HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-03-03, Page 7YOU may say much more, but the strongest claim we make is "is good tea' 2 CHOICE QUALITIES --r Red Label & Orange Pekoe Mora to playBridge AUCTION dad CONTRACT 4Wynne Ferguson Author of "PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIDGE" ARTICLE No. 11 One of the writer's correspondents has asked for an opinion on the fol- lowing question which as he says, "is not sufficiently or explicitly covered in any recent book we have been able to obtain, to definitely settle the matter." ft is of such nature that an, discussion regarding it is bound to be of interest to all Auction and Contract players: "Tinder what conditions should the initial bidder, if he has one suit miss- ing entirely or represented by only a singleton, declare no trump? Do the ordinary no trump indications hold in such cases? A sound no trump bid is composed of two elements: (1) the proper values for the no trump bid; (2) the proper distribution of such values among the four suits. The authorities practically all agree that the minimum strength on which the dealer should bid one no trump is two and one-half quick tricks, distributed among at least three suits. The quick trick strength must not only be there, but it must be so divided among the four suits that there is more than a reasonable chance to make the contract. A hand might very easily contain two and one-half quick tricks and still not justify a no trump bid. If these quick tricks are confined to one suit, the suit bid is the correct bid. If these quick tricks are dis- tributed among two suits only, it is not advisable to bid no trump. Experience has shown that with two suits unpro- tected, a no trump bid seldom is sound. For that reason, to justify a bid of one no trump, the hand must contain at least two and one-half quick tricks and these should be distributed among at least three suits. That leaves only one suit for partner to protect or, if he also has no protection, only one suit for opponent to make. In case the dealer has a singleton of a suit or none at all, experience has shown that the no trump bid as a rule is a losing bid. For that reason with this type of hand, it is better to bid a suit even though haled contains two and one-half quick tricks divided among three suits. If the opponents bid the missing suit, then, of course, Hearts -K, Q, J, 10, 9 Clubs -K, J, 9 Diamonds -none Spades -9 - the dealer should not subsequently bid no trump, but if his partner should bid the missing suit, then the dealer should bid the no trump on the second round of bidding. A singleton or a , void suit is a danger point for a no trump and the best procedure is to bid a suit first, and shift to a no trump bid I later only if the bidding at that time makes such a course necessary or ex- pedient. The following hands represent sound no trump bids by the dealer: Hearts --Q, 8 ,2 Clubs -K, J, 4 Diamonds -A, Q, 6 Spades -K, 6, 4, 3 Hearts -Q, J, 4 Clubs -8, 4, 2 Diamonds -A, Q, 6, 4' Spades -K, J, 7 • Hearts -J, 7, 6, 2 Clubs -K, J, 4 Diamonds -K, 10, 9, 2 Spades -A, J All of them contain at least two and ono -half quick tricks and the distribu- tion is of such a nature that there is a reasonable chance to make the bid. The following hands, however, are not justifiable no trump bids, even though they contain the necessary quick -trick strength. The distribution is of such a nature that the suit set in black type should be bid, rather than the no trump, Hearts -J, 7, 4, 2 Clubs -none Diamonds -A, K, 10, 7 Spades -K, J, 10, 4, 3 Hearts -A, 6, 4, 2 Clubs -A, 10, 9, 3, 2 Diamonds -4 Spades -K, 7, 5 Hearts -4 Clubs -Q, 7, 6, 4 Diamonds -A, Q, 6, 4, 2 Spades -K, J, 7 Solution of Last Week's Problem Hearts -A, 7, 6, 5 Clubs -A, Q, 10 Diamonds -K, 5 Spades -none . If the opponents hold suit, they will bid it against a suit bid but sit tight and lead it against a no trump bid. Prefer a suit to the no trump bid, when the hand contains a singleton or void suit, and you will win many a game and rubber not otherwise possible. : A Y B : z Hearts -2 Clubs -5, 4, E, 2 Diamonds -J, 3 Spades -J, 8 Hearts 4, 3 Clubs -none Diamonds -Q, 10, B, q, 7, 6 Spades -10 Owl Doffs Safety First 'When Adam, so the records state, With clothing quit inadequate, Refused to leave the Garden Gate, Now, that was Safety First! When ;Noah heard that there would be. A terrible catastrophe, He hunt an. ark to sail,the sea, Now, that was Safety First! Whou Arthur and his gailant knights Got ready for their bloody fights They clothed themselves in metal tights, Now, that was Safety. First: When Indian Chief stood up and said That Captain Smith must lose his head, Then John, he wooed the girl instead, Now, that was, Safety First! Father -"Your new little brattier has just arrived." Very Modern Child --"Where's he come from?" Father -"From a far -away country." V. M. C. - "Another confounded' alien." Nurse -"Are you going to give my patient something to slow down his heart action?" Doetor-"Yes, an elderly nurse." Sam -"Why did you tip that girl so much when she gave you your coat?' Henry -"Look at the coat she gave me." Teacher - "GI -e an example of period furniture." Starohope-"Well, I should say an electric chair, because it ends a sen- tence." You used to hear of a sweet old- fashioned girl who "never looked at a boy." If there ever was such a girl and she was over fourteen, she was blind. It's not a bad idea to have a good laugh at yourself about once a week. It breaks the monotony of laughing at other foolish folk. A man may admire an intelligent woman but the girl he loves is the one who hangs on his coat lapels and begs him to tell her "all about" something she already knows more about than he does. Friend -"What is your son taking up in college this year?" Dad -"Space, nothing but space.," Grim Faced Woman -"I want to know how much money my husband drew out of the bank last week." Bank Teller -"I cannot give you that information, madam." Woman -"You're the paying teller, aren't you?" Teller --"Yes, but I'm not the telling payer." Harold -"Haven't I seen you some- where some time?" Imogene --"Quito likely.. I've been there." v What New York Is Wearing sY ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON illustrated Dress'ntalcing Lesson l'ur nished With Ji'r, r•at Pattern And as for the making -it's child's play! This semi -sports type is lovely f >r now and just the thing for a little later wear for school. With its smart peplum flounce and contrasting materials, it simulates the two-piece mode. It is carried out in a supple woolen in rust brown shade in combination with a vivid red woolen mixture. The collar is white pique. Style No. 528 is designed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 6 and 38 inches bust. Crepe satin, crepe silk and crepe marocain also suitable. Size 16 requires 2% yards 39 -inch with 1% yards 39 -inch for waist, and % yard 39 -inch contrasting. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number -.nd size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin ?referred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order tc Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Mr. J. -"My dear, this book is a re- markable work. Nature is marvel- Nature ous! Stupendous! When I read a book like this, it makes me think how How welcome would it often be to lowly, how insigniflca'nt is man." many a child of anxiety and toil, to be Mrs. J. -"A woman doesn't have to wade through four hundred pages to discover that." Mrs. Jay -"Do you remember that couple we met at the beach last stam- mer we took such a violent fancy to - I mean the couple you invited to visit us?" I Mr. Jay -"Yeah. You don't mean to say-" Mrs. Jay -"Yes, the idiots are actual- ly coming." the missing the lead to his disadvantage. Z should now lead the deuce of clubs and Y should win any card played by A. At trick three, Y should lead the ace of hearts and follow with the five, which Z should trump with the eight of spades. Z should then lead the trey of clubs and once again Y should win any card played by A. Y should then lead his last club and follow with the five of diamonds. B is forced to win this trick and must, therefore, lead a diamond, which Z wins with the jack, and then makes his last club. Played in this way, Y Z must win eight of the nine tricks against any defense. If spades are trumps and Z is in the lead, how can Y Z win eight of the nine tricks against any defense? Solution: Z should lead the jack of spades and discard the king of dia- monds from Y's hand. This is the key play, for it prevents Y being forced in London "Bobbies" To Be Taller The London Metropolitan Pollee have always been a fine body of men, Too Sick for School Mrs, Dow Says Dr. Williams' Fink Fills Restorer! Daughter to Health. "My daughter was rundown in health, took weak spells and could not go to Nachool," writes Mrs. Ma Dow, Port Dan - Id West, Quebec. - "Wbile visiting her aunt, a friend told her about a little girl in similar condi- tion who had been completely restored to health by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My daughter has since been taking the Pills, and they have certainly made her stronger. She has lost that tired, sluggish feeling and has never missed one day's school since September. The Pills also gave her a good appetite;; her nerves are better and she bas more pep. I recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to mothers el daughters with similar troubles." Don't let anaemia rob your growing daughter of health and vigor. Give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, They are no temporary relief. They banish the condi- tion- by creating neje blood which int - parts health, vigor and vitality. Equally good for all rundown or nervous condi- eluna, At your druggist's, Soc. 274 Pierer Misses Day From School. but now they are to be more impres- sive than ever. The minimum height of recruits has just been raised from five feet nine inches to five -test -ten. At the same time, the age limit has been changed -it is now twenty to twenty-five. According to one police official, the reason for the increase in height is that a policeman of only five -feet -nine looks "boyish and undersized" with his helmet on. The City of London Police Force al- so believes in height -the minimum in this case being six feet. But we have never sought after height for its own sake; it is only one qualification among many- There has never been in Gt. Britain any body of men to com- pare in point of size with -the famous Potsdam Regiment raised by the fath- er of Frederick the Great in Prussia. Many of the soldiers in this "regiment of giants" were seven or eight feet tall, and endless expense was incurred in keening up the standard, numbers of tall men being imported from other lands. -London "Answers." Qualities It is not enough to possess great qualities unless we have the manage- ment of thin.-L'Rochefoucauld, The deeds of the young, the coun- sels of the middle-aged; the prayers 01 the old,--Gtee1c Proverb Now that Flo Ziegfield says "curves are coming back," we may be sure they are. One of the kids wants to know when ice cream sodas are going to be deflated. A story of a fish that winks was published in the papers, tears. -- Not so unlikely, either, considering , some of the nifty decorations to be seen on the beaches. Since every wo- man seems to be away from home in the afternoon, where is it they go? It could be that they go to see other wo- men. But you see that would mean the latter would have to be at home. �e- A Mistaken Policy When business is rushing, the ad- vertiser feels that he has plenty of money for advertising, so he spends it to get more business than he can convenently handle without increase of capital and overhead expense. Then when business is bad, the very time he ought to advertise to bring hi more business, he cuts off advertising, there- by reducing his chances of a return of normal volume.--Wisennsin Prefix. suddenly transferred from the heat and din of the city, the restlessness and worry of the mart, to the midnight 'garden of the mountain top! And like refreshment does a high faith, with its infinite prospects ever open to the heart, afford to the worn and weary. No laborious travels are needed'for the devout mind, for it carries within it Alpine heights and starlit skies, which it may reach with a moment's thought and feel at once the loneliness of Na- ture and the magnificence of God. All the blessings of a household come through the wife; therefore should her husband honour her. Men should be careful lest they cause wo- men to weep, for God counts their The Talmud. FREE TRIAL OFFER KRUSCI1EN Tf you have never tried I(ruschen try it now at our expense. We have distributed a great many special "GIANT" packages which make it easy for you to prove our claim for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new "GIANT" 75c. Package. This consists of our regular 758. bottle together with a separate trial bottle -sufficient for about one week. Open the trial bottle first put it to the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that. i ruschen does everything we claim it to do, the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take 11 back. Your druggist is authorised to return Your 75c. immediately and without tiuestion. You have tried Kruschen free at our expense. What could be fairer? Manufactured by E. Griffiths Tingles, Ltd., Manchester, Reg, ((yistab,1756). Importers: TdcGilllvray ttrot.. C.td., Toronto. Acidity Overcome Wonderful Results From Famous Vegetable Pills Instead of having an acid stomach and being constipated, Mr. Frank C. well. "I can eat anything since trying (darter's Little Liver Pills," he is Because they are PURELY VE TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are without equal for col- recting Constipation, Biliousness, tleadaches, Poor Complexion and In- digestion. 25c. & 75c. red pkgs., every- where. Ask for Carter's by NAME. ' ISSUE No. 9-'32 Children's COLD$ Mothers testify that BABY'S OWN TABLETS are invaluable for children's head colds and feverish colds. "At the first sign of a cold," writes Mrs, Isaac Kellar, 4 Shaftesbury Place, To- ttonto, "or if the children have been out in damp weather, I give Baby's Own Tablets, and they are all right again the next day." Mrs, Albert E. Knowles, R. R. 3, Gran- ton, Ont,, writes: "Baby's Own Tab- lets relieve colds so easily -I wouldn't be without them if they cost twice as much." Mrs. James O'Connor, Godfrey, Ont., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are won- derful for children's colds and fever." DR. WILLIAMS' Mrs. Frank A. Taller), Harrowsmith, Ont., writes; "It was next tomarvel- lous, after giving Baby's Own Tablets, how quickly the fever disappeared." When you see your child with a cold coming on, don't lose any time in giv ing Baby's Own Tablets. They are effective, also, for teething troubles, colic, constipation, vomiting, sleepless- ness, and whenever a child is restless and fretful, Absolutely SAFE -see the analyst's certificate in each 25 cent package. Over 1,250,000 packages sold in 1931. 222 Make and Keep Children Well -As Mothers Know Balsain My instinct has not lied, the -woods still hold Balsam for every wound, balm for each scar; The sunset sines still yield, from purest gold The lucent blossom of the evening star. Behind the campfire, through the' inky firs The moon still floats into a violet sky And spins her argent web; a night- jar churns, • From the dark hills whistles a kildee's cry. Remember these, my" heart, lest now you tire - The sun -drenched tamaracks, the azure haze. The river's gleam, the nights of silver fire, The benediction of Iong, golden days - The sweet pine -scented wind that wanders through The little hollow where you used lie, The granite peaks that soar against the blue Imperishable beauty of the sky - Hold them against all pain, all bitter yearning, The ache of broken dreams, all stress and strife - Here is the source from which, each year returning, You drink of peace at the deep source of life! -By Elisa R. Wiel in The Argonaut (San Francisco). 1500 -yr. -old Gold Treasure Unearthed on Cornwall Farm London. -Two bracelets and two necklets of pure gold, reputed to be at least 1,500 years old, have been unearthed on a farm at Towednack, near St. Ives, Cornwall. According to Mr. r. D. Kendrick, assistant keeper of British and me- dieval antiquities in the British Mu- seum, finds of gold ornaments dating to the Middle Bronze Age have' been made practically all over Britain, but particularly in CornwalL "These ornaments are made from Irish gold," says Mr. Kendrick, "and the bracelets and necklets were prob- ably worked in Ireland and then im- ported to Cornwall -perhaps in ex- change for tin. Such finds are trea- sure trove and become the property of the Crown, but the finders will receive practically the full value of the gold after it has been examined by ex- perts." Classified Advertising .4 N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted inventions and Pull information sent free. The Ramsay Com- pany. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Rank Street. Ottawa. Canada. AGENTS vWA1' TED. AGNETIC AUTOMATIC RAZOR. ILL Sharpener interests every man who sees it. Splendid seller at 83 on money back guarantee. Substantial profit. Puilan Specialty Co„ Maud St, Toronto. Happiness Happiness is a perfume which one cannot shed over another without a few drops falling on one's telt, VARICOSE VEINS Write for complete information about ELASTO - the new treatment for varicose veins, varicose ulcers and other leg disorders. Free sample and interesting booklet post free on request. The New Era Treatment Co. Limited, Dept 152 J., 455 Craig St. W., Montreal. Dragging Days and Restless Nights Lack of pep Is frequently caused by clogged -up systems. Feen-a-print is thorough, dependable yet gentle In action. Effective in smaller doses because you chew It. Modern, scientific, safe, non -habit-forming. FOR CONSTIPATE COLDSQ C BUC1UEYS MIXTURE is Canada's standard remedy. It outsells all other cough and cold preparations. BE 1'1"hR-that's why -and DIFFERENT. M -t o Acts Like a Flash SINCLESiv PRovesl7r ACID STOMACH RESTFUL SLEEP for FRETFUL, FE'T'ERIS,,.; CHILD - With Castoria's regulation When your child tosses and cries out in his sleep, it means he is not comfortable. Very often the trouble is that poisonous waste matter is not being carried off as it should be. Bowels need help -mild, gentle help -but effective. Just the kind Castoria gives. Castoria is a pure vegetable preparation made spe- cially for children's ailments. It contains no harsh, harmful drugs, no narcotics. Don't let your child's rest -and your own -be interrupt- ed. A prompt dose of Castoria will urge stubborn little bowels to act. Then relaxed comfort and restful sleep! Genuine Castoria always hag the nanio: ASTR I A � Ca C H I L D R t N CRY FOR IT �,NUI?Q PHILLIPS oF,aAcpF�1 •a For Troubles due lo Acid INDIGESTION ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE GASES -NAUSEA XCESS acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eat- ing. The quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective is Phillips' Milk of Mag- nesia. It has remained standard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid. Harmless, and tasteless, and yet itsraction is quick. You will never rely on crude methods, once you learn how quickly this method acts. Be sure to get the genuine. The ideal dentifrice for clean teeth and healthy gums is Phiili s' Dental Magnesia, a superior too paste that saf against a wards ' al mouth. (Made Canad.) A