HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-24, Page 7BUSINESS CARDS' DUDLEY E. HoLuES SiMIRISTER, SOLICITOR., NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. , DFFICE--Hamilton Street, d'uit off the Square, GODERICB, Ontario. Special Attention to Counsel and Court Work. yr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderch by Phone, and Plane charges reversed. William H. Brown A, S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Toronto) ':.L.S., Registered Professional Eng- ineer and Land Surveyor. Victor Building, 288',: Dundas Street, Lon- don., Ontario. Telephone: Metcalf E8o1W. Dr. H. H. C O W E N L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH ;Eery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HABTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and • Wednesday A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E ,-R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for iftegistered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) 'Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TOON- duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit pour business, and if not satisfied will =eke no charges for Services Ren- 4srea. 4.e'Ia�-w.a, ., "•.._._..... _..._-.. ,. ARTHUR WE']3'E'&- U` ashwood rime 13-57. SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers GH CLASS GOODS, U. 5• L. St!►'i''!'RlitItS, *Loamy. OIL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES .,AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work scone to Micrometer Settings, No guess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. DASHWOOD — ONTARIO OglttIO00OOOOO000OSO.0•0li'Om0 .urichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Bolognas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve You!" . Yungblut & Sou i111ltfi®#O0OOnriAr9r0001®0D 114108N LIVE P O ULT RI/ WANTED RIM TOMB Wants, For .Sole, t.oet, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads. ,ma comma New Hats SPECIAL SHOWING OF LADIES* SPRING LATEST STYLES, AT POPULAR PRICES GET YOURS' NOW AT THE Anna S. Datars, — Proprietor Hat Shop — Zurich NOTICE I have for salethe following: 2 Durham cows 5 year old, due to calf soon; 5 Holstein cows all coming in soon; 1 Holstein bull 10 months old, of a good dairy milking kind; 4 horses, drivers and workers; Also a good walking plow at a low price. John Hey, Jr., Zurich tf35 NOTICE Having taken over the Barber Business of the late Mr. E. Desch, at Zurich, I am in a position to give the public experienced service along this line of work. And sincerely ask the public for their patronage. GIVE US A CALL! MILTON OESCH — ZURICH EGGS FOR HATCHING Eggs for hatching and Baby Chicks White Leghorns, disease-free at re- duced prices. The supply is limited We invite your inspection. Bruce J. Klopp, Zurich. . BIood-te.tdd C icks men svesy Day till S o'clea, pian, no not feed Fowl MUM morning When brought in, Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien :i tone 1014, Bes.. 94',. Zurich, • Hatchery and Flocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval policy. The testing of the blood samples was done, by Capital Labor- atories, Ottawa. The bred -to -lay qualities of our birds are kept up-to-date by the pur- chase of male birds from high record R.O.P. hens owned by some of the most successful breeders in the coun- try. We expect to hatch about 1500 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and 500 Leghorns per week. Please order about one month before you want the chicks if you can. Don't think too much about price. We will use you right. Come and see us or phone 97 r 4, Hensall. We will be glad to talk things over with you. Feed, stoves,. and other supplies kept on hand. J. -Elgin McKinley, R. R. 1, - ZURICH NOTICE TO CREDITORS UXALNEWS. MI6 Verbal Thiel• IS at present spending a'.fevW weeks at tondan. The many. ' 'friends • or Dr' A. J. MacKinnon are .pleased to learn, that he is up and around the..house again. Mr.'s. Henry Howald has returned' home after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Orville' Steinbach at London. Confirmation services were celebrat ed in the Lutheran Church, on Sun- day evening, with twelve candidates being accepted into church felloWship Mr. Milton .Oesch, who recently op- ened- up a barber business in the biulding.. owned by,Mrs: E. Oeseh, is now 'all rigged up and ready to serve the public, ' In the Estate of Alex. Aubin. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against Alex. Aubin of the Township of Stanley, County of Huron, farmer, are requ- ired to deliver to. the undersigned on or before March 24th, 1932, a full statement of their claims together with particulars therceL_ AND TAICE NOTICE that after the said mentioned date the Trustees will proceed to distribute the estate of the said party amongst the per- sons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have been 'receiived. _ Dated; at Zurich, Ontario, this 8th !day of March, A.D., 1932. • C. Fritz, Zurich, Ont. 'A.. G. Edighoffer, Zurich, Ont. E. A. Westlake, Bayfield, Ont., Trustees. Huron Net One of Them There are only six debt free coun- ties in. the Province of Ontario— LambtQn, Simcoe, Perth, Tient and Wellington. MAY BE DEPORTED Win. Baumann, now incarcerated inthe county jail, Goderich, is to be placed in. an Insane asylum. Other inmates of the jail complained that he kept them awake at :nights by his strange antics. They said he alte.rn- •,:tely swore and prayed, banged his lead against the wall and occasion - :ally would undress and lie on the ' lour of the cell. Medical examination showed Banraaann to be irrational "id i'iclined to, violence. He was, bro- r.rglit,. (rout Wingl atn. He is a native j atw Germany and may, be deported. Mrs. Andrew Turnbull of the 'Blue Water Highway, near Brewster,•; and who has been in Dr. Moires Sanator- ium near Hensall, has returned, to her home, and is slowly improving. A goodly number.of villagers at- tended the Chautauqua program at Hensall, on Monday evening, and re- portport the program as being of the very best. It is indeed regretted by many that owing to the bad condition of the roads, they cannotthis'feast of high class entertainment, which is being held the first four days of the week Did you notice the two winks in the hydro od Saturday evening, well if you forgot what it means let us tell you once again that it was an in- dication that we were creating a peak load and all unnecessary lights, or appliances should be turned off at once, or in other Words should not be on at all on Saturday evening. If the hydro users continue to co- operate with the local management in this way, the local system will soon be again on a paying basis. The nice and springlike weather we had during February, and all in- dications that spring was practically here, brought a goodly number of our summer birds in our midst, but alas for these poor fellows, when the present winter season is now set in they are too far away from the warmer climates and cannot endure this weather, so it is common to see an occasional robin that has become a victim to the elements. If we notice any of these around our hom- es, kindly put out or in their reach a little food, which will greatly help them to live on till warmer weather. Jr. LEAGUE MEET The Junior League of the Egang- elical church held their annual elec- tion of officers on Monday evening with Rev. W. Y. Dreier acting as chairman. The following officers we- •• There still seems to be eonsiderab1e ,rs MNN NNNNNNIIN"NONNN�s*R10iNNNI►NN4401t0N1PN1b NNN10rMN1irAP sickness going around, or a, bad cold 1.* which is generally called the Ali. Mr. Newell Geiger left recently for' London, .where he has secttred a pos- ition. Mrs. Walter Scott, who spent the r past two weeks under the parental ; roof, has returned to her home in •. Seaforth.•. Mr. Edward Hendrick who was at M Toronto, returned to his home on the i3lue Water Highway, south on Mon- o day, Rev. J. P. Hauch, Presiding Elder, of Stratford, conducted quarterly services in the Evangelical caurch on • +i riclay evening last. • • Messrs. E. Kinsman and 3. Eidt of he Hank of Montreal staff spent the week -end at their homes at St.• r Marys and Ingersoll, respectively. • Messrs. Herbert K.,. and George Eilber of Crediton weer; in town on i Saturday, the former presiding as Secretary of the Hay Mutual Fire • Insurance Co., meeting. The auction sale in town at the • Dominion Hotel barns, on Saturday brought out a goodly number of buyers, and practically everything was sold. Owing to the heavy snow the mail carriers not being able 'to make their rounds on Tuesday, our budgets of news did not all arrive, and so we must keep them over till next , week. I On Saturday the various officials of the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Company held a business meeting in the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, when the various directors were present,l and considerable business was trans- acted. Early Easter SOIIRAU' S GARAGE ATTENTION! PLE-aA J 1 We have opened a Service and Repair, Garage formerly the • EDIGI-IOFFER GARAGE And are in a position to give First Class Work, on all makes of cars, and all other Motors. IMPERIAL GAS, OILS, AND GREASES Also THE FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES With a One Year Guarantee. PHILCO RADIOS KOLSTER RADIOS LOW RATES ON PLATE OR CRYSTAL WINDSHIELDS AND DOOR LIGHTS. BATTERY CHARGING, CAR WASHING AND POLISHING. -- PRESTOLITE BATTERIES. Give Us A Call! Schrag Bros. Phone 154. Zurich LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGES • ••i • r •• r •e0000•00000100000000800094 sooko soonoorboaeoo.of000i®••• Easter Sunday is on March 27th this year, which is the earliest Easter since 1921, when it fell on the same elate. Easter was on March 23rd in 1913, and in the normal course this will not occur again for 100 years, nor will Easter be so early as this year until 1940. Don't forget this and next week we are in the Easter season, with Good Friday this week and followed by Easter Sunday two days later. The public Schools will close on ,y Thursday evening, and open again on Monday, April 4th. Yes, the de- pression has made many things for ••.s uncomfortable, but be sure andaaa let's all take time to think what Eas- ter really means to this generation. Considerable interest was taken on Saturday when Mr. Frank Hagan of Hillsgreen moved the building he pur- chased recently at Mrs. Oesch's sale. Mr. William Jarrott, of Hillsgreen, apparently was the mover, and after' raising .the building up off the ground its weight was let on an ordinary' sleigh, and Mr. Jarrott then attached ' his strong tractor and away they went to the popular village of Hills - re elected: President, Grace "Meyers, green, and the procession looked Vice Pres., .Allan Gascho,, Secretary rather spectacular as they learned a-' Mae Smith Treasurer, Doris Meyers; Librarians, Hubert Salmon, ;lroy Dis jarcline; Sympathy ani lieiief. Com- mittee, Mary Merner, Convenor, Dor- othy Weido, Jenette Salmon, Archie McKinnon and Elgin Snider; Look- out Committee, Edith Uttley conven- or. Margaret :Hey, Horner Salmon, Wilmer Snyder. It was decided to have a sleigh ride party on 'Thursday evening March 24th. The Juniors are in charge of Mrs. C. L. Smith, as Superintendent, Rev. W. Y. Dreier Pastor. AN INTERESTING CASE An interesting case was tried a; Crediton Court last Thursday by His Honor Judge T. M. Costello. The hearing of the evidence and render- ing of judgment occupied most of the day without any adjournment for lunch. Thornton Sherritt, son of the late John Sherritt, ex-M.P., sued Fred Kerr and George Walker, who are Executors of the James Walker Estate for the share of a grandson, James Down, which had been assign- ed to him by Down. The i:xecutors denied having received notice of the assignment in writing, although they admitted having verbal notice. When the estate was distributed they paid the money direct to Down. His Hon- or gave judgment in favor of Sher- ritt for $180.34 and all costs holding that one of the Executors liad been served with notice. J. G. Stanbury acted for Sherritt, and Frank Don- nelly for Defendants. PRACTICING ECONOMY Goderieh correspondent of God- erich writes_ "Huron County is go- ing the limit in the practice of econ- omy in the administration of justice. On Monday Howard Snyder, convict- ed of vagrancy at Wingham, arrived in Godericfi unescorted by a police officer. Moreover, Snyder paid his own fare and had one dollar left in his pocket when hearrived at the county jail. He presented his eredent- ials, a commital order signed by the Winghan magistrate to Jailer J. B. Reynolds, ancr was 'formally admitted to the institution without further ado Thus the county not only saved the railway fare, but the mileage and .tees of a constable to and from Win- gham. It was last Friday that Snyder tired of reaming about was sentenced at Wingham to 30 days. The authorit- ies phoned to G.oderich to be on the lookout Saturday, but Snyder said he 'hid', some husiness to transact and he .lidnot arrive till Monday."' long. SENT FOR TRIAL At Seaforth on Monday, Andrew ! a A. Moore of Egmondville was com- mitted for trial on a charge of crim- inal negligence. The charge arose out of a double fatality on Feb. 12,when two elderly ladies, Mrs. A. Charles- worth and Mrs. S. McGoth, were al- legedly run down and killed on a street in Egmondville by a car driv- en by Moore. The women were cross- ing the street at an interection when the fatalities occurred, and Moore, the evidence showed, kept crowding his left or wrong side of the road, apparently in the belief that the wo- men would stop to Iet him pass. They apparently did not see the automobile: approach, and were struck by the left fender close to the sidewalk. There were :'.:i -i marks for 55 feet, the evidence disclosed. Almost as Many Holidays as Teaching Days. .According to an official list from the Department of Education, recent- ly issued, there are 198 teaching days in the current school year and 168 holidays. Easter holidays begin on March 25th and end on April 3rd. Other holidays on the official list are Victoria Day, May 24th; King's birth day, June 3rd; Labor Day, Sept. 5, Thanksgiving Day (elate to be fixed) Remembrance Davy, November 11th, Christmas and New Year holidays on December 23rd. The summer vacation begins on June 30th and ends on August 31st, though the local Colleg- iate will close early in June to make way for the departmental examinat- ions. No Auction Sales Now The news of Port Rowan, states the auction sale situation pretty ac- curately when it says: "The print- ing of auction sale bills was once an important item in the catalogue of printing in the small town printing office. Now there is little doing in that line. It is not that there are no farmers who would like to sell out, but there are few -farmers who are able to buy and sell notes will not be accepted at the banks nor bought for cash by business inen. In these times farms have Iost their value and many men have lost their rating. If auction sale notes could be readily sold. two auctioneers em- ployed continuously could scarcely overtake 'the work pressed upon thein at every rural centre. " Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. �•-'r•�••i•-'r•'r•c �•� car �'r�r � i•� : , ...... . ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. ++++++++++.144++++++++++4-14 SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. ..... . '� •:... ,ire•<•: •: •'r•: H ,° : <�•i••rfi• FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich 4,trmuumuouumrmwnrwu►omu++uw4 1 CONVERT YOUR STOVE .'INTO A .4 SILENT GLOW Shovelling fuel, shaking grates, and carrying ashes are now unnecessary labor. Women are tired of dirt and toil in the kitchen. Make sure of clean, perfectly trouble-free heat in your present range, heater or furnace by installing a Silent Glow Oil -Burner now. Burns clean—without noise, soot, odor er smoke— ^Tues .'i the fire you want for cooking or heating. Self-operating and absolutely safe. Burns cheap fuel oil. Backed by a written) guarantee for 5 years. LIGHTS QUICKER—GIVES MORE HEAT—BURNS LES$ OIL AND MORE AIR PER, UNIT OFHEAT GENERATED Silent Glow Burners are already installed in 100,000 homes; all other burner's combined. Come and see It, demonstrated. ,W50.Ot up. {111illlll�1Ill��lt lh� llit1H(1t�1 0111111_.1LE4,3%u1. ► nt TRADE MARK REG..1N CAN. AND U.641'AT. OFF', QLL E3URNIER Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim Meters homes, camps, etc., and Silent Gkw Power 13rrrners for heating large homes, apartments and other large bMiladings. WILLIAMS BROS. 7URlCT-I - ONT. Just the thing for the kitchen range or heater, in your Summer Cottage or Camp. 74)