking the cave a3 gold said to exist somewhere in its vastness. Returning prospectors said lasey barely escaped with their lives, ralthough sent out well equipped and a1amed by Central Australia Gold. )!les, Ltd. To reach the Jeger Bary cavern they ,el. to penetrate a country inhabited 4,y ergines, who trai'ed the party 'allay after day, remaining in the dark- 'leefss outside the light of the campfires 'ata. night, awaiting an opportunity to isettaelr. The gold hunters were within sixty aedles of the supposed cave when they acia short of water. They will try again went winter. The cave was discovered by C. A. Lasseter, a famous prospector, wha ;host his life in trying to return to it. Deeds Thy deeds now are the seed corn of eternity. Each single act en each several day, good or bad, is a portion til that seed. Each day adds some Rae, making thee more or less like .m ,more or less capable of his Love, Sitter for greater or less glory, to be nearer Him or to be less near.—Dr. Wersey. .!oro to play Bridge AUCTION and CONTRACT ly Wynne Ferguson Author of 'PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIDGE* ARTICLE No. 15 Many times.. in thesis articles the writer has strongly urged the neces- 1 sity of making original bids mean something, There are certain definite require- ments of bidding that should be com- plied with at all times, if the player wants to become a sound bidder. These requirements are more or less arbitrary and vary with the position of the bidder. For example, if you hold five hearts to the ace, king, it is a sound heart bid as dealer but if three players have passed, it is not a sound bid by fourth hand. In the same way a bid may not be sound on the first round of bidding but may be perfectly justified on the second round. The real reason for these so-called conventions of bidding is the fact that all sound bidding is part of an har- monious whole. Each bid, if it be sound, should consider not only the bid itself but also its effect upon and interpretation by one's partner. If it tells him the truth, it is a sound bid; but if it deceives him or may be mis- construed, it is not sound. When ever you make a bid, think not only of your own cards but also of your partner and what he may clo after be hears your bid. You should also consider Kennedy & Menton 421 Coilega St., Toronto HarleyGavidson Distribu:orr Write motorcycles aur Ilearts--none Clubs—none Diamonds—K Spades—Q, 9, 4 your own course of action if the bid you intend to make should be overbid by your opponents. Have you started something that either you or your part- ner artner can carry to a logical conclusion? If so, it is a soundbid but not other- wise. When you are dealer and bid one no trump or one of a suit, you should convey the exact information to your partner: First: In case of a no trump bid, that you have at least two and one-half quick, tricks, distributed in at ]east thre 'suits; Second, in case of a suit bid, that you Lave a suit of at least four cards and two andone-half quick tricks in the hand, one of which is in the suit bid. Original bids should always give exact information for they are the first bids of the hand and have I the chance to start partner off on the right foot by telling him what you have. This is the time you should tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If you don't tell the truth, you are laying up trouble for yourself. Lay a firm foundation for the part- nership and you will get good results; but, if you build your hous,, on the sand of untruth or misinformation, look out, for trouble is sure to result. Solutions of Last Week's Problems No. 1 Hearts—none Clubs—none Diamonds—i Spades—A, Tr, 2 • . A S . Z Hearts -8 Clubs—K Diamonds—none Spades -3', 6 There are no trumps and Z is in the lead. How can Y Z win all the tricks against any defense? Solution: Z should lead the king of clubs and A must discard. ' He cannot discard the king of diamonds or Y's !jack will be good, so is forced to dis- card the four of spades. Y should I now discard the jack of diamonds and 1 B must also discard. He cannot dis- bargain list or Terms arrenEod. ; 1 Sehie e USide ,I)) Fees -a -mint i�+l the answer. smiler doses actiosmilerdoses effective be cause you thew it. At your I druggists --the safe and mien.; fine laxative. FOR CONSTIPATION When TEETHING Hearts—none Clubs --K, Q, 9 Diamonds—none Spades—Q, 10, 9. 1 Hearts—J Clubs—none Diamonds—none Spades -10, 8, 7 What New York Is Wearing BY ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON Illustrates. Dressmaking Lesson Fur- nished With Ever?/ Pattern card the jack of hearts or Z's eight will be good, so is forced to discard the seven of spades. Z now leads the jack of spades, Y overtakes with the king and makes the balance of the tricks. This forcing of discards is the so- ealied "squeeze" play and, as both b. and B were forced to discard, it is a good example of the "double squeeze." No. 2 Hearts—J, 6 Clubs -8, 4 Diamonds—none Spades—K, J. 8 Y : A B Z Hearts—IC, 10 Clubs—J, 7, 6 Diamonds—Q, 6 Spad es—none Hearts are trumps and Z is in the lead. How can Y Z win six of the seven. tricks against any defense? Solution: Z should lead the queen of diamonds and trump in Y's hand with the jack of hearts. A should discard the four of spades and B follows suit. Y should now lead the six of hearts, B :should play the seven and Z the ten. A should discard the nine of clubs. Z should now lead the king of hearts and A is again forced to discard. He can- not discard a club or Z will lead a low stakes HIM FUSSY One of the nhost important things gess can do to make a teething baby comfortable is to see that little towels do their work of carrying oft afaillte Matter promptly and regu- 3arly. e`er this nothing is better than Castoria, a pure vegetable pra- paration, specially made for babies atnd children. Castoria acts so gent - Sy yogi can give it to young infants to Talley) colic Yet it is allvays effective, for older children, too. iR,eMember, Castoria contains no hetet drugs, no narcotics—is abso- Ttiteltp' harmless. 'When your baby Ile fretful with teething or a food uessetngive a cleansing hose of cam - tolls. htolls. Be sure you, CRS:E rhe with the seine: 440 .rJr/. CASTORIA tIearts—Q, 7 Clubs—non e Diamonds -10, Spades -6, 5, 3 YESTERDAY Cranky and Fretful TODAY— Happy and ConIenied Mrs. M. Mason, Halifax, praises Road, Toronto, says: "I have found it wise to give Baby's Own Tablets when - BABY 5 OWNTABLETS. 'Sonny' has a slight cold or when ever he is inclined to be cross. "Baby's Own Tablets have indeed been a friend to me," writes Mrs. Mason. "When the children are over -tired and restless I give them their dose of Baby's Own Tablets at night, and in the morn- ing I can see that a wonderful change Las taken place—they are happy, con- tented and soothed children, and a pleasure to cope with." Mrs. F. Kathleen Sager, 152 Dynevor DR. WILLIAMS' Give your •child BABY'S OWN TABLETS for teething troubles, colds, simple fevers, colic, upset stomach, con- stipation, sleeplessness, and whenever he is cross, restless and fretful. Chil- dren take them eagerly —like candy. And they are absolutely SAFE—see the certificate in each 25 - cent package. Over 1,250,000 packages sold in 1932% 221 Make and Keep Children Well—As Mothers Krto Owl Laffs Tired? Well. what of that? Did'st fancy life was spent on beds of ease, Fluttering the rose leaves scattered by the breeze? Come, rouse thee! Work wbile it is called to -day! Coward, arise! Go forth upon, they way. Fabric contrast is the emphatic ap- proval of the younger set. And isn't this model a darling? The wrapped front is so smart. The skirt is circular with snugness at the hips. Style No. 2558 is designed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 16 requires 211x, yards 39 -inch black, with 14. yards 39 -inch :en- treating. It is particularly nice for woolens as brown with pastel -red top, light f navy blue with red and vivid green with brown. For "best" brown velvet with Span- ish tile crepe de ebine top is very effective. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. club, place .A. in the lead and thus force him to lead a spade. Y will win two spade tricks, on which Z will discard one diamond and one club Y will then lead a club, which. Z will win. On the third trick, therefore, .A. is forced to discard the nine of spades. Y should discard a club. Z should now lead the six of diamonds. A's discard is im- material. Y should discard his Iast club and B must win the trick. As B has nothing but spades left in his hand he must lead spades up to Y, who thus wins the rest of the tricks. toms Weighed In 2 -Ton Scales New Scientific instrument Records Minute Particles New York, N.Y.—Completion of a two -ton scales which weighs single atoms at the Bartol Foundation, Swarthmore, Penn., is announced by, the American Institution of Physics. An atom weighs about one sextillionth of an ounce. Yet this invisible bit of matter swings the pointer of the new :scientific instrument about halt an inch. as much as flopping a pound or more of meat upon a butcher's scales. The pointer is a stream of electrified atoms, called ions, shot out of a v'aeuum tube into a magnetic field be- tween two immense magnets, whose size accounts for the great weight of the scales. It works like the spray of it fountain. The atoms rise into the magnetic field, curve over to one side and fall straight down. They are caught on a photographic plate. The heavier particles shoat higher and ourve wider, so that they fall far- ther out. Thus a "fat" atom will land farther out on the sensitized plate them. a "lean" one. Each one will leave a black mark where he strikes. The distances between these black marks shows the varying atom weights just like the lines on the but- cher's scales. Whether there are "fat" and "lean." atoms is not certain, but the differ- ences in weight have been proven be- yond a doubt. The latest was discov- ery of hydrogen twice as heavy as or- dinary. Several kinds of gold atoms have been found The scientific term operate engines, another more and better synthetic products, and the old- est dream of all—alchemy. London Fog Eats Stone In Cleopatra Monument London—Cleopatra's Needle, tam- ed landmark on the Thames embank- ment is crumbling away. The monu- ment stood 3,000 years in Egypt's sunshine, where Cleopatra saw it and Moses may have known it, but fifty years of London's fog and damp have been too much. Sulphuric acid, which forms teethe air when chimney smoke mixes with fog, eats into the stone. Plans to save it include a suggestion that it be given. a monthly bath with fresh water. Dark? Well, what of that? Did'st fondly dream the sun never set? Dost fear to lose thy way? Take tour -1 Classified advertising A. N OFFER TO EVERT INVENTOR. List or wanted inventions and Pull information sent free. The Mamsay Gem - Dann World Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. Canada. BABY cgzc9CO "� BABY CHICKS ARE C AN- ADIAN Approved chicks. All flocks are culled by Government Ins;rec- tor. We hatch six breeds. Write for free catalogue. A. H. Switzer, Granton, Ontario. ciy�, FOUND$ PRINT, , CRETONNE, SILK eor or Velvet Remnants, $1.00. A. �7c would I Ceery Co.. ChathamOnt, Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. The greatest evils are from. within us, and from ourselvc . also we must look for our greatest rood, -Jeremy Taylor. Utterly Worn -Out Mrs. t:itipatrickTells How Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Made Her Well. "I became run- down and unable to do my work for a family of seven," writes Mrs. W. 1. Fitzpatrick,Marquis, Sask. "1 was told I had anaemia, and I took treatment, but with very little improvement. Finally mysitter who had had the same disease, advised me to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, as theyhad done her so much good. I have takeseven boxes. Today I'm well; able to do my own work; no more tired feeling or weak spells. I can ren upstairs without puffing. I sleep and eat hoz well. My friends are astonished at my for the weight differences is isotopes. changed appearance and never fail to The fart and lean weights all are due , ask what I'm taking. My reply is: 'Dr. to differences in the composition of Williams' Pink Pills'." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually create the nucleus of the atom.a The d r act'rl an abundance of new red blood, which is of these differences and their actual the reason why they have given new weighing Is one of. the wo1ld -wilt" vitality arid. strength .to thousands of sc;i.en.tifie plans tor breaking into than such nervously exhausted and overtired Baffling nucleus, Out of it is expecte(l a women. Equally helpful for growing mtn (l.ora's box of tricks, useful rather girls. Try them, At your druggist's in the ;hen peaky. One is hope for power to new glass container, toe a package. Can Hew Run Upstairs. Success age yet! It is grip and grit that conquer sue - Learn thou to walk by faith and. not cess; not alone the vigor with which by sight; I one takes hold of his task, but also the Thy steps will guided be, and guided doggedness with which he holds on right. after he has taken hold. "I could make a lightning charge," a girl told her boy friend who had, ac- cording to Brushville Betty, waited an hour and a half, "but I would Iook like thunder." here's a good one from the lips of a well-known merchant: "The sale is never closed until the customer is so well satisfied that he tries to sell the product to some one else." Daughter—''Did you have many love affairs, daddy dear?" Soldier Daddy—"No, child.; I fell in. the first engagement." "Banquet is a good enough word in its place," according to Ambrose Bierce in his "Write It Right," "but its place is the dictionary." Archibald — "Won't you ever look with taxer upon my suit?" Annabelle—"I didn't want to appear rude, but it looks to me as if it needs cleaning and pressing." Soviet Peasants Reported hi Need in Grain Shortage Riga, Latvia—Reports from Mis- cow say that 40,000,000 Russian peasants, affected by a failure of the harvest in various parts of Russia last fall, will require food relief, with a resulting interference to the Soviet government's spring grain program. In the Ukraine in particular the backwardness of preparations for the spring sowing is causing anxiety, the reports said, with not more than half of the grain required for sow- ing now read. Joseph Stalin order- ed 1,000,000 tons of grain sent to the distressed regions last month, the reports added. Courage Courage mounted. with occasion. He takes the bull by the barna. Every dog is valiant at his own door. I have lived too near a woad to be frightened by owls. He who would gather roses must not fear thorns. RE -TINNING Milk Cans, Ice Cream Packers, Cheese Hoops, Tour old cans made like new for less than half cost of new. Pas- teurizers retinned at your own plant. Toronto Oaamia3.n Plating as Tinning Leo Edwin Svenae, - Toronto We need Representatives to sell THE TEN YEAR. SAVINGS PLAN in this district. Apply by letter with references to:— ACCUMULATED ESTATES, LTD. no Dom.inioa Bank Building. 'Toronto A teacher was trying to develop the word "sleigh." The Teacher—"Now, Jimmie, what is it that comes along on runner's?" Little Jimmie—"Rum.' Hubby—"I never could understand why you women wear furs in summer." Wifie—"Good beartedness, dear—It's a time when the animal don't need them." . Jojan was hanging over the stern - rail. Very rough. sea. Came the dis- gustingly healthy person to torture the less fortunate: Healthy Person (booming with joy) —"Not sick, are you, Man, old man?" 3ojan (weakly but with spirit)—"No, I'm not sick at all. I'm just looking over the back of the boat to see how the captain cranks it." The best way for a young man who is without friends or influence to be- gin is: First. to get a position; Sec- ond, to keep his mouth shut; Third, Observe; Fourth, be faithful; Fifth, make his employer feel he would be lost iu the fog without him; Sixth, be polite. Will You Pay 3c To B Rid ,,If Your Indigestion? Ti Lad Western Texas John - sick." Sam---"Yeab, but when the dootor told me it wasn't asthma I breathed a lot eater." "Sam, I hear you've been Sluggish Liver And Rheumatism Both Corrected By Famous Vegetable hie Pitts "I received immediate relief from Carter'sLittleLiver Pills," declares Mr. Arthur P. "I recommend them tosuffer- ers from Rheumatism and Indigestion." Because they are PURELY VEGE- TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are without equal for cor- recting Constipation. Acidity, Bilious- ness, H-carlsc-13es and Poor Complexion, 25c. & 75c. red pkgs. Sold everywhere. Seems to be fewer artifie1.al blondes around nowadays, and maybe the rea- son is they have seen those two books: 'I "Gentlemen Prefer Hlancies," "But I They Marry Brunettes." 101 Towns Back "�aYear Plan! Here is a positive g sour, tee fferer from indigestion, stom- ach can afford to ignore. Within two minutes by the watch, at a cost of not more than indigestion, bloating',y A is, stomach, belchini, and stomach pain. Do you doubt it? Then go to Your nearest drug store and get a package of Bisurated Magnesia and use as di- rected. If alter the first 4ose+ you do not feel it is North its weight in fold, zelievebelching, con pletely, you mayihavveeea-our money back, Bisurated Magnesia. Is sold on this positive guarantee because We kitoW of tbthousands stomach distress. Ssufflererssutho world over. The cost is an out So Por rl+,,ae. You just simply to ontfer longer With stomach distress, raid stomach and indigestion when tel reltef 15 so inexpensive. Try it Just once after a heavy' rx�.cal. end see for yourself. how magically It works. Twenty-five regular do88e Jai ,very package. ISSLIE No, 13 '32 To Landscape e Dallas, Tex, With a "five-year plan" all its own, west Texas has undertaken an ambitious landscaping plan involving 180,000 of tlhe state's 262,117 square miles. The West Texas Chamber of Com- merce, enlisting the assistance of 101 affiliated 'towns, has retained a landscape architect to direot the work of transformation. Plants and trees 'will be ordered jointly by the cities let wholesale pricers. Five varieties of Isbade trees have been reoammend- ad by the Texas forestry service ae suitable for planting—the Chinese elm, green asb, American elm, silvery maple and ]Loney locust. o Build Resistance. Easy: to Digest ;• .+t9 Gladness 1t 1s a comely fashion to be glad, Soy is the grace we any to God. --- ingelow. n due ttoAids INDIGESTION ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN '.,. HEADACHE GASIES A OUR STOMACH JUST a 'tasteless dose. of Phillipt.a J Milk of Magnesia in water. That is an alkali, effective yet harmless. It has been the standard antacid for 50 years. One spoonful will neutralize at once many times its volume in acid. It's the right way, the quick, pleasant and efficient way to kill all the excess acid. The stomach becomes sweet, the pain departs. You aro happy again in five lnmmutes. Don't depend on crude methods. Employ the best way yet evolved all the years of soareb,ing. That Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Be s'.We to get the genuine. "lhe ideal dentifrice for el 'xi teeth and healthy gurus is I'hilll Dental Magnesia, 1. superior tee' P paste that safeguards against 0,,,'. mouth. (Made in Canada.)