HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-10, Page 5Thursday; Marditt xna,1882. „ PIRRAte ?Afro ITV BUSINESS CARDS DurPLETE.HOLIVIES IIARRISTER, SOLICITORs NOT- ARY PUBLIC, E fliFFICE.--Hamilton Street, Jost off Idle Square, GODERICH, Ontario, Special Attention to Councel and Cottrt Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Vunderich by Phone, and Phone Charges revers -ed. William H. Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional ffn- atineer and Land Survey' or ASSOCiate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office—Seaforth, Ont. ..ommezukcaza.,nodouves...1...... •Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. :DENTAL SURGEON 4113 DBITZ BLOM—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday tt HARTLEIBPS BLOCK., DA.SHW 0 OD Every Monday, Tuesday and • Wednesday A -U OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jere e National , School of Auctioneering. Try me to. . Feed,. stoves Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) kep1 . on hand. erres in keeping with prevailing ?prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will knout. ee-eo,or WrItO. Zurith. Pio Taos Wants, For Saie,,k.ost, Found* Notice, Etc, Ads 124 11M11 MUMS EGGS FOR HATCHING Eggs for :hatching and Baby Chicks White Leghorns, disease-free at :re- daced pricee. The supply as Limited We invite your inepection, Bruce 3. Klopp, Zurich. FOR SALE A. number of young pigs for sale. Apply to Oscar Greb, Babylon Line. FOR SALE 'FOR QUICK SALE, A Brunswick Console Phonograph with Records, privately owned $I2.00. ---Hess the Jeweller. Blood -tested Chicks Hatchery and Flocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval policy. The testing of the blood samples was done by Capital Labor- atories, Ottawa.. The bred -to -lay qualities of our birds are kept up-to-date by the pur- chase of male birds from high record R.O.P. hens owned by some of the most successfu1 breeders in the coun- try. We expect to laatch about 1500 Barred Rocks, 250 'White Rocks and 500 Leghorns per week- Please order about one month before you want the chicks if you can. Don't think too much about price. We will use you right. Come and see us or phone 97 r 4, Hensall. We will be glad to talk things over with you. melt anything Anywhere. 0.01.1......11111.1.........1101•111.•0111......11.000.411•11.2.101.**11.11•00•Mr.• licensed AuctiuneeT FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AIVI IN A POSITION TO CON - duet any Auction,. Sallee regardless os be size or article. to sell. I solicit nso our busineas, and if not satisfied viral snake no charges for Services Ben-, glered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood one 18-57. SERVICE 'Why We have the Better Class of Customers WWI CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. IIIRATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, liohning and Mechanical Work done to Micrometer Settings, No guess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. a. ,D.ASHWOOD — 1041101100000111•4011001,000•00000 ONTARIO Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats olognas, Sausages, Weiners, Mans, Etc., ,always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 'Let Us Serve YOnl'' JEL. Yunghlut &Son 01100,00OeslisieseteoisteOSOOROOO L I VE, POU LT R WANTED Wow every Day till 3 o'ilk, p.m. 1lDo not feed Fowl some morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices —CASH FOR— \, CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brtert ,; Bum laa, $M to, and other supplies J. Elgin McKinley, R. R. 1, - ZURICH NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alex. Annie. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against Alex. Aubin of the Township of Stanley, County of Huron, farmer, are requ- ired to deliver to the undersigned on or before March 24th, 1932, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said mentioned date the Trustees will proceed to distribute the estate of the said party amongst the per- sons entitled thereto having xegard only to such claims as shall have been received. Dated at Zurich, Ontario, this 8th day of March, A.D., 1932. C. Fritz, Zurich, Ont. A. G. Edighoffen Zurich, Ont. E. A. Westlake, Bayfield, Ont., Trustees. Consider the Service WE OFFER FOR 2c. PER EGG IN CUSTOM HATCHING We not only hatch the eggs, bot offer our Customers the benefit of our „experience in raising his chicks and handlinig his pullets for maximum productime We invite you to come and discuss your poultry problems With us. One of our men, Mr. Reid is an experienc- ed man in all branches of the poultry business, before coming to Dashwood he attended a special course in incu- bating, feeding and disease control at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. ' previous to this in 1928-29 he was. employed on a large poultry farm in Oxford county. Let us cull your flock before you select your hatching eggs, our prices are moderate. Your Profits are Bigger When you Hatch the Square Deal Way! 2c per egg,. 2c per egg. "Square Deal Hatchery" Dashwoott Ont. EARL GAISER, Proprietor Phone 80 Box 36 False Economy Residents of a community may fig- ure that by doing without the local paper they are saving a dollar and a 'quarter a year but such is delusion ;and. false. econotny. In these days of keen competition bargains in all linee of merchandise are being continually 'advertised and the wide-awake house- holdor who is giving sone attention Ito the advertisements should be able sae the price: of the paper many area over. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Sol Zimmerman we- re Sunday visitors at Dashwood. Mr. Delbert Geiger bas treated himself to a fine Essex 4oach. Mr. Ward Fritz returned from Windsor on Tuesday evening with two used ears he purchased for resale. Think of it, only two more week till Eeaster, March 25th being Good Friday and then Easter Sunday on Meech 27th, Let us all observe these events hi, a very thoughtful and sacred way. Don't forget the auction sale of household effects in town on Satur- d' ay The past few years very few such sales have been held in this com- munity, and any person in need of the goods advertised will do well to be at their place, as these articles will be rapidly picked up. A goodly number of citizens at- tended the debate in the Town Hall on Monday evening, sponsored by the Women's Inetitute. Much praise and admiration is expressed to the four young people who gave such a good account of themselves in dismissing their side of the question. Messrs. Jas. Patterson, Chas Moore and A. Clarke of Hensel]. were in the village on Tuesday evening on bus- iness in the interests of the Canadian Chautauqua Company who are put- ting on their annual shows at Hen- sall on March 21, 22, 23, and 24th. See their advertisement on page four of this issue, and make arrangements to attend these splendid entertainm- ents. The various officials of the Zurich Agricultural Society held .a meeting on Saturday evening, -when, owing to Mr. E. F. Klopp being appointed as sec-retary of the society, resigned the presidency, and Mr. John P. Rau was elected as president, Ferd Haber- er as lst vice; Wm. Decker as 2nd vice and A. Reichert as a Director to fill the vacancies. So the Society is all set for the year's activities. Old jack frost and King 'Winter M. J. W. Merrier wishes. to advise 00909.0.000,000000•0001.00140.11000000000•004,01.16000000000 the public that he has made arange- ! highest market prices, either trade or I SC 11, cash, Mrs. Albert Hendrick of the Blue xnents t take in eggs, and will pay • 1 Water Highway spent the past week with her mother, MrsEckstein, at We have opened a Service and Repair Garage . Victoria Hospital, London. PleasedAleet.e.. formerly the ' to report that Mrs. Eckstein is lan- G • E And DIGHOFFER ARAGE are in a position to give First Class Work, on all HENSALL • makes of cars, and all other Motors. 01 IMPERIAL GAS, OILS, AND GREASES • Also THE FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES GARAGE ATTENTION! PLEASE! proving as rapidly as can be expected Mrs. Craig of Blyth, is visiting at the home of her father, Alex Smith. Mrs. john Fisher is spending a few lays visiting friends in Toronto, Mrs. John Fisher of 131trth is vis- iting at the home of her father, Alex. Smith. Eleanor Meehan, R,N., of Clinton, risked. with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKinnon. Mrs. Margaret Vair of Toronto is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Robt, Bonthron. Wm. Simpson, accompanied by his mother and sister, spent a few days with Mrs. Robb Bonthron. 1 1 a With a One Year Guarantee. a PHILCO RADIOS KOLSTER RADIOS 44 • • • Low RATES ON PLATE OR CRYSTAL WINDSHIELDS AND to 0 • • DOOR LIGHTS. - BATTERY CHARGING, CAR WASHING AND tio • • POLISHING. — PRESTOLITE BATTERIES. o • 0 • Give Us A Call I • Schrag Bros. Phone 154. Zurich 1:1 , LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGES • 2 I Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren, ae- 0.1111.60100.00.10.889.00.00$* oneoesemossetoteerssenesseeeneessaotaag; companied by Miss Gladys Luker, visited, with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby of Colling- wood spent the week end with the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White. Mrs. Wm. Bell. Marie Bell of London, visited with her parents Mr. and Friends of Frecl Bengough are ple- ased to hear that he is considerably improved after being so critically 111. MTS. John Murdock was pleasantly entertained by a number of friends the other evening. Mrs. Samuel Beavers or Exeter, called on friends in town. The many friends of Charles Mc- Donnell are sorry to hear that he is confined to his homethrough illness Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt were visitors to London one day last we- ek. Ruby McLaren is few days with her Hunkin at Farquhar. COUNTY have made their appearance over the week -end and by all appearance we„ At the February meeting of Mor - are now in the midst of winter, with is Tp. Council eight applications Zara the coldest snap of the whole winter were received for the position of months. The old storms are raging treaeurer, an office which has been every day with considerable snow fal- held by Arthur Shaw for 22 years. ling, and probable the weather man 'Nelson Higgins was the choice of the has got somewhat tangled in •his dat- , council. He being a former:school es, as we are no in March and lo- -teacher. oking for spring when we have the Joe Gaudier, the young son of Dr. very coldest, :)f winter weather. To 1 and Mrs. J. C. Candler of Clinton, as a maple trees, wirt wonder how is having some SUCC(..3S flyer. He • those farmers• who have 'tapped their "sop's I made his own glider and has reached rr"ni"g”- bid, after this there will n- an altitude of 125 feet, and though gain be a run. Another week of this he has made repeated flights he has end we trent: a goodly namber of theI never. had even a minor -accident. He empty ice houses in this part of edholhas tier ca h6AanyihAructions. visiting fora sister, Mrs. A. NEWS country will be filled. „ I Win. Turton, an employee of the I Mr. H. G. Hess, who is endeavoring ' Goderich Manufacturing Co., while on a paying basis, is meeting with the gang in the hush to put the Zurich Hydro System back i working wish leading logs, had the misfortune to good success so far, and if the peo- have a log roll over on his leg, with I ple will continue to co-operate within the result that the leg was badly a short time the local syetern will be I 'neken below the knee. He was re - on a paying bails instead of gaingLuoved to Alexandra Hospital. financially behind. It has now been Fred lIunkin met with a nasty ac - proven that Saturday evening is the cadent the other day when the top! most critical time to Create a peak of the index finger of his right hand! load, and the load had been down all was almost severed, while sawinie week to 60 h.p. till Saturday even- ing when it was boosted up to 65 h.p. by the time Mr. HOSE arrived at the meter, but after giving the two winks on the line, Mr. Hess advises that it was only s. few minutes till the power used dropped down some eight h.p. We know it is rather a hard thing to get accustomed to keep off the line as much as possible on Saturday evening, but if we can make an annual saving of six or eight hundred dollars, it is worth our while to keep this in mind. Rev. D. J. Lane Moderator The regular meeting of the Presby- tery of Huron of the Presbyterian Church in Canada was held at Clin- ton, recently, with a fine attendance both of ministerial and lay members of the court. and with Rev. J. B. Rhodes, of Exeter, presiding and constituting the court. After the elders' names for the ensuing year had been submitted and approved by the court and the minutes of the special meetings of Presbytery were read and adopted. Mr. Rhodes intim- ated that the time had arrived for the appointment of the nev.• moder- ator for 1932. and Rev. D. J. Late of Knox church, Goderich, was hon- ored with the office and presided ov- er a very full docket of business. Mail Order Catalogues Nearly three and a half tons of catalogues from a Toronto mail or- der house were sent out from Clin- ton postoffice recently to surrounding points, this being a distribution offi- ce. These books are sent there by freight, then mailed out to the diff- erent points within a radious of 20 miles thus taking advantage of the low postage rate, It is thus the big firm in the big city which reaps a very large part of the benefit from all those facilities, such as a low postal rate, free mail delivererY, parcel post and the like. That it pays this firm to send out its catalogues twice a year, or oftener there is not a doubt. Otherwise they would not be sent. And every dollar sent to the city for ordinary merchandise serves to enrich .:he city and to improverish the rural nommunity from which it is sent—, ;Iinton News -Record, wood with a circular saw at the home of his son Alfred Hunkin, in Usborne. The top of the finger had to be am- putated. There is prospect of a revival this year of the June excursion by boat from Goderich to Detroit. N. F. Mac- Lean, under whose direction for many years the Greyhound trips be- tween Goderich and Detroit were run proposes to conduct an excursion next June by steamer Put -In -Bay, with the low fare from Goderich to Detroit and return of $2 for adults and $1 for children. There will be a "moonlight trip" on the lake out of Goderich. While driving between Egmond- ville and Kippen the other day, J. A. Nehill, of London, struck a rut in the road about four miles from Egmond ville, and lost control of the car, which crashed into a telephone pole and broke it in two, the car being damaged considerably. None or. the occupants of the car was injured. Traffic Officer Lever investigated the crash and found it to be purely ac- cidental. The Clinton Knitting Co. has in- stalled ten new machines for the knit ting of ankle hose. Stuart McBurney of Wingliann while clearing the line fence and chopping treeswith Herson Irwin, was struck by a falling tree, breaking the right leg above the knee. Helen, the 12 yr. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Cox of Grey Tp. re- cently underwent a serious operation in the Stratford hospital. A year ago she suffered a severe attack of scar- let fever, which resulted in the decay of part of her sktill, necessitating the removal of a large portion of the bone in the forehead. The operation took four hours to perform and was one of the longest ever undertaken in the Stratford Hospital. The People's Stores, will be the new name under which the Steel St- ores of Canada will shortly be known the purchaser of these chain stores, haviiig selected the name. It is expec- ted that the reorganization campany will, mark the inauguration of the new regime by a big merchandising event in Goderich, C, Troth:Lan., the' former manager will be the new man- ager of that branch. Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT LiE IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. e. dee .• „seen: •Se- enesi- +++4. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KDKS ADFMSOANLI wo Dr, A, J, MacKinnon Zuricht ompAwammiswwwwwwilmwmpomf, 100, 00 Worn chose tke modern *SILENT GLOW B e cause— h Lights Quicker—It Gives More Heat—It Consumes Less Oil and more Air per Unit of Heat Generated This is the result of patented features not found in any other burner—the Silent Glow "Superheater" and the "Inner Combustor." Let us show you its noiseless, odorless, smokeless oper- ation, and how easily it will fit into your own range or heater. You control the temperature with a simple valve. Burns cheap fuel oil with blue vapor flame—absolutely safei Written fivz-year factory gee -anon. up. More "Silent Glow" Burners in use than all others eontt.'ned. (111ili)liiiilliii11)111:111111111111111, 01' 01111!LENT GL011gil I tftlju MARK REG. IN CAN. AND us.PAY. OPF. ‘i CIIL BURNER ' 1111111111111111111211111111111211111161111111111111111111118 Makers of Silent Glow F'ilgstin, He‘tersfor homes, camps, stc., and Silent (Wow Power Burners for beating largat homes, apartments and other large bpildkus. "MADE IN CANADA" WILLIAMS EROS. 4A ZURICH '•- ONT. Jost the thing or the kitchen ranwe or heater, in your Summer Cott ue or Come. Aglatale