HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-24, Page 9Immediate Help Brought From Mar "My sister ill! Perhaps in actual need!" exclaimed the stay-at-home slaughter as she glanced hurriedly through a letter written by a friend of her sister's,a nurse in the big city. "I've no idea who can help me !" "I'Il call the police on the lng distance telephone." In the telephone room at police headquarters• a light flashed on the switchboard. It was a call from the distant town. "My sister Elsie is ill at her home. Please send a policeman there," a voice said, adding the address. "It is a case for quick action. I didn't know whom to call but you !" A patrolman and a trained nurse sent to investigate found the girl unconscious in her apart- ment. She was given immediate first aid treatment and removed to the hospital where she made a speedy recovery. Another serious situation saved by the magic of almost instantaneous long distance communication. What New York Is Wearing BY ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON Itlustratecd Dressmaking Lesson 'ur- wished t?' It F,'+'""ry Pattern Hearts—none Clubs—none 1Mamonds—K Spades—Q, 9. 4 Dani to play .Oridgi AUCTION affd CONTRACT 4Wynne Ferguson Author of 'PRACTICAL AUCTION DIIIDOr Problem No. 1 Hearts—none Clubs—none Diamonds -3 Spades—A, K, 2 A Y z B, Hearts -8 Clubs—K Diamonds—none Spades—J, 6 There are no trumps and Z is in the lead. against any defense? Solution in the next article. Problem No. 2 Hearts—X, 6 Clubs -8, 4 Diamonds—none Spades—K, J, 8 Hearts—none Clubs—K, Q, 9 Diamonds—none Spades—Q, 10, 9, 4 Hearts—J Clubs—none Diamonds—none Spades -10, 8, 7 How can Y Z win all : A Y Z B: Hearts—K, 10 Clubs --J, 7, 6 Diamonds—Q, 6 Spades—none Hearts are trumps and Z is in the lead. How can Y Z win six of the seve tricks against any defense? Solution in the next article. the tricks Hearts—Q, 7 Clubs—none Diamonds -10, 9 Spades -6, 5, 3 n tricks in his own hand and those indi- cated in his partner's hand by the bid- ding. If the sum of these tricks is suf- ficient to defeat the contract, he should double, but not otherwise. There is another point to consider. Learn to distinguish between free doubles and forced doubles. A free double is the double of a bid, which, if successful undoubled, would score game. For example: A double of four hearts is a free double, or a double, of three diamonds when the opponent's sc.„re is nine or more at Auction or forty or more at Contract. .A. forced double, on the other hand,is a double which, if unsuccessful, would give the opponents a game they could not have. scored except for the double. For ex- ample: A double of three clubs when there is no, score and the opponents make their contract, .gives them a game instead of only 18 points at Auc- tion or 60 points at Contract. Follow this rut, : lake free doubles when you have a reasonable chance to defeat the contr€..t, but make forced doubles only when absolutely certain to defeat the contract. In case yr.ur partner hasn't made a bid, don't depend on him for tricks. Don't double, eve:. if '"*.'s a free double, unless you can defeat the bid with your own tricks. So often one hears at the card table: "Well, partner, it's a free double." Suc players double, very often .•ithout justification, mere- ly because their opponents have a game anyhow and there's not a chance to beat them. This is particularly bad Lovely- and smart as one would wish for is today's model. It is ear - 'tried out in diagonal woolen, in the smart new deep blue shade that has a "soft sapphire cast. The collar is beige sheer wool crepe. The bodice may be opened all down the front if you wish or it can merely have the mock closure effect. The sleeves are neatly cuffed, and repeat the diagonal styling of the bodice and the skirt. Style No. 3447 may be had in sires 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. size 36 requires 31/4 yards of 39 -inch material with % yard of 39 - inch contrasting. Its small cost and the easy manner in which it is made will surprise you. Black canton -faille crepe silk with white crepe collar is delightfully smart for now and spring. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want, Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for ea4h number,. and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. "So Ml Green isn't at home? Well, tell him I called, will you?" "Yes, sir. 1ffIEUMATISM IN NSR BACK "Took All the. Life Out of Me" KRUSCHEN BEAT ITr This woman was tired of trying to find something that would rid her of rheumatism. But she made one more attempt, This time it was Kruschen she tried—and of course it did not fail herr "For two or three years I was under treatment for rheumatism in my back, which took all the life out of me. I always had to go to bed until the pain had. gone again. Friends told me of different things to take, till I was tired of trying, and none of them did me any good. About two years ago I started with Krusehen Salts, and I find they keep the bowels in splendid order, and that keeps me fine. I can say with all sincerity that nothing keeps me fitter than the little daily dose of your wonderful Kruschen Salts. You can make what use you like of this letter for the sake of fellow -sufferers." G.L. No remedy can bring permanenWt relief from rheumatism unless it performs three separate functions. These are (a) dissolution of the needle -pointed uric acid crystals which cause the pain ; (b) the expulsion of these crystals from the system ; (c) prevention of a further accumulation of uric acid. a Two of the ingredients of Kruschen Salts are the most effectual solvents of uric acid known to medical science. They swiftly dull the sharp edges of the painful crystals, then convert them into a harmless solution. Other ingredients of these Salts have a stimulating effect upon the kidneys, and assist them to expel the dissolved uratic needles through the natural channel. Com- bined with these solvents and elimi- nants of uric acid are still other salts which prevent food fermentation taking place in the intestine, and thereby check the further formation of mis- chievous uric acid. Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all Drug Stores at 45c. and 73a. per bottle. A FREE TRIAL OFFER OF KRUSCHEN Try Kruechen now et our expense. We have distributed a great many ;epeotai •GIANT" packages which make it e,ley'foryou to prove our claims for yyourself. AAsTcyounr druggist for the new "GLAND.: 7Sc.. kage. This consiste of our regular 75c. bottle together with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about one week. Open the trial bottle first, pit it to the test. and then, if not entirely convinced that ICruschen does everything we claim it to do, the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take it.back. Your druggist is authorized to return your 75c. immediately andwithout question. You have tried iiruschen free at our expense. What could be fairer? Manufactured by E. GRIFFITHS HUGHES Ltd. Manchester, England. (Established 1756). Owl Laffs A group of Chi iese boys -were dis- cussing the relative merits of the two bill boards, one advertising Carnation Milk and the other advertising Bull Durham. Classified Advertising AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted inventions and full information sent free. The Bamsay Cwn- qanT. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. Canada. BABY CHIC7Cl1 One of the boys was explaining the _ BABY signs to the other in this way: "In 1 ABIAN flocks are culled America they have he cows and she tor. We hatch colds. The she cow giver the milk and free catalogue. Ontario. the he cow gives the tobacco." A local man told a story the other' day which is worth repeating. Two boys were returning from Sunday School and were discussing an import- er subject. "Do you think there's a devil?' 'asked one little fellow. "Naw," said the other, "It is just like Santa Claus; it'd your dad." God give me the strength of a pioneer, And the faith of his hardy soul; Provide me with courage to persevere, Make me fight 'till I teach my goal. Defendant (in loud -oice)—"Justice! Justice! I .remand justice." Judge (rapping for order)—"The de- fendant will please remember he is in a courtroom." Best way to improve the postal ser- vice is to stop mailing bills. Oppor- tunity knocks once—the installment nt collector ever after. Many a child turn into very ordinary grown- up. up. Miss Cutie . nnyfac ,, of Brush- vine, is now signing her love letters, 1 at Contract, for a redouble is very And what shall I say you wanted to "Yours Till Ice Slates." True charity costly. ?" should be more than just food for the Another point to remember a this: + borrow?" - hungry and raiment for the naked. It Original aids always give exact in--- should provide new faith and hope for ARTICLBI No 14 While playing with some very good contract by two tricks. It was a slat - players the other evening, the writer ple proposition but, much to the sur - doubled four spades and defeated the prise of the writer, one of the players said, "How did you know when to double that bid? It may seem simple to you but I never seem to do the right thing at the right time. I always seem to double when they make their ,contract or I fail to double when I de- feat them by several tricks If you can tell me when to double and why, you will not only help me but many others who are in the same fix." The writer thought this over very carefully and wrote the following summary on the subject for his friend's benefit, which applies equally to Auction or Contract: A double made for the purpose of defeating the bid is a business double. Most business doubles are made, of course, after the bidding has reached such a point that it is evident they are made to defeat the contract. If your opponetns bird one heart, for example, and you double, it is only common sense that you are doubling for a bid and not to defeat the contract. Such a double is called an informatory dou- ble, made to give information to part- �nI ner and not to defeat the contract. , . Suppose, however, your partner deals and bids one no trump, second hand bids two hearts and you have the fol- lowing hand: Hearts—IC, J, 10, '7 Clubs -10, 4 Diamonds—It, 10, 9, 6 Spades—A,4, 2 Do you think that second hand can make two hearts'? No, of course, you don't. What are the reasons' for your opinion? First, your partner has bid one no trump and, if he is a sound bidder, he has indicated at least two and one-half quick tricks; that 10, tricks that will take if his opponents play the hand. Second, your own hand is worth at least two and possibly three tricks in hearts, one trick in die, mends and one trick in spades, a total of four and possibly live tricks. Add these tricks to the two you know your' partner has by his no trump bid and You obtain six, possibly seven tricks against the two -heart bid It such is the ease, shouldn't you double? ThIS example shows the process of I'thought that a player should follow in each instate before deciding to dou- , ble an adverse bid. Ito nava shotfld double wail he hall added !1n +a !lie* 1 COMFORT for COLICKY BABIES .. THROUGH CASTORIA'S GENTLE REGULATION The hest way to prevent colic, doctors say, is to avoid gas in the stomach and bowels by keeping the entire intestinal tract open, free from este. But remember this: is tiny baby's tender little organs oannOt Stand harsh treatment. They mut be gently urged, This is test the time Castoria can help Most. Castoria, you know, is made specially for babies and children. It is a purb vegetable preparation, perfectly harmless. It contains no harsh drugs, no narcotfcis. For years it has helped mothers through trying times with colicky babies and children suffering with digestive upsets, colds and fever. Keep genuine Castoria on bI 11(1, with the name: C ASTO1fA C H.I IOREN CRY FOR IT formatiou and, if s., d, should always indicate at least two and one half quick tricks, irrespective of 'I•e suit or na 1 trump bid. On the other hand, the cards of the remaining play rs are! not, as a rule, subje to such exact valuation. For ilia reason, as be -1 tween partners, it should be the duty 1 of the partner of the original bidder to double, rather than vice versa. Ile , knows what the original bidder has, whereas the original bidder can 'only I guess as to his partner's holding. The foregoing summary will give a i fair basis for sound business doubles 1 and, if properly applied., will produce' many a big penalty. Strength It a man is right, all the bombard- ment of the world for five, ten, twenty, 1 forty years will only straighten him in ! his position. So that all you have to do is to keep Yourself right. Never mind the world. Let it say what it I will. It can do you no damage —Tal- mage. Bad Ands of Flu Kennedy & Menton 421 Coliega St., Toronto Harley•Lavidson [listrIbecore Write at once for our bargain list of used motorcycles. Terms arranged. Trade Mark Registered. Why keep suffering from Bronchitis, Catarrh, Neuralgia. Rheumatism and other ailments when you can ret e twenty -day treatment of 'Herbs," Na- ture's own remedy. for 27.50? Hundreds of testimonials by mail. All mail orders promptly attended to. _ TEM INDIAN 51E3.BAL leMMEDY CO., lyard finds Wonderful Pick -Me -Up 148 Danforth ,Ave., Toronto. Tel. 030.4151 in Or. Williams' Brings Wonderful Vitality. Pink Pills. °`I have had Will You Pay 3c T attacks of the 'flu' frequently since Be Rid of Your 1919, and sometimes very bad attacks, but always when en the road to recovery I take Dr. Williams Pink Pills and I find them a wonderful pick-me-up. So writes E. M. Ward, Saskatoon, Sasic,, who further states: "I would re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all sufferers from that rundown, listless feel- ing. I have taken the Pills on many occasions, and they seem to tone up my blood wonderfully. I have been anaemic for years, and find that,,when I get run- down, after taking several boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the color comes back to my checks and I have wonderful vitality." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills rebuild health by creating new blood and increasing the. red blood cells which restore the wasted tissues and revitalize the exhausted sys- tem. They remove the cause of rundown or nervous conditions. Try them, At your druggist's. 50c a pa&' ge, 27. ISSUE Na, I. x--`32 Indigestion? O those who are helped to become the kind of charit;; described as the great- est reatest of these thre . virtues. People do not marry as early as they used to, comni nts . preacher. No, but they n rry a good deal oftener. Fitting the shoe. Lots of tha things you laugh at in life are fi • only because they 1 • ppen to someone else. Even the people who aren't so "good" as you are may live up to their standards as well as you do. The man who is killing himself eating may be worried great- ly about his neighbor whom he thinks is drinking too much. Son—"Father, to what do you attri- bute your success?" Dad—"Hod woik, me lad, hod work." Ed.—"Did you smile at your recent troubles, as I advised you?" Nett—"Yes, darn you, and my wife hit me over the head with a broom and told me to wipe the silly grin off my I face." CHICKS ARE C.1N- Approved chicks. All by Government Ins,tec- six breeds. Write for A. H. Switzer, Granton, RADIO. RA D I O, FIVE -TUBE BATTER Radio Set• standard, good maker, good condition. Price five dollars. Ship- ped on receipt money order to Prank Bulmer's, 108 Robert St., Toronto. Noted bargain house of Canada. c�� POTJNDS PRINT, CRETONNE, SILK i) or Velvet Remnants, 21.00. A. Mo- Creery Co., Chatham, Ont. Here Is a positive guarantee no auf., ferer from indigestion, sour, acid stom- ach can afford to ignore. Within two minutes by the watch, at . cost of not more than 30• you may be -!d of said stomach, indigestion, . bloating, gal, belchini, and stomach pain. Do you doubt it? Then go to your nearest drug store and get a pace. of Ilisurated Magnesia and use as &- n do not feel it is worth ite s. weight in l'o 4 1f the belching gas and pain ars ESrelieved completely, you may have roar money back. )3lsurated magnesia Is sold on ricin positive guarantee because we kaoW of It • vagus in stomach distress. It is useta by thousands of stomach suffers** 04 world over, The cost is about Ce Per dose, You just simply can't afford to suffer longer with stomach distress, .s id .stomach and indigestion when real relief :s so inexpenb Try it lust once after a. he5YY meal 2nd see for Yourself how mag otlW trill orits. Twenty-five regular doge* e 1* Jim—"Ts Gertrude homely?" Sam—"Well, if her face is her for- tune, her husband didn't marry her for money." Rimer•"Do you think I should put more fire into my poetry?" Editor—"No, quite.,the reverse." RE -TINNING Bilk Cans, Ice Cream Packers, Cheese Hoops. Your old cans made like new for less than half cost of new. Pas- teurizers retinned at your own plant. Toronto Cadmium Plating k Tinning Co., Ltd. 190 Edwin ,Avenue, - Toronto A lady was telling her doctor that her maid objected to going to the Isle of Wight again, as the climate "WAS not embracing" enough, and added, "What am I to do with such a wo- man?" The doctor replied: "Yon had better take her to the Isle of flan." Th. (Desi Meg you s buy y for BILIOUSNESS and SICK NEADAC$ES Said nbeea+e rn CARTERSIIBILPILIS a�� ' For Troulnles due toAcid INDIGESTION., ,CID STOI+aACN HEARTBURN HEADACHE USE%" GASES- the Acid ICK stomachs, sour stomachs and indigestion usually mean excess acid. The stomach n„rves are over -stimulated. Too much acid snakes the stomach and intestines sour. Alkali kills acid instantly, The best form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, because one harm- less dose neutralizes many times its volume in acid. For 50ycarsthestand• and with physicians everywhere. Take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probably end in five minutes. Then you will always know what to do. Crude and harmful methods will never appeal toyou. Go. prove this for your own sake. it may Neve a great many disagreeable hour*. Be sure to get the genuine Philli ' Milk of Magnesiaprescribed physicians in earreeting Medd acids,