HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-24, Page 15"d'Iluxsday; Marche gist 1932'_ PIM Yet BUSINESS CARDS 'Wants, For Safe, Lost, 'DUDLEY E. HOLMES Founds Notice, Etc. Ads aileRRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. IN T coL'iTiiN .Filly PUBLIC, ETC. dlaFFICE—Harnilton Street, east off ow Square, GODERICH, Ontario. New }lits iSpecial Attention to Coaneel anal Court Work. SPECIAL SHOWING OF LADIES' lir. Holmes may be cover%ted at goderich by Phone, anal Phone j SPRING HATS,, LATEST STYLES, charges reverseal. AT POPULAR PRICES GET YOURS' NOW AT THE -William II. Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Specialist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Toronto) I.L.S., Registered Professional Eng- ineer and Land Surveyor. Victor J3uilding, 288% Dundas Street, Lon- don, Ontario. Telephone. Metcalf .2801W. Dr. H, it C O W E N L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOOK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday 13 t HARTLEIB'S BLOCK., DASHWOOD "lafrery Monday, Tuesday and ,Wednesday A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR AR KL OI'I'' graduate darey f\' I. Jones gatieaeal School of Auctioneering * Trye o r Registered Live Stock, .) 'Terms in keeping with prevailing ;prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will pelt anything Anywhere. eorie 18-98, or write., Zurich. licensed Auctioneer for Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - &let any Auction Sale, regardless eais to, size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisucd ;awe no. charges for Services Ren- Attired. - ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood !ii°il�esaae 15-51. SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers MI CH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. *ATThRIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- %'IE1i..I3BE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AT4D TUBES, GENUINE. IGNITION 'Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work bona to Micrometer Settings, No rgas9s work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. B. Vein DASHWOOD --- ONTARIO la** **Geepot9®e eatessaetia.60 Zu-richs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Flash and Cured hileats .`3olognas, Sausages, Weiners, rxis, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins. —Let Us Serve Youl" Yungblut, & Son LIVE ^P o U LT R WANTS Aiken. every Day till 8 o'clock, p.m. De net feed Fowl same morning when brought in. likhest Cash Prices •--CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Anna S. Datars -- Proprietor Hat Shop — Zurich NOTICE I have for sale the following: 2 Durham cows 5 year •old, due to calf soon; 5 Holstein .cows all coming in soon; 1 Holstein bull 10 months old, of a good dairy milking kind; 4 horses, drivers and workers; Also a good walking plow at a low price. John Hey, Jr., Zurich tf35 NOTICE Having taken over the Barber Business of the late Mr. E. Oesch, at Zurich, I am in a position to give the public experienced service along this line. of work. And sincerely ask the public for their patronage. GIVE US A CALL! MILTON OESCH — ZURICH. EGGS FOR HATCHING Eggs for hatching and Baby Chicks While Leghorns, disease-free at re- duced prices. The supply is limited We invite your inspection. Bruce J. Klopp, Zurich, Blood»te t:d C irks Hatchery and Frocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval. policy. The testing of the blood samples was done by Capital Labor- atories, Ottawa. The bred -to -lay qualities of our birds are kept up-to-date by the pur- chase of male birds fre`un high record R.O.P. hens owned by some of the most successful breeders in the coun- try. We expect to batch about 1500 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and 500 Leghorns per week- Please order about one month before you want the chicks if you can. Don't think too much about price. We will use you right Corrie and: see us or phone 97 r 4, Hensel'. We will be glad to talk things 'over with you. Feed, stoves, and other supplies kept: on band. j.. Elgin McKinley, It R. 1, , - ZURICH 1•11111011111.11M •••••1011.110.41M10••• invest with Confidence For over half a century Canadians have invested their savings in. Huron & Erie Deben4-tures.. Public confidence is re- flected in. this wonderful growth: Year Totaf Debentures 19i a' *7,600,000 1921 $10,300,000 1931 $29,500,000 tt you are interested in a safe investment that pays its% interest, get in touch with— ANDREW F. HESS. Zurich Cost. of Newspapers The newspaper is in st snore diffi- cult position than any other business when there is a widespread business depression. It can only curtail it costs by curtailing its service to the public, and the moment it starts to do• that,. it is inviting disaster. A newspaper is built up on service. It holds its place in the confidence and -feet'•,i1 of the week in and week' out service which it fires. It mus`. „ "-crier* • whether it gives it 4 it 40444 ZUil!CI HERALD LOCAL NEWS Miss Nora Siebert, R. N. of De- troit, is spending a few days with her parents here. Miss Theresa Masse was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Overholt, Drysdale. Miss Lulu. Albrecht of Hensall, is spending the holidays with her par- ents in town. Mr. Newell Geiger of London, is spending the Easter holidays at his home here. The regular monthly meeting of Hay Township Council will be heid on Monday afternoon, April 4th. Mr. Calvin Williams, accompanied by his nephew, NIr. Chas. Whitesides, were week -end visitors at the Wil- liams home. Mrs. C. Eilber who has spent the winter months with relatives at Hensall, has returned to her home in the village. Miss Meda Surerus of the Toronto teaching stair is speneing her i aseee holidays at her name on Lee Bron- son Line. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wagner of Guelph are holidaying with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner of town. Mrs. P. Ravelle, and daughters, Monna and Doris of Grand Bend, are spending the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Castile. MissRuth Tuerkheim and friend, Miss Frieda Schaeffer of Kitchener, are spending the holidays vvlth the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheim. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dreier of Kin- cardine were week-end'visitors with their ,parents at the Evangelical par- sonage. Most of the ice houses Tri the com- munity have again been replenished which is in many cases a big saving by not being obliged to purchase el- itctric refrigeration. The monthly Meeting of the Zurich Branch of the Women's In- stitute will be heid on Monday even- ing in the Council chambers. To which all ladies are, invited. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Albrecht and daughter Lulu and Mr. C. Scotchmer motored to Woodstock on Tuesday, where they visited the former's other daughter Rose, who is taking treat- ments in the Ontario -Hospital at that place. Rev. and Mrs. W. Y, Dreier are to Kitchener this week where Mr. 2 Dreier has some church matters to attend. Mr. Gerald Bedard of the Toronto teaching staff is spending the holi- days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Brown, and ' rj Miss Gertrude Weber motored to London on Tuesday. r. n cony Masse of the blue w rrss N 00.00.MMit*IW1 **VO` if rlrOIP000M'iib...e.mteo 1vyC cooposo M Atl Dater Highway, south, was an Easter 2 sitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. e . eter Corriveeu, Drysdale.• School will re -open on Monday af- .er the Easter holidays, and this is usually the final stretch from Easter the summer holidays, in which the year's work will be measured, that is in the final exams in June. 'rhe kid - .hes will have. to "step on" in . order to pass these exams. an -1 when they L ere over and the pupil has too few ei marks, wire rt ai o••' •' bad. New, Dates •, July 24th to Augu.,..,o,u, 1933 are the nets dates set for the World's re Grain Exhibition and Conference to g be held at Regina, Canada. 1 e e e • e 1 Same Auto Insurance Good news for automobile owners was heard in the Legislature recently - - ... _ when Attorney -General Price anno- ,' ` ee that there would be no increase in automobile insurance rates this year. They will remain stationary. Tires to Match Color of Automobile The latest style report from the ' automobile world is that tires will be colored to match the color of the car. The craze for matching tones will now enter a new field. A large man- ufacturer is producing a tire, which by a special process, can be supplied in any color necessary. To Discontinue Aiir Mail The air mail route in Western On- tario is being discontinued on March 3.1, according to postal authorities who have been notified that the ser- vice will be discontiniued "unless the are otherwise advised." Airport offi- cials were notified two weeks ago that March 31st was the Last clay of the service. Accidents and Compensation' The summary of figures for The ' Workmen's Compensation Board of Ontario for the year 1981 shove a' total of 52,394 accidents reported during the year, a decrease of 16,373 from the number during the prior year. The fatal accidents numbered 339, as compared with 520 during ' 1930. The total benefits awarded during the year amounted. to $6,021, - Week -end visitors to Detroit were: 392.10 as compared with $7,423,018. - Ward Fritz, Dr. H. H. Cowen, Hugh 82 during 1930, Taking a basis of MacKinnon, W. L. Siebert, O. Klopp, 300 working days this would show John Deichert, Ed. Gascho and Ivan *arerage daily benefits awarded of Yt.ugblut. '1 he various geni.iemen $20,071, requiring an average of witnessed a prominent hockey game 772 cheques per day. There was a at that city. decrease in the average number of new claims reported daily from 231 The annual business meeting of in 1930 to 176 in 1931. The acrid -1 the Evangelical congregac;on was ents reported during December num- held in the church proper on Monday bered 4,088, as compared with 4,694 evening, with a fairly well attended in December the prior year. gathering. Rev. Dreier, the pastor, acting as chairman. The election of Recommend a Good Spanking a class leader, assistant class leader, The Ontario Magistrates Associat- ion will seek to have the law amend- ed so that they be given greater lat- itude to punish offenders by the strap or lash. The members of the associat- ion are well qualified to express their views on the subject. Day after day they listen to the complaints brought before them. They are in a posi.ion to observe the effects of punishment which may be inflicted under the laws as they are. Their unanimous conclusion that their powers should be broadened is more deserving of attention than are the protests of the theorists who have no practical kno- wledge of the'coui'ts. The increase of. juvenile delinquency has become a grave social problem. It may be les- sened by a good sound spanking as recommended by several of the mag - .,..races. Many youngstc,rs regard a boy sent to jail as something of a hero. But he is not so much of a hero with his friends after he is sp- Arrested on a nominal charge of • ' T'.ifli"'11r' ;3 o14^n n10re effect - disorderly conduct, David Gauley, of ive than invective and spanking se - Ashfield Tp., was taken to the County ,;,..,, ,,, ,at the psyeao..ogy of those in - jail at Goderich,as a result of most clined to set a bad boy on a pedestal. unusual happenings near ICingsbridge when he chased several persons with a pitchfork and had to be subdued by the police before he was I,suced un- der arrest. Gauley came along the A. despatch from Winnipeg states road when a load of hay which had that shipments of buffalo meat and - upset in the ditch, • jumped from his hides from the vast government pre - cutter and took complete charge of serve at Wainwright have been com- the situation. Seizing the pitchfork pleted for the season, according to he chased the O'Connor boys in eh- N. B. Walton, general superintendent arge of the load, away from the scene of Transportation for the Canadian drove the team and what remained National Railways. Approximately of the load down the woad, turned a- 1,200 animals were slaughtered dur- round, going from ditch to ditch re- ing the past -two months and 24 re- turned to scene of the upset, and re- frigerator cars of meat and two cars loading the hay with great vigor. Af- of hides were shipped to various parts ter the hay was reloaded Gauioy dro- of Canada. The hides were shipped to ve off a piece with the sleigh, and Calgary tanneries and Calgary also raked up the remainder of the hay received the largest consignment of touching a match to it, then drove meat with eight carloads, Five cars. off in his cutter to a neighbor, where were billed to Montreal and the re - Constables Gundry and Whitesides minder were shipped to Toronto, met him and after a good tussle ar- Winnipeg, Regina, Prince Albert, Ed - rested the man.. In the police court mouton and Vancouver. Canada's which followed Gauley gave every great buffalo herd has now been re - evidence of being mentally deranged. duced to less than 6,000. This was He offered to produce bail for the not the first time that it was found entire jail population, save one. He necessary to reduce the Wainwright also issued a challenge to "lick" any herd on account of the overtaxing of man in oderich. 'When ano`h^r pHs- grazing facilities. The original herd, oxer was fined $10 and costs Gauley purchased by the Dominion Govern arose and said; "I'll pay this inan's lnont in 1907, numbered 716 anim fine, :how much is it?" Physicians els and this herd has incrensro natur. report oat the heart, 1s ,tusmake, jag PX Au ;der cent each -;ear, 1 SCHRAG'S GARAGE s ATTENTION! PLEASE! We have opened a Service and Repair Garage formerly the EDIGHOFFER GARAGE And are in a position to give First Class Work, on all I makes of cars, and all other Motors. IMPERIAL GAS, OILS, AND GREASES 06.. Also THE FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES 0 With a One Year Guarantee. • PHILCO RADIOS KOLSTER RADIOS .t LOW n w f sS ON PLATE OR CRYSTAL WINDSHIELDS AND r DOOR LIGHTS. BATTERY CHARGING, CAR WASHING AND POLISHING. — I'RESTOLITE BATTERIES. •• •• Give Us A Cali! • Schra, Bros. Phone 154. Zurich, • LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGES • 1G unced that he had been unformed and missionery president was defer- red to some later date. Mr. W. J. Merrier was elected as church trus- tee for a term of three years, and Mr. E. Gabel as a parsonage and cemetery trustee for three years. The ..natter of holding a fowl supper in the fall of 1932 was discussed and •.ti vote taken, and it was carried with a big majority that a fowl supper be held the date to be set later. Twins Take Sick Goderi.ch Star—Twin children of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Elliott, Goderich Township, named Joseph and Joan, three and a half years•old, developed pneumonia on the same day and on the same side of the chest. t'urther, they are making almost identical pro- gress toward recovery, states 1)r. W. Martin, who is attending them. The children also are the salve size. Canada's Great Buffalo Herd Has Been Reduced viiiiiihicmahmitimmiaiii WIA '`t acMit Wai'M Wit Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SIJPPLIES WE -HAVE A. FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes TOILET Perfumizers, and Brushes FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILIMS fir. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich 4,40appmwm.ipwRmAppmwmpmWAMPMAR A CLEANER KJTCHEN and A COSIER HOME with "SILENT GLOW" Take a good look at these two pictures—the stove is the sane in both, but what a difference in cleanliness and convenience! Which is the happier woman? A Silent Glow Oil Burner in. stalled in furnace present range, heater or furnace saves lehou.r free from smoke, soot and odora It gives a steady, even beat which you can adjust or regulate by' the turn of a valve. No labour,,, no watching and absolutely safe. Burns cheap fuel oil. tack burner is guaranteed in writing for five years: Sec the Silent and is positively clear, si! 1,-vlee fore you buywiinterfueL IT LIGHTS QUICKER—GIVES MORE HEAT BURT -S LESS OIL AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OF }IEA.T GENERZATE:Di ����Ilfli�i(IIlff1fif9'��liffft tI6t1 Ills,: I LENT G� � �} $5 UP 00 Makers elf Sikr t Glow .Pilgrim Heaters for horrmes, camps, etc,, and Silent Glow, Power Burners/or heating large homes, apartments a,:d other large building "MADE IN CANADA" WIL I MS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. .. ust the tilting for the kitchen ran.,e er heater, in your Sm..neer Cotaito esr veelaitlle