HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-17, Page 1z HERAL Vol.• XXXI I No. 34 ZURICH. THURSDAY MOHNJNG, MARCI-117 1932, Chester L. Smith,, Pear 11.25 s year, U.S. WS' in , • 1.5a IN IR rn ARB, $2 *&r D1F 40110/ 6F105 Publicity is the Greatest Fa.etor in Home Merchandising • WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS,VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE SWEE RARO CONSULTF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND US, AS AGENTS FOR. THE POPULAR SITYERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGES FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE i • • • • b A 4 • • •• •• • • • • •• • FRED THIEL - ZURICH •• •• If PHONE 1•2- 1104100.00411000•60016041000048.1100 00•1100•11•1116610006111000•••••• • • • 1 int leafing Sale TI.CE - YEAR SALE ton rade e A utessage of great importance to you! Brown's Boot Sh©p has built up a worthy reputation in the shoe business through several years of bol est deal- ing in high grade Footwear at Reasonable Prices. It has been the icy :of this store to give their customers the latest as well as the best leathers, hence, our twice - a year Sales= Year ;ley year they have met with greater success because the p bl'sc has learned that honest :to- goodnes Bargains iin high grade Shoes are offered. Men's Heavy Lumxbermact :Rubbers, Reg. •3• 0, Sale Pri e» .......$2.25 Boys' )heavy Lumbermen Rubbers, 3.00, .Sale price .....$1.95 2 J15, .Sale ;price . $1.50 Youth's Heavy R;ubbess;. Reg..-., Men's Penman Pure Wool .Socks, !Reg. 1.75., .Sale Price_ ...... $1.00 'wool. Socks, ;Reg. 1..50, .Sale prices 75c Boys'Penman's pure, , gOc Men's plain Rubbers, Reg- 1.50, Sale Price ................ . Women's and. Girl',1 tsey Wool (Golashes, Reg. 3.50, Sale P...$1.50 Women's Splasher Cmc tGolashes, .Reg. 3.50, .Sale Price $1.95 Miss Pat. Pom csr. Reg. 3.50, Sale ;price $1.95—$2.45 Boys' High Grade Shees and Oxfords, Reg. 4.00, sale Price .. $2.95 ers Re 1-50, ;Sale Price 85c Women's Boudour Slippers, • g'• 95c Men's Felt and Leather Slippers, Reg. 2.00, Sale Price T&e.o arc only .. few of the many Line. not Advertised. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE SRN OUB Brown's Boot Shop WINDOWP DISPLAY • • • • • • • • • • • e• • 1 1 to 1 6 eio 1 1 • 1 011,0111100014•R'. •••••l•••N•4•••••••I•••••r• R•••!••••'••N•+•tr•••••••••f !A••••••••••••••••• s • • • • • • • ••• • s • • • • • • • • • • � • ' • i • , • • ; 2; • i •i • i �•I • •; •I bl •I Easter Is Early . March 27th ORS. THAT NEW SUIT NOW FINS RANGE OF MADE TO MEASURE SUIT.S OMR SHOWN FOR $22.Q0 W. 8: Uoff'an )� AAMID ?IFUNNSLAL MIPEC 410.0•••.•!•44'0A eiew 44•+544s••h60,04~1 6040 Visit of Council Committee The County Council committee vis- ited the Huron County Home at Glin- ton the other day, went over the ac- counts, inspected the house and out- buildings, chatted with the inmates and sat down to dinner with Manager and Mrs. Jacobs and their family. They expressed themselves as well pleased with the apparance of things and with the way the Horne is man- aged. Spotton Scores Increase in Radio License Fees. A despatch from Ottawa states that Geo. B. Spotton (Cons., North Hur- on) objected to the raising of the radio license fee from $1 to $2. Mr. Spotton said if the report of the in- crease ncrease was correct he would like to disassociate himself from it. Alfred tach Duranleau, Minister of Marine, con firmed the report and said an order Mr. Harry G. Hess is this Wednes- had been passed in the matter. day attending the annual meeting of are Hydro -Electric Accident Prevention Apparently our Governments not realizing of the hard time most, of us have to keep going, as *e not ice that the radio licenses have been doubled and lc more added to gas- oline tax, and now along comes two cents additional sales tax, which mak- es a total of 6c. sales tax. Or in oth- er words every hundred dollars worth. of goods that are manufactured and bought the government collects six dollars of taxes, and then we are Friday evening of this week, when looking for things to get cheaper and it is expected the presiding elder, Rev J. P. Hauch of Stratford will preside. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry is confined to. his bed and is quite feeble. Mr. T. L. Wurm of Toronto, made a business trip in town on Wednesday Mr. Lloyd Walper left on Tuesday for Brucefield where he has accept- ed a position for the summer. The many friends of Dr. A. J'. MacKinnon are pleased to learn that the Doctor is improving from his at - of flu. Which is being held at Exeter this year. Nliss Vera Rupp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rupp of near Hensel], spent the week -end with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lechler in town. Quarterly services will be held in the Evangelical Church, Zurich on how is this possible when these taxes are soaring higher. Most of us can evade the two former taxes to some extent by selling our radios and not run the car, but the latter tax we connot overcome, as it effects every- thing we buy. Mr. C. J. Weimar of Fort Wayne, 'Ind., in renewing his subscription to the Herald asks us to "Please give ray best respects to all the older Zur: ich boys'. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Siemon who have been residents of Zurich for a - SCHOOL REPORT 'l bout two years, Mr. Siemon being ,stile local agent .for, the 'Ma.ssey-Har- Report of U.S.S. No. 1, Hay and Stanley for the month of February. Jr. IV—Franklin Corriveau, Reama Denomme, Lawrence Ayotte. Si III—Rosella Corriveau, Em- ma Denornme, Unageane Aubin. ,jr. III—Verna Sreenan, Marie Farrel, Thomas Denomme, Alexine Ayotte, Alfred Denomme, Louis Den- o:mme, Clarence Geoffrey, Regis Aubin. II—Doris Ayotte, Armellda Aubin Arnold Denomme, Charles Sreenan, Grace Snider, Teddy Geoffrey and Patrick Aubin, (equal), Irviing Sni- der, Loftus Denomme. I—Avalon Denomme, Andrew De- nomme, Alvin Ayotte, Eldon Denom- me. Pr.—Jean Sreenan, Joe Denomme, Marie Geoffrey. L. E. Rose, Teacher. YES! You Will Find a Differ- ence if You Burn THE STANDARD ANTHRACIT SCRANTON JUST.. ARRIVED! FRESH CAR PETROLEUM COKE GREAT HEAT NO ASHES Try a Ton! p.A.. Carx.te1cr.. Phone 1Ow or 10J HENSALL, ON1 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Churcl: ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for .a chang- ing World" Friday, 8h: ---Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m:—German Service. 11..15 a, in.—Sunday School. 7.30 lro. m. ---English Service. EvervEeely Welcome to all Servicee. E. Turkheitn, Pastor ris Co., left for their former home near Broadhagen on Wednesday, moving their effects on the same day. A large congregation was present at the evening services of St. Peter's Luthr'eran church on Sunday even- ing, when the pastor, Rev. E. Turk- heim examined the confirmation class which consists of ten. On Sunday next the Confirmation rights will be observed. A rather bad epedimic of flu Is passing over Western Ontario at present, and there are many people afflicted with it in this locality, and the Department of Health at Tor- onto advises that it is not as severe as the flu of 1919, but when people discover the first simptoms of it they should retire to bed at once, and re- main there or in the house till it is over with. Do not expose yourself to the outside weather and cold, and it is surprising how quickly one will get over it. BAND MEETING A meeting is being called for the purpose of re -organizing the Zurich Band for 1932, at the Dominion Hotel, on Thursday evening, March 17th. A suitable place has been lo- cated for practice purpose and with the fine amount of experienced play- ers and good talent available, the l3and should go off with a bang and furnish the publis an abundance of mucis the coming summer. Be of good cheer, enjoy music, and the. de- pression will fade out of your mind! HEAVY FINES RESULT In the wake of a provincial police raid on the Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth, last Saturday evening, fines totaling $700 and costs were assessed on Tuesday at Goderich by Magistrate C. A. Reid, who got out of a sick bed to hear the cases. Roy Dungey, a son of the proprietor, Chas. Dungey, was fined $500 for a breach of the L.C.A. He is the bartender, and was caught by plainclothes officers from Kitchen- er with a bottle in his pocket. He pleaded guilty and upon furnishing rail was given a week to pay the fine. Norman Scoins, a boarder at the hot- el, paid $200 and costs. He admitted ownership of a quantity of alchol fo- und by the officers in the hotel gar- age, which he claimed to had rented. One hour before the seizure on Sat- urday, Serg. Cousins of Kitchener registered with another plainclothes officer at the hotel as guests. Shortly after, Constable Whitesidcs and Gun- dry entered. '.rhe bartender ran up- stairs right into the arms of a plain- cl othesnrnn. $6.00 HERE'S A SPECIAL: White Gold Filled.. France,.. very.. Newest. with F`e Toric Lenses in Case. Why Strain your Eyes sewing or Reading, when your can obtain a pair of Spectacles at this price. Let us fill your next Optical Prescription. We can Al it more reasonable than the larger centres,. Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 'Zurich. ',,?,' +1++f+++++I�+++I+++i+,l++++++l+++I++iI+++@++ *+i++ £+++II+�i+d++F+++44+4+IN+I ! 18.8. 04-* J 4- y 4, � 4. '9""17'1 ,1 T A T ['V + 4.+ + + + 4 WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST AT THE MUTUAL SHOE STORE FOR LESS CASH + 4- • $1:00 'PAIR ,WOMEN'S .BLAClVCAN' AS. STRIA P HOUSE. SIS. • pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bought Dia something a little different. + $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SLIPPERS,. + + + + + + + +3+ + + + + + + + With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WORK BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman make. $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes ob- tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 5%. $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Gaps. ASMI finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 13'x. OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR. RE- FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT Tt2.S STORE. WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO LIVES ¥IIIL5 TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT. MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2.40 and $2.75 Fr. ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS ItrAIL CM - DER ':DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SA WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing promptly (room 0 FRLTZ & SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA Phone 82 or 115 - Zwick +++++++++++++++4444.44•••••••••+++++++++++4+4444444 4 _—awftenerrewsmonetame*41 Superior Quality Store We are Offering a Full Line of Seasonable Sup i Quality Goods of General Merchandise at Rock Bottom Prices. And we ask you to be sure and see the various lanes 4 are offering that will save you zeal money FULL LINE OF HARNESS REPAIRS, SHOE PAINTS, OILS, ETC,, ETC. ONLY THE BEST OF FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK.. ` Ra Na DOUGLAS AS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 - 97 BLAKE