HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-10, Page 1VOL XIX I I N.; 33 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 10 1932. Chester L. Smith, ratl W IL25 a year, U.S. $I.ECi` I`rs A el.50 IN ARrt,L 4Rs, 42 MAY BIC CIISLOrAIRIC Publicity is theq1Greatest Factor in Home Merchandising • ................................................... •....•a....d....ahcv.••e'.....•.O••.... F.fa••i ....es,r..aW.. • • .• x artless, Etre toWE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, • « TRAVELLING BAGS, VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING; TIRE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY i, ATTRACTIVE PRICES. 1 Paras Pianos EF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO 'FinTE. PLEASURES HOME, RE SURE AND WE ARE AGENTS FORTHE POPULAR CONSULT US, AS SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGEN:T°av: FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE • • • • • • • 4 a 4 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • FRED THIEL s ••• • *40•40••0+s•••••••••••••••••••• 0.•••••41,••••••••••••••••' • 1•YMO.••••SGS402:idk• ••••• •••••11•••••6••0.6 61100••00! • • • • PHONE 1.7.. =dk Mid-Witer Waring Sale TWICE - A - - YEAR SALE Of High Grade Shoes A message of great importance to you' Brown's Boot Shop has built up a worthy reputation in I the shoe business throughseveral years of honest deal- ing eaing in high grade Footwear at Reasonable Prices, Ithas • been the oli,ythis store to give their customers the latest as well as the Best leathers, hence, our twi e a year Sales'. Year illy year they have ;net with greater success because the public has learned that honest to- goodnes Bargains icn high ..rade Shoes are offered. Men's Heavy Lumberman Jt bbexs, Seg. azo, Sale Price_ ...... 32.-2.5 Boys' Heavy Luzithea mean Rubbers, •3.3011, :Sale price $1:95 Youth's Heavy Rubbers, Seg. 2.7-5, Sale vice .... $1-Z0 Men's Penman. Pure Wil .Sock, Seg. 1.75, Sale Price • ..:$1..t00 Penman'sI1.5'ii Sale price _ ...... _ .75c Boys' pure wool .Sacks, Beg. ' .. Men's plain Rubbers, .. 1-50, :Sale :Brice ............. . ...... .,OOc Women's and G€rit's Jersey' Wodl iGolashes, Seg. 3.50, Sale P......$1.50 Women's Splashier Cue. •G+ilashes, Meg. .3.50, :Salle Price _ _ _ . _ :$1:43 5 Miss Pat. Pocnps, Leg. 3.50, .Sale ;prise '{;32a5$2.45 Boys' High Grade Shoes and Oxfords, 'Seg. 'C.00, same Price $2.:95 Women's Boudour Slippers, Reg. 1.50, Sale Price 85c Men's Felt and Leather Slippers, Reg. 2.00, Sale Price 95c These arts only a few of the many Lines not .Adverriseg. • REPAIRING. NEATLY DONE • • • • 1 • • 1 sS • • w • • i Brown's Boot ShopWI1+FDf>NwRIS OCR DISPLAY • It soesesemmeseemosoesemosemeoe i1•4M••444.44••••f4•••• 444.4.44444.44•••••• 4, • . • • IS i� East Early , ••• • March 27th ORDER. THAT NEW star NOW. FINEST RANGE F MADE . TO MEASURE VEY ITA EVER: SHOWN'FOR • Ws a II .`ii+>~.> I *HD OHNIEVIDNL DIRECTORS RS 4 • • •• 1 s • •; ••• •i 4 •; • i ••• • •' •' i • • • I •! •• •! •, •, on . • • • Hensel! Pastor Resigns Owing to the resignation of the Rev. J. Mcllroy, pastor for the past five years of the Presbyterian Church, at Hensall, that pulpit becomes vacant. on March 20th. Rev, J. B. Rhodes, M.A. of Caven church, Exeter, is the interim moderator. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report. of ;S,: S. No. 14, Hay, for the month of January and February. Jr. IV -Doris Alexander 73.1; Bert Thompson 66.5; Elgin Johnsoni 57.6. Sr. III -Alfred Ropp 81.5; Marg- aret MacGregor 70.5; Archie Mace Gregor 67.2; Jerry Johnston 66.6,; Ben Dick 47.7. Sr. II -Stuart Dick 72.3. Jr. II -Ina Ropp 82.7; Blanche. Thompson 67.8; Harold Willert 43.2; I --Allan Crerar 69. Highest per cent, Ina Hopp 82.7. Perfect attendance for January and February, Bert Thomson, Margaret MacGregor, Archie MacGregor, Jerry Johnson, Benson Dick, Blanche Thorn. son, Benson Dick, Blanche Thomson, No. on roll 13. Average attendance 12.7. M. E. Middleton, Teacher, BLAKE Mr. Ervin Gingerich of Kitchener; accompanied by friends, spent the week -end with friends in this vicin- ity. Messrs. Jas. Scott and Gar. Silery of Seaforth, accompanied by Miss Grace Forest, Miss Gladys Douglas and Miss MacLachlan of Scott Mem- orial Hospital, and Miss Mildred 'Forest of Tuckersmith, spent Satur- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas. Mr. Harold Johnston., of ZuricN, spent the week -end under the par- ental roof. < Rev. Mr. Poulter of Varna called ,on friends in the village on Mon - .day. Miss Lydia Gingerich, R. N., of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, spent Thursday afternoon at her home on the Bronson Line. Mr. Harold Finlay called on fri- ends in the village Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tuff. Denomme, of Detroit spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Denomme. Arr. Wm. Clarke and Mr. Jima. John *Ion spent a day recently with fri- ends in London and Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey spent Sun- day with friends in Zurich. Mr. Edmund Erb is wearing a smiting face, its a girl. YESI You Will Find a Differ. ence if You Burn HE STANDARD ANT1iRACI SCRANTON JUST.. ARRIVED! FRESH CAR PETROLEUM COKE GREAT HEAT NO ASHES Try a Ton! Plwete low or 10J HENSALL, OM1 ST. PETER'S. Evangelial Lutheran Church ZURICH --- ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, Sha -Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 1O'a. m: -German Service. 11.15 a. tn.-Sunday School. •7.30 p. m. -English Service. • EveKyiiody Weicoinc to all Services r alb+ifi!',+I000!►lN P1I+lk�**0114or+kh•ti0410.D ^t! IES 6 enc khein+t Pastor • Mr. Frank Taylor of Exeter, called in town on Saturday. Hay Council held it monthly meet- ing on Monday afternoon in the town hall, when considerable business was transacted. Mrs. C. Rader, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rader and Mrs. J. Kuntz, all of Dashwood last week one day visited with 'Mrs. C. Decker, Mr. and Mrs. P. Haberer and other friends. Mr. Alex, Kerrigan and daughter also Mrs. Lilian Kain and little son Raymond all of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs Geo. J. Thiel of town. Mr. Oscar. Klopp has recenuly be- en appointed as local agent for the well known Hassey -Harris line of farm implements. and is in a position to supply the farmers with anything i along the line of farm machinery. Rev. W. Y. Dreier is conducting revival meetings in the Evangelical church three nights a week, namely Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. An invitation is extended to all to at- tend these feasts of spiritual bless- ings. Ladies' Aid Meet . The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of the Evangelical church, held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. L. W. Hoffman. A very appropriate reading on "The Ressurection" was *rezt, lsF yrs, • S.„, Witmer. Mrs. J. 'Hey, Jr., gave an interesting reading on "How to be Happy" and the Chap- ter from the Mission Study Book was taken by Mrs. L. W. Hoffman. Three new members were added to the Society. The President, Mrs. W. Y. Dreier took charge of the business after which a dainty lunch was serv- ed by the Committee in charge. Womens' Institute The March meeting of the Zurich Branch of the Womens' Institute was held in the Town Hall auditorium on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, with Mr. W. G. Edighoffer in the chair. The meeting which was open to the public was largely attended as a very lively debate was staged, resolv- ed "That the League of Nations sho- uld be abolished." After much con- sideration the judges' decision was given in favor of the negative side. Guest Artists for the evening were The Stelck Orchestra, who furnished splendid music for the evening. An address by the chairman on .-How to judge a debate" by Mr. Edighoffer was well received. "How War Be- gins" was very ably discussed by the following: Rev. E. Turkheim, Rev. Dreier, Mr. Rowe and Mr. A. Kalb- fleisch. After a hearty vote of than- ks to all taking part, the meeting was closed by singing the National An them. During the business part of the evening, all ladies were request- ed to send their autograph quilt pat- ch blocks to the President, Mrs. E. F. Klopp, in order that the committee can prepare the quilt. Bad for the !331 Drivers Drivers of autos not equipped with 192 license plates cannot collect da- mages, in the event of an accident, regardless of their insurance policies. Insurance companies have notified the Essex County Auto Club. Warning of this condition was issued by the club officials,; in "advising car owners, to secure current. plates ;without delay.' A condition of all insurance policies it is. explained, that the driver must have an up-to-date driving license, and hi"s err' insist- be 'equipped with plates: for the current year. A recent decision in an Ontario court decision is cited by the club heads. In a col- lision between a car bearing 1932 license plates and one displaying 1931 markers„ the driver of the lat- ter was found fully responsible for the accident, although • evidence in- dicated equal division of blame. The $6.00 HERE'S A SPECIAL: White Gold Filled.. Frame,.. very.. Newest.. with Files Toric Lenses in Case. Why Strain your Eyes sewing or Reading, when pals - can obtain a pair of Spectacles at this price! Let us fill your next Optical Prescription. We can. ct. it more reasonable than the larger centres. Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 t + + + + + + • + 4, 4. • + • + • • • • • • + + + + • + + + •14.1. +•k+ +44 ••kfi•3" pit+ +•#•F•+•+++.1- at•••40tt^ t SPECIALS AT THE MUTUAL SHOE STORE11 WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST i FOR LESS CASH $1.00 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP HOiJSES£==;- pers, Low heels, _ Sift Toes; the 'kind yotr. :always :itelaggik.£ - .wa something a little different. $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SLIP1?ER, With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WORM. BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman snake $2-00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best inakes oto. tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 5%. $:1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps.. £Lre• finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 131/2.. OUR GUiDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR b :- FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT 7K1L.1t S TORE. WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES YOU TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT - MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2.40 and $2-75 pn ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR. PRICED THE SAME AS MALL EM - DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR. DIFFERENT STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, 01511 PRICES ARE TF1EITiVIZE WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing promptly -Awe:, 0 FRITZ & SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL. SHOE STORES OF CANADA Phone 82 or 115 ZuriA d• ••••••••••••++++++.4.+44.444.14-+++++••••++.4.4.444K44, o..••.6.+. Superior Quality Store We are Offering a Full Line of Seasonable Superic, ' Quality Goods of General Merchandise at Rock Bottom Prices. And we ask you to be sure and see the various lines we ;airee offering that will save you. real money FLILL ': 'LINE , OF HARNESS REPAIRS, SHOES, PAINTS, 'OILS„. ETC, ETC. ONLY THE BEST OF FRESH GROCER' ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. R. Na DOUGLAS ONNETIR UL lifiE!..OHAtirr . judge ruled that the car still operat- �p� •+�+� �/��+�� i11g under 1931 license should not be 1 PHONE AMI ; ` •+ / 8L �; on the highway and that, therefore, r its driver had. no highway rights I _ -,ar +t +„++. ; e ._.-.. ' 1 :Iw