HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-10, Page 7Wig "Miff/ fiNSTM///011/1/Eifira
Mow to play,. 3ridge
4 Wynne Ferguson
Many times in this series of articles
the writer has warned players against
over -bidding where the situation did
not justify it, In other words, don't
overbid unless the possible gain is
fairly equal to the possible loss. The
usual way for the thoughtless player
to make this mistake is to bid a minor
suit, clubs or diamonds, when the bid -
[ling indicates that he has no chance
for game. Why take a chance of only
making three or four odd in clubs or
diamonds when, if you are doubled,
you may lose a big penalty?
A score less than game is only of
value about once in.fifteen deals; so it
is a good rule never to bid to make a
score less than game if there is any
risk attached. There is practically
nothing to gain by the bid and so much
to lose. One very good player at one
of the local clubs seems to have a
weakness for this kind of bidding. The
other night, for example, he held the
following hand, A's in the diagram:
Hearts 10
Clubs—K, 9, 8, 6, 5, 2 . se 1
Diamonds—A, 8, 4 : A B :
Spades—K, 10, 3 Z
No score, rubber game, at Auction.
21 dealt and bid one no trump, A
passed, Y bid two hearts and B and Z
passed. At this point .A. thoughtlessly
decided to bid three clubs. The bid-
ding should have indicated that he had
no possible chance for game. Z's no
tramp bid, Y's two -heart bid and B's
pass were all indicators that Y Z held
Me best combined hands. For that
chance for game and a fair chance to
save game. Beware of such bids, and
of any bids where the possible risk is
- et offset by an equal chance for game.
At Contract, of course, A, with the
foregoing hand, also should pass.
Example Hand No. 1
Hearts—A, J, 10, 6
Y Clubs—K, 10, 9, 8, 5
: A B : Diamonds—K, 10, 9,
Z Spades—In
No score, first game. Z dealt and bid
one diamond, A one spade and Y
Passed. What should B bid with the
foregoing hand?
B should bid one no trump. The
singleton spade is a danger spot and
he should warn his partner at once
that his hand is weak in spades. The
no trump bid is justifiable as he has a
fair all around hand and a sure stop-
per in the diamond suit. With two or
less trumps of your partner's suit, al-
ways warn him of the fact, if possible.
B should bid two ciubs and then, if
overbid by partner or opponents, should
bid the hea suit.
Example Hand No. 2
Clubs -8, 4, 2
Diamonds -9, 4, 3
Spades—A, K, Q, J, 8, 5, 2
reason A couldn't hope to score game. No score, rubber game. Z dealt and
On the other hand, he had a good bid one no temp, A two hearts, Y two
chance to save game. His hand would spades, B three hearts, Z three no
probably be worth three tricks with
hearts as trumps so that if his part-
ner could take but one trick he would
save the game.
A, however, thought of none of these
tory evident facts and bid three clubs,
t: amp and A doubled. What should
Y now bid with the foregoing Band?
Y should bid four spades. If Z has a
sound three no trump bid, Y should
which Y doubled a 1 defeated by 400 have no trouble in making four spades,
points. If Y Z had played the hand at The danger of letting Z play the hand
hearts, they could have scored only : no 1 -ip is that n may not have a
three odd as B would have taken two spade and Y has no re-entry card. The
heart tricks, and A would have taken four spade bid seems the proper one.
two tricks. A's bid in this instance CONTRACT BIDDING:
oost 400 points when he should have Rt Contract, the bidding
known beforehand that he had no the same.
Hearts -3
Clubs—K, J, 7
Clubs—none - -
Diamonds -6, 5, 2 : A
Spades -10
B :
Hearts -2
Diamonds—K, J. 7
There are no trumps and Z is in. the
lead. How can Y Z win four of the five
tricks against any defense? •
Solution: Z should lead the ace of
spades and discard the ace of hearts
Prom Y's hand. He shoat then lead
the deuce of hearts and Iet A win the
trick with the trey. On this trick Y1
would be
Clubs—A, Q
Diamonds—Q, 10
should discard the ace of diamonds. A
is now in the lead and must lead a
diamond. No matter what cards Y
and B play, Z must now win the bal-
ance of the tricks.
It is an easy problem and unusual
only because of Y's discard of his two
Users of Telephone
Increase By 20,000
Report Shows Canada Led
World in Estimated Num-
ber of Calls Per Capita
in 1930
A recent report just issued shows
that 20,000 were added to Canada's
Look to this cause
When your baby fusses, tosses
and seems. unable to sleep restful-
ly, look for one common cause, doc-
tors say. Constipation. To get rid
quickly of the accumulated wastes
which cause restlessness and dis-
comfort, give a cleansing dose of
Caetoria. Castoria, you know, is
made specially for children's deli-
cate needs. It is a pure vegetable
preparation; contains no harsh
drags, no narcotics. It is so mild
and gentle you can give it to a
young infant to relieve colic. Yet
it is as effective for older children.
Castoria's regulative help will bring
relaxed- comfort and restful sleep
to your baby Keep a bottle on
hand. Genuine Castoria always has
the name:
CH I L D R E N CRY' P b;lt ":,I T
A1111,1 .11110,11.
also part time Salespeople, you can
earn money and be your own pees,
selling useful Household and Wear -
Ins Novelties, Write
143 King Street East, Toronto
already large number of telephone
users, although unsatisfactory busi-
ness conditions did affect the telephone
industry. This increase was the
smallest annual growth in a period of
15 years. Nevertheless, there was a
decided advance recorded. The East-
ern Provinces all showed increases,
and though there were declines in the
Prairie Provinces, the number of in-
struments in use rose during the year
by 20,039. The number of telephones
in use at the end of the year was
The average number of telephones
per thousand of population was in
1930 the largest of any country in the
world except the United States. '.:he
average in Canada was 141.1 per thou-
sand, while in the United States it
was 164. The total number of tele-
phones was exceeded only by the Un-
ited States, Germany, and Gt. Britain
and, Northern Ireland. The number
of telephones in. the United States was
20,068,023, in Germaay,3,182,305, and
in Britain and Northern Ireland 1,-
886,726, the figures all being for 1929.
The only other countries approaching
Canada's density were New Zealand
with 103 and Denmark with 96 per
In estimated number of telephone
calls per capita Canada led the world.
Completed calls or conversations in
the Dominion in 1930, according to an
estimate by the offi.,'al statisticians,
averaged 250.5 per capita and 1,872
per telephone. The United States with
231 conversations per capita, and New
Zealand with 212,. were the only other
countries with averages of over 150 in
129. The estimated number of complet-
ed calls in Canada during 1930 was
2,626,752,502, ineluding 87,496,867
long distance calls. The long distance
calls were actual counts and the local
calls were estimates based on counts
made periodically by systems operat-
ing almost 90 per cent. of all tele-
phones in Canada.
Bankers Finance Air Patrol
La Plata, Argentina. --Aerial police
to guard the frontiers against smug-
glers and to check cattle rustlers and
bandits soon may be introduced into
Argentina. Prominent bankers met
here recently and voted to finance the
purchase of six airplanes for the
Buenos Ayres provincial polba.
Insurance companies are apt to
reject applications of overweight men
and women—they can't afford to
take any risks.
- Good health cannot long. be main-
tained where there's excessive weight.
Fat is apt to shorten life, and con-
stipation, impaired mental activity,
loss of energy and strength are but
a few of many complaints -which
sometimes arise in overweight men
and women.
Why ziot lose this superfluous fat—
regain glorious health and good looks
again—simply take a half teaspoonful
of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot
water every morning before breakfast.
Kruschen is the safe and healthy way
to reduce, based on scientific principle.
The slenderizing action of Kruschen
can be speeded by cutting out fatty
meats, pastries, and going light on
butter, cream and potatoes.
Kruschen helps blood, nerves, glands
and body organs to function properly
again—you gain amazing new strength
and energy—feel years younger look
better, work better. Why postpone
attractiveness and superb health?—
start the Kruschen treatment to -day 1
If you have never tried Kruschen—try it now
at our expense. We have distributed a great
many special "GIANT" packages which make
ft Ask your for
for the new I GIorANT"r75c.
This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together
with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about
one week. Open the trial bottle first put it to
the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that
Kruschen does everything we claim it to do, the
regular bottle is still as good as new. Take it
back. Your druggist is authorised to return
your 7Sc. immediately and without question.
You have tried Kruschen free. at our expense.
What could be fairer? Manufactured by
(Eetb. Griffiths6). Hughes,
rtcrs; McGill vray Bros..
Ltd., Toronto.
Owl Laffs
To take things as they be—
That's my philosophy.
No use to holler, mope or cuss—
If they was changed they might be
If rain is pourin' down,
An' lightnin' buzzing' roue',
I ain't a-learnin' we'll be hit,
But grin thet I aint in it
If I got deep in debt—
It hasn't happened yet—
And owed a man two dollars, Gee!
Why I'd be glad it wasn't three.
If someone come along
And tried to do me wrong,
Why I should sort of take a whim
To thank the Lord I wasn't him,
I never seen a night
So dark there wasn't light
Somewhere about if I took care
To strike a match and find out where.
Customer—"My dear, haven't you
gained about ten pounds since the
Christmas holidays?"
Her Friend—"Yes, it was those darn
plump puddings!"
Quiz—"What's the difference be-
tween a husband and an ice man?"
Quip—"My feeble brain won't ans-
Quiz—"Well, a husband has only one
one wife and an ice man takes his
A man was stranded on an unknown
island. He was afraid of cannibals,
so he moved very cautiously. As he
was climbing up a small hill he heard
a voice: "Who in — trumped my
nee?" The man lifted his eyes to the
sky above and said: "Thank Heaven,
there are Christians on this island."
Speaker—"And where, I ask you, is
Julius Caesar? Where is Atilla the
Hun? Where are Moses, Oliver Crom-
well, Charlemagne, Hannibal?"
Enthusiastic Usher—"Stand up, boys,
so's the gentleman can see yell."
Mrs. Henry Peck—"Let's see, what
is the •na.me of that place where so
Nerves Kept Her Awake
. Mrs. Scheer Says She Sleeps Like Log
Since Taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
"I can truthfully
recommend Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for
all those suffering
from a rundown
state of nerves,"
writes Mrs. Scheer,
of Prince Albert, Sask. "My nerves were
in such a rundown condition that I could
not sleep at night. Many nights 1 could
not lie in bed at all, and would get up
and walk the floor. A friend told me
her mother was in the same condition
and had found relief by taking Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. I have taken four
boxes, and can now sleep like a log, and
1 feel so refreshed In the morning. I do
my owvn housework and ama dressmaker
The reason why Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are so effective in such cases is that
they create new rich blood, which sup-
plies to the nerves the very elements they
heed. Equally effective for all rundown
or anaemic conditions. Try them. At
,your druggist's, 50c a package. 275
Feels So
In Morning.
zfl lcir was done towards prop ottng
peace in the world?"
Henry—"Reno, my dear."
Clem --"Why do they call a sailboat
" it
Alex— $ecarrse it makes best
Showingin the wind."
Fop—"To-day's Saturday, isn't it?"
Pop—"Hurray! Funny papers to-
Newly Rich in Texas
A clerk in a country store in a little
town in East Texas sold a lease on hie
90 acres for $10,000. One of hie
friends asked him what he was going
to do, now that he was rich, and he re-
plied, "Well, I put the check in the
bank and they won't do anything about
It until it clears. If I get the money,
I'm going to quit work and try and get
caught up with my cat -fishing."
This story is told without comment
and without attempting to point a
moral. A little girl, after Sunday
school, was asked by her mother,
"What does your nice teacher do?"
The answer was prompt and certain. ,
"She just collects the money."
Friend—"flow did they treat you in
Producing OU Royalties
Are you eliminating Deeded Producing Royalties from your invest-
ments because you do not understand what a royalty is, or how they
derive their revenue.
Learn how to increase your income. Send 'for this Booklet. It
is yours for the asking. We have enlightened many Investors in
the past few years who are receiving regular monthly incomes 'from
this,' source.
67 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.
Please send me booklet: Questions and Answers re Deeded
Producing OH Royalties.
Name . , .. .
Members of Dominion Stock Exchange
Oldest Map in World
Discovered in Meso ^otamia
Cambridge, Mass.—The oldest map
in the world, so far as the science of
cartography has yet been able to dis
cover, drawn more than 4,000 years
ago on a clay tablet three inches
square, is the unique archeological dis-
Of course the man who blows his covery of excavators for the Semitic
own horn always thinks the rest of the and Fogg Museums o. Harvard Uni-
band is playing the wrong piece. How versity working in Irak, according to
dependent we are on others; the re -I an announcement made public here by
potation of ourselves and our busi- I Harvard University.
messes is at the mercy, say, of our er- { The map so small that it can be
rand boy or a casual talker. There's i held in the hollow of the hand, was
just one consolation about both death found more than twenty feet under -
d taxes h u finish one y ou're I ec'den
an . Wen yo
through with the other. The most en- of circumstance revea.ed the discovery
vied bride in a younger set is one who; YEALE HELP WANTED
a sufficient number of dishes toADIES WANTED TO DO LIGHT
serve three meals a day for three con-' it was almost indisti zguishable from to science and history. When found ' se sewing at home, good pay. Workthe clay fill and sediment in which sent, charges paid. Stamp for partieu-
secutive days without washing a single,it was firmly embedded. It required tars, National Manufacturing Co., Mon -
dish. Man sweats in a woolen coat' five weeks of careful drying, treatment treat,
so milady may keep serenely cool in and ultimate baking at a high temper-
ature before the surrounding :lay
could be removed from the tablet and
the neap itself revealed.
Three of the four points of the com-
pass are marked on the borders sf the
map in the ancient symbols of the
people who preceded the builders of
the Nusi temple. It is, apparently,
according to authorities on the Sume-
rian and Akkadian languages, a ,nap
of 356 agn of garden land, belonging
to Azala, or Shat-Azala, who clearly'
must have been a man of wealth. Place
names appear on tie tablet, and a
river runs from north to south, divid-
ing into three streams at the foot of
the map. Mountains flank the river
valley on east and west; these are
drawn in the characteristic Babylon-
ian style of many centuries later.
Classified Advertising
ZS List of wanted inventions and find
information sent free. The Ramsay Com-
pany. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank
Street. Ottawa. Canada,
correspondence for you. Men and
women, all ages. Particulars free. Write
Canadian Correspondence Club, 2071
Danforth Avehue, Toronto.
ADIAN Approved chicks. All
flocks are culled by Government. Inspec-
tor. We hatch six breeds. Write for
free catalogue. A. H. Switzer, Granton.
ground, so that the merest a r
almost nothing.
What New York
Is Wearing
Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur -
?tidied With Every Pattern •
The importance of tlx: .eket-like
dress can't be over-estimated.
A rust • shade tweed -like woolen
made this jaunty model. The cross
closure of the simple bodice is youth-
fully slimming. The straight skirt
widens its hem through inverted plaits
that kick out in graceful flare in mo-
It's very attractive in black woolen
with vivid shiny red buttons, red pa-
tent leather belt and white pique
Vivid green woolen, with brown
cuede belt, brown buttons and brown
woolen collar is another interesting
Style No. 2550 is designed for sines
14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 38 inches
Size 16 requires 24• yards 54 -inch,
with ?/4, yard 35 -inch contrasting.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in
stamps or coin '(coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
To -day is Blest
To -day is blest, indeed—
Yet it is but a day;
I, with my friendly greed,
Hide memories away
And that 1s why I say
I would old times were new,
Then I would trade Today
For Yesterday with yeti.
Plan Glassless Buildings
New York.—The buildings at the
Chicago World Fair of 1933, which
will cover three and a half miles of
waterfront on the shores of Latae
Michigan and several artificial islands,
will be virtually without windows, ac-
cording to Harvey Wiley Corbett,
chairman of the architecture commis-
sion appointed for the fair. Exhibits,
Mr. Corbett explained, are displayed
better with artificial light than by
"Artificial light," Mr. Corbett said,
"will become a most important factor
in design, not only of the interior of
the buildings, but on the exterior as
well. It will be possible even in the
daytime to change the color of the
buildings by the playing of light sym-
phonies upon their surfaces."
There is nothing more pitable in the
world than an irresolute man, oscillate
ing between two feelings, who would
willingly unite the two, and who does
not perceive that nothing can unite
WhI You Pay 3c To
Be .Aid of Your
Here is a positive guarantee no suf-
ferer from indigestion, sour, acid stom-
ach can afford to Ignore. Within two
minutes by the watch, at a cost of not
more than 3c you may be rid of acid
stomach, Indigestion, bloating, gas,
belching and stomach Palm
Do you doubt it? Then go to your
nearest drug store and get a package
of Bisurated Magnesia and use as di-
rected. If after the first dose you do
not feel It is worth its weight in • old,
If the belching, gas and pain are not
relieved completely, you may have yorlr
money back.
Bisurated Magnesia le sold on this
positive guarantee because we know If
its vale, In stomach distress. It is used
by thousands of stomach sufferers the
world over. The cost Is about 3e per
dose. You just simply can't afford to
suffer longer with stomach distress, acid
stomach and indigestion when real relief
is so inexpensive.
Try it just once after a heavy ,neal
and workss. Twenty-Aveee for f magically how
regular doses in
every package.
They stimulate
your liver, get rid
of poisons and
Improve you
Sold everywhere in
tic and 756 red pkgs.
:nits I pIL.LS
Self -Interest
Man would contend that two and
two did not make four if his interest
were affected by this position.—IIab-
A local representative to demonstrate
"the pair with a spare," on commis-
sion basis. 'THREE MUSKETEERS"
are the latest creation in hosier;.
Write for particulars.
67 Yonge Street, Toronto
o Buik Resisfain�+ 5
Easy to Digest
Quick Relief!
For rashes and all forms of itching,
burning, disfiguring skin irritations.
Price 25c. and 50c.
``isof $AeNts,4
to Acids
A BOUT two hours after eating
many people suffer from sour
stomachs. Tliey call it indigestion. It
means that the stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated.. There is exeess
acid. The way to correct it is with an
alkali, which neutralizes many times
its volume in acid.
The right way is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia—just a tasteless close in
seater. It is pleasant, efficient and
harmless. Results• come almost in-
stantly. It is the approved method.
You will never use another when
you know.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by
physicians for correcting excess acids.
50c a bottle—any drug store.
The ideal dentifrice for clean
teeth and healthy gums is Phillips'
Dental Magnesia, a superior tooth-
,nste that safeguards against acid-
nuth. (Made in Canada.)
ISSUE No. 10—'32