HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-24, Page 11vol. No., 36 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31 1332, Chester L. Smithy, set. /1.25 a year, U.S. 41.5a in. A > • i1.50INARREARS, $2MAY BEV licity is the Greatest Factor in Home Merchandising Wily Worry Wonder why folks: worry, There are only two. reason; for worry.. Either you are successfeli oar yam are not Successful. If you are: success:tat there. is nothing to N':orryy about if you. are Arnot successful„ there are only two; things to worry about., Either your health is goodl or you are sick. If your health is good there is nothing to worry about; if you are sick there are only two things to worry about. You are either going to get well or you are going to die. If you are go- ing to get well there is nothing to • 44•G8•••••4••••••••••6%4.*••• ••••••••••• •••••• ••••• .4 4 • • • • 4• ib • • 4 • 3 6 4 • llarness, Etc. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS„ VAU.I?CES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY A.TTRA.CTIVE PRICES.. Pianos Pianos IF YOU i•3AV'E, BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SSEIERLOCIK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS. FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE FRED THIEL -- ZURICH ` PHONE Fade N••••4444..4••••44d0044*o••1/...441441,4,4040.•••••••4011`. • • • • • 4 4 • A • e 4 4 4 • • 4 • 4 • 4 4 4 • • • • • 4 • 4 toteeseocossoviensasesseeeee esso•••••••osess siame•••• FOR SPRING! • 1 The Favored and Authentic Shoe Leathers for Street • and Afternoon Wear„ shown in Beautiful New Models i • Enjoy both delighful appearance and. Constant Foot Comfort The Store of Real Service gives you not only the finest. of Shoes, But insist upon a most carefull . Fitting. • SEE. THE NEW PUMP, STRAP AND TIE PATTERNS • $1.'95 to $5.00 _$1.95 to $5.00 Women's Pat. Pan ops atf: _•.-_...<...._._.., Women's Kid P'omps and Qeil.:Stysles Women's Black Kid', low '(reel at .._.................. .... _ .. - _ _ ......... i 1:G5 Women's. Black Canvas, low heel .at $1.00 Men's Black and. Bxowm.Oxfords at ........................$2.'95 to $'5.00 • Boy's Black and Brawn Oxfords .................,...$2.00 to $3.50 Miss and Children: Porags and Straps at 75c to $2.50 Men's Work Boots, Solid Leather at $2.00 to $4.00 See Our Bargain: Table. ef:.Men, Women and Children shoes at $1.00 •• SRO OUR Brown's kz'" Ot Shop WIT4DOW DISPLAY Phone 130? or l53 Repairing Neatly Done tessolossisineortssesegtoommesessiosomposssossessossossooftwis • # ..**44tta41s1ti***0*••.4*44 ; .s• ••IF••••44.4••44 4 4 • 4 4 • 4 4 4 • 4 • 4• 4 4 RDER THAT .NEW SUIT •• 4 4 4 • Easter Is Eariy March 27th NOW FINEST RANGE OF MADE* TO MEASURE SULTS EVER SHOWN FOR X22.40 EMU:ARAM:1 Alit 4 4440.44RldY000.rdNt0el• eek, 040"•44.i Son 4 4 4 4 4 • •s 4 • 4, • • 4. 4. 4• 4, 4 •;. 'si 4 II • worry about. if you are going to die there are only two things to worry. about. You are either going to He- aven or you are not going to Heaven: there is nothing toworry about if you•are going to the other place you'll be so busy shaking hands with old fri- ends you won't have time to worry— so why worry ?—Ex. Why the Editor Left Town A country editor, just about to go to press "spied" a couple of articles, one concerning a public sale, and the other a write-up of a wedding. He asked the make-up man to get the two articles together—and he did— but here is how he put the two to- gether: The "mixture" was not kno- Mr, Dominic• Jeffrey returned to wn to the editor until an angry Area- his home near St. Joseph on Satur- cher and the mother of the bride ap- day after spending three weeks in peared on the scene. "Billie Smith Detroit. and Miss Texie Browning were dis- posed of at public auction at my barn The flu epedemic is pretty well on one mile east of a beautiful cluster' the decrease at present and although of roses on her breast before a back- a great many people still have bad ground of farm implements too num- colds, we thing the worst is about erous to mention in the presence of about seventy guests, including two milk cows, six mules and one bob- sled. Rey. Baker tied the nuptial knot with three hundred yards of hay wire and the bridal couple ]eft on one John Dere gang -plow for an extend- ed trip, with terms to suit the purch- asers. They will be at home to their friends with one good buggy and a few kitchen utensils after ten mon- ths from date of sale, to responsible parties and some fifty chickens." The above article was contributed by one of our jolly Western Subscribers. Ed. Rev. Father L. W. Power was to London Thursday last. Miss Myrtle Weber and lady friend of Toronto, are holidaying at the 'home of the former's parents at the Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Elsie and Mrs. E. Oesch of Dashwood called on Zurich friends on Tuesday. School Report over for the present. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener were visitors with the Tat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson of town.. Mrs. Stoskopf re- turning to her home on Tuesday by train, while Mr. Stoskopf followed as I soon as the roads were opened. The many friends of Dr. A. J. MacKinnon are pleased to see the Doctor recovered sufficiently from i his recent attack of flu, that he is DOW attending to his professional Iduties and having made his first calls out of town on Sunday. Owing to the continued cases of 1u and colds among the people in p;enerai, the usual amount of ,people Report of S.S. No. 8, Hay, Easter not do their usual visiting over Examinations. 60% credit, Easter the Easter season, and the various (Hons.). churches who held special services, also were not attended as usual. There passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs. L. Prang in town Mrs. Elizabeth Truemner, on Wed- nesday morning March 30th, at the Jr. IV—Glen Wolper 79, Delton age of 85 years, 9 months and 27 Schwartzentruber 70, Elfrieda Beck- days. The funeral is being held on er 69; Vernon Schwartzentruber 69. Saturday, April 2nd, at two o'clock Jr. III—Eunice Uestreicher 69, at the home of Mr. Louis Prang to Kenneth Wein 69. ; the Lutheran cemetery for inter - Sr. II—Carl Oestreicher 74, Elmer ' ment. A more complete biography Rader 61. will follow next week. Jr. IInd—Orlen Schwartzentruber 79, Esther. Price 67, Hilda Rader 55.1 The organizer of the Chautauqua Sr. 1st—Jackie Weber 81, Martha Company of Canada, who put on four Sr. IV—Herbert Miller 87, Donald Oestreicher 82, Elgin Radaer 7S, El- more Gackstetter 70, Hildegard Mil- ler 67, Lorne Rader 60. IVliller 80, Hilda Becker 73. Primer—Louise Finkbeiner Eileen Miller 65. Total enrolment 22. Average hendance 21.3.. E. M. Brown, Teacher. days of entertainment at Hensall last +)3 i week, was in town soliciting candid - at- (rtes for 1933. While the line of pro- gramme put on by these people is of the highest order, yet owing to the road conditions last year and this year, few people of Zurich were able to attend. Had it been a week earlier or even a week later every- thing would have turned out better. We think a better time to hold these concerts would be the middle of March. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ fora chang- ing World" Friday, 8h :—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m:—German Service. 11.15 a. m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Turkheim, Pastor YES! You Will Find a Differ- ence if You Burn JUST.. ARRIVED! FRESH CAR PETROLEUM COKE GREAT HEAT NO ASHES Try a Ton! Phone i.Ow or 1 of HENSALL, ON1 Food Keeps You Fit Many medical men are urging housewives to build up resistance a- mong members of the family by us- ing items of diet which are r.nown to combat colds and ward off infection. Milk, eggs, butter and certain fruits which all contain the anti-infective vitamin A and whole wheat food products which impart body heat are particularly valuable. Oranges, le- mons and grape fruit will be a big help in fighting colds. Most of the patent foods are not so highly re- commended unless made of all wheat. Lake Levels Higher According to a despatch from Ottawa, the level. of Lake Huron gained one inch in January and Feb- ruary, as compared with an average recession of one and a half inches for the same months during the past ten years, according to a report issued by the Canadian hydrographic serv- ice of the Marine Department. The rise 'was attributed to the open win- ter prevailing this season. Lake On- tario showed the largest gain, with seven and three-quarters inches, a- gainst D. ten-year average recession of one-quarter of an inch. A gain of three inches was shown by Lake Erie, as compared with the tenyear average recession of four and three quarter, inches. Lake Superior at Pt. Arthur had a decrease of one and three-quarters inches in February as compared with the previous month, but was three and a half inches high - than February 1931. $6.00 HERE'S A SPECIAL: White Gold Filled.. Frame,.. very.. Newest.. with Finest Toric Lenses in Case. Why Strain your Eyes sewing or Reading,when yen can obtain a pair of Spectacles at this price Let us fill your next Optical Prescription. We car it more reasonable than the larger centres. Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zroaich 1:•10+++++++++++++++++44+44+.14+++++++++++++++++444 SV + + + + + + + SPECIALS AT THE MUTTJAL SHOE STO 1 WHERE YOTJ PTJY THE BEST I FOR LESS CASH 4 + r $1.00 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP HOUSE. + pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bought,, n F something a little different. :. 4 $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SLIPPER.% With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. 4. + $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WOW & w + BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman make, + $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best ruakea o - + tamable. Also fine shoes for best �,�a. 1 Ki! + + + + 4 + + + + + + + + MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA, $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORT{ SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps. .^L finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 13', . 41' OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR;r t. FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT TRIM STORE. WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES; 'MU TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT.. MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2.40 and $2.7 ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL O- DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR D1FFERE STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE. SAA_'m WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS -Repairing promo.* e3a;a1e, C FR TZ & SON 4.4 414 414 $ Phone 82 or 115 Zurk +++++++++++ ++++4++.+f.++*44 .44f++•bah++++f.F+++{++*++++ Superior uality Stors We are Offering a Full Line of Seasonable Superie.r Quality Gooch of General Merchandise at Rock Bottom. Prices. And we ask you to be sure and see: the various lime: 1 - are -are offering that will save you real money FULL LINE OF HARNESS REPAIRS, SHOES., PAINTS, OILS, ETC., ETC. ONLY THE BEST OF FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. Ra N. DOUGLAS aa -NERAL IVEEPOHAAr PHONE 11 ' '° la LA rrtb'.{MIA4grie' aGl•.7..Mwnn ti I .l bl