HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-10, Page 4zttIt C ` Canacilan C akkt.i.tiqua*: HAWAIIANS-. _ _•� ----w :Swinging into a romantic South Sea tenting.comes a soft -voiced gaoup of Hawaiian singers in native coetume'Who play Hawaiian music ee in is meant to be played. Steel guitar's, ukuleles end rich voices Mend naturally into the pungent melodies t.E this island territory. ... —..__- own Hall — ° Hensall March 21, 22,, :23, 14.. DAILY PROGRAMME Wednesday, March 23rd Evcniing—Faanous Polish Pianist and Composer, Hugo Brandt, Lecture— ".All Aboard", Elwood T. Bailey. ',Admission 75e. i Thursday, March 24th Afternoon—Popular Entertainment, Sue Hastings' Marionettes. Evening—Comedy drama, the best ever, "Old Crusty Take: the Air" The _Havelon Players. Admission 73a. )AIL•Y PROGRAMME Monday, March 21st 7eere aiztg—":Bought and Paid or" A z:a ,t+f real life, Presented by the Paeriess players. Price ?1".00. 'Tuesday, March 22nd :1 xgt o,on—An Excellent interesting Travelogue, Mrs. Alber: Vierra. Admission 75e. ;11 crux Evening in Hawii; Be - zed -alai 'lIasicai Production. Vierreee Rauaiins. Admin len 75c. SEASON TICKETS Childhen '1.00 plus tax AWL: - . , , , . - • $2.00, Tee indluded Afternoon program 3.30, Eve. 3 pin. oorf Attetikn Sale REAL ESTATES and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at ZURICH, an SATURDAY, MARCH 12th, 1932 At 1,30 o'clock, pan., sharp. REAL ESTATE—Consisting of part lots 13 and 14, Kn211's Survey; Zurich, on which is erected a frame building suitable for a shop and awe - Bing. Good location, and supplied with best bard water from village tank. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Two bed steads, springs and mattresses, 1 dresser, 1 washstand, 2 pr. pillows, comforters, quilts and sheets, 5 high backed. chairs, 1 cupboard, writing desk, coal heater, 1 Climax coal and wood range, 1 gasoline stove, 1 pair. curtain stretchers, 1 phonograph, lawn mower, Ye h.p. electric motor; 1 piece linoleum 9'x1.5';,'3 Congol- eum rugs 10'6x.9'; 9x7'6"; 15'x9' in- laid linoleum in barber shop; 2 5 -gal.. barrels; mats, crocks, pails, tub, etc; 1 small table, 1 wringer, kitchen ut- ensils and other .articles; set of tools consisting of block and tackle, vice, saws, etc., Also 2 carpet sweepers, 2 rugs 9ft.x10Ms ft, dozen large soup plates. Frame building 10'5"x14'5" suit- able for garage. TERME OF SALE—Real Estate, 10% on day of sale, Balance in 30 days. Household Effects, etc. cash. A. Weber, Auctioneer. E.. Weide Clerk. Mrs. E. Desch, Proprietoress. 1114*•9,Zet3DSOCiaktiladat004016106$401009, .6.4000666 i0•S•101000*4*O••e f •f KK Baby Chicks and Custom Hatchi , g • ,$ V are offering Blood -tested Quality Baby Chicks in • i poplar breeds. Barred . and White Rocks, Black • .i I .ino/vas, White Wyandotles, White Leghorns and = 1 Jersey Black Giants. i WE HAVE INSTALLED A NEW .3Q,00D EGG .CAPACITY INCU- • BATOR FOR CUSTOM HATCHING ONLY. • Trays" hold eleven dozen eggs each. .Plant in charge of an exper- t aerated operator. Phone or write your reservation early. Charge la two and one half cents per egg.. Depend on Hogarth to give you • a satisfectoiy hatch. • 1• The Hogarth Baby Chia Hatchery • EXETER, ONTARIO Phone i B4 tiV • ads • ab000moo341►oa0.0ete.40400•easea75••••000se •zeme•N•••a 3..., a•.f�••i•o=•1••3--:•-f••.'-•l.•'s•.i•.r,_ ;..;..;..;..,. ;...1.:,.q..;.>,. ,..l..,cs..;.ti •A.1•.: }••�••4•� -k•i•rr•�F•�•F-:�••I.3•o'•� Lot Us Quote You .3;12MIDE On Storm Sash and Doors 1: I ,i Before the cold weather arrivs Ill us and we will measure ►-our windows „t, ?` t Fs C. L&LBFLEISOR t PHONE 69 - - ZURICH -,?wee; -ae 4- S•4•- .: taeles.,I ;..1 ++++++++ ++++ j.+✓r+++++++-9+++++ ;.++++4.'t 1 Fertilizer Fertilizer -Before giVing Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure :and see us, Get our Prices and Quality, and we know 46, you will leave your Order with us. Chick Feeds, and Starters it Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete and We will be pleased to supply You with the follow- ix1,rr Brands: Pioneer, olcer> Master Chick Starter, r, Purina Chows, Etc. • 1 SEEDS SEEDS For Spring Seedin and plantinglet us supplyyou with � ppy your. seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs, Schilbe ti 1' 0.L lF0616dYoaws1440•+ W:.0414*•0 '0010o + ar+RZZZ•c,,baw+00: ,0000491190,6e$06 DASHWOOD Lea,vitt's T heatre Exeter — Out Thurs., Friday, Saturday Mar. 10, 11, 12. KEN MAYNARD In "'SUNSET TRAIL" Mon., Tues., and Wed. -March 14, 15, 16. "GEORGE ARLISS" In "THE MILLIONAIRE" (Approved) His First Modern Comedy wins Gold Medal. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith of Win- dsor spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther and \Ir. and Mrs. Hy Hoffman were Sun- day visitors with friends in London. Mrs. P. Mclsaac and Willis are visiting friends in Detroit. Misses Marie and Gertrude Alle- mange and' Mr. Carl Allemang of St. Clemens visited with friends on Sun- day. Mr. Ira Tiernan is spending a few days in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer and Meade Hayter and friend of Wind- sor. spent the week -end with Mr. and IIrs. R. Hayter and other relatives. Mr. Melville Vernon, accompanied by his 'mother, Mrs. J. Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. Milford McIsaac of Detroit spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Restemeyer. Mrs. Vernon remained here and will spend a few weeks with hr mother Mrs. Mclsaac, Sr. Mrs. Armstrong, who spent last week with her returned to her home in Laritlon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold of Crumlin, Mrs. J. Wickens of Ingersoll Mr. and. Mrs. W. M. Hey of Zurich and i\Ir. Clarence Routledge of Lon- don were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener, spent the week -end with her parents. Miss G. Cornell of Kitchener, was the guest of Mr. Ira Tiernan over the week -end. Eugene Tiernan and friend of Lon- don spent the week -end with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Tiernan. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Katherine Dieterich, wife of Christian Dieterich, which occurred on Tuesday morning at the age of 50 years, 2 months and 8 days. Funeral sservices will be conducted on Friday morning. Ladies Aid The Ladies' Aid, and 'W.M.S. o' Dashwood Evangelical church hel.. their March meeting recently with Mrs. M. Neeb in the chair. Eeaste.. messages were read by Mrs. W. Snell' Mrs. A. W. Sauer, Mrs. D. Tiernan,. and Mrs. R Willert. Mrs. G. Wildfong took up the second chapter of the Mission Study Book. There were 93 sich visits reported and Mrs. W. Wolfe and Mrs. E Guenther were appointed as visiting committee for next month. Arrangements were made to have a quilting bee on March 17th and a motion to contribute $50 to the .church Treasury was carried The next meeting will be in charge of Mrs, R. Goetz and Mrs. W. Snell. Fire, about 5 o'clock on 'Monday afternoon started at the house of Wm. Kaercher on a farm about 3 miles west of Dashwood on the Lake Road. Mrs. Kaercher startled by the crackling noise noticed fire on the roof which apparently was caused from a chimney spark. She immedi- ately called for help from Dashwood Telephone . Central, where through the prompt efforts of the operator, Mr. P. Mclsaac, a crowd of men from town rushed to the scene of fire. A bucket brigade carrying water from the near .creek managed to get the fire under control which had made considerable headway owing to the high wind. The roof and verandah of the house which was a two story frame building was badly damaged by the fire acid also a number of holes had to be chopped into it to get at the fire. Mr. P. Mc:laac deserves credit for so promptly sending,; essis- tance without which the wheld build- ing would have been'destroyed. The fire engine from t)ashwood in charge of harry Zimmer arrived but the fire had already been checked, Bean--Voisin-At Dashwood MVAton Marc: 6th.y <<i Me, and :irs. ex. Y7: i ilaught('"t'• Thurs., Friday, Saturday March 17, 18, 19 "EDDIE CANTOR" In "`WHOOPEE (Approved V) (Super Special) Greatest of Ziefeld Shows now as Sumptuous Comedy Film Spectacle. All Tecnicolor. HILLSGREEN The Young People are putting on a St. Patrick's Social in the church on Monday evening, March 14th. A programme and lantern slides will be given. Also a dainty lunch. Admis- sion 25c, and 15c. Everybody wel- come. The W. M. S. will hold their meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Chas. Ste- phenson on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Thos. Consitt of Hensall, sp-, ent a few days recently with his son . Mr. R. Consitt. Miss Ruth Richardson has return- ed to her home after spending a few days with friends in Varna. Several farmers have tapped the maple trees for syrup and say the run was good. This storm will help it to run better we hope. • Quilting bees are now the ordei of the day in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. N. Reid of Varna, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Turner. MORTGAGE. SALE Of VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain Mor- tgage which will be produced at. the time of the sale there will be offered. for sale by public auction, subject to a reserved bid and other conditions of Sale, On SATURDAY, MVIAKCH 26, 1932 At The hour of 2 'o'clock in the after- noon at The Dominion House, Zurich, Out. The following property, namely: Part of Lot No. 13, in the 12th Con- cession of the Township of Hay, in the Cpunty of Huron, containing seventy acres more or less. On the premises is a good bank barn with cement foundation, com- fortable frame house and drive shed. There are two wells, one in the barn, and one at the house. The property is well drained and fenced. There are seven acres sown to fall wheat, and all the fall ploughing done. This property is only three miles from the flourishing village of Zurich and handy to market, church and school. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of purchase money to be paid at the time of sare, and the balance in thirty days. For further particulars and cond- itions sof sale apply to the under- signed solicitors. DATED at Exeter, Ont., the 7thday of March, 1932. Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Reusall, Solicitors for Mort- gagee. HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, March 7th, with all the me- mbers.. present. The minutes or the previous meeting were adopted as read. A number of communications were ordered filed. The following resolutions were pas- sed: That By-law No. 4, 1932 authoriz- ing the treasurer and the collector to accept part payment of taxes at any time be read three times and finally passed. That by-law No. 5-1932 providing for the estimated expenditures on Township Roads for the year be read three times and finally passed! That the following be appointed Road Commissioners for the various Township Road Divisions for the year 1932 and that a By-law be prepared for passing at the next Council me- eting confirming same: Road No. 1, aM. M. Russell, b J. Parke, c S. McArthur; Road 2, a C. Aldworth, b G. Armstrong, c W. G. Bell, d S. Ropp; Road 3, C. Aldworth b A. Mousseau, c 0. Koehler; Road 4 c A. Reichert; Road 5, a H. H. Pfaff, b G. Pybus, c J. M. Richardson; Road 6, a S. Martin, b J. Rennie.' Road 7, Fred Haberer; Road 8, a S. Roffman, b Lawrence Denomme; c John Oesch; Road 9, a R. Miller, b Gordon Surerus c Ed. Erb; Road 10 a J. M. Ziler, b Robt. Adams, c F. E. Ducharme; Rd. 11 a W. Fisher; 12 a Max Turnbull; 13 a P. Schade; 14, a M. Tinny, b U. A. Pfile, c E. Hendrick; L5, a J. Sararas, 16, a Wm. Ducharme; 17, a M. 'Corriveau„ 18, a T. Dinsmore, d A. L. Sreenan; Zurich Police Vill- age, E. Deters Sr; Dashwood Police Village, E. Gaiser, That accounts covering payments on Township Roads, Telephone and General accounts be passed as per vouchers: Township Roads—J. M. Richard- son, pay list road 5, 9.25; C. Alds- worth, roads 2-3-13 3.70; S. Hoffmar road 8, 2.20; J. Rannie, pay list rd 6, 4.00; M. M. Russell, Road 1, 5.00; F.: E. Ducharme, rd. 10, 10.00; E. Deters Ste,'pay list, Zurich Police Vil- lage 7.15; W. J.J Jarrott, expense; to convention 9.95. Telephone Ac• counts—Zurich 'Hydro, lights 'foi offide 4.57; E. R. Guenther, cartage 3.73; Municipal World, supplies 2.55 Hobbs Hardware Co., creosote oi': i.84; Bell Tel. Co. tolls Dec. to Jan 91.58; Workmens' Compensation Bd assessment, 13,25; Northern Electric Co., material 17.38; Zurich Central switching five weeks 85.00; Strom - berg -Carlson Mfg. Co., material 98.4f H. G. Hess, labor, etc. 91.54. Gen. oral Accounts—Zurich Hydro, lights town hall 3.61; Municipal World supplies 12.32. That the Council adjourn to ineea again on Monday, April 4th„ a.t 1.8' •o'clock, p.im A, 2. Hess, Clerk. '"la 10th, 192 AUCTION SALE Of 1+'ARIVL STOCK; .AND ilViPLE1V1ENT FRIDAY, lMARCH 18th, 1932 At 1.30 aa'a loch, p,m, One mile west of Blake on the farm of A. Aubin, the following, HORSES. --1 aged mare; 1 driver, rising 10 yrs. old; 1 Percheron geld- ing, rising t yr, old; 1 Percheron filly, rising 2 yrs. old; 1 bay horse rising 13 years; gray horse rising 13 years, CATTLE -1 White cow with calf; 1 red -cow fresh; 1 red cow due April 18th; 1 .spotty cow due in May; 1 yearling heifer;; 1 snail calf; 6 heifer calves rising 1 yr. old. RDGS Zr POULTRY -1 Yorkshire sow in pig; 1 'Tamworth sow in pig, 2 dozen hens; 2 ducks and drake, 11 Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS, ETC: -1 binder, 2-11. p. gasoline engine; 1 6 -ft. cut mower; 1 cutting box; 1 spring tooth cultivator; 1 13 -disc drill; 1 " exten- sion lacleler; xten-sion.:ladder; bag truck; quantity of lumber; fanning mill; 2000 -Ib. scales; quantity of buckwheat; about 7011 - bushels mixed grain; quantity of grain bags; 1 bag beans; about 5 ton of hay; 1 wheel barrow; 1 scalding barrel, 1 emery stone; rack to load cattle; steel roller; steel rake; wagon box; «lise; 4 -section harrow; light wagon; 'Oliver bean scuffler and pul- ler combined; hand scarier., 2 walk- ing plows, sett doubleharness • 3 horse 'toilers., (amain separator and numer- ous other =titles. it les. TERMS OF SALE $10.190 and under, cash; Over that anrotuit17 months' credit will be given en furnishing ding approved joint notes, with 7% per annum added. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. A. G. Edighofl'.er, Clerk.. C. Fritz, E. A: Westlake, A. G. Edighoffer, Trustees. The cumulative :experi- ence of more than . 114 yearsof successful bank- ing in Canada works for the benefit of every cus- tomer of'the Bank of Montreal. 1111111 111111 BANK OF MONTREAL 'Estab1ishcst 1St! TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF X750;000,000 •o+o•+•••••NOOA,.*,Zvs+►•+• 0.04**.....•40,,A0040,,,e03•0 0 a 4 • e •0 r 1 • • i At N1►s0i►it*.i• *44 ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper for one :bear: Kitchener Daily Record ........... $5.10 4.- Toronto Daily Globe .,.,..,. $6..00 4- lk- Toronto Daily Mail and Empire ... .......... $6,00 4, Toronto Daily Star _... $7.00 4' Toronto Weekly Star .............................$6.00 t: London Free Press ........... ...... ........... $6.0040. London Advertiser $6.00 : London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 40= Farm and Dairy $2.75 .i Farmers' Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 40. Family Herald for 3, years ,. $ 3.00 Z y ,...........,,..._ $ 410 - Canadian Countryman 2.2540- Weekly Witness $3.15 Farmers' Magazine ., $2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth ,..,,_.h.,,,....,... $2.75 And it great many more that WO 'Cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every, reputable Magazine .Ib Canada and the United' States, villa can save you money on the moot of diem, Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Offike and save,Trouble and Money HERALD) OSCE 4. ar- • ab.4.• tv- Zuric1 :