HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-10, Page 811.0.A ra rIf wr • THE STORE WITH THE STOCK NEW SIRING GOODS Now Arriving Let us show you OUL' New I4ne Prints, Broadcloths, Curtain Mat- erials, Towelings, Cretons, Art Sateens, Chintzes, 11 at NEW LOW PRICES • GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Canned peas, corn and, Tomatoes, 3 for 25c tiOc 33c 15c 38c Gilletts Caustic Soda, 5 lbs. for Japan Tea, per ib. . Factory Cheese, lb. 5 lb. Tin, Corn Syrup 2c Baking bran, lb. J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 Huron Erie NOW PAYS 51/2 Per Cent. ON DEBENTURES $100. OR OVER ONE TO FIVE YEARS INTEREST PAYABLE HALF YEARLY "ON THE DOT" Local Representarive: PLACE.. YOUR ORDERS WITH: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have—You MADE YOUR W 1 LL? 11 U* t.t" >1l .X R A L Q Thursday, lt4l'taKkb, 10th, 1992r.: _______ .,.............................,.........4..".. , .. Your Hard o oro 4. WE CANSUPPLY THE PUBLIC W Ta SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE AT IMMODERATE P ICE a WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Special Prices : °' Thursday, Friday and Saturday Maple Leaf Sookey Salinon, .•Half lb. tins.•; 15c Ingersoll Cream Chemo„ 15c size, at 11c Fresco Jelly Powders (ail flavors) 4 for ,•.•...25c Tomatoes, large size, tins ...25c Oxydol "Cleans Evenytiine large pkg ,.,.. ,.. ,..21c Ready cut bulk Macron . 4 Das, •..25c Peas No. 2 size Tin, Ncsa• 3'peas, 3 tins for ,.25e Superior Baking Powder 1:6 -oz. tin ..23c Natures' Best Marmalade 40 .. Jar 25c WE ARE BUYING EGGS AT THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. LET US GRADE YOUR EGGS. Cash or Merchandise will be Paid. 3. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Plxome 440 i `t, LET• US SHOW YOU OUR, FULL l�r�E..OF GRAN!TEARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING P'RIGES. Furniture Greatly Reduced We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly .Reduced Prices. Furniture Prices .have.; reached lowest level and are sure to advance. Secure your needs nowt We also have sow Good Used Furniture in Stock Good Supply o f .Liquid, Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock, t We have been appointed Agents for the Celebrated I Massey -Harris Farre Implement Repairs,. 4 + Johnston (Sc lialbffeisch IHard a e & Furniture. Phone 63 E .,.. .R++f•E ,+ i4 ++++++++++4444+1.4 i. +4, ++++++ f++++++++++4444 Hensall Spring Show The South Huron Agricultural So- ciety held a most successful Seed. Fair at the Town Hall, Hensall, on: Friday last. - The list of entries was arge, the quality exceptionally goad,. and the competition keen enough in some classes to make judging diffi- cult. ifficult. Prof. W. J. Squirrell, of the O.A.C. acted as judge and in secur- ing his services again after an un- avoidable absence of several yteaxs•,. the Society were indeed fortunate. Prof. Squirrel is, probably, the most expert seed judge in Canada, and is, besides, an excellent speaker. Dr. A. R. Campbell, president of the society presided at the • meeting held after the judging and other speakers were Reeve Geiger, . of Hensall, who gave an address of welcome; W. D, Sand- ers, of Exeter, and Ian McLeod, Ag- ricultural Representative of Huron. The following is a list of success- ful exhibitors: Bushel fall wheat—H. Truemner, J. Robertson, W. R. Dougall. Bushel spring wheat—Jno Robert- son, Owen Geiger & Son, John Bol- ton. Bushel early oats—Alex. Buchan- an. Bushel late oats—W. R. Dougall, J.ohn Robertson, Owen Geiger, And. Bell. Bushel 6 -rowed barley—H. True- mner, W. R. Dougall, John Bolton, Owen Geiger. Bushel field peas—Owen Geiger, Alex. Buchanan. Bushel field beans—H. Truemner, W. R. Dougall, John Robertson. Bushel timothy seed—Alex. Buch- anan, W. Alexander. Bushel red clover seed—H. True- mner, And. Bell, W.' R. Dougall. Bushel alfalfa seed—W. Alexand- er. Bushel potatoes, any early variety —Edwin Sproat, John Robertson. Bushel potatoes, general crop—H. Truemner, W. R. Dougall, Edwin Sproat. Bushel buckwheat—W. R. Dougall W. Alexander. Most creditable showing of grai and seeds—H. Truemner. ti - so. hit ••440444rNs 4IMMO 0 Goodyear Tires and Tubes TALK ABOUT GOODYEAR CORD AND BAL- OON TIRES AND TUBES. To ---The Man who hasn't much money to spend on Tires, they're the Cheapest Tires he can buy. To ---The Buyer who looks for Road Grip, and Beauty, He will find them both in this make of Titre. To ---The Customer who gives his Tires Hard Useage, will recognize their extra wear. No Other Tires Approach Goodyear in Appearance WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. GET OUR PRICES! FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWYAYS IN STOCK, ALSO A GOOD LINE OF THE BEST PAINTS; WIRE FENCING Evetroughing and Generaal Tinsnriithing, O r Specialty r, Please, Don't Forget, When in Need of New Furniture, We Have .It! STAD E &WE1DO, ZURICH ONT.• w• ONHOR0 la 0.40. , . Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ce OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1931, $19,593,724,. Total. Cash in Bank and Bonds $199,101,.61 Rates --04.5e per .1,000 for years, E. E. Klapp—Zuric Agent, Aisa Deafer in Lidhtniisd Rods and all kinds of Fire Iasurauct LOCAL MARKS li• *Ocrreeted every Wednesday'; Eggs + 11-16-20 20 Wheat per bush. 60 Barley bush. 35 Oats bush 25 Buckwheat ............. _. 44 Flour , . _ . . 1.75 3.00 Shorts, ton .. ...... < .... 18.00 Bran, ton ...... 18.00 Hogs 4.50 Butter MIiIMJill{lIIIIIINi0IIIII ?[!`aiINIUU 1111.1'lllillllilE!'ti 111N111111111111itIGIIH(11111!+ 11W1111IIIIII113Illi,RIlIIJf)fl8'1! EtilILV91Wli<",Ohl111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111NE111IIBIIIGNUIII ' We !; epair Wagons, - Buggies, �. Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber _Wago. at...,.. - 1 good buggy at ...._ $45 0 $25 4 wheel. Trailer Complete .........._.........._ KEEP ON SMILING! HESS, the Repair Man F g. MINApNIM iNII1IIIIIIilk. !MIN I111llli1111111111.:811111i91NM11IRIMIIIMMIlKEl4l IN111II1111111111111111111 uMIIfB1111 llIIR method of working the soil, and the character of the season in respect to rainfall, temperature, etc. Fitts about Eggs Two ton of grain will produce 48 dozen of eggs. Sold as grain at a price of $1 per cwt. it would be worth $40. Sold at eggs at 25c per dozen it would be worth $120. An egg is 66 per cent water, 13 per cent pro- tein, 10 per cent fat and 11 per cent lime or ash. Inan egg 60 per cent is white, 30 per cent yolk and 10 per cent. shell:. The best eggs of the year are those laid in the months of April, Mey and June. An egg eaten between Septetnbr and March is worth more to the average person in a northern clime than one eaten be- tween April and August. The egg is BUSY FARMER NEWS Crop Rotation Benefits The chief advantage of crop rot- ation consistes in maintaining the productivity of the land at a higher level, in distributing the farm lobor more uniforly throughout the season, and in controlling more effectively weeds, insects, and fungous diseases. Crops rotation is the growing of dif- ferent crops upon the same land in a definite order and recurring suceea- I cion. The Use of -Fertilizers The primary function of a fertilizer is to furnish plant food in forms which are immediately available, or which may readily become so, in the soil. One of the main factors hi determining crop yields is the amount of plant food available in the soil, When this is not sufficient for gook, growth it trust be supplemented if maximum yields are to he obtained. The several factors which may pro- foundly affect the results obtained from applying fertilizer include the character of the soil, drainage and }1.44.444.4.44,444+4+++++1.44.444.4.44,444+4++++++1.44.444.4.44,444+4++++++++++i44.4.+44+4 +444+++++++++++.+ F ZTJ -=ICS 1 GrA - BGE TTENTIONI TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WI Ally NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO €IU1P'iP'LY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES Wray A. GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OtTR DELIVERY TRU R AT LOWEST PREVAI)l,ING .PRICES,.. WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REliANMtt WORM. AND OYER - HAUL JOSS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WEIR CHARGES VERY REASONAR ik. GAS OILS GREASES t ll oas wn Zurich 4. 64+4.444.44444+40+++++++++++411114++44444,4414÷1444+44.41+ aptly termed "bottled sunshine". It; is rich in proteins, vitamins and min- erals. Of the five vitamins the egg supplies vitamines A. B. D. and E. It is particularly rich in D., the sun- shine vitamin. Controlling Black Rot Root -rot or black -root is a fairly common disease of strawberry plants. Apparently plants of any age nay be attacked but they are most sus- ceptible at two periods, shortly after being set out and, at fruiting time. In some patches little or no evidence of the disease, can be 'found, while in others 50 per cent. or even 70 per cent' of the plants are destroyed. Pra- ctise a fairly long crop rotation. St- rawberries should not follow a sin/ - Aar crop in less than five years, if possible. Avoid intrducing, the dis- ease. When setting out a patch se- cure plants from. a, .field which was free front root -rot the previous year. Then discard from these any plants' which have blackened roots. Protect the plants during the winter by me- ans of a suitable mulch. As soon as the groundbecomes frozen hard,' cover the rows with two or three in.-, l chis of clean straw. 4.+ '4•u +r4I IIBRALDOPFIOE Do You Know?~ That I am the Master Salesman! ' ▪ I amthe herald of Success for all inn, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. go forth to tell the World the message Ige of seriice 1 • For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have } gathered untold millions into their coffers. + I command the• legeons of fashion, rnoul l the styles + and lead the World w�hithersoever I got. t + 1 sow fields for you' to reap a Golden Harvest! ' .s . I am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my t + mfr Rs ADVERTISE! . j r 4 and Sound Merehandising l And the. World listens when I speak!