HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-17, Page 7p Very Nervous Child
,itlleem tee Credits Now Happy Girlhood
To Benefits of Or. Williams'
Pink Pills.
"I am not quite 14
years old," writes
Aileen Leg, Dongola,
Ont. "This summer
I was thin and nerv-
ous. I would rave at
night; even get up
and walk all through the 'house in my
sleep. Mother sent me away for a long
holiday, but when 1 came back my nerves
were just as bad. One day mother bought
WIC three boxes of Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills. They worked like magic. I have
gained 9 pounds since September, and it
lakes °a lot of noise now to bother my
Aerves. And how the roses bloom in my
cheeks again! It's a delight to tell other
girls what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did
for me."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills effect such
transformation as this because their re-
medial action is to enrich the blood,
which restores the exhausted nerve forces
and revitalizes the whole system. At your
druggist's in the new glass container.
SOc a package. 276
No Longer
Bothers Her.
German' Castle Becomes
College For Americans
Meissen, Saxony -American girls
.moon will be going to classes in ro-
santio old . Siebeneiohen Castle,
which is being converted into a col-
lege by Baroness Monika von. eliltitz,
its owner. Classes begin tbls month.
The curriculum is designed prim-
arily for American women desiring
:o teach German, but it. includes pre-
paratory courses in. other professions
calling for a knowledge of the Gar-
man language. Entrance require-
ments are at least two years of
study in an American university or
college. The castle school is under
the personal. direction of the bar-
Sieben:eichen, or Seven Oaks Cas-
tle, is picturesquely situated on an
eminence in the countryside near
Meissen, where famous Dresden.
china is made. The first historical
mention of Siebeneiohen was made
in 1394. The present castle, incor-
porating remains of an older Gothic
structure, was built in the 1500's by
Ernest van _Miltitz, marshal of the
Saxon court.
An atmosphere of cloistral trau-
guillity now pervades the old fortress.
The grounds where knights once
snatched their strength, in tourneys
are a beautiful park of old trees.
evy creepers cover the 'walls and the
battlements are grass growo,
The highest duties oft are found
lying upon the lowliest ground.
CHILD need
When your child needs regulating,
remember this: the organs of
babies and children are delicate.
Little bowels must be gently.urged
never forced. That's why Cas-
toria Is used by so many doctors
and mothers. It is specially made
for children's ailments; contains
uo harsh, harmful drugs, no nar-
eottcs. You can. safetly give it to
young infants for cblic pains. Yet
it is an equally effective regulator
for older children. The next time
Your child has a little cold or fever,
or a digestive upset, give him the
help of Castoria, the children's own
remedy. Genuine Castoria always
has the name.
M,I'LDIt'E`t+i' •Clir.Po li': Is
Will You Pay 3c To
Be Rid of Your
Indigestion ?
Here 18 a positive guarantee MG, suf-
ferer from indigestion, sour, acid stom-
ach can afford to ignore. Within tt'o
minute .by the) watch, at a cost of not
snorehan 30 matt may be rid of add
'stomach, indigestion, bloating, gars,
belching and stomach pain.
Do you doubt It? Then,go to your
nearest drug store and gea package
of l3isurated Magnesia and use as di-
rected. If after the first Close you de
Ott feel it Is worth its weight in 1•old,
If the belching, gas and pain are not
iretieved completely, you may have your
mosey back, U
Bisurated Magnesia is sold on this
gceittve guarantee, because we know of
Igts value in stomach distress. 'It 1st mita
by thou*and8 of ,stomach sufferer* the
world over. The cost Is about se per
Bost,. You just simply cant afford to
solar longer with Stomach distrees, acid
stomach and 'indigestion when real relief
r,s so inexpensive.
26't'y It just once after a heavy reseal
sae tee, fon, *ergs, Twenty-five fiveregularhow agdos0e in
*Oily b ackage,
Mow to play Bridge
4Wynne Ferguson
The informatory double is still an
important factor in Auction and Cop-
tract, and presents some interesting
and puzzling questions of bidding For
example, suppose tee. dealer bids one
no trump anct second hand Roubles
(informatory), with what type of hand
should the dealer's partner make a
bid? There is still considerable differ-
ence of opinion among the experts as
to .the proper procedure in this situa-
tion but the writer has very definite
ideas in regard to it. There are four
distinct types of hands at either Auc-
tion or Contract which should be bid
by the dealer's partner over an inform-
atory double of one no trump. First:
with a hand as good as an original no
trump, dealer's partner should re-
double. For example, with a hand of
this type:
Hearts -A, 4, 2 '
Clubs -K, 7, 4
Diamonds -J, 10, 3, 2
Spades -I(, 10, 9
. The redouble is a powerful weapon
when properly used and the source of
many big penalties. After a redouble,
partner should double any bid made
and try for penalties.
Second:If the dealer's partner holds
as good as an original bid in a suit, he
should bid two in the suit over the
double. For example, with a hand of
this type, bid two • clubs:
Hearts -10, 4, 3, 2
Clubs -A, In, .T, 4, 2
Diamonds 10, 7
Spades -9, 2
By so doing, you give the exact In-
formation to your partner that you
have as good as an original bid in that
suit. It is the only way you can give
this exact information and for that
reason the opportunity should not be
lost. •
Third:11 the dealer's partner holds
a set-up minor suit, he should bid two
no trump over the double. For ex-
xample, with a hand of this type, bid
two no trump:
Hearts -7, 6, 2
Clubs -10, 4, 3
Diamonds -A, K, Q, J, 7
Spades -3, 4
Here again you have the opportunity
to give this exact information to part-
ner and you can only do so by bidding
the two no trump.
Fourth: If the dealer's partner holds
a hand which justifies a major suit
take-out of the no trump irrespective
of the double, it should also be bid
over the double. For esanlple, with
this type of band, bid two spades:
Hearts -10, 7
Clubs -J, 9, 4
Diamonds -Q, 6
Spades -J, 10, 7, 6, 4, 2
When you hold six or more hearts
or spades, it is obligatory for you to.
bid that suit over partner's no trump
and the obligation is just as strong
when the no trump has been doubled.
Such a bid gives partner exact infor-
mation that you have a justifiable
take-out and that information may be
very valuable.
Hearts -Q, 3, 9, 8, 7, 5
Clubs -10, 9
Diamonds -9, 2
Spades -7, 6, 4
Y .
: A B :
Z .
If you have neve, tried Kruschen-
try it now at our expense. We have .
=distributed a great many special
"GIANT" packages which Make .it i
easy for you to prove .our claim for
yourself, Ask your druggist for the
new "GIANT' 75c. Package.
"This consist,, of our regular 75c. bottle together'
with a separate trial bottle -sufficient for about
one week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to
the test, and .then, if not entirely convinced that
ICr'uschen dues everything we elatrait to do, the
regular bottle Is still as good as new. Take 3t
back. Your druggist is authorised to return
Your 75e. immediately and without question.
You have tried Kruschen free at our expense.
What coal be fairer? Manufactured b E.
. i7S6 trim/ > Mcrmste y Bros.,
What New York
Is Wearing
No score, rubber game. Z dealt and
bid one no trump and A doubled. What
should Y now bid at either Auction or
Contract? In case Y passed, B passed
and Z bid two spades,,which A doub-
led, what should Y now bid?
From the foregoing discussion it
should be obvious that Y should bid
two hearts over the double. He has
six hearts and therefore an obligatory
take-out of the no trump. After mak-
ing the mistake of passing, however,
the right thing for him to do is not so
obvious. When B. also passed the
double, it was evident that he did so
because he was certain of defeating
Z's one no trump "do In other words,
both A. and B have indicated strong
hands. Z's subsequent bid of two
spades merely indicated that he real-
ized his no trump bid would,probably
be defeated and that he figured he had
a better chance to get out of trouble
by bidding spades.
A's double of two spades indicated
he could defeat that bid;' so Y was
confronted with a, difficult problem.
The fact that he had three spades was
an argument against bidding three
hearts, but his outside hand was so
weak that there was little or no
chance for Z to make two spades. On
the other hand, Y had a strong heart
suit and, if his partner had high cards
in the other suits, he would have a good
chance to make his bid. For these rea-
sons, the writer is of the opinion that
Y should bid three hearts over the two
spade bid at either Auction. or Con-
tract. It is a close question and shows
the value of bidding such hands at
once over the double. Then you don't
get into trouble.
Rudyard' Kipling
And Others
In the early days of the automobile,
itudyard Kipling, proud possessor of
:t magnificent new car, motored over
from Burwash one morning, with his
wife, to call on his old friend Henry
Names, at Rye. Kipling, enthusiastic
over the advent of the automobile,
said it was "calculated to make the
Englisman-think." He cordially in-
vited James and his nephew, William
James, to lunch at Burwash the fol-
lowing day, promising to send the car
over to fetch them and take them
back. Just then, there came a loud
knocking at the door and in rushed
Iiipling's chauffeur to say that the car
had broken deem. So the Kiplings-
mueh humiliated -had to return home
by train.
* * *
Just as they were leaving the James
house Ford Madox Ford -himself go-
ing to call on names -bumped into
them aril noticed they appeared to be
perturbed. When ushered into James'
presence he soon learned the cause
from the blaster. Its telling, in James'
inimitable style, makes quite the best
story hi Ford's reminiscences ("Re-
turn to Yesterday") and must be read
in full -it is too long to give here -to
be fully enjoyed.
* * *
But you will get an idea of it from
the ending:
'The consequence (of the break-
down) is that its .taster and mistress
will return to Burwash, which should
be' pronounced Burridge, by train,"
chuckled James, 'ancl the magnificent
;one thousaml two hundred guinea
motor car will not devotedly return
here at noon and will not in time for
lunch convey me and my nephew Wil•
liam to Burwash and will not return
hre in time for ins to give tea to my
friend Lady Maud Warrender, who is
presence to -morrow beneath my -roof
honoring that humble meal with her
or if the weather Is fine in the gar-
"Which," concluded the Master, af-
ter subdued ho, ho, hos, of merriment,
"is calculated to snake Mr. Kipling --
* * *
Apropos the sparkling wit for which
the late Lord Rosebery was noted, Sir
Ian 1,lalcolm recalls (in "Vacant
Thrones") that Lord Dufferin, a form-
er Govei'nor=General of Canada, once
mentioned to Rosebery that he had
lately meet an. old friend of his, a titled
lady who, through some misfortune,
had undergone a short term of inn
"I amn now a perfect ruin" imhe M04111 -
ed to Buffalo, who confessed himself
at a lose for an adequate areepathetic
"I think I should have answered: 'So
is the Colosseum'" said Rosebery.
Sonic years ago, P. N. Doubleday,
the well-known publisher -known to
friends as "Effendi," being so named.
by Rudyard Kipling -was invited by
Edward W. Bok to lunch at the Curtis
Building, Philadelphia, when. It was
still new. Mr. Bok was showing off
his private office, and "Effendi" noticed
a board on the wall by the desk, dis-
playing forty electric buttons,
"What are these for?" he asked.
"Whenever I press one of these but-
tons," replied Mr. Bok, "a beautiful
girl comes to take my instructions,"
Without another word "Effendi"
sprang up and, as fast as he could, be-
fore his host could stop him, pushed
one button after another until he had
touched all forty, chuckles Mrs. Alice
M. Williamson, the novelist, telling the
story in "The Inky Way," she having
heard it from Mr. Bok himself, who
evidently enjoyed the laugh at his ex-
"Mr. Bak, being a man of infinite
and quick resourcefulness, thought
fast," adds Mrs. Williamson. "For
each maiden was invented on the spur
of the moment some task which sent
her away unsuspecting."
Daughter-- I1id 11r. Sapp call on
you to -clay, father?"
Her Dad -"Yes, dear."
Daughter -"Well, what follow-
I3er Dad -"Two doctai.'s and an
Pleasure is very seldom found
whore it ie sought; our brightest
blazes of gladness are commonly
kindled by unexpected sparks. The
flowers 'Which scatter their odors
from time to time in the path of
life +groar up without culture, from
seeds scattered by chalice.
Greatness ices not in. belrig strong,
bat in the right rising of strength. -
Went Beecher.
Owl Las
Classified Advertising
fist or wanted intentions andl fu
would a, slips, f x ego
paay. World Patent A.ttoz neys, 273 Same
Street Ottawa. Canada.
I correspondence for you. filen an
woolen, all ages, Particulars free. '1'Vrltt
Danforth Avenue, Toronto.. 7
If you your. lips you d save from p ,
Five things observe With dare,
Of whom. you speak, to whom you
And How and When and Where,
lzrnrnmation sent free. he Ramsay t -
If you your ears would save from jeers,
Five things keep meekly hitt:
Myself and I and Mine and My,
And what you do and did.
Steno -"I'm going to be married
Saturday, and--"
Her Boss ---"And so you're going to
Steno -'Oh, no! len just going to
tell you that I'll be needing more
"I had a dream. the other night,
Casey, an' it taught mea great les-
"Bedad, an' what was the lisson,
"'Twas like this: I dreamed I w'uz
in. Thorne, an' I had a audience with the
Pope -as great a gintleman as any in
the district, an' that's no lie. Would
I have a drink, he axed me. Thinks I,
would a duck swim, an' seein' the
whiskey an' lemons an' sugar on the
sideboard, I told him I wouldn't mind
if I had a wee drop of punch. 'Cold
or hot?' asked Riv'rence. 'Hot, yer
Holiness,' says I. Ah, what I mistake
I made!"
"I don't see anything wrong."
"Ah,, but listen, boy. His Holiness
stepped toward the kitchin for the
b'ilin" water; an' before he got back,
I woke up. Nex' time, I'll say, I'll
take it cold, yer holiness, while the
water's a-gettin' hot!
Restaurant Proprietor (belligerent-
ly) -"Listen, Mister, when you eat
here you don't need to wipe off the
plate, see?"
Mild-mannered Gentleman. -"I beg
your pardon. Force of habit, you
know. I'm a baseball umpire."
Yes, When the Others Are Worn Out!
Hush, Christmas necktie,
Don't you cry.
Papa'll wear you
By and by.
The only time it pays to cry over
spilled milk is when you can get the
restaurant proprietor to pay for a new
Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur-
nished it"'h Ev•'ry Pattern
A. light t>:pp.d bodice an this wee
Maid's dress is so charming and dif-
And it's the easiest thing imagin-
able to make it.
Roll on, thou deep and dark blue sea,
Beep rolling on for all of me.
On you I cannot waste a glance
While bathing beauties 'round me
"Miss Curley," said theoffice man -
Isn't it darling the way it simulatesager to his stenographer, "I would
a front scalloped closing An d note a sut t 'oil do not write letters
a y
similar idea is carried out in the sleeve to your young men during office hours
toward the wrist. Smith & Jones report that we sent
It makes up equally attractive in them a shipment of love and kisses in -
woolen, novelty cottons or in linen. stead of the tar and axle grease that
It will give young daughter a big they ordered."
thrill to have this smart dress for the
new school tern] in titin woolen. It Madam (to Chinese man -servant) -
combines navy with vivid red. The
nickel buttons have navy blue centres.
Brown linen with yellow is very
Style No. 9702 .may be had in sizes
8, 10, 12 and 14 years.
Size 10 requires 1:':i. yards 35 -inch
"After this, when you enter my bed-
room, please knock. I might be dress-
Chinaman -"Me don't need knock,
Me allays lookeee in Icleebole first."
Millionaire (addressing meeting) -
with Te yard 35 -inch contrasting. "I carie to this country without a
HOW TO ORDER P A.TTERNS. shirt on my back, and now I have ac-
cumulated two million:'
Wrii , your name and address plain.- Awed Voice --"Why, you'll never
ly, giving number and size of such wear them eat."
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap Some fail to recognize opportunity
it carefully) for each number, and until they see her back. It is all right
address your order to Wilson Pattern to dream, but wake up and give your
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. dreams a chance, You see, by saving
.-._ all you earn you will have money to
share with the fellow thrown out of
The Future of the Empire work by your saving. There is many
Stephen Gwynn in the Fortnight- a good thing lost by not asking for it.
lien put off things they ought to do,
1y Review (London):There is no and women put off ' 'ngs they ought
mistaking the symptoms of a gen-
eral rally throughout the British
Commonwealth to mutual support in
the fight for solvency. This year's
conference should mark an epoch in
the Commonwealth's internal or-
ganization. " For it must be dawn-
ing now on, the Dominions that the
greatest of all markets open to t
them is threatened with a loss of
buying power. England can no
longer count on beating all competi-
tors even against the hansl.ieap of a
hostile tariff; and this workshop of
forty million people packed close in
their island has a serious future to•
face. Its ruin would be hardly less 4
ruinous to Ireland, to Australia, and
fi.o New Zealand than to itself. Can-
ada isotherwise situated; but even
for Canada the disaster would bo
little lens. In a reorganization, with
a fiscal bond, the prosperity of the
11Iother Country needs to be con-
sidered with mare anxiety than ever
Baby's CoId
" ' Own li baby's
s Tablets relieve b y's
colds so easily," writes Mrs, Albert E.
Knowles, Granton, Ont., "I wouldn't
be without them if they cost twice
as much" If Baby
has running or
L':;s•: ti; clogged nose, give
' `••.>'•iz;�.: TABLETS: Abso-
lutely <: safe. See
:i •:#\ certificate in each
25c package, 234
Dr, WidiaMt'
to wear. Attention is attracted by
what you do, not by what you think
ought to be . :ie.
March Winds
Hurt the Complexion
Beep the skin perfectly healthy by
washing with Baby's Own Soap
using tepid or warm water and dry-
ing perfectly, and the keenest
winds will do no lasting damage.
This is the prevention which►' will
save much disfigurement and the
necessity of hiding blemishes under
powder and cosmetics. The sooth-
ing and fragrant lather of Baby's
Own Soap is wonderfully agreeable.
Individual cartons -10c everywhere. +
"Best for von and Baby too"
Canadian Corresponda.nc'o Club, 29 _j<'
rmg.BY CEXCnIris
A 1 liA13Y ('iI ICKS ARE (.1.2 '.
-.L ADIA N Approved elzicics ' :mil
(welts aro culled by Government 1nsp39-
tor, 11'e hatch six breeds. Writo fOk,
free catalogue. .d' 11. laivitzer, grantor,
li over your old letters and papers. F,
axu collecting and will pay good 1. rieel.
for any Canadian postage stamps nn
velol>es dated before ]him. Also will #
loose ones or collection of goon old,
stamps, H. Allan, Box 249, Hamilton.
Oh, yet we trust that sonleiltnv'
good I
'Will be the final goal of i11."
-Teeny -on.
Trade Mark itegtsti•re.l.
Why keep suffering from Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Neuralgia, Rheumatism and
other aliments when you can ;et a
twenty -day treatment of herbs," Na-
ture's ow] remedy, for ¢1.60? Hundreds
of testimonials by mail. All mall orders
promptly attended to. •
14 =WAN
h Avve. 'Toronto T GE.415i
ISSUE No. 11-'32
Odir'e is smaller dines
Skin. Loveliness
Easy to Have. !anions
Vegetable Pills Better
than Creams
Mise E. T. has proved it. She says!
"Carter's Little Liver Pills will do more
to keep the complexion clear than all
the face creams I have used."
effective tonic to both liver and bowels,
Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are with-
out equal for correcting Constipation,
Acidity, Biliousness, Headaches and In-
digestion. 25c. & 75e. red pkgs., every-
where. Ask for Carter's by NAME.
ter \k,...
REMEDY m.-1.
Acts Like a flash
of Norw¢giai
Cod Liver O
Rich ing
Vitaminns A and"
For Troubles
due 10 Acid
WHAT many people call indiges-
tion very often means cx'ess
acid in the stomach. The stomach
nerves have been over -stimulated,
and food sours. The corrective is an
alkali, which neutralizes the acids
instantly. And the bent,alkali known
to medical science is Phillips' Milk
of Magnesia.
One spoonful of this harmnless,
tasteless alkali in water neutralizes
instantly many times that much
acid, and the symptoms disappear
at once, You will never use crude
methods when once you learn the
efficiency of this. Go, get a smell
bottle to try,
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Ma -uesia prescribed by
physicians for50years in correcting
excess acids. 50c u bottle -,any drug
store, (Made in Canada,)